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'''卡拉胶'''(Carrageenan,[[CAS号|CAS]] 9000-07-1),又称'''鹿角菜胶'''、'''角叉菜胶'''、'''爱尔兰苔菜胶''',是从海洋[[红藻]](包括[[角叉菜属]]、[[麒麟菜属]]、[[杉藻属]]及[[沙菜属]]等)提取的[[多糖]]的统称,是多种物质的混合物,有ι(Iota)、κ(Kappa)、λ(Lambda)、μ(mu)等等卡拉胶的名字来源于[[爱尔兰苔菜]](''Chondrus crispus''也称角叉菜),角叉菜在[[爱尔兰语]]称为 ''carraigín''。
'''卡拉胶'''({{lang|en|Carrageenans}} 或 {{lang|en|carrageenins}};{{IPAc-en|ˌ|k|ær|ə|ˈ|ɡ|iː|n|ə|n|z}} {{respell|karr|ə|gee|nənz}},[[CAS号|CAS]] 9000-07-1),又称'''鹿角菜胶'''、'''角叉菜胶'''、'''爱尔兰苔菜胶''',是一組从海洋{{tsl|en|edible seaweed|可食用海藻|可食用}}[[紅藻門|红藻]](包括[[角叉菜属]]、[[麒麟菜属]]、[[杉藻属]]及[[沙菜属]]等)提取的綫性{{tsl|en|sulfation||硫化}}[[多糖]]的统称。這些多糖體廣泛應用於[[食品产业]],, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Their main application is in dairy and meat products, due to their strong binding to food proteins. There are three main varieties of carrageenan, which differ in their degree of {{tsl|en|sulfation||sulfation}}. Kappa-carrageenan has one sulfate group per disaccharide, iota-carrageenan has two, and lambda-carrageenan has three.

卡拉胶的名字来源于[[爱尔兰苔菜]](''[[Chondrus crispus]]'',也称角叉菜)在[[愛爾蘭語]]的称呼''{{Lang|ga|carraigín}}'',而這種植物作為食品添加劑使用早於15世紀已經開始<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/field/003/AB730E/AB730E03.htm |title=FAO Agar and Carrageenan Manual |work=Fao.org |date=1965-01-01 |access-date=2011-12-10 |language=en }}</ref>。卡拉膠是[[素食主義]] 及[[維根主義]]支持者對[[明膠]]使用的另類選擇,因為在甜品中經常使用的明膠是動物製品。


== 性质 ==
== 性质 ==
Carrageenans are large, highly flexible molecules that form curling <!-- [[helix|helical]] -->[[螺旋]] structures. This gives them the ability to form a variety of different <!-- [[gel]] -->[[凝胶]]s at room temperature. They are widely used in the food and other industries as {{tsl|en|Thickening agent||thickening}} and <!-- [[Stabilizer (chemistry)|stabilizing agents]] -->[[稳定剂]].
卡拉胶无臭、无味、大型的分子(分子量在10万[[道尔顿]]以上),相互卷曲在一起形成[[双螺旋结构]]。卡拉胶具有[[亲水性]]、 [[粘性]]、[[稳定性]],溶于80摄氏度热水形成粘性透明液体,并能在[[室温]]下形成[[凝胶]]。

All carrageenans are high-molecular-weight polysaccharides made up of repeating galactose units and 3,6 anhydrogalactose (3,6-AG), both sulfated and nonsulfated. The units are joined by alternating α-1,3 and β-1,4 <!-- [[Glycosidic bond|glycosidic linkages]] -->[[糖苷键]].

== 类型 ==
== 类型 ==
[[File:Moleculare structure of different carrageenan types.svg|thumb|200px|不同類型角叉菜膠的結構]]
[[File:Moleculare structure of different carrageenan types.svg|thumb|310px|不同類型角叉菜膠的結構]]
* 阿欧塔型(ι,Iota) - 柔软、富有弹性的凝胶,从麒麟菜属植物''Eucheuma spinosum''中提取。
* 阿欧塔型(ι,Iota) - 柔软、富有弹性的凝胶,从[[麒麟菜属]]植物''{{tsl|en|Eucheuma denticulatum}}''<ref name=":1" />或''{{tsl|en|Eucheuma spinosum}}''中提取。
* '''Kappa''' forms strong, rigid gels in the presence of potassium ions, and reacts with dairy proteins. It is sourced mainly from ''{{tsl|en|Kappaphycus alvarezii||Kappaphycus alvarezii}}''.<ref name=":1">{{Cite web|url=http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/y4765e/y4765e00.htm#Contents|title=A guide to the seaweed industry: FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 441 |last=McHugh |first=Dennis J. |date=2003 |website=www.fao.org |publisher=[[联合国粮食及农业组织|Food and Agriculture Organization]], [[联合国|United Nations]] |access-date=2017-07-29 |language=en }}</ref>
* 卡帕型(κ,Kappa)- 硬的、具刚性的凝胶。从耳突卡帕藻(''Kappaphycus cottonii'')中提取。
* '''Lambda''' does not gel, and is used to thicken dairy products.
* 拉姆达型(λ,Lamda)- 当与[[蛋白质]]而不是水混合时,形成凝胶, 用作奶制品的增稠剂。来自南欧的杉藻属(''Gigartina'' )植物是最主要的来源。

The primary differences that influence the properties of kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan are the number and position of the ester sulfate groups on the repeating <!-- [[galactose]] -->[[半乳糖]] units. Higher levels of ester sulfate lower the solubility temperature of the carrageenan and produce lower strength gels, or contribute to gel inhibition (lambda carrageenan).
有趣的是,许多红藻五中在成长史中会产生不同型的卡拉胶。比如, 杉藻属海藻在其[[配子体]]阶段主要产生卡帕型卡拉胶,而在[[孢子体]] 阶段主要产生拉姆达型卡拉胶。参见:[[世代交替]]

Many red algal species produce different types of carrageenans <!-- [[Alternation of generations|during their developmental history]] -->[[世代交替]]. For instance, the genus ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Gigartina]]'' produces mainly kappa carrageenans during its <!-- [[gametophyte|gametophytic]] -->[[配子體]] stage, and lambda carrageenans during its <!-- [[sporophyte|sporophytic]] -->[[孢子体]] stage.

