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{{Automatic taxobox
{{Automatic taxobox
| taxon = Malassezia
| taxon = Malassezia
| authority =
| authority = Baill., 1889
| image = Malassezia_furfur_in_skin_scale_from_a_patient_with_tinea_versicolor_PHIL_3938_lores.jpg
| image = Malassezia_furfur_in_skin_scale_from_a_patient_with_tinea_versicolor_PHIL_3938_lores.jpg
| image_caption = 放大花斑癣病患皮屑所看到的[[秕糠马拉癣菌]]
| image_caption = 放大花斑癣病患皮屑所看到的[[秕糠马拉癣菌]]
| subdivision_ranks = [[种]]
| subdivision_ranks = [[种]]
| type species = [[秕糠马拉癣菌]] ''Microsporum furfur''
| type species authority = C.P. Robin
| subdivision = 参见文中内容
| subdivision = 参见文中内容

[[File:Pityrosporum folliculitis 2.jpg|thumb|upright=1.3|一名25歲的{{tsl|en|Malassezia folliculitis|馬拉色菌毛囊炎}}患者及其皮膚檢體的電子顯微鏡攝影圖,圖中可以看到馬拉色菌的孢子<ref>{{cite book |doi=10.5772/61850 |isbn=978-953-51-2252-4 |chapter=Observation of Fungi, Bacteria, and Parasites in Clinical Skin Samples Using Scanning Electron Microscopy |author=Ran Yuping |title=Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences |editor=Janecek, Milos |editor2=Kral, Robert |publisher=InTech |year=2016}}</ref><!-- This is content from a predatory publisher (v.com); recommend finding an alternative source for a comparable image, but I hesitate to remove the image at this time. -->。]]
由於鑑定不易以及在实验室条件下繁殖極慢,該屬的研究較為困難,物種的命名及分類史也較為混亂。1846年,艾希施泰特(Eichstedt)描述了一種與[[Pityriasis versicolor|變色糠疹]]相關的一種真菌<ref name=":0">{{Cite journal|title=Update on the genus Malassezia|url=https://academic.oup.com/mmy/article/45/4/287/1020101|last=Ashbee|first=H. R.|date=2007-06-01|journal=Medical Mycology|issue=4|doi=10.1080/13693780701191373|volume=45|pages=287–303|language=en|issn=1369-3786}}</ref>。德國皮膚科醫師{{Le|海因里希·寇伯納|Heinrich Koebner}}將身上病灶的真菌移植到兔子身上<ref>{{Cite journal|title=LXXXIII.—MALASSEZIA FURFUR, THE CAUSE OF TINEA VERSICOLOR: CULTIVATION OF THE ORGANISM AND EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION OF THE DISEASE|url=https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/519402|last=Moore|first=Morris|date=1940-02-01|journal=Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology|issue=2|doi=10.1001/archderm.1940.01490080062003|volume=41|pages=253–260|language=en|issn=0096-6029}}</ref>。1853年,{{Le|查爾斯-菲力浦·羅賓|Charles-Philippe Robin}}成功自病灶中分離病原體,將其分類為[[小孢癬菌屬]](''Microsporum''),並命名為「''Microsporum furfur''」<ref name=":0" />。1889年,[[Henri Ernest Baillon|亨利·歐內斯特·巴永]]以 ''Microsporum furfur'' 為模式種,發表「''Malassezia''」(馬拉色菌屬)此一獨立新屬,因此該物種也被重新命名為「''Malassezia furfur''」([[秕糠马拉癣菌]])<ref>{{Cite book|chapter=|url=http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/bibliography/5409|publisher=O. Doin|date=|location=Paris|doi=10.5962/bhl.title.5409|first=H.|last=Baillon, H. (Henri)|title=Traité de botanique médicale cryptogamique, suivi du tableau du droguier de la Faculté de médecine de Paris|year=1889|isbn=|pages=}}</ref>。1904年,[[雷蒙·萨博劳]]發表了一种导致[[头皮屑]]的微生物,將其命名为「''Pityrosporum malassez''」,以纪念{{tsl|en|Louis-Charles Malassez|路易斯-查理·马拉色|}},並以此物種發表了糠秕孢子菌屬(''Pityrosporum'')此一新屬<ref name="pmid17642908">{{cite journal|title=The genus Malassezia and human disease|author=Inamadar AC, Palit A|url=http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?issn=0378-6323;year=2003;volume=69;issue=4;spage=265;epage=270;aulast=Inamadar|journal=Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol|issue=4|doi=|year=2003|volume=69|pages=265–70|pmid=17642908|access-date=2009-06-29|archive-date=2018-09-06|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180906014043/http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?issn=0378-6323;year=2003;volume=69;issue=4;spage=265;epage=270;aulast=Inamadar|dead-url=no}}</ref>。

