






各地 組織 註釋 呼號 公開地址
 阿尔及利亚 Amateurs Radio Algeriens英语Amateurs Radio Algeriens 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 安道尔 Unió de Radioaficionats Andorrans英语Unió de Radioaficionats Andorrans 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 阿根廷 Radio Club Argentino英语Radio Club Argentino 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 亞美尼亞 Federation of Radiosport of Republic of Armenia英语Federation of Radiosport of Republic of Armenia 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 阿鲁巴 Aruba Amateur Radio Club英语Aruba Amateur Radio Club 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 澳大利亞 Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA)英语Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) 世界第一個國家無線電協會,成立於1910年。澳大利亞國際業餘無線電聯盟區域3的國家代表。
The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA)英语The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA) alternative association representing Amateur Radio along with the WIA to the Australian regulator(the ACMA)and working to educate and support individual hams in Australia.
 奥地利 Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband英语Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 孟加拉国 Bangladesh Amateur Radio League英语Bangladesh Amateur Radio League 孟加拉國無線電愛好者全國協會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication英语Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
 白俄羅斯 Belarusian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen英语Belarusian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 比利时 Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs英语Royal Union of Belgian Radio Amateurs[1](UBA) 一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
Union Francophone des Radios Clubs(UFRC)
 波黑 Asocijacija Radioamatera u Bosni i Hercegovini英语Asocijacija Radioamatera u Bosni i Hercegovini
 巴西 Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão英语Liga de Amadores Brasileiros de Rádio Emissão(LABRE) 巴西業餘無線電國家非營利組織。始建於1934年。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
 保加利亚 Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs英语Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs
 加拿大 Radio Amateurs of Canada英语Radio Amateurs of Canada(RAC)
Hammond Museum of Radio
Manitoba Amateur Radio Museum英语Manitoba Amateur Radio Museum a national non-profit organization of amateur radio enthusiasts in Canada
 智利 Radio Club de Chile英语Radio Club de Chile Santiago, Chile
 中华人民共和国 中国无线电协会业余无线电分会(CRAC) 國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。一個面向該國業餘無線電愛好者的全國性非營利組織
 香港特別行政區 九龍第一五五五旅 VR2CS 九龍荔枝角蝴蝶谷道5號
業餘無線電支援網絡 VR2ARS 九龍土瓜灣明倫街8A號五樓
中華業餘無線電研究會英语China Amateur Radio Study Club
1949年成立於香港的業餘無線電愛好者非營利組織,為其成員提供技術培訓課程、技術研討會和定期舉辦活動,為慈善籌款活動提供無線電通信服務 VR2RC
珊瑚體育及康樂會 VR2WGW 新界屯門青山公路-青山灣段333號恒福花園1座7樓7F室
CQ業餘無線電會 VR2CQA
人群管理隊 VR2CCUV
遠東航空學校 VR2AC 九龍宋皇臺道31號
炮台山循道衛理中學 VR2FHM 香港北角炮台山道19號
開心火腿俱樂部 VR2FUN
葛量洪校友會黃埔學校 VR2GCE 九龍紅磡黃埔花園德安街30號
HamRadioClub VR2AAA 香港筲箕灣愛碟灣5座34樓E室
香港業餘無線電通訊會 VR2HAM 新界西貢北井頭村28號二樓
香港少年領袖團有限公司 VR2TO
香港業餘無線電網絡通訊會 VR2ANC 九龍深水埗醫局街154-156號金怡樓2B室
香港業餘無線電會页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 VR2ARA
國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。 VR2HK
香港民用航空職工業餘無線電會 VR2CARA 九龍油麻地彌敦道498-500號泰盛商業大樓2樓
香港應急通訊會 VR2ECA 東九龍郵政局郵政信箱68124號
