


認知語言學(英語:Cognitive linguistics)語言學的一門頗新分支,它脫胎自認知心理學認知科學,大約在1980年代後期至1990年代開始成型。認知語言學涉及電腦自然語言理解人工智慧語言學心理學神經科學系統論等多種學科,它針對當時仍很火熱的生成語言學,提出:語言的創建、學習及運用,從基本上都必須能夠透過人類的認知而加以解釋,因為認知能力是人類知識的根本。


  1. 認知語義:包括了構詞法及語意分析
  2. 認知文法:透過對現存語言的分析及瞭解其背後產生的環境及習慣、隱喻等,歸納出來的文法規則,而不是透過數學的生成方程來產生的文法規則
  3. 認知語音學

認知語言學的創立者普遍被認為是喬治·萊考夫(George Lakoff)、馬克·詹森(Mark Johnson)及朗奴·蘭蓋克。當中雷可夫及詹森專門研究語言中的比喻及其與人類認知的關係;而蘭蓋克的專長在於認知文法的生成。

關於「認知語言學」的標籤一直存在科學和術語爭議。 對該術語的具體含義尚無共識。[1][2]



認知語言學起源自諾姆·喬姆斯基於1959年對斯金納語言行為英語Verbal Behavior》的批判性評論。喬姆斯基對行為心理學的拋棄以及他隨後的作為反行為主義者的活動,使得心理學的焦點在認知心理學認知科學的新概念下,從經驗主義轉向了心靈主義英語Mentalism_(psychology)(mentalism)。[3]


至今有三種競爭的方法視自己為認知語言學的真正代表。一種是萊考夫-蘭加克派,其開首字母為大寫(Cognitive Linguistics,狹義的認知語言學)。第二種是生成語法派,而第三種方法是由一些學者提出的,他們的工作不屬於另外兩種方法的範圍。他們認為,認知語言學不應被視為一個特定的選擇框架的名稱,而應被視為一個完整的科學研究領域,通過其證據價值而不是理論價值進行評估。[2]







一個著名的例子是,語言學家諾姆·喬姆斯基認為,"餓了的人是否在點餐(Is the man who is hungry ordering dinner )"這類句子非常罕見,兒童不可能聽過。即使如此他們還是可以產生這些句子,這就進一步指出,這種結構不是學來的,而是從先天的認知語言元件中獲得的。於是,生成語法學家們把通過自省找出所有關於先天結構的資訊作為他們的任務,從而形成一幅假設的語言官能圖景。[10][11]


Cognitive Linguistics (語言學框架)


認知語言學的方法中,有一種方法叫做狹義的認知語言學(Cognitive Linguistics),首字母為大寫,但也常以全小寫字母拼寫。這場運動始於20世紀80年代初,喬治·萊考夫的隱喻理論與羅納德·蘭加克的認知語法相結合,隨後的構式語法模型也從不同的作者那裡吸收過來。這種結合包含了兩種不同的語言和文化演化方法:一種是概念隱喻的方法,另一種是構造的方法。認知語言學將自己定義為與生成語法相對立,認為語言在大腦中的功能是根據一般性的認知原則所實現。[14]萊考夫和蘭加克的思想被應用於各個科學領域。除了語言學和翻譯理論,認知語言學也對文學研究[15]教育[16]社會學[17]音樂學[18]計算機科學[19]神學[20]等領域產生影響。



美國語言學家喬治·萊考夫認為,隱喻不僅僅是語言的修辭手法,而是思維模態。萊考夫假設,抽象推理的原則可能是由低等動物中存在的視覺思維和空間關係的表示機制演化而來[21]。概念化(Conceptualisation)被認為是基於知識的體化(embodiment ),建立在視覺和運動的物理經驗之上。例如,情感的「隱喻」建立在向下運動的基礎上,而理性的隱喻則建立在向上運動的基礎上,像是說「討論落入了情感層面,而我將其升回理性層面。」[22]有人認為,語言不是一種認知能力,而是依賴於其他認知技能,這些技能包括知覺、注意、運動技能以及視覺處理和空間處理等[14],同樣的道理也適用於其他的認知現象,比如時間感。

在我們的視覺系統中,我們有運動偵測器和物體位置偵測器,沒有時間偵測器(無論這意味著什麼)。因此,從生物學角度來說,時間應該按照事物和運動來理解。 —喬治·萊考夫








認知語言學還有第三種方法,它是既不直接支持模塊化(生成語法),也不支持反模塊化(Cognitive Linguistics)的思維觀。第三種觀點的支持者認為,根據大腦的研究,語言處理雖然不能獨立於其他類型的資訊處理,但也是專門化的。語言被認為是人類認知能力中的一種,與知覺、注意力、記憶力、運動技能、視覺和空間處理齊肩運作,而不隸屬於它們。強調的是一種認知語義學,研究意義的上下文-概念性質。[32]




在我看來,「認知語言學」是一種利用認知心理學和神經生物學等方面的研究成果來探索人類大腦如何產生和解釋語言的語言學。換句話說,認知語言學是一門認知科學,而「Cognitive Linguistics」不是。在我看來,大多數生成語言學也不是真正的認知語言學。[1] — Bert Peeters

有人認為,上述利用 "認知 "標籤的框架是偽科學,因為它們對心靈和大腦的看法違背了現代人對神經科學的基本理解,而是建立在毫無科學依據的大師教義之上。據說這類框架的成員還利用其他研究者的研究結果,將其作為自己的工作來介紹[2]。雖然這種批評大部分被接受,但有人聲稱一些研究仍然產生了有用的見解。[34]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Peeters, Bert. Cognitive musings. Word. 1998, 49 (2): 225–237. doi:10.1080/00437956.1998.11673884可免費查閱. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Schwarz-Friesel, Monika. On the status of external evidence in the theories of cognitive linguistics. Language Sciences. 2012, 34 (6): 656–664. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2012.04.007. 
  3. ^ Greenwood, John D. Understanding the 'cognitive revolution' in psychology. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences. 1999, 35 (1): 1–22 [2020-02-22]. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6696(199924)35:1<1::AID-JHBS1>3.0.CO;2-4. 
  4. ^ Harris, Randy Allen. The Linguistics Wars. Oxford: OUP. 1995. ISBN 9780199839063. 
  5. ^ Peeters, Bert. Does cognitive linguistics live up to its name?. Dirven, René (編). Language and Ideology, Vol.1: Theoretical Cognitive Approaches. John Benjamins. 2001: 83–106 [2020-07-12]. ISBN 9789027299543. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12). 
  6. ^ Marantz, Alec. Generative linguistics within the cognitive neuroscience of language. The Linguistic Review. 2005, 22 (2–4): 492–445 [2020-06-01]. doi:10.1515/tlir.2005.22.2-4.429. 
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  9. ^ Berwick, Robert C.; Chomsky, Noam. Why Only Us: Language and Evolution. MIT Press. 2015. ISBN 9780262034241. 
  10. ^ Pullum, Geoffrey; Scholz, Barbara. Empirical assessment of stimulus poverty arguments (PDF). The Linguistic Review. 2002, 18 (1—2): 9—50 [2020-02-28]. doi:10.1515/tlir.19.1-2.9. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2021-02-03). 
  11. ^ Prefors, Amy; Tenenbaum, Joshua; Regier, Terry. Poverty of the stimulus? A rational approach (PDF). Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2006, 28 [2020-02-28]. ISSN 1069-7977. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-11-11). 
  12. ^ Smith, Neil. Chomsky: Ideas and Ideals. 2nd. Cambridge University Press. 2002. ISBN 0 521 47517 1. 
  13. ^ Sudkamp, Thomas A. Languages and machines: an Introduction to the Theory of Computer Science. Addison-Wesley Longman. 1997: 569 [2020-06-01]. ISBN 978-0-201-82136-9. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-20). 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Croft, William; Cruse, Alan. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. 2004. ISBN 9780511803864. 
  15. ^ Harrison, Chloe; Nuttall, Louise; Stockwell, Peter; Yuan, Wenjuan. Introduction. Harrison, Chloe; Nuttall, Louise; Stockwell, Peter; Yuan, Wenjuan (編). Cognitive Grammar in Literature. John Benjamins. 2014: 1–16. ISBN 9789027270566. 
  16. ^ Corni, F; Fuchs, H U; Dumont, E. Conceptual metaphor in physics education: roots of analogy, visual metaphors, and a primary physics course for student teachers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019, 1286 (GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 Conference 3–7 July 2017) [2020-05-31]. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1286/1/012059可免費查閱. 