All are soluble in hot water, but in cold water, only the lambda form (and the sodium salts of the other two) are soluble.
== 应用 ==

When used in food products, carrageenan has the <!-- [[European Union|EU]] -->[[欧洲联盟]] additive <!-- [[E number]] -->[[E编码]]s E407 or E407a when present as "processed eucheuma seaweed".<ref name="FSA" /> Technically carrageenan is considered a dietary fibre.<ref name="Marine Science Co. Ltd. Japan">http://www.marine-science.co.jp/english/goods/carra.html, Marine Science Co. Ltd.</ref><ref name="Vegetarian Times April 1993">{{Cite journal|url = https://books.google.com/books?id=hQgAAAAAMBAJ|title = Answering Machine: Carra-what?|last = DeSilver|first = Drew|date = April 1993|journal = Vegetarian Times|accessdate = 12 August 2014|doi = |pmid = |page = 28}}</ref>

* [[软糖]]、[[冰淇淋]]、[[奶昔]]、[[调味酱]] - 作为增加粘性的凝胶剂,代替[[琼脂]]。
In parts of Scotland and Ireland, where it is known by <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Chondrus crispus|a variety of local and native names]], ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Chondrus crispus]]'' is boiled in milk and strained, before sugar and other flavourings such as vanilla, cinnamon, brandy, or whisky are added. The end-product is a kind of jelly similar to <!-- [[panna cotta]] -->[[意式奶凍]], <!-- [[tapioca]] -->[[太白粉]], or {{tsl|en|blancmange||blancmange}}.
* [[肉酱]]和[[肉制品]] - 替代脂肪来增加持水性和体积的持水剂。
* [[牙膏]] - 防止成分分离的稳定剂。
* 消防泡沫 - 产生泡沫的增稠剂。
* [[香波]]/[[洗发水]]和化妆乳膏 - 增稠剂
* [[空气清新剂]] - 胶凝剂
* 鞋油 - 作为增加[[粘性]]的胶凝剂。
* [[生物工艺学]] - 固定细胞核酶的凝胶。

== 生产 ==
== 生产 ==
[[File:Eucheuma denticulatum in an off-bottom cultivation, Bweleo, Zanzibar.JPG|thumb|''{{tsl|en|Eucheuma denticulatum||Eucheuma denticulatum}}'' being farmed for iota-carrageenan in an off-bottom cultivation in Tanzania]]
卡拉胶生产的原材料,最大的来源生产地是[[菲律宾]],菲律宾栽培的海藻约占世界供应量的80%。最常用的是[[麒麟菜]]的两个品种[[耳突麒麟菜]](''Eucheuma cottonii'')和[[异枝麒麟菜]](''Eucheuma spinosum''),这两个品种提供世界总生产量的四分之三。麒麟菜是在海平面到海平面下2米的地方吊养的。通常,海藻生长在在竹浮子拴的尼龙绳上,三个月后,每株可长达1公斤时就可以收割了。
Although carrageenans were introduced on an industrial scale in the 1930s, they were first used in <!-- [[China]] -->[[中华人民共和国]] around 600 B.C. (where ''Gigartina'' was used) and in <!-- [[Ireland]] -->[[爱尔兰岛]] around 400 A.D.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Loureiro|first1=Rafael R.|last2=Cornish|first2=M.L.|last3=Neish|first3=Iain C.|editor1-last=Hurtado|editor1-first=Anicia Q.|editor2-last=Critchley|editor2-first=Alan T.|editor3-last=Neish|editor3-first=Iain C.|title=Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities: … |date=2017|publisher=Springer International Publishing|location=Berlin, Germany|page=165|chapter-url=https://books.google.com/books?id=yH86DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA165#v=onepage&q&f=false|chapter=Applications of carrageenan: With special reference to iota and kappa forms as derived from the Eucheumatoid seaweeds|isbn=9783319634982}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Mitchell |first1=M.E. |last2=Guiry |first2=M.D. |title=Carrageen: A local habitation or a name? |journal=Journal of Ethnopharmacology |date=December 1983 |volume=9 |issue=2–3 |pages=347–351 |doi=10.1016/0378-8741(83)90043-0 |pmid=6677826 }}</ref> Carrageen gelatin can be prepared by boiling 5 ounces (142 gm) of rinsed Irish moss in 8 quarts (7.57 litres) of water for 10 minutes, stirring the mixture as it boils. Two quarts (1.9 litres) of cold water are rapidly added to the hot brew, and after the mixture has cooled, it is strained through a cloth. It is then cooled for 24 hours, during which time it becomes gelatinous.{{Citation needed|date = April 2014}}

{{As of|2011}}, global sales of carrageenan were estimated at $640 million.<ref name=":0">{{Cite report|accessdate = 6 April 2014|title = Carrageenan Industry Report 2012 Contents|date = 2012|publisher = CyberColloids Ltd.|url = http://www.cybercolloids.net/sites/default/files/private/downloads/Carrageenan%20market%20report%202012%20contents.pdf}}</ref> The largest producer of industrial carrageenan was the <!-- [[Philippines]] -->[[菲律宾]], where cultivated seaweed produces about 80% of the world supply,<ref>{{Cite news|title = DA: Phl to regain leadership in seaweed production|date = 14 September 2011|url = http://www.philstar.com/nation/726503/da-phl-regain-leadership-seaweed-production|last = Pareño|first = Roel|publisher = {{tsl|en|The Philippine Star||The Philippine Star}}|accessdate = 6 April 2014}}
</ref> while China is the main exporter to global markets in the US and Europe.<ref name=":0" /> The most commonly used sources are ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Eucheuma cottonii|E. cottonii]]'' (''{{tsl|en|Kappaphycus alvarezii||Kappaphycus alvarezii}}'', ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Kappaphycus striatum|K. striatum]]'') and ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Eucheuma spinosum|E. spinosum]]'' (''{{tsl|en|Eucheuma denticulatum||Eucheuma denticulatum}}''), which together provide about three-quarters of the world production. These grow from the sea surface to a depth of about 2 metres. The seaweed is normally grown on nylon lines strung between bamboo floats, and it is harvested after three months or so, when each plant weighs approximately 1&nbsp;kg.

The ''E. cottonii'' variety has been reclassified as ''{{tsl|en|Kappaphycus cottonii||Kappaphycus cottonii}}'' by <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Maxwell Doty]] (1988), thereby introducing the genus ''<!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Kappaphycus]]'', on the basis of the {{tsl|en|phycocolloid||phycocolloid}}s produced (namely kappa carrageenan).{{Citation needed|date=July 2009}}
== 健康方面 ==

After harvest, the seaweed is dried, baled, and sent to the carrageenan manufacturer. There the seaweed is ground, sifted to remove impurities such as <!-- [[sand]] -->[[沙]], and washed thoroughly. After treatment with hot <!-- [[alkali]] -->[[碱]] solution (e.g., 5–8% <!-- [[potassium hydroxide]] -->[[氢氧化钾]]), the <!-- [[cellulose]] -->[[纤维素]] is removed from the carrageenan by {{tsl|en|centrifugation||centrifugation}} and <!-- [[filtration]] -->[[过滤]]. The resulting carrageenan solution is then concentrated by <!-- [[evaporation]] -->[[蒸发]]. It is dried and ground to specification.
卡拉胶被指出抑制某些[[矿物质]](如[[钾]])的[[吸收]],并会在一些人身上产生肠胃道不适。有美国消费者抱怨在饮用含有卡拉胶的有机杏仁奶后出现严重的胃绞痛和痉挛。卡拉胶和algal flour成为最近客诉的食品成分。

There are three types of industrial processing:
研究表明,卡拉胶是[[高危型人乳头瘤病毒]]感染的抑制剂。<ref>{{cite journal

|last = Buck
|first = CB

|coauthors = et al.
This is only performed using ''E. cottonii'' or ''E. spinosum''. The raw weed is first sorted and crude contaminants are removed by hand. The weed is then washed to remove salt and sand, and then cooked in hot alkali to increase the gel strength. The cooked weed is washed, dried, and milled. ''E. spinosum'' undergoes a much milder cooking cycle, as it dissolves quite readily. The product is called semi-refined carrageenan, Philippines natural grade, or, in the U.S., it simply falls under the common carrageenan specification.<ref>CyberColloids: [http://www.cybercolloids.net/library/euspecs/e-407-carrageenan E407 Specification Carrageenan], CyberColloids, Hydrocolloids research and development webpage.</ref>
|title = Carrageenan Is a Potent Inhibitor of Papillomavirus Infection.

|journal = {{tsl|en|PLoS Pathogens}}
cleaned and washed seaweed
|volume=2 |issue=7
|url = https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.0020069
|access-date = 2020-05-26
coarse filtration → seaweed residue
|language=en }}</ref> Joanne Kzong曾总结了44项显示了卡拉胶引起小肠损害的动物研究,分别采用了豚鼠、大鼠、猴子、小鼠、家兔以及雪貂等动物品类进行,结果均显示出了卡拉胶有肠损害作用,豚鼠最易形成溃疡,大鼠最容易形成恶性肿瘤。不管是降解还是未降解的卡拉胶均可以引起这种恶性病变,跟人类的溃疡性结肠炎非常类似。
fine filtration → used filter aids
↓-------------- concentration --------------↓
preparation with KCl preparation with alcohol
↓ ↓
gel pressing alcohol recovery
↓ ↓
drying drying
↓ ↓
milling milling
↓ ↓
blending blending
↓ ↓
gel refined carrageenan refined carrageenan

The essential difference in the refining process is that the carrageenan is first dissolved and filtered to remove cell wall debris. The carrageenan is then precipitated from the clear solution either by isopropanol or by potassium chloride.<ref>CyberColloids: [http://www.cybercolloids.net/library/euspecs/e-407a-processed-eucheuma-seaweed E407a Specification Processed Eucheuma Seaweed], Hydrocolloids research and development webpage.</ref>

===Mixed processing===
A hybrid technology in which seaweed is treated heterogeneously as in the semirefined process exists, but alcohol or high salt levels are used to inhibit dissolution. This process is often used on South American seaweeds and gives some of the cost benefits of semirefined processing, while allowing a wider range of seaweeds to be processed, however, the naturally low cellulose levels in some South American seaweeds allow them to be heterogeneously processed and still be sold under the EU refined specification.

=== Grades ===
{{See also|Food grading}}
{{unreferenced section|date=March 2013}}
There are two basic grades of carrageenan: refined carrageenan (RC) and semi-refined carrageenan (SRC). In the United States both grades are labeled as carrageenan. In the European Union, refined carrageenan is designated by the <!-- [[E number]] -->[[E编码]] E-407, and semi-refined carrageenan as E-407a.<ref name=FSA>{{cite web|url=http://www.food.gov.uk/safereating/chemsafe/additivesbranch/enumberlist#h_6 |title=Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers |publisher={{tsl|en|Food Standards Agency||Food Standards Agency}} |date=26 November 2010 |accessdate=12 August 2014}}</ref> Refined carrageenan has a 2% maximum for acid insoluble material and is produced through an alcohol precipitation process or potassium chloride gel press process. Semi-refined carrageenan contains a much higher level of cellulosic content and is produced in a less complex process. Indonesia, the Philippines, and Chile are three main sources of raw material and extracted carrageenan.

== 應用 ==

* <!-- [[Dessert]] -->[[甜品]]s, {{tsl|en|carrageen||carrageen}}, <!-- [[ice cream]] -->[[冰淇淋]], cream, milkshakes, yogurts, salad dressings, sweetened <!-- [[condensed milk]] -->[[煉奶]]s
* <!-- [[Sauce]] -->[[醬汁]]s: to increase viscosity
* <!-- [[Beer]] -->[[啤酒]]: clarifier to remove haze-causing proteins
* <!-- [[Pâté]] -->[[肉醬 (歐洲)]]s and processed <!-- [[meat]] -->[[肉类食物]]s (e.g., ham): substitute for fat, increase water retention, increase volume, or improve slicing
* <!-- [[Toothpaste]] -->[[牙膏]]: stabilizer to prevent constituents separating
* {{tsl|en|Fruit Gushers||Fruit Gushers}}: ingredient in the encapsulated gel
* Fire fighting foam: thickener to cause foam to become sticky
* [[洗髮精]]及化粧乳膏:增稠劑
* [[空氣清新機|空氣清新]]凝膠
* {{tsl|en|Paper marbling||Marbling}}: the ancient art of paper and fabric marbling uses a carrageenan mixture on which to float paints or inks; the paper or fabric is then laid on it, absorbing the colours
* Shoe polish: to increase <!-- [[viscosity]] -->[[黏度]]
* <!-- [[Biotechnology]] -->[[生物技术]]: to immobilize cells and enzymes
* Pharmaceuticals: used as an inactive <!-- [[excipient]] -->[[賦形劑]] in pills and tablets
* <!-- [[Soy milk]] -->[[豆浆]] and other <!-- [[plant milk]] -->[[植物奶]]s: to thicken
* {{tsl|en|Diet drink||Diet sodas}}: to enhance texture and suspend flavours
* <!-- [[Pet food]] -->[[寵物食品]]
* <!-- [[Personal lubricant]] -->[[人体润滑剂]]s
* {{tsl|en|Vegetarian hot dog||Vegetarian hot dog}}s

===Regulatory status===

In the U.S., carrageenan is allowed under FDA regulations<ref>21 Code of Federal Regulations 172.620</ref> as a direct food additive and is considered <!-- [[Generally recognized as safe|safe]] -->[[公认安全]]<ref>Generally Recognized As Safe <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[21 CRF §182.7255]] GRAS ID Code 9000-07-1 (1973)</ref> when used in the amount necessary as an emulsifier, stabilizer, or thickener in foods, except those standardized foods that do not provide for such use. FDA also reviewed carrageenan safety for infant formula.<ref>Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[21 U.S.C. 350(a)]] §412</ref> The European Food Safety Authority concluded "there is no evidence of any adverse effects in humans from exposure to food-grade carrageenan, or that exposure to <!-- 页面不存在 -->[[Poligeenan|degraded carrageenan]] from use of food-grade carrageenan is occurring",<ref>Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on Carrageenan (2003) [http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out164_en.pdf] p. 5</ref> Furthermore, the {{tsl|en|Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives||Joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives}} stated in a July 2014 review of carrageenan "that the use of carrageenan in infant formula or formula for special medical purposes at concentrations up to 1000 mg/L is not of concern".<ref>[http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/agns/news_events/JECFA%2079%20Summary%20Version%20Final.pdf Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives]. Who.int. Retrieved on 2014-8-11.</ref>

Although the {{tsl|en|National Organic Program||National Organic Program}} (NOP) had added carrageenan to its National List of additives allowed to be included in organic foods in 2003,<ref>68 FR 61993 (2003)</ref> and reviewed and reauthorized it in 2008,<ref>65 FR 80548</ref> noting it as "critical to organic production and handling operations",<ref>73 FR 59481</ref> on November 18, 2016 the NOP's {{tsl|en|National Organic Standards Board||National Organic Standards Board}} (NOSB) voted to recommend carrageenan be removed from the National List of additives allowed in organic food production.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/HS2018SunsetReviews.pdf|title=Sunset 2018 Review Summary NOSB Final Review|date=2016-11-30|publisher=USDA Agricultural Marketing Service|accessdate=2017-02-15}}</ref>

On April 4, 2018 the {{tsl|en|Agricultural Marketing Service||Agricultural Marketing Service}} (AMS) (<!-- [[United States Department of Agriculture|USDA]] -->[[美国农业部]]) published a document to announce the renewal of carrageenan on the National List, allowing its continued use in food products. The document states, “The NOSB recommended removing carrageenan because they determined that alternative materials, such as gellan gum, guar gum, or xanthan gum, are available for use in organic products” continuing, “AMS found sufficient evidence in public comments to the NOSB that carrageenan continues to be necessary for handling agricultural products because of the unavailability of wholly natural substitutes (§ 6517(c)(1)(ii)). Carrageenan has specific uses in an array of agricultural products, and public comments reported that potential substitutes do not adequately replicate the functions of carrageenan across the broad scope of use. Therefore, carrageenan continues to meet the OFPA criteria for inclusion on the National List.” <ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2018/04/04/2018-06867/national-organic-program-usda-organic-regulations|title=83 FR 14347|date=2018-04-04|publisher=USDA Agricultural Marketing Service|accessdate=2018-04-21}}</ref> The rule went into effect May 29, 2018.

In the most recent review by an independent panel, the Joint Expert Committee of the <!-- [[Food and Agriculture Organization]] -->[[联合国粮食及农业组织]] of the <!-- [[United Nations]] -->[[联合国]] and <!-- [[World Health Organization]] -->[[世界卫生组织]] on Food Additives released a technical report in 2015 on the use of carrageenan in <!-- [[infant formula]] -->[[配方奶粉]] and found that the additive was ‘not of concern’ in infant formula as food for special medical purposes at concentrations up to 1000 <!-- [[milligram]] -->[[千克]]s per <!-- [[litre]] -->[[公升]].<ref>{{cite book |publisher=Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, WHO Food Additive Series: 70|title=Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives, 3|date=2015 |hdl=10665/171781 |isbn=9789241660709}}</ref> The use of carrageenan in infant formula, organic or otherwise, is prohibited in the EU for precautionary reasons, but is permitted in other food items.<ref>{{cite web|publisher=European Commission, Scientific Committee on Food|title=Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on Carrageenan|date=2003|url=http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out164_en.pdf}}</ref>

In the UK, the {{tsl|en|Food Standards Agency||Food Standards Agency}} issued a product recall for sweets containing carrageenan, stating that carrageenan “is not permitted as an ingredient in jelly confectionery products as it presents a choking hazard”.<ref>{{Cite web | url=https://www.food.gov.uk/news-alerts/alert/fsa-prin-28-2018 |title = Tees Ltd recalls Sweetworld Yummys Jelly Cones because of a choking hazard}}</ref>

==Toxicity research==

Degraded carrageenan ({{tsl|en|poligeenan||poligeenan}}) has been found to cause inflammation of the gut, altering microbiota, and was found to be a triggering factor of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn Disease.<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Martino |first1=John Vincent |last2=Van Limbergen |first2=Johan |last3=Cahill |first3=Leah E. |title=The Role of Carrageenan and Carboxymethylcellulose in the Development of Intestinal Inflammation |journal=Frontiers in Pediatrics |date=1 May 2017 |volume=5 |pages=96 |doi=10.3389/fped.2017.00096 |pmid=28507982 |pmc=5410598 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Shang |first1=Qingsen |last2=Sun |first2=Weixia |last3=Shan |first3=Xindi |last4=Jiang |first4=Hao |last5=Cai |first5=Chao |last6=Hao |first6=Jiejie |last7=Li |first7=Guoyun |last8=Yu |first8=Guangli |title=Carrageenan-induced colitis is associated with decreased population of anti-inflammatory bacterium, Akkermansia muciniphila , in the gut microbiota of C57BL/6J mice |journal=Toxicology Letters |date=September 2017 |volume=279 |pages=87–95 |doi=10.1016/j.toxlet.2017.07.904 |pmid=28778519 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Moyana |first1=TN |last2=Lalonde |first2=JM |title=Carrageenan-induced intestinal injury in the rat--a model for inflammatory bowel disease. |journal=Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science |date=1990 |volume=20 |issue=6 |pages=420–6 |pmid=2073092 }}</ref>

Food-grade carrageenan has been confused with poligeenan, although they are completely different products, creating a controversy over the food-additive's safety. Food-grade carrageenan's safety has been proven through various studies.<ref>McKim JM. 2014. “Food additive carrageenan: Part I: A critical review of carrageenan in vitro studies, potential pitfalls, and implications for human health and safety</ref><ref>Weiner ML. 2014. “Food additive carrageenan: Part II: A critical review of carrageenan in vivo safety studies.</ref>


<ref name=r5>{{cite journal| author= Eccles R, Meier C, Jawad M, Weinmüllner R, Grassauer A, Prieschl-Grassauer E|title= Efficacy and safety of an antiviral Iota-Carrageenan nasal spray: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled exploratory study in volunteers with early symptoms of the common cold|doi=10.1186/1465-9921-11-108| year= 2010| journal= Respiratory Research| volume= 11| page= 108| pmid= 20696083| pmc= 2923116}}</ref>

<ref name=r6>{{cite journal |title= Efficacy of Carraguard-Based Microbicides In Vivo Despite Variable In Vitro Activity|doi=10.1371/journal.pone.0003162 |year= 2008 |editor1-last= Kewalramani |editor1-first= Vineet N. |last1= Turville |first1= Stuart G. |last2= Aravantinou |first2= Meropi |last3= Miller |first3= Todd |last4= Kenney |first4= Jessica |last5= Teitelbaum |first5= Aaron |last6= Hu |first6= Lieyu |last7= Chudolij |first7= Anne |last8= Zydowsky |first8= Tom M. |last9= Piatak |first9= Michael| displayauthors = 8 |journal= PLoS ONE |volume= 3 |issue= 9 |pages= e3162 |pmid= 18776937 |pmc= 2525816}}</ref>
<ref name=b1>{{cite book|author=Yiu H. Hui |title=Handbook of food science, technology, and engineering |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=B81Wo5BTHGsC&pg=PT528 |accessdate=10 December 2011 |year=2006 |publisher=CRC Press |isbn=978-1-57444-552-7 |pages=528–}}</ref>
<ref name=r4>{{cite journal|doi=10.1152/ajpgi.00380.2006 | volume=292 | title=Carrageenan induces interleukin-8 production through distinct Bcl10 pathway in normal human colonic epithelial cells | year=2006 | journal=AJP: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology | pages=G829–G838 | last1 = Borthakur | first1 = A. | pmid=17095757}}</ref>

<ref name=r3>{{cite journal|pmid=2047576 |title= Spectrum and Possible Mechanism of Carrageenan Cytotoxicity|year=1991|last1=Aguilar-Veiga|first1=E|last2=Sierra-Paredes|first2=G|last3=Galán-Valiente|first3=J|last4=Soto-Otero|first4=R|last5=Méndez-Alvarez|first5=E|last6=Sierra-Marcuño|first6=G|volume=71|issue=3|pages=351–64|journal=Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology}}</ref>

<ref name=r2>{{cite journal|pmid=332622 |title=A re-evaluation of the role of macrophages in carrageenan-induced immunosuppression|year=1977| last1=Rumjanek| first1=VM| last2=Watson| first2=SR| last3=Sljivić| first3=VS| volume=33|issue=3|pages=423–432|journal=Immunology| pmc=1445637}}</ref>

<ref name=r1>{{cite journal| url=http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/42/2/496|title= Involvement of Macrophages in the Eradication of Established Metastases following Intravenous Injection of Liposomes Containing Macrophage Activators|year=1982|journal=Cancer Research |volume=42|pages= 496–501| pmid=7055801| last1=Fidler| first1=IJ| last2=Barnes| first2=Z| last3=Fogler| first3=WE| last4=Kirsh| first4=R| last5=Bugelski| first5=P| last6=Poste| first6=G| issue=2}}</ref>

== 参考文献 ==
* McHugh, Dennis J. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 288''' - '''Production and Utilization of Products from Commercial Seaweeds, [http://www.fao.org/docrep/x5822e/x5822e05.htm Chapter 3 - Production, Properties and Uses of Carrageenan], <!-- [[Food and Agriculture Organization]] -->[[联合国粮食及农业组织]], Rome, 1987
* Guiry, Michael D.R. [https://web.archive.org/web/20140407080507/http://www.seaweed.ie/uses_general/carrageenans.php Carrageenans], The Seaweed Site: information on marine algae.

<references />
== 参见 ==
== 参见 ==
* [[琼脂]]
* [[琼脂]]
* [[琼胶]]
* [[琼胶]]
* [[洋菜]]
* [[洋菜]]
* [[果胶]]

== 外部連結 ==
*{{Curlie|Business/Food_and_Related_Products/Additives/Gums_and_Hydrocolloids/|Food Additives: Gums and Hydrocolloids}}


2020年5月26日 (二) 03:03的版本

卡拉胶Carrageenanscarrageenins/ˌkærəˈɡnənz/ karr-ə-gee-nənzCAS 9000-07-1),又称鹿角菜胶角叉菜胶爱尔兰苔菜胶,是一組从海洋可食用英语edible seaweed红藻(包括角叉菜属麒麟菜属杉藻属沙菜属等)中提取的綫性硫化英语sulfation多糖的统称。這些多糖體廣泛應用於食品产业,, for their gelling, thickening, and stabilizing properties. Their main application is in dairy and meat products, due to their strong binding to food proteins. There are three main varieties of carrageenan, which differ in their degree of sulfation英语sulfation. Kappa-carrageenan has one sulfate group per disaccharide, iota-carrageenan has two, and lambda-carrageenan has three.

卡拉胶的名字来源于爱尔兰苔菜Chondrus crispus,也称角叉菜)在愛爾蘭語的称呼carraigín,而這種植物作為食品添加劑使用早於15世紀已經開始[1]。卡拉膠是素食主義維根主義支持者對明膠使用的另類選擇,因為在甜品中經常使用的明膠是動物製品。



Carrageenans are large, highly flexible molecules that form curling 螺旋 structures. This gives them the ability to form a variety of different 凝胶s at room temperature. They are widely used in the food and other industries as thickening英语Thickening agent and 稳定剂.

All carrageenans are high-molecular-weight polysaccharides made up of repeating galactose units and 3,6 anhydrogalactose (3,6-AG), both sulfated and nonsulfated. The units are joined by alternating α-1,3 and β-1,4 糖苷键.




The primary differences that influence the properties of kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan are the number and position of the ester sulfate groups on the repeating 半乳糖 units. Higher levels of ester sulfate lower the solubility temperature of the carrageenan and produce lower strength gels, or contribute to gel inhibition (lambda carrageenan).

Many red algal species produce different types of carrageenans 世代交替. For instance, the genus Gigartina produces mainly kappa carrageenans during its 配子體 stage, and lambda carrageenans during its 孢子体 stage.

All are soluble in hot water, but in cold water, only the lambda form (and the sodium salts of the other two) are soluble.

When used in food products, carrageenan has the 欧洲联盟 additive E编码s E407 or E407a when present as "processed eucheuma seaweed".[3] Technically carrageenan is considered a dietary fibre.[4][5]

In parts of Scotland and Ireland, where it is known by a variety of local and native names, Chondrus crispus is boiled in milk and strained, before sugar and other flavourings such as vanilla, cinnamon, brandy, or whisky are added. The end-product is a kind of jelly similar to 意式奶凍, 太白粉, or blancmange英语blancmange.


Eucheuma denticulatum英语Eucheuma denticulatum being farmed for iota-carrageenan in an off-bottom cultivation in Tanzania

Although carrageenans were introduced on an industrial scale in the 1930s, they were first used in 中华人民共和国 around 600 B.C. (where Gigartina was used) and in 爱尔兰岛 around 400 A.D.[6][7] Carrageen gelatin can be prepared by boiling 5 ounces (142 gm) of rinsed Irish moss in 8 quarts (7.57 litres) of water for 10 minutes, stirring the mixture as it boils. Two quarts (1.9 litres) of cold water are rapidly added to the hot brew, and after the mixture has cooled, it is strained through a cloth. It is then cooled for 24 hours, during which time it becomes gelatinous.[來源請求]

截至2011年 (2011-Missing required parameter 1=month!), global sales of carrageenan were estimated at $640 million.[8] The largest producer of industrial carrageenan was the 菲律宾, where cultivated seaweed produces about 80% of the world supply,[9] while China is the main exporter to global markets in the US and Europe.[8] The most commonly used sources are E. cottonii (Kappaphycus alvarezii英语Kappaphycus alvarezii, K. striatum) and E. spinosum (Eucheuma denticulatum英语Eucheuma denticulatum), which together provide about three-quarters of the world production. These grow from the sea surface to a depth of about 2 metres. The seaweed is normally grown on nylon lines strung between bamboo floats, and it is harvested after three months or so, when each plant weighs approximately 1 kg.

The E. cottonii variety has been reclassified as Kappaphycus cottonii英语Kappaphycus cottonii by Maxwell Doty (1988), thereby introducing the genus Kappaphycus, on the basis of the phycocolloid英语phycocolloids produced (namely kappa carrageenan).[來源請求]

After harvest, the seaweed is dried, baled, and sent to the carrageenan manufacturer. There the seaweed is ground, sifted to remove impurities such as , and washed thoroughly. After treatment with hot solution (e.g., 5–8% 氢氧化钾), the 纤维素 is removed from the carrageenan by centrifugation英语centrifugation and 过滤. The resulting carrageenan solution is then concentrated by 蒸发. It is dried and ground to specification.

There are three types of industrial processing:


This is only performed using E. cottonii or E. spinosum. The raw weed is first sorted and crude contaminants are removed by hand. The weed is then washed to remove salt and sand, and then cooked in hot alkali to increase the gel strength. The cooked weed is washed, dried, and milled. E. spinosum undergoes a much milder cooking cycle, as it dissolves quite readily. The product is called semi-refined carrageenan, Philippines natural grade, or, in the U.S., it simply falls under the common carrageenan specification.[10]

                           cleaned and washed seaweed 
                             coarse filtration   → seaweed residue
                              fine filtration    → used filter aids
            ↓-------------- concentration --------------↓
   preparation with KCl                        preparation with alcohol
            ↓                                           ↓
       gel pressing                                alcohol recovery 
            ↓                                           ↓
         drying                                      drying
            ↓                                           ↓ 
         milling                                     milling 
            ↓                                           ↓ 
         blending                                    blending
            ↓                                           ↓
    gel refined carrageenan                     refined carrageenan


The essential difference in the refining process is that the carrageenan is first dissolved and filtered to remove cell wall debris. The carrageenan is then precipitated from the clear solution either by isopropanol or by potassium chloride.[11]

Mixed processing

A hybrid technology in which seaweed is treated heterogeneously as in the semirefined process exists, but alcohol or high salt levels are used to inhibit dissolution. This process is often used on South American seaweeds and gives some of the cost benefits of semirefined processing, while allowing a wider range of seaweeds to be processed, however, the naturally low cellulose levels in some South American seaweeds allow them to be heterogeneously processed and still be sold under the EU refined specification.


There are two basic grades of carrageenan: refined carrageenan (RC) and semi-refined carrageenan (SRC). In the United States both grades are labeled as carrageenan. In the European Union, refined carrageenan is designated by the E编码 E-407, and semi-refined carrageenan as E-407a.[3] Refined carrageenan has a 2% maximum for acid insoluble material and is produced through an alcohol precipitation process or potassium chloride gel press process. Semi-refined carrageenan contains a much higher level of cellulosic content and is produced in a less complex process. Indonesia, the Philippines, and Chile are three main sources of raw material and extracted carrageenan.



Regulatory status

In the U.S., carrageenan is allowed under FDA regulations[12] as a direct food additive and is considered 公认安全[13] when used in the amount necessary as an emulsifier, stabilizer, or thickener in foods, except those standardized foods that do not provide for such use. FDA also reviewed carrageenan safety for infant formula.[14] The European Food Safety Authority concluded "there is no evidence of any adverse effects in humans from exposure to food-grade carrageenan, or that exposure to degraded carrageenan from use of food-grade carrageenan is occurring",[15] Furthermore, the Joint FAO/WHO expert committee on food additives英语Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives stated in a July 2014 review of carrageenan "that the use of carrageenan in infant formula or formula for special medical purposes at concentrations up to 1000 mg/L is not of concern".[16]

Although the National Organic Program英语National Organic Program (NOP) had added carrageenan to its National List of additives allowed to be included in organic foods in 2003,[17] and reviewed and reauthorized it in 2008,[18] noting it as "critical to organic production and handling operations",[19] on November 18, 2016 the NOP's National Organic Standards Board英语National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) voted to recommend carrageenan be removed from the National List of additives allowed in organic food production.[20]

On April 4, 2018 the Agricultural Marketing Service英语Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) (美国农业部) published a document to announce the renewal of carrageenan on the National List, allowing its continued use in food products. The document states, “The NOSB recommended removing carrageenan because they determined that alternative materials, such as gellan gum, guar gum, or xanthan gum, are available for use in organic products” continuing, “AMS found sufficient evidence in public comments to the NOSB that carrageenan continues to be necessary for handling agricultural products because of the unavailability of wholly natural substitutes (§ 6517(c)(1)(ii)). Carrageenan has specific uses in an array of agricultural products, and public comments reported that potential substitutes do not adequately replicate the functions of carrageenan across the broad scope of use. Therefore, carrageenan continues to meet the OFPA criteria for inclusion on the National List.” [21] The rule went into effect May 29, 2018.

In the most recent review by an independent panel, the Joint Expert Committee of the 联合国粮食及农业组织 of the 联合国 and 世界卫生组织 on Food Additives released a technical report in 2015 on the use of carrageenan in 配方奶粉 and found that the additive was ‘not of concern’ in infant formula as food for special medical purposes at concentrations up to 1000 千克s per 公升.[22] The use of carrageenan in infant formula, organic or otherwise, is prohibited in the EU for precautionary reasons, but is permitted in other food items.[23]

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency英语Food Standards Agency issued a product recall for sweets containing carrageenan, stating that carrageenan “is not permitted as an ingredient in jelly confectionery products as it presents a choking hazard”.[24]

Toxicity research

Degraded carrageenan (poligeenan英语poligeenan) has been found to cause inflammation of the gut, altering microbiota, and was found to be a triggering factor of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn Disease.[25][26][27]

Food-grade carrageenan has been confused with poligeenan, although they are completely different products, creating a controversy over the food-additive's safety. Food-grade carrageenan's safety has been proven through various studies.[28][29]


  1. ^ FAO Agar and Carrageenan Manual. Fao.org. 1965-01-01 [2011-12-10] (英语). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 McHugh, Dennis J. A guide to the seaweed industry: FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 441. www.fao.org. Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations. 2003 [2017-07-29] (英语). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Current EU approved additives and their E Numbers. Food Standards Agency英语Food Standards Agency. 26 November 2010 [12 August 2014]. 
  4. ^ http://www.marine-science.co.jp/english/goods/carra.html, Marine Science Co. Ltd.
  5. ^ DeSilver, Drew. Answering Machine: Carra-what?. Vegetarian Times. April 1993: 28 [12 August 2014]. 
  6. ^ Loureiro, Rafael R.; Cornish, M.L.; Neish, Iain C. Applications of carrageenan: With special reference to iota and kappa forms as derived from the Eucheumatoid seaweeds. Hurtado, Anicia Q.; Critchley, Alan T.; Neish, Iain C. (编). Tropical Seaweed Farming Trends, Problems and Opportunities: …. Berlin, Germany: Springer International Publishing. 2017: 165. ISBN 9783319634982. 
  7. ^ Mitchell, M.E.; Guiry, M.D. Carrageen: A local habitation or a name?. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. December 1983, 9 (2–3): 347–351. PMID 6677826. doi:10.1016/0378-8741(83)90043-0. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Carrageenan Industry Report 2012 Contents (PDF) (报告). CyberColloids Ltd. 2012 [6 April 2014]. 
  9. ^ Pareño, Roel. DA: Phl to regain leadership in seaweed production. The Philippine Star英语The Philippine Star. 14 September 2011 [6 April 2014]. 
  10. ^ CyberColloids: E407 Specification Carrageenan, CyberColloids, Hydrocolloids research and development webpage.
  11. ^ CyberColloids: E407a Specification Processed Eucheuma Seaweed, Hydrocolloids research and development webpage.
  12. ^ 21 Code of Federal Regulations 172.620
  13. ^ Generally Recognized As Safe 21 CRF §182.7255 GRAS ID Code 9000-07-1 (1973)
  14. ^ Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 21 U.S.C. 350(a) §412
  15. ^ Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on Carrageenan (2003) [1] p. 5
  16. ^ Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Who.int. Retrieved on 2014-8-11.
  17. ^ 68 FR 61993 (2003)
  18. ^ 65 FR 80548
  19. ^ 73 FR 59481
  20. ^ Sunset 2018 Review Summary NOSB Final Review (PDF). USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. 2016-11-30 [2017-02-15]. 
  21. ^ 83 FR 14347. USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. 2018-04-04 [2018-04-21]. 
  22. ^ Safety Evaluation of Certain Food Additives, 3. Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, WHO Food Additive Series: 70. 2015. ISBN 9789241660709. hdl:10665/171781. 
  23. ^ Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on Carrageenan (PDF). European Commission, Scientific Committee on Food. 2003. 
  24. ^ Tees Ltd recalls Sweetworld Yummys Jelly Cones because of a choking hazard. 
  25. ^ Martino, John Vincent; Van Limbergen, Johan; Cahill, Leah E. The Role of Carrageenan and Carboxymethylcellulose in the Development of Intestinal Inflammation. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 1 May 2017, 5: 96. PMC 5410598可免费查阅. PMID 28507982. doi:10.3389/fped.2017.00096. 
  26. ^ Shang, Qingsen; Sun, Weixia; Shan, Xindi; Jiang, Hao; Cai, Chao; Hao, Jiejie; Li, Guoyun; Yu, Guangli. Carrageenan-induced colitis is associated with decreased population of anti-inflammatory bacterium, Akkermansia muciniphila , in the gut microbiota of C57BL/6J mice. Toxicology Letters. September 2017, 279: 87–95. PMID 28778519. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2017.07.904. 
  27. ^ Moyana, TN; Lalonde, JM. Carrageenan-induced intestinal injury in the rat--a model for inflammatory bowel disease.. Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science. 1990, 20 (6): 420–6. PMID 2073092. 
  28. ^ McKim JM. 2014. “Food additive carrageenan: Part I: A critical review of carrageenan in vitro studies, potential pitfalls, and implications for human health and safety
  29. ^ Weiner ML. 2014. “Food additive carrageenan: Part II: A critical review of carrageenan in vivo safety studies.




