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斯大林上台时,尼古拉·马尔雅弗理论居于统治地位,他认为语言是一种阶级构成。斯大林读到了一封齐克巴瓦的反对马尔的来信,于是把他召来进行了一次几个小时的谈话,作了大量的笔记。[6]于是他找到了足够的材料来反对马尔,结束了后者在苏联语言学界的统治地位,而斯大林自己就语言学只写过一篇论文, "马克思主义和语言学问题"[7]斯大林统治下也把比较语言学打为伪科学[8]




  1. ^ Hudson, P. S., and R. H. Richens. The New Genetics in the Soviet Union. Cambridge, U.K.: English School of Agriculture, 1946.
  2. ^ Isis, Volume 37. History of Science Society, Académie internationale d'histoire des sciences. 1947 [2007-10-18]. The fact that Mendel was a priest has been similarly used to discredit his ideas. 
  3. ^ Eugenics: Galton and After. Duckworth. 1952 [2007-10-18]. Was not Mendel a priest ? If, as the reactionaries maintain, genetic processes are subject to the laws of chance ... 
  4. ^ George Aiken Taylor. The Presbyterian Journal, Volume 31. Southern Presbyterian Journal Co. 1972 [2007-10-18]. Mendel, of course, must be discredited, in Communist thought, because he was a product of the West and of the Church. 
  5. ^ The Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy, Volumes 23-27. Australasian Association of Psychology and Philosophy. 1945 [2007-10-18]. He trenchantly criticises Lysenko's vilification of the work of Mendel and Morgan as "fascist, bourgeois-capitalistic, and inspired by clerics" (that Mendel was a priest is taken as sufficient to discredit his experiments). 
  6. ^ Montefiore. p.638, Phoenix, Reprinted paperback.
  7. ^ Joseph V. Stalin (1950-06-20). "Concerning Marxism in Linguistics", Pravda. Available online as Marxism and Problems of Linguistics页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 including other articles and letters also published in Pravda soon after February 8 and July 4, 1950.
  8. ^ Robert Conquest Reflections on a Ravaged Century (2000) ISBN 0-393-04818-7, page 101-111
  9. ^ 苏联解体对当代中国政治的影响
  10. ^ 《信息论与编码引论:剑桥大学真题精解》前言