  17. ^ Cerulo, Karen A. Embodied cognition: sociologgy's role in bridging mind, brain, and body. Brekhus, Wayne H.; Ignatow, Gabe (編). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology. Oxford University Press. 2019: 81–100 [2020-05-31]. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190273385.013.5. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-13). 
  18. ^ Spitzer, Michael. Metaphor and Musical Thought. University of Chicago Press Press. 2004. ISBN 0-226-769720. 
  19. ^ Mondal, Prakash. How language processing constrains (computational) natural language processing: a cognitive perspective (PDF). 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. 2009: 365–374 [2020-05-31]. 
  20. ^ Feyaerts, Kurt; Boeve, Lieven. Religious metaphors at the crossroads between apophatical theology and Cognitive Linguistics: an interdisciplinary study. Chilton, Paul; Kopytowska, Monika (編). Religion, Language, and the Human Mind. Oxford University Press Press. 2018. ISBN 9780190636647. 
  21. ^ Lakoff, George. Invariance hypothesis: is abstract reasoning based on image-schemas?. Cognitive Linguistics. 1990, 1 (1): 39–74. doi:10.1515/cogl.1990.1.1.39. 
  22. ^ Lakoff, George; Johnson, Mark. Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago Press. 1980. ISBN 978-0-226-46801-3. 
  23. ^ Lakoff, George; Johnson, Mark. Philosophy in the flesh : the embodied mind and its challenge to Western thought. Basic Books. 1999. ISBN 0465056733. 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Dahl, Östen. Grammaticalization and the life cycles of constructions. RASK – Internationalt tidsskrift for sprog og kommunikation. 2001, 14: 91–134. 
  25. ^ Kirby, Simon. Transitions: the evolution of linguistic replicators. Binder; Smith (編). The Language Phenomenon (PDF). Springer. 2013: 121–138 [2020-03-04]. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36086-2_6. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-10-25). 
  26. ^ Zehentner, Eva. Competition in Language Change: the Rise of the English Dative Alternation. De Gruyter Mouton. 2019. ISBN 978-3-11-063385-6. 
  27. ^ MacWhinney, Brian. Introduction – language emergence. MacWhinney, Brian; O'Grady, William (編). Handbook of Language Emergence. Wiley. 2015: 1–31. ISBN 9781118346136. 
  28. ^ Clark, Eve. Common ground. MacWhinney, Brian; O'Grady, William (編). Handbook of Language Emergence. Wiley. 2015: 1–31. ISBN 9781118346136. 
  29. ^ Ellis, Nick C. The emergence of language as a Complex Adaptive System. Simpson, James (編). Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. 2011: 666–679 [2020-05-31]. ISBN 9780203835654. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-12). 
  30. ^ Arbib, Michael A. Holophrasis and the protolanguage spectrum. Arbib, Michael A.; Bickerton, Derek (編). The Emergence of Protolanguage. 2008: 666–679. ISBN 9789027287823. 
  31. ^ Ellis, Nick C. The emergence of language as a Complex Adaptive System. Simpson, James (編). Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics. 2011: 666–679 [2020-05-31]. ISBN 9780203835654. (原始內容存檔於2020-07-12). 
  32. ^ Schwarz-Friesel, Monika. Einführung in die Kognitive Linguistik. Dritte, aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. Francke. 2008. ISBN 3825216365. 
  33. ^ Peeters, Bert. Does cognitive linguistics live up to its name?. Dirven, René (編). Language and Ideology, Vol.1: Theoretical Cognitive Approaches. John Benjamins. 2001: 83–106 [2020-07-12]. ISBN 9789027299543. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12). 
  34. ^ Gibbs, Raymond W. Jr. The real complexities of psycholinguistic research on metaphor. Language Sciences. 2013, 40: 45–52. doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2013.03.001. 


  • Evans, Vyvyan & Melanie Green (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Evans, Vyvyan (2007). A Glossary of Cognitive Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Gibbs (1996) in Casad ED. Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods: The Expansion of a New Paradigm in Linguistics (Cognitive Linguistic Research) Mouton De Gruyter (June 1996) ISBN 9783110143584.
  • Langlotz, Andreas. 2006. Idiomatic Creativity: A Cognitive-linguistic Model of Idiom-representation And Idiom Variation in English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Charteris-Black, J. (2004). Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis. Palgrave-MacMillan. ISBN 1403932921
  • Croft, W. & D. A. Cruse (2004) Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Evans, Vyvyan & Melanie Green (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Evans, Vyvyan (2007). A Glossary of Cognitive Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Evans, Vyvyan, Benjamin K. Bergen and Jörg Zinken (Eds.) (2007). The Cognitive Linguistics Reader. London: Equinox Publishing Co.
  • Evans, Vyvyan, Benjamin Bergen and Jörg Zinken (2007). "The Cognitive Linguistics Enterprise: An Overview"頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). In Vyvyan Evans, Benjamin Bergen and Jörg Zinken (Eds.). The Cognitive Linguistics Reader [listed above].
  • Fauconnier, G. (1997). Mappings in Thought and Language.
  • Fauconnier, Gilles has written a brief, manifesto-like introduction to Cognitive linguistics, which compares it to mainstream, Chomsky-inspired linguistics. See "Introduction to Methods and Generalizations" in T. Janssen and G. Redeker (Eds) (1999). Scope and Foundations of Cognitive Linguistics. The Hague: Mouton De Gruyter. Cognitive Linguistics Research Series. (on-line version頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))
  • Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner (2003). The Way We Think頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館. New York: Basic Books.
  • Geeraerts, D. & H. Cuyckens, eds. (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978 0 19 514378 2.
  • Geeraerts, D., ed. (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: Basic Readings. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Gibbs Jr., Raymond W. and Herbert L. Colston (1995). "The cognitive psychological reality of image schemas and their transformations". Cognitive Linguistics (includes Cognitive Linguistic Bibliography). Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 347–378, ISSN (Online) 1613-3641, ISSN (Print) 0936-5907.
  • Goossens, Louis (Oct. 2009). Metaphtonymy: the interaction of metaphor and metonymy in expressions for linguistic action. Cognitive Linguistics (includes Cognitive Linguistic Bibliography). Volume 1, Issue 3, Pages 323–342, ISSN (Online) 1613-3641, ISSN (Print) 0936-5907, DOI: 10.1515/cogl.1990.1.3.323
  • Grady, Oakley, and Coulson (1999). "Blending and Metaphor". In Metaphor in Cognitive Linguistics, Steen and Gibbs (eds.). Philadelphia: John Benjamins. (online version頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館))
  • Jackendoff, Ray (1996). "Conceptual semantics and Cognitive linguistics". In Cognitive Linguistics 7-1, pp. 93-129. Online Version.
  • Kristiansen et al., eds. (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: Current Applications and Future Perspectives. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Lakoff, George (1987). Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0 226 46804 6.
  • Lakoff, George and Mark Johnson. (1980). Metaphors We Live By. University of Chicago Press.
  • Lee, D.A. (2001). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction (1st ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Rohrer, T. (2007). "Embodiment and Experientialism". In The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics [listed above].
  • Schmid, H. J. et al. (1996). An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics. New York, Longman.
  • Silverman, Daniel (2011). "Usage-based Phonology", in Bert Botma, Nancy C. Kula, and Kuniya Nasukawa, eds., Continuum Companion to Phonology. Continuum.
  • Taylor, J. R. (2002). Cognitive Grammar. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Tomasello, M. (2003). Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Theory of Language Acquisition. Harvard University Press.
  • Wolf, et al. (2006), The Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography, Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin.