但後人發現,[[秕糠马拉癣菌]]具有單細胞與菌絲體兩種形態型,「''Malassezia furfur''」的原始描述是其菌絲體,而「''Pityrosporum malassez''」則是同一物種的單細胞型(yeast form)<ref name=":0" />。但至於要選擇哪一個學名為有效名尚有爭議,因此混用的情形相當常見<ref>{{Cite journal|title=The genus Malassezia and human disease|url=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17642908/|last=Inamadar|first=A. C.|last2=Palit|first2=A.|date=2003-07|journal=Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology|issue=4|volume=69|pages=265–270|issn=0973-3922|pmid=17642908}}</ref>。1984年後,按[[命名优先原则]],學界將「''Malassezia furfur''」定為有效名,「''Pityrosporum''」遂成為「''Malassezia''」的同物異名<ref name="pmid17642908" />。
马拉色菌属最初是由法国科学家[[路易斯-查理·马拉色]]在19世纪的时候发现的。[[雷蒙·萨博劳]]在1904年发现了一种导致[[头皮屑]]的微生物,并且命名为[[秕糠马拉癣菌]](''Pityrosporum malassez''),以纪念马拉色本人。但这个命名在当时指的是这一个物[[种]],而不是一个属。当后来发现这两次发现的物种是同一种微生物之后,“马拉色”这个名字就根据[[命名优先原则]]被保留下来。<ref name="pmid17642908">{{cite journal |author=Inamadar AC, Palit A |title=The genus Malassezia and human disease |journal=Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol |volume=69 |issue=4 |pages=265–70 |year=2003 |pmid=17642908 |doi= |url=http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?issn=0378-6323;year=2003;volume=69;issue=4;spage=265;epage=270;aulast=Inamadar |access-date=2009-06-29 |archive-date=2018-09-06 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180906014043/http://www.ijdvl.com/article.asp?issn=0378-6323;year=2003;volume=69;issue=4;spage=265;epage=270;aulast=Inamadar |dead-url=no }}</ref>

* 秕糠(马拉色)椭球菌(''Pityrosporum (Malassezia) ovale'')。该属的真菌需要油脂才能存活,并且仅仅在人身上发现。秕糠椭球菌属后来又被细分为两种属,秕糠球椭菌属和秕糠球菌属(''P. orbiculare'')。不过目前的资料认为这两种说法实际上都是指的同一个真菌属,人们更愿意称之为秕糠色马拉癣菌属(''M. furfur'')。<ref name="isbn0-07-138067-1">{{cite book |author=Freedberg, Irwin M.; Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. |title=Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine |publisher=McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division |location=New York |year=2003 |pages=1187 |isbn=0-07-138067-1 |oclc= |doi= |accessdate=}}</ref>
* 秕糠(马拉色)椭球菌(''Pityrosporum (Malassezia) ovale'')。该属的真菌需要油脂才能存活,并且仅仅在人身上发现。秕糠椭球菌属后来又被细分为两种属,秕糠球椭菌属和秕糠球菌属(''P. orbiculare'')。不过目前的资料认为这两种说法实际上都是指的同一个真菌属,人们更愿意称之为秕糠色马拉癣菌属(''M. furfur'')。<ref name="isbn0-07-138067-1">{{cite book|author=Freedberg, Irwin M.; Fitzpatrick, Thomas B.|title=Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine|publisher=McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division|location=New York|year=2003|pages=1187|isbn=0-07-138067-1|oclc=|doi=|accessdate=}}</ref>

* 厚皮马拉色菌属(''Pityrosporum (Malassezia) pachydermatis'')。该属的真菌是嗜油脂的,但并非依赖于油脂才能存活。该属的真菌被发现广泛存活于各种动物身上。
* 厚皮马拉色菌属(''Pityrosporum (Malassezia) pachydermatis'')。该属的真菌是嗜油脂的,但并非依赖于油脂才能存活。该属的真菌被发现广泛存活于各种动物身上。

在21世纪90年代中期,法国巴黎[[巴斯德研究所]]的科学家们发现了更多的种。<ref name="pmid8836432">{{cite journal |author=Guého E, Midgley G, Guillot J |title=The genus Malassezia with description of four new species |journal=Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek |volume=69 |issue=4 |pages=337–55 |pmid=8836432 |doi= 10.1007/BF00399623|url=|date=May 1996}}</ref>
在21世纪90年代中期,法国巴黎[[巴斯德研究所]]的科学家们发现了更多的种。<ref name="pmid8836432">{{cite journal|title=The genus Malassezia with description of four new species|author=Guého E, Midgley G, Guillot J|url=|date=May 1996|journal=Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek|issue=4|doi=10.1007/BF00399623|volume=69|pages=337–55|pmid=8836432}}</ref>

== 物種 ==

* [[秕糠马拉癣菌]] ''M. furfur''
* ''Malassezia arunalokei''
* [[厚皮马拉色菌]] ''M. pachydermatis''<ref name="pmid17655416">{{cite journal |author=Coutinho SD, Paula CR |title=Biotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis strains using the killer system |journal=Rev Iberoam Micol |volume=15 |issue=2 |pages=85–7 |pmid=17655416 |doi= |url=http://www.reviberoammicol.com/pubmed_linkout.php?15p85|date=June 1998}}</ref>
* ''Malassezia brasiliensis''
* [[球型马拉色菌]] ''M. globosa''<ref name="pmid17460728">{{cite journal |author=DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR, ''et al.'' |title=Isolation and expression of a Malassezia globosa lipase gene, LIP1 |journal=J. Invest. Dermatol. |volume=127 |issue=9 |pages=2138–46 |pmid=17460728 |doi=10.1038/sj.jid.5700844|date=September 2007}}</ref>
* ''Malassezia caprae''
* [[限制性马拉色菌]] ''M. restricta''<ref name="pmid15502408">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A |title=Genotype analysis of Malassezia restricta as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=10 |pages=755–9 |year=2004 |pmid=15502408 |doi= |url=http://joi.jlc.jst.go.jp/JST.JSTAGE/mandi/48.755?from=PubMed |format={{dead link|date=May 2009}} – <sup>[http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AGenotype+analysis+of+Malassezia+restricta+as+the+major+cutaneous+flora+in+patients+with+atopic+dermatitis+and+healthy+subjects&as_publication=Microbiol.+Immunol.&as_ylo=2004&as_yhi=2004&btnG=Search Scholar search]</sup> }}{{Dead link|date=2018年6月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=no }}</ref>
* ''Malassezia cuniculi''
* [[斯洛菲马拉色菌]] ''M. slooffiae''<ref name="pmid17845623">{{cite journal |author=Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL |title=Malassezia slooffiae-associated dermatitis in a goat |journal=Vet. Dermatol. |volume=18 |issue=5 |pages=348–52 |pmid=17845623 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-3164.2007.00606.x |url=http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/resolve/openurl?genre=article&sid=nlm:pubmed&issn=0959-4493&date=2007&volume=18&issue=5&spage=348 |date=October 2007 }}{{Dead link|date=2019年5月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* [[合轴马拉色菌]] ''M. sympodialis''<ref name="pmid9722730">{{cite journal |author=Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A |title=Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by Malassezia sympodialis? |journal=Arch Dermatol |volume=134 |issue=8 |pages=995–8 |pmid=9722730 |doi=10.1001/archderm.134.8.995 |url=http://archderm.ama-assn.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9722730 |date=August 1998 }}{{dead link|date=2018年5月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* ''Malassezia dermatis''<ref name="pmid11923357">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T, ''et al.'' |title=New yeast species, Malassezia dermatis, isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis |journal=J. Clin. Microbiol. |volume=40 |issue=4 |pages=1363–7 |pmid=11923357 |pmc=140359 |doi= 10.1128/JCM.40.4.1363-1367.2002|url=http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=11923357|date=April 2002}}</ref>
* ''Malassezia equi''
* [[纳纳马拉色菌]] ''M. nana''<ref name="pmid15023986">{{cite journal |author=Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K, ''et al.'' |title=Malassezia nana sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals |journal=Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. |volume=54 |issue=Pt 2 |pages=623–7 |pmid=15023986 |doi=10.1099/ijs.0.02776-0 |url=http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=15023986 |date=March 2004 }}{{Dead link|date=2018年8月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* ''Malassezia equina''
* ''M. yamatoensis''<ref name="pmid15322337">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M, ''et al.'' |title=A new yeast, Malassezia yamatoensis, isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=8 |pages=579–83 |year=2004 |pmid=15322337 |doi= |url=http://joi.jlc.jst.go.jp/JST.JSTAGE/mandi/48.579?from=PubMed |format={{dead link|date=May 2009}} – <sup>[http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AA+new+yeast%2C+Malassezia+yamatoensis%2C+isolated+from+a+patient+with+seborrheic+dermatitis%2C+and+its+distribution+in+patients+and+healthy+subjects&as_publication=Microbiol.+Immunol.&as_ylo=2004&as_yhi=2004&btnG=Search Scholar search]</sup> }}{{Dead link|date=2018年6月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=no }}</ref>
* [[秕糠马拉癣菌]] ''Malassezia furfur''
* ''M. dermatis''<ref name="pmid11923357">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T, ''et al.'' |title=New yeast species, Malassezia dermatis, isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis |journal=J. Clