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[[File:Moon's impact crater Tycho.jpg|thumb|[[哈勃太空望远镜]]拍摄的[[第谷环形山]].<ref>{{cite news|title=将月球作为一面镜子 — 哈勃太空望远镜通过反射光观察金星的运行|url=http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1219a/|accessdate=2012年5月8日|报纸=ESA/哈勃太空望远镜每周图片}}</ref> ]]

[[File:Moon's impact crater Tycho.jpg|thumb|[[哈勃太空望远镜]]拍摄的[[第谷环形山]].<ref>{{cite news|title=将月球作为一面镜子-哈勃太空望远镜通过反射光观察金星的运行|url=http://www.spacetelescope.org/images/potw1219a/|accessdate=2012年5月8日|newspaper=欧洲航天局/哈勃太空望远镜每周图片}}</ref> ]]

== 列表 ==


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== 參考資料 ==
=== 著名陨石坑===
* L. E. Andersson 與 [[Ewen Whitaker|Ewen A. Whitaker]],《月球表面已命名特徵名冊》(NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature), [[NASA]] RP-1097, 1982, no ISBN.
* [[本·伯西]] 與 [[保罗·斯普蒂斯]],《克萊門泰月球地圖》(The Clementine Atlas of the Moon),劍橋大學出版社,2004, ISBN 0-521-81528-2.
* Elijah E. Cocks 與 Josiah C. Cocks, 《Who's Who on the Moon: A Biographical Dictionary of Lunar Nomenclature》, Tudor Publishers, 1995, ISBN 0-936389-27-3.
* {{cite journal | author = D. H. Menzel, M. Minnaert, B. Levin, A. Dollfus, B. Bell | title=国际天文学联合会第17工作组有关月球命名的报告| journal=太空科学评论| year=1971年| volume=12 | pages=136 | url=http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1971SSRv...12..136M }}
* [[Patrick Moore]],《月球上》(On the Moon),史特靈出版社(Sterling Publishing Co.), 2001年版,ISBN 0-304-35469-4.
* Fred W. Price, 《月球觀測手冊》(The Moon observer's handbook)'',劍橋大學出版社,1988.
* [[Antonín Rükl]],《月球地圖》(Atlas of the Moon)'', Kalmbach Books, 1990, ISBN 0-913135-17-8.
* [[Thomas William Webb|Rev. T. W. Webb]],《普通望遠鏡可觀測的天體》(Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes)'',第6版,[[多佛爾]],1962, ISBN 0-486-20917-2.
* Ewen A. Whitaker, 《月球製圖及月面特徵命名》(Mapping and Naming the Moon)'',劍橋大學出版社,1999, ISBN 0-521-62248-4.

== 參看 ==
{{Portal box|月球}}
File:Location of albategnius crater.jpg|<center>[[阿尔巴塔尼环形山]] {{small|(131 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar aristarchus crater.jpg|<center>[[阿里斯塔克斯陨石坑]] {{small|(40 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar aristoteles crater.jpg|<center>[[亚里士多德环形山]] {{small|(88 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar bailly crater.jpg|<center>[[巴伊环形山]] {{small|(301 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater clavius.jpg|<center>[[克拉维斯环形山]] {{small|(231 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater copernicus.jpg|<center>[[哥白尼环形山]] {{small|(96 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater fra mauro.jpg|<center>[[弗拉·毛罗环形山]] {{small|(97 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater humboldt.jpg|<center>[[洪堡环形山]] {{small|(199 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater janssen.jpg|<center>[[让桑环形山]] {{small|(201 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater langrenus.jpg|<center>[[朗伦环形山]] {{small|(132 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater longomontanus.jpg|<center>[[隆哥蒙塔努斯环形山]] {{small|(146 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater maginus.jpg|<center>[[马吉尼环形山]] {{small|(156 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater metius.jpg|<center>[[梅修斯环形山]] {{small|(84 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater moretus.jpg|<center>[[莫雷环形山]] {{small|(114 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater petavius.jpg|<center>[[培特威物斯环形山]] {{small|(184 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater picard.jpg|<center>[[皮卡德陨石坑]] {{small|(22 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater piccolomini.jpg|<center>[[皮科洛米尼环形山]] {{small|(88 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater pitatus.jpg|<center>[[皮塔屠斯环形山]] {{small|(101 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater plinius.jpg|<center>[[普林尼陨石坑]] {{small|(41 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater rheita.jpg|<center>[[里伊塔陨石坑]] {{small|(71 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater russell.jpg|<center>[[罗素环形山]] {{small|(103 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater schickard.jpg|<center>[[施卡德环形山]] {{small|(212 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater seleucus.jpg|<center>[[塞琉古环形山]] {{small|(45 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater stadius.jpg|<center>[[斯塔迪乌斯陨石坑|斯塔迪乌斯环形山]] {{small|(68 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater stofler.jpg|<center>[[施特夫勒环形山]] {{small|(130 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater thebit.jpg|<center>[[塞比特环形山]] {{small|(55 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater theophilus.jpg|<center>[[西奥菲勒斯环形山]] {{small|(99 公里)}}</center>
File:Lage des Mondkraters Tycho.jpg|<center>[[第谷坑|第谷环形山]] {{small|(85 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater vendelinus.jpg|<center>[[文德利努斯环形山]] {{small|(141 公里)}}</center>
File:Location of lunar crater wargentin.jpg|<center>[[瓦尔格廷环形山]] {{small|(85 公里)}}</center>

* [[月球表面特征列表]]
* [[月海列表]]
* [[月海列表]]
* [[月球表面特徵列表]]
* [[月球山脉列表]]
* [[月球山峰列表]]
* [[月列表]]
* [[月球谷地列表]]
* [[月面学]]
* [[月面学]]
* [[撞击盆地]]
* [[撞击盆地]]

== 外部連結 ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20160303201129/http://rccr.cremona.it/monografie/luna/ Astronomica Langrenus] — 一個關於月球的網站([[意大利文]])

* [http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/ 行星命名詞典]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20111218085633/http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunar_atlases/ 月球地圖] 月球行星學院
<!-- {{Lunar crater references}} -->
** [http://www.lpi.usra.edu/research/lunar_orbiter/ 月球照片地圖]
* {{cite book
* [http://www.planet4589.org/astro/lunar 月球表面特徵命名]
| author=Andersson, L. E.
* [http://www.lpod.org/ 每日月球照片]
| author2=Whitaker, E. A.
| author2-link=Ewen Whitaker
| date=1982 | title=NASA Catalogue of Lunar Nomenclature
| publisher=NASA RP-1097 }}
* {{cite web
| last=Blue | first=Jennifer | date=July 25, 2007
| url=http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/
| title=Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
| publisher=USGS | accessdate=2007-08-05 }}
* {{cite book
| author=Bussey, B.
| author-link=Ben Bussey
| author2=Spudis, P.
| author2-link=Paul Spudis
| date=2004 | title=The Clementine Atlas of the Moon
| publisher=Cambridge University Press | location=New York
| isbn=0-521-81528-2 }}
* {{cite book
| author=Cocks, Elijah E.
| author2=Cocks, Josiah C.
| date=1995
| title=Who's Who on the Moon: A Biographical Dictionary of Lunar Nomenclature
| publisher=Tudor Publishers | isbn=0-936389-27-3 }}
* {{cite web
| last=McDowell | first=Jonathan | date=July 15, 2007
| url=http://host.planet4589.org/astro/lunar/
| title=Lunar Nomenclature
| publisher=Jonathan's Space Report
| accessdate=2007-10-24 }}
* {{cite web
| last=Menzel | first=Donald H. | date=February 1971
| url=https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19710009151_1971009151.pdf
| title=Final Report on NGR 22-007-194, Lunar Nomenclature
| format=PDF | publisher=NASA | accessdate=2008-08-07 }}
* {{cite journal
| author = Menzel, D. H.
| author2 = Minnaert, M.
| author3 = Levin, B.
| author4 = Dollfus, A.
| author5 = Bell, B.
| title=Report on Lunar Nomenclature by The Working Group of Commission 17 of the IAU
| journal=Space Science Reviews
| date=1971 | volume=12
| issue = 2 | pages=136
| bibcode=1971SSRv...12..136M
| doi = 10.1007/BF00171763}}
* {{cite book
| first=Patrick | last=Moore | authorlink=Patrick Moore
| date=2001 | title=On the Moon
| publisher=Sterling Publishing Co. | isbn=0-304-35469-4 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Fred W. | last=Price | date=1988
| title=The Moon observer's handbook
| publisher=Cambridge University Press
| isbn=0-521-33500-0 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Antonín | last=Rükl | authorlink=Antonín Rükl
| date=1990 | title=Atlas of the Moon
| publisher=Kalmbach Books
| isbn=0-913135-17-8 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Rev. T. W. | last=Webb
| authorlink=Thomas William Webb | date=1962
| title=Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes
| edition=6th revised | publisher=Dover
| isbn=0-486-20917-2 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Ewen A. | last=Whitaker | authorlink=Ewen Whitaker
| date=1999 | title=Mapping and Naming the Moon
| publisher=Cambridge University Press
| isbn=0-521-62248-4 }}
* {{cite book
| first=Peter T. | last=Wlasuk
| date=2000 | title=Observing the Moon
| publisher=Springer
| isbn=1-85233-193-3 }}

* [http://www.rccr.cremona.it/monografie/luna/ Astronomica Langrenus] — 意大利月球网站
* [http://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/ 行星地名词典]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20111218085633/http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/lunar_atlases/ 月球地图集 ]-月球与行星研究所
** [http://www.lpi.usra.edu/research/lunar_orbiter/ 月球摄影地图]
* [http://www.planet4589.org/astro/lunar 月球表面特征命名]
* [http://LPOD.wikispaces.com 每日月球照片]



2017年8月27日 (日) 13:02的版本









  1. ^ 将月球作为一面镜子-哈勃太空望远镜通过反射光观察金星的运行. 欧洲航天局/哈勃太空望远镜每周图片. [2012年5月8日]. 



