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[[File:Kodak front up.jpg|thumb|一次性相机]]


一次性產品通常由[[紙]]、[[塑料]]、[[棉花]]或[[聚苯乙烯]]泡沫等物質所製成。由於[[复合材料|複合材料]](如層壓板)製成的產品難以回收,因此一次性產品通常使用[[垃圾填埋场]]進行處理,2004年,歐盟通過了一項法律,禁止在垃圾填埋場進行一次性產品的處置。<ref>{{Cite web|title=Carbon fiber: Life Beyond the Landfill|url=https://www.compositesworld.com/articles/carbon-fiber-life-beyond-the-landfill|access-date=2021-10-02|website=www.compositesworld.com|language=en}}</ref>

2021年,澳大利亞Minderoo基金會發布了一份名為「塑膠垃圾製造商指數」的報告,得出的結論是全球一半的一次性塑料垃圾是由僅20家公司生產的。[[中华人民共和国|中國]]是一次性塑料製品的最大消費國。<ref>{{Cite web|last=|date=18 May 2021|title=Half of single-use plastic waste produced by just 20 companies|url=https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/18/world/single-use-plastics-scli-intl/index.html|url-status=live|access-date=2021-05-19|website=CNN|publisher=Reuters|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210518150610/https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/18/world/single-use-plastics-scli-intl/index.html |archive-date=2021-05-18 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|last=Rylander|first=Ylva|last2=Gardner|first2=Toby|date=20 May 2021|title=20 companies responsible for most single-use plastic waste|url=https://www.sei.org/featured/20-companies-responsible-for-most-single-use-plastic-waste/|url-status=live|access-date=2021-10-13|website=SEI|language=en-GB|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210521233340/https://www.sei.org/featured/20-companies-responsible-for-most-single-use-plastic-waste/ |archive-date=2021-05-21 }}</ref><ref name=ORVI>{{cite web |title=The Macroproblem of Microplastics |url=https://ohiorivervalleyinstitute.org/the-macroproblem-of-microplastics/ |publisher=Ohio River Valley Institute |language=en |date=3 August 2020 |quote=China, the world's biggest consumer of single-use plastics.}}</ref>
[[File:HK CWB Tung Lo Wan 聖馬利亞堂 Saint Mary's Church Bday party plastic forks May 2013.JPG|thumb|一次性[[餐叉]]]]
*[[鋁箔紙|鋁箔]]和鋁鍋<ref>{{cite book | title=Prairie Farmer | publisher=Prairie Farmer Publishing Company | issue=v. 154 | year=1982 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=byokAQAAMAAJ | page=44 | access-date=June 8, 2017}}</ref>
*一次性餐具/飲具(例如盤子、碗、杯子)<ref name="Nirr 2014"/><ref name="Hill 2010"/><ref>{{cite book | last=McEachern | first=D. | title=Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World | publisher=Penguin Publishing Group | year=2008 | isbn=978-1-4406-3009-5 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=xBo4BgUqHM4C&pg=PT149 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=pt149}}</ref>
[[包裝]]通常用於一次性使用。廢物等級則要求材料最少化。許多包裝和材料都適合回收利用,儘管許多地區的實際回收率相對較低。例如,在智利,只有1%的塑料被回收利用。 包裝的再利用和再利用正在增加,但最終容器將被回收、堆肥、焚燒或填埋。<ref>{{Cite web|date=2019-11-27|title=The 5 worst countries for plastic recycling|url=https://www.plasticexpert.co.uk/the-5-worst-countries-for-plastic-recycling/|access-date=2021-09-26|website=Plastic Expert}}</ref>

[[File:わりばし (9007196029).jpg|thumb|upright|一次性筷子]]
自2002年開始,[[臺灣]]開始採取行動減少機構和企業使用一次性餐具並減少塑料袋的使用。<ref>Env. Research Foundation (undated). [http://www.rachel.org/?q=en/node/149 Taiwan's Plastics Ban] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200807235056/http://www.rachel.org/?q=en%2Fnode%2F149 |date=2020-08-07 }}.</ref>此後幾年採取了越來越多的措施來減少垃圾量。 2013年,[[行政院環境保護署]]全面禁止在全國968所學校、政府機構和醫院使用一次性餐具。該禁令預計每年可減少2,600公噸垃圾。<ref>{{Cite web |title=一次性用品 |url=https://e-info.org.tw/taxonomy/term/21198 |access-date=2022-11-16 |website=環境資訊中心 |language=zh-hant }}</ref>

在[[德國]]、[[奧地利]]和[[瑞士]],已經頒布禁止在大型活動中使用一次性食品和飲料容器的法律。這種禁令自1991年起在德國[[慕尼黑]]實施,適用於全國所有城市設施和活動。對於數百人的小型活動,該市則安排一家公司提供餐具和洗碗機設備租賃服務。部分通過這項規定,慕尼黑減少了吸引數萬人參加的慕尼黑啤酒節產生的大量廢物,從1990年的11,000公噸減少到1999年的 550噸。<ref>Pre-Waste EU. (undated). [http://www.prewaste.eu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=255&Itemid=94 Ban on disposable food and drink containers at events in Munich, Germany (Pre-waste factsheet 99)] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140908042416/http://www.prewaste.eu/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=255&Itemid=94 |date=2014-09-08 }}</ref>

中國每年生產約570億雙的一次性筷子,其中一半出口到外國國家。大約45%是由樹木製成的:大約380萬棵[[木棉]]、[[樺木]]和[[雲杉]],其餘的是由竹子製成的。日本每年則使用約240億雙一次性用品,全球使用量約為800億雙,共約140萬人使用後便丟棄。餐廳的可重複使用筷子的使用壽命為130餐。一些國家目前為減少這種浪費的行為而進行相對應措施。<ref>New York Times. Reus Oct. 24, 2011. [http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/10/24/disposable-chopsticks-strip-asian-forests/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 Disposable Chopsticks Strip Asian Forests]. By Rachel Nuwer.</ref><ref>Ecopedia. 2013. [http://www.ecopedia.com/environment/how-wooden-chopsticks-are-killing-nature/ How Wooden Chopsticks Are Killing Nature]. By Alastair Shaw.</ref>

[[以色列]]被認為是世界上最大的一次性食品容器和餐具的國家。每個月,共有有2.5億個塑料杯和超過1200萬個紙杯被在該國家使用、製造和。因為在以色列沒有關於製造或進口一次性食品容器的法律。<ref name="ליבסקר">{{Cite web|last=ליבסקר|first=ארי|date=2018-06-23|title=מדינת חד"פ: כך התמכרה ישראל לכלי פלסטיק חד-פעמיים|url=https://www.calcalist.co.il/local/articles/0,7340,L-3740662,00.html|access-date=2021-04-10|website=כלכליסט - www.calcalist.co.il}}</ref> In Israel there are no laws about manufacturing or importing of food disposable containers.<ref name="ליבסקר"/>

[[File:Maquinilla de afeitar desechable.JPG|thumb|一次性剃須刀]]
[[File:A Toothbrush.JPG|thumb|一次性牙刷]]
[[File:AAAA AAA AA 9V comparison-1.jpg|thumb|一次性電子]]
世界各地的醫療、外科製造商也經常生產大量一次性使用的物品。<ref>{{cite book | last=Engineers | first=N.B.C. | title=Handbook on Medical and Surgical Disposable Products | publisher=Niir Project | year=2014 | isbn=978-93-81039-28-1 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=XwWJAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA3 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=3}}</ref>主要原因是預防人口感染上控制;當一件物品僅使用一次時,物品就不會將透過傳染至後續患者。任何類型的醫療設備製造商都有義務遵守眾多標準和法規。在多數儀器或設備包裝上,也經常標示普遍認可的符號為「不重複使用」、「一次性使用」或「僅使用一次」。代表符號為數字2。

*[[皮下注射針]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Rice | first=J. | title=Medications and Mathematics for the Nurse | publisher=Delmar Thomson Learning | year=2002 | isbn=978-0-7668-3080-6 | url=https://archive.org/details/medicationsmathe0000rice | url-access=registration | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=[https://archive.org/details/medicationsmathe0000rice/page/148 148]}}</ref>
*一次性毛巾、紙巾<ref>{{cite book | last=Chissick | first=S.S. | last2=Derricott | first2=R. | title=Occupational health and safety management | publisher=J. Wiley | series=Properties of materials, safety and environmental factors | year=1981 | isbn=978-0-471-27646-3 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9bJqAAAAMAAJ | access-date=June 8, 2017|page=434}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Loux | first=R. | title=Easy Green Living: The Ultimate Guide to Simple, Eco-Friendly Choices for You and Your Home | publisher=Rodale Books | year=2008 | isbn=978-1-59486-792-7 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=CfyKb8rxASsC&pg=PA136 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=136}}</ref>
一次性[[灌肠 (医学)|灌腸]]劑及類似產品<ref>{{cite book | last=Rosdahl | first=C.B. | last2=Kowalski | first2=M.T. | title=Textbook of Basic Nursing | publisher=Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | series=Lippincott's practical nursing | year=2008 | isbn=978-0-7817-6521-3 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=tB1YiYj_kdkC&pg=PA654 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=654}}</ref>
*[[棉花棒]]和棉墊<ref>{{cite book | last=Lussi | first=A. | title=Dental Erosion: From Diagnosis to Therapy | publisher=Karger | series=Monographs in oral science | year=2006 | isbn=978-3-8055-8097-7 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=-l0ROzorSREC&pg=PA113 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=113}}</ref>
*嬰兒和成人[[尿片]]和訓練褲<ref>{{cite book | last=Blatt | first=H. | title=America's Environmental Report Card: Are We Making the Grade? | publisher=MIT Press | year=2011 | isbn=978-0-262-51591-7 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ucv7I6v_8f8C&pg=PA86 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=86}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Farage | first=M.A. | last2=Miller | first2=K.W. | last3=Maibach | first3=H.I. | title=Textbook of Aging Skin | publisher=Springer Berlin Heidelberg | series=Textbook of Aging Skin | year=2009 | isbn=978-3-540-89655-5 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=9-ALWZhXomAC&pg=PA861 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=861}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Eisenberg | first=A. | last2=Murkoff | first2=H. | last3=Hathaway | first3=S. | title=What to Expect the Toddler Years | publisher=Workman Publishing Company, Incorporated | year=2009 | isbn=978-0-7611-5100-5 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=kjWcn4T6HJcC&pg=PA544 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=544}}</ref>
*[[刮鬍刀]]、打蠟套裝、[[梳篦|梳子]]和其他護髮產品<ref>{{cite book | last=Thomas | first=R.J. | title=New Product Success Stories: Lessons from Leading Innovators | publisher=Wiley | series=New directions in business | year=1995 | isbn=978-0-471-01320-4 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QDaax4mFMpcC&pg=PA255 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=255}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Gallant | first=A. | last2=Gillott | first2=K. | last3=Howard | first3=J. | title=Principles and Techniques for the Beauty Specialist | publisher=Nelson Thornes Limited | series=Principles and Techniques for the Beauty Specialist | year=1993 | isbn=978-0-7487-1550-3 | url=https://archive.org/details/principlestechni0000gall | url-access=registration | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=[https://archive.org/details/principlestechni0000gall/page/267 267]}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Husain | first=A.M. | last2=Sinha | first2=S.R. | title=Continuous EEG Monitoring: Principles and Practice | publisher=Springer International Publishing | year=2017 | isbn=978-3-319-31230-9 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Sy_XDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA600 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=600}}</ref>
*醫院[[围裙]] <ref>{{cite book | last=Dougherty | first=L. | last2=Lister | first2=S. | title=The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures | publisher=Wiley | series=Royal Marsden Manual Series | year=2011 | isbn=978-1-4443-4387-8 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4AysuLGbMeMC&pg=PA99 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=99}}</ref>
*[[隱形眼鏡]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Hom | first=M.M. | last2=Bruce | first2=A.S. | title=Manual of Contact Lens Prescribing and Fitting | publisher=Butterworth-Heinemann | year=2006 | isbn=978-0-7506-7517-8 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jSvLJtyDNTEC&pg=PA310 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=310}}</ref>

*[[電池]]:在電量耗盡後無法再充電使用,被視為[[有害垃圾]],只能丟棄。<ref>{{cite book | last=Wellington | first=T. | title=The Mom's Guide to Growing Your Family Green: Saving the Earth Begins at Home | publisher=St. Martin's Press | year=2009 | isbn=978-1-4299-6463-0 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=ocsTmllg7nQC&pg=PA79 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=79}}</ref>
*一次性相機 <ref>{{cite book | last=Warren | first=L. | title=Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Photography, 3-Volume Set | publisher=Taylor & Francis | year=2005 | isbn=978-1-135-20543-0 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=cFVsBgAAQBAJ&pg=PA220 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=220}}</ref>

*[[垃圾袋]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Casey | first=W. | title=Firsts: Origins of Everyday Things That Changed the World | publisher=DK Publishing | year=2009 | isbn=978-1-101-15900-2 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Hkc3QnbagK4C&pg=PA89 | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=89}}</ref>
*[[原子筆]]、橡皮和其他書寫工具<ref>{{cite book | last=Wherry | first=T.L. | title=Intellectual Property: Everything the Digital-age Librarian Needs to Know | publisher=American Library Association | year=2008 | isbn=978-0-8389-0948-5 | url=https://archive.org/details/intellectualprop0000wher | url-access=registration | access-date=June 8, 2017 | page=[https://archive.org/details/intellectualprop0000wher/page/20 20]}}</ref>

<ref name="Nirr 2014">{{cite book | author=NPCS Board of Consultants & Engineers | title=Disposable Products Manufacturing Handbook | publisher=Niir Project | year=2014 | isbn=978-93-81039-32-8 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=PQaJAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA1 | access-date=March 9, 2017 | page=1}}</ref>
<ref name="Hill 2010">{{cite book | last=Hill | first=M.K. | title=Understanding Environmental Pollution | publisher=Cambridge University Press | year=2010 | isbn=978-1-139-48640-8 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=A-zaEGx_Y8cC&pg=PA519 | page=519}}</ref>
*{{Cite web |last=Environment |first=U. N. |date=2021-10-21 |title=Drowning in Plastics – Marine Litter and Plastic Waste Vital Graphics |url=http://www.unep.org/resources/report/drowning-plastics-marine-litter-and-plastic-waste-vital-graphics |access-date=2022-11-16 |website=UNEP - UN Environment Programme |language=en }}
{{commons category|Disposable goods}}
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnvJOBwjxqI How disposable chopsticks are made] (video).

2022年11月16日 (三) 06:40的版本













  • 鋁箔和鋁鍋[5]
  • 一次性餐具/飲具(例如盤子、碗、杯子)[6][7][8]
  • 塑料餐具(例如勺子、刀子、叉子、叉子)
  • 一次性桌布
  • 紙杯蛋糕包裝紙、咖啡濾紙是可堆肥的
  • 吸管


包裝通常用於一次性使用。廢物等級則要求材料最少化。許多包裝和材料都適合回收利用,儘管許多地區的實際回收率相對較低。例如,在智利,只有1%的塑料被回收利用。 包裝的再利用和再利用正在增加,但最終容器將被回收、堆肥、焚燒或填埋。[9]




自2002年開始,臺灣開始採取行動減少機構和企業使用一次性餐具並減少塑料袋的使用。[10]此後幾年採取了越來越多的措施來減少垃圾量。 2013年,行政院環境保護署全面禁止在全國968所學校、政府機構和醫院使用一次性餐具。該禁令預計每年可減少2,600公噸垃圾。[11]

德國奧地利瑞士,已經頒布禁止在大型活動中使用一次性食品和飲料容器的法律。這種禁令自1991年起在德國慕尼黑實施,適用於全國所有城市設施和活動。對於數百人的小型活動,該市則安排一家公司提供餐具和洗碗機設備租賃服務。部分通過這項規定,慕尼黑減少了吸引數萬人參加的慕尼黑啤酒節產生的大量廢物,從1990年的11,000公噸減少到1999年的 550噸。[12]


以色列被認為是世界上最大的一次性食品容器和餐具的國家。每個月,共有有2.5億個塑料杯和超過1200萬個紙杯被在該國家使用、製造和。因為在以色列沒有關於製造或進口一次性食品容器的法律。[15] In Israel there are no laws about manufacturing or importing of food disposable containers.[15]








  • 塑膠手銬



  1. ^ Carbon fiber: Life Beyond the Landfill. www.compositesworld.com. [2021-10-02] (英语). 
  2. ^ Half of single-use plastic waste produced by just 20 companies. CNN. Reuters. 18 May 2021 [2021-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-18). 
  3. ^ Rylander, Ylva; Gardner, Toby. 20 companies responsible for most single-use plastic waste. SEI. 20 May 2021 [2021-10-13]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-21) (英国英语). 
  4. ^ The Macroproblem of Microplastics. Ohio River Valley Institute. 3 August 2020 (英语). China, the world's biggest consumer of single-use plastics. 
  5. ^ Prairie Farmer. Prairie Farmer Publishing Company. 1982: 44 [June 8, 2017].  |issue=被忽略 (帮助)
  6. ^ NPCS Board of Consultants & Engineers. Disposable Products Manufacturing Handbook. Niir Project. 2014: 1 [March 9, 2017]. ISBN 978-93-81039-32-8. 
  7. ^ Hill, M.K. Understanding Environmental Pollution. Cambridge University Press. 2010: 519. ISBN 978-1-139-48640-8. 
  8. ^ McEachern, D. Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World. Penguin Publishing Group. 2008: pt149 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-1-4406-3009-5. 
  9. ^ The 5 worst countries for plastic recycling. Plastic Expert. 2019-11-27 [2021-09-26]. 
  10. ^ Env. Research Foundation (undated). Taiwan's Plastics Ban 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2020-08-07..
  11. ^ 一次性用品. 環境資訊中心. [2022-11-16] (中文(繁體)). 
  12. ^ Pre-Waste EU. (undated). Ban on disposable food and drink containers at events in Munich, Germany (Pre-waste factsheet 99) 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2014-09-08.
  13. ^ New York Times. Reus Oct. 24, 2011. Disposable Chopsticks Strip Asian Forests. By Rachel Nuwer.
  14. ^ Ecopedia. 2013. How Wooden Chopsticks Are Killing Nature. By Alastair Shaw.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 ליבסקר, ארי. מדינת חד"פ: כך התמכרה ישראל לכלי פלסטיק חד-פעמיים. כלכליסט - www.calcalist.co.il. 2018-06-23 [2021-04-10]. 
  16. ^ Engineers, N.B.C. Handbook on Medical and Surgical Disposable Products. Niir Project. 2014: 3 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-93-81039-28-1. 
  17. ^ Rice, J. Medications and Mathematics for the Nurse需要免费注册. Delmar Thomson Learning. 2002: 148 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-7668-3080-6. 
  18. ^ Chissick, S.S.; Derricott, R. Occupational health and safety management. Properties of materials, safety and environmental factors. J. Wiley. 1981: 434 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-471-27646-3. 
  19. ^ Loux, R. Easy Green Living: The Ultimate Guide to Simple, Eco-Friendly Choices for You and Your Home. Rodale Books. 2008: 136 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-1-59486-792-7. 
  20. ^ Rosdahl, C.B.; Kowalski, M.T. Textbook of Basic Nursing. Lippincott's practical nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2008: 654 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-7817-6521-3. 
  21. ^ Lussi, A. Dental Erosion: From Diagnosis to Therapy. Monographs in oral science. Karger. 2006: 113 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-3-8055-8097-7. 
  22. ^ Blatt, H. America's Environmental Report Card: Are We Making the Grade?. MIT Press. 2011: 86 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-262-51591-7. 
  23. ^ Farage, M.A.; Miller, K.W.; Maibach, H.I. Textbook of Aging Skin. Textbook of Aging Skin. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2009: 861 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-3-540-89655-5. 
  24. ^ Eisenberg, A.; Murkoff, H.; Hathaway, S. What to Expect the Toddler Years. Workman Publishing Company, Incorporated. 2009: 544 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-7611-5100-5. 
  25. ^ Thomas, R.J. New Product Success Stories: Lessons from Leading Innovators. New directions in business. Wiley. 1995: 255 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-471-01320-4. 
  26. ^ Gallant, A.; Gillott, K.; Howard, J. Principles and Techniques for the Beauty Specialist需要免费注册. Principles and Techniques for the Beauty Specialist. Nelson Thornes Limited. 1993: 267 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-7487-1550-3. 
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  33. ^ Wherry, T.L. Intellectual Property: Everything the Digital-age Librarian Needs to Know需要免费注册. American Library Association. 2008: 20 [June 8, 2017]. ISBN 978-0-8389-0948-5. 