香港綠色自然聯盟 VR2XGN 新界坪洲永興街19B地下
香港水上電單車協會 VR2JS 九龍九龍灣宏開道19號健力工業大廈7樓15室
香港滑翔傘協會 VR2ZPJ 新界沙田穗禾路33號渣甸山花園A3
香港滑翔傘總會 VR2ZPX 九龍長沙灣醫局西街1033號源盛工業大廈4樓403室
Hong Kong People Radio Club VR2HKP
香港警察資訊及通訊科技學會 VR2POL
香港無線電運動協會 VR2KRL 香港鰂魚涌康山花園第五座4樓F室
香港紅十字會 VR2HT 香港西九龍海庭道19號香港紅十字會總部8樓急救服務統籌組
香港志願救援協會 VR2RES 香港干諾道西131-132號807室
國際滑翔傘協會 VR2UPP 新界大埔汀角路大元邨泰德樓11樓1127室
九龍工業學校 VR2KTS 九龍深水埗長沙灣道332-334號
美孚業餘無線電研究社(香港 VR2MS
香港電話有限公司 VR2TC 九龍茘枝角月輪街2號電訊盈科體育館5樓
卓越培訓發展中心 VR2ACT 九龍九龍灣大業街46號九龍灣綜合訓練大樓6樓
香港無線電會 VR2RHK
嘉諾撒聖心學校 VR2SH 香港堅道26號
香港童軍總會 VR2EAVR2SHK 九龍柯士甸道8號香港童軍中心9樓915室
香港童軍總會港島地域 VR2HKS
深水埗業餘無線電會 VR2SSP
香港小童群益會 VR2BGC 香港灣仔駱克道3號8樓
國際雷利計劃(香港)有限公司 VR2RI 新界荃灣德士古道62-70號寶業大廈B座5樓2室
Typhoon Signa l9 Contest Group VR2T 新界南丫島蘆荻灣40號2樓
活力單車會 VR2CYC
VR2比賽會 VR2CC 新界粉嶺簡頭村2C2樓
 澳門 澳門業餘無線電協會
 中華民國 中華民國業餘無線電促進會
 哥伦比亚 Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados英语Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados
 哥斯达黎加 Radio Club de Costa Rica英语Radio Club de Costa Rica
 克罗地亚 Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez英语Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez
 古巴 Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba英语Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba
 賽普勒斯 Cyprus Amateur Radio Society页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
 捷克 Český Radioklub英语Český Radioklub
 丹麦 Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører英语Experimenterende Danske Radioamatører
 多米尼加 Sociedad Dominicana de Radioaficionados ISDRA Inc.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 The Dominican Society of Radio Amateurs – SDRA is an association of Dominican radio amateurs, incorporated on April 4, 2022 in the city of Santo Domingo, from a joint idea of a group of radio amateurs to create a channel to facilitate the evolution, development and growth of Dominican amateur radio.
 埃及 Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society For Development英语Egyptian Radio Amateurs Society For Development(ERASD)
 薩爾瓦多 Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador英语Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador
 爱沙尼亚 Eesti Raadioamatööride Ühing英语Eesti Raadioamatööride Ühing
 芬兰 Suomen Radioamatööriliitto英语Suomen Radioamatööriliitto Finnish Amateur Radio League
 法國 Réseau des Émetteurs Français英语Réseau des Émetteurs Français
 德国 Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V. (DARC)英语Deutscher Amateur-Radio-Club 德國業餘無線電愛好者最大的全國協會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
Verband der Funkamateure in Telekommunikation und Post e.V. (VFDB)英语VFDB 德國業餘無線電愛好者的第二大全國協會。
Amateurfunk Club Deutschland(AFCD)
 希腊 Radio Amateur Association of Greece英语Radio Amateur Association of Greece
 危地马拉 Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala英语Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala
 洪都拉斯 Radio Club de Honduras英语Radio Club de Honduras
 匈牙利 Magyar Rádióamatőr Szövetség (MRASZ)英语Magyar Rádióamatőr Szövetség (MRASZ)
 冰島 Íslenskir Radíóamatörar英语Íslenskir Radíóamatörar
 印度 Amateur Radio Society of India英语Amateur Radio Society of India 印度業餘無線電全國協會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
South India Amateur Radio Society英语South India Amateur Radio Society 南印度無線電愛好者協會。 金奈
JNA Wireless Association英语JNA Wireless Association 孟買最古老的業餘無線電俱樂部之一。 孟買
Indian HAM Academy英语Indian HAM Academy 最古老的業餘無線電運營商之一,用於教育和研發。
West Bengal Radio Club英语West Bengal Radio Club 最古老的業餘無線電俱樂部之一,在發生災難時為社會提供服務。
Mumbai Amateur Radio Society英语Mumbai Amateur Radio Society 孟買的一群業餘無線電愛好者 孟買
National Institute of Amateur Radio英语National Institute of Amateur Radio 印度政府資助組織。旨在促進印度的業餘無線電。 海得拉巴
Mount Abu International HAM Radio Club - MHRC 印度阿布山的組織。
Trivandrum Amateur Radio Society - TARS英语Trivandrum Amateur Radio Society - TARS 最古老的業餘無線電協會之一 提鲁瓦南塔普拉姆
Palakkad Amateur Radio Technical Society (PARTS)英语Palakkad Amateur Radio Technical Society (PARTS) 活躍於喀拉拉邦的非營利組織,旨在推廣業餘無線電 喀拉拉邦
Mangalore Amateur Radio Club英语Mangalore Amateur Radio Club One of the group of ham radio enthusiasts in Mangaluru 曼加魯魯
TCD Repeater Club英语TCD Repeater Club TCD Repeater Club is a nonprofit organization active in Namakkal district of Tamilnadu to promote amateur radio and providing service towards society at the time of disaster. VU2TCD Repeater is one of the largest coverage repeater in South India. It covers most of the places in Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka. Repeater Tx. Freq. 145.850 MHz(-600 SHIFT)and enhanced with 24x7 Echolink(VU2TCD-R). VU2TCD 納馬卡爾
 印度尼西亞 Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia英语Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia
 伊拉克 Iraqi Amateur Radio Society英语Iraqi Amateur Radio Society
 愛爾蘭 Irish Radio Transmitters Society英语Irish Radio Transmitters Society
 以色列 Israel Amateur Radio Club英语Israel Amateur Radio Club
 義大利 Associazione Radioamatori Italiani英语Associazione Radioamatori Italiani Italian Amateur Radio Society - IARU member for Italy
Centro Italiano Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche
 日本 Japan Amateur Radio League英语Japan Amateur Radio League National Amateur Radio Society of Japan(JARL), 國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
 沙烏地阿拉伯 الجمعية السعودية لهواة اللاسلكي页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Saudi Amateur Radio Society(SARS)- 國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
 朝鮮 Korean Amateur Radio League英语Korean Amateur Radio League 國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
 科威特 Kuwait Amateur Radio Society英语Kuwait Amateur Radio Society
 拉脫維亞 Latvijas Radio Amatieru Līga英语Latvijas Radio Amatieru Līga
 黎巴嫩 Radio Amateurs of Lebanon
 賴索托 Lesotho Amateur Radio Society英语Lesotho Amateur Radio Society
 立陶宛 Lietuvos Radijo Mėgėjų Draugija英语Lietuvos Radijo Mėgėjų Draugija Lithuanian Amateur Radio Society
 盧森堡 Radioamateurs du Luxembourg英语Réseau Luxembourgeois des Amateurs d'Ondes Courtes[2](RLX) 國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
Association des Radioamateurs du Kayldall英语Association des Radioamateurs du Kayldall[3](ADRAD) a local organization based in 吕姆朗日
Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union英语Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union[4](LARU) an independent national organization
 马来西亚 Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society英语Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitters' Society(MARTS) National organization and representation for amateur radio since 1952.
 馬爾他 Malta Amateur Radio League英语Malta Amateur Radio League
 模里西斯 Mauritius Amateur Radio Society英语Mauritius Amateur Radio Society
 墨西哥 Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores英语Federacion Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores
 摩尔多瓦 Asociația Radioamatorilor din Moldova英语Asociația Radioamatorilor din Moldova
 蒙古国 Mongolian Radio Sport Federation英语Mongolian Radio Sport Federation
 蒙特內哥羅 Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool英语Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool 黑山業餘無線電聯合會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
 摩洛哥 Association Royale des Radio Amateurs du Maroc英语Association Royale des Radio Amateurs du Maroc
 纳米比亚 Namibian Amateur Radio League英语Namibian Amateur Radio League IARU member and the official representative for Amateur Radio in Namibia
Namibian Amateur Radio Centre英语Namibian Amateur Radio Centre Group of amateur radio enthusiasts in Namibia(Does not exist anymore)
 荷蘭 Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek Nederland英语Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek Nederland
 新西兰 New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters英语New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters 代表新西蘭業餘無線電的國家業餘無線電協會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
Wellington VHF Group英语Wellington VHF Group 該小組主要由惠靈頓地區的業餘愛好者組成。
 尼加拉瓜 Club de Radioexperimentadores de Nicaragua英语Club de Radioexperimentadores de Nicaragua
 北馬其頓 Radioamaterski Sojuz na Makedonija英语Radioamaterski Sojuz na Makedonija
 挪威 Norsk Radio Relæ Liga英语Norsk Radio Relæ Liga
 巴基斯坦 Pakistan Amateur Radio Society英语Pakistan Amateur Radio Society
 巴拿马 Liga Panameña de Radioaficionados英语Liga Panameña de Radioaficionados
 巴拉圭 Radio Club Paraguayo英语Radio Club Paraguayo
 秘魯 Radio Club Peruano英语Radio Club Peruano
 菲律賓 Philippine Amateur Radio Association英语Philippine Amateur Radio Association
 波蘭 Polski Związek Krótkofalowców英语Polski Związek Krótkofalowców
 葡萄牙 Rede dos Emissores Portugueses英语Rede dos Emissores Portugueses 代表葡萄牙業餘無線電的國家業餘無線電協會。國際業餘無線電聯盟會員。
GRC页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - Grupo de Radioamadorismo e Científico do Concelho de Cascais 卡斯凯什 Amateur Radio and Scientific Municipally Group
Associacao de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais英语Associacao de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais 卡斯凯什 Local Radio Amateurs Association
Associação de Radioamadores da Região de Lisboa英语Associação de Radioamadores da Região de Lisboa Amateur Radio Association of the Lisbon Region
 卡塔尔 Qatar Amateur Radio Society英语Qatar Amateur Radio Society
 羅馬尼亞 Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism英语Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism Romanian Amateur Radio Federation
 俄羅斯 Russian Amateur Radio Union英语Russian Amateur Radio Union
 塞爾維亞 Savez Radio-Amatera Srbije英语Savez Radio-Amatera Srbije
 新加坡 Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society英语Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting Society(SARTS)
 斯洛伐克 Slovenský Zväz Rádioamatérov英语Slovenský Zväz Rádioamatérov
 斯洛維尼亞 Zveza radioamaterjev Slovenije英语Zveza radioamaterjev Slovenije
 南非 South African Radio League英语South African Radio League
 西班牙 Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles英语Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles Spanish Amateur Radio Union - IARU member for Spain
FEDI-EA - EA Digital Federation - Radio amateurs of Spain页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 The first Spanish radio amateurs' federation. Member of EURAO
Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya英语Unió de Radioaficionats de Catalunya Amateur Radio Union of Catalonia(Autonomous region of Spain)
Unión de Radioaficionados de Ourense页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Amateur Radio Union of Ourense(Province of Galicia)
 斯里蘭卡 Amateur Radio Association of Lanka英语Amateur Radio Association of Lanka(ARAL)

Radio Society of Sri Lanka|The Radio Society of Sri Lanka(RSSL)



 瑞典 Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Swedish Radio Amateur Society - IARU member for Sweden
Experimenterande Svenska Radioamatörer页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Experimenting Swedish Radio-amateurs. Society dedicated to the improvement of quality in amateur radio.
 瑞士 Union of Swiss Short Wave Amateurs英语Union of Swiss Short Wave Amateurs
 叙利亚 Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Society英语Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Society
 泰國 Radio Amateur Society of Thailand英语Radio Amateur Society of Thailand
 千里達及托巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society英语Trinidad and Tobago Amateur Radio Society National IARU affiliated amateur radio society.
 土耳其 Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti英语Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Cemiyeti Founded in 1962 TRAC is the first Turkish radio amateur club and member of IARU and its HQ is located in Istanbul
Ankara Telsiz ve Radyo Amatörleri Kulübü英语ANTRAK ANTRAK is a club for technologically minded people and radio amateurs in Ankara
 烏克蘭 Ukrainian Amateur Radio League英语Ukrainian Amateur Radio League
 英国 Radio Society of Great Britain英语Radio Society of Great Britain(RSGB)
North West Fusion Group英语North West Fusion Group Supporting Amateur Radio across North West England & Worldwide
Radio Amateur Emergency Network (RAYNET)英语Radio Amateurs Emergency Network a national organization devoted to emergency communications.
British Amateur Television Club英语British Amateur Television Club specializing in Fast Scan(LIVE)Amateur Television
First Class CW Operators' Club英语First Class CW Operators' Club a club for amateur radio operators who regularly make use of Morse code
 美国 Amateur Radio Association英语Amateur Radio Club at the University of Maryland英语University of Maryland maintains a fully stocked ham shack high atop the South Campus Dining Hall on the campus of the University of Maryland, College Park campus
Amateur Radio Emergency Service英语Amateur Radio Emergency Service a program of the ARRL
Amateur Radio Group of Oregon页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Nonprofit educational group
American Radio Relay League英语American Radio Relay League(ARRL) The National Association for Amateur Radio of United States of America
Delaware Valley Radio Association
Indiana University Amateur Radio Club
Military Auxiliary Radio System英语Military Auxiliary Radio System a United States Department of Defense sponsored program
NYC Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Service (NYC-ARECS)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 an independent NYC-based experienced EmComm organization
Point Loma Amateur Radio Club a San Diego-based organization that primarily of consists amateur radio enthusiasts from U.S. Navy organizations
Purdue University Amateur Radio Club英语Purdue University Amateur Radio Club W9YB页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) is the Amateur Radio Club at Purdue University. W9YB is the longest standing club on campus and also holds the self-declared title of having one of the largest and most active collegiate amateur radio stations in the country. W9YB is among the longest standing amateur radio clubs in the United States, with the station being licensed back to 1920 and having precursors dating back to 1906.
Radio Club of America英语Radio Club of America The Radio Club of America页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), founded in 1909, is the world's oldest wireless society.
Radio Club of Tacoma The Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) was founded in 1916 and is one of the oldest amateur radio clubs in the United States. In October 2016 the Club celebrated its 100th anniversary. During World War II, when the FCC shut down the Amateur Radio Service the Club remained active, even though the operators could not transmit. Currently, the Club has about 300 members. The Radio Club of Tacoma is unique because it owns real estate that was purchased back in 1957. The property consists of a two story house - the "Clubhouse" - and an adjacent lot used for parking and mobile radio demonstrations. The Radio Club of Tacoma publishes a monthly newsletter, The Logger's Bark
South Jersey Radio Association英语South Jersey Radio Association
University of Michigan ARC in Ann Arbor, MI. Established in 1913 as 8XA, now W8UM. Listed in the 1st edition(1914)of the ARRL List of Stations.
Texas DX Society英语Texas DX Society
Utah Valley Amateur Radio Club UVARC页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) is the largest amateur radio club in Utah, and one of the largest in the western United States, hosting monthly meetings, special events, exam sessions and resources, field activities, presentations, and much more, providing ham radio knowledge and resources to locals and travelers, with special emphases on new hams, women hams, and youth hams
Wireless Society of Southern Maine英语Wireless Society of Southern Maine an ARRL-affiliated club serving Northern New England. Sponsor of the Maine 2 Meter FM Simplex Challenge and Maine QSO Party contests.
 乌拉圭 Radio Club Uruguayo英语Radio Club Uruguayo
Radiogrupo Sur页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
 委內瑞拉 Radio Club Venezolano英语Radio Club Venezolano




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  1. ^ Latest - UBA - Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union. uba.be. [7 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-29). 
  2. ^ Radioamateurs du Luxembourg (RL). rl.lu. [7 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-25). Luxembourg Amateur Radio Society is a member of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Established in 1937, it's the first and largest amateur radio society in Luxembourg. 
  3. ^ Wëllkomm - ADRAD Kayldall. Adrad-kayldall.lu. [7 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-26). 
  4. ^ Luxembourg Amateur Radio Union A.s.b.l.. laru.lu. [7 January 2018]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-21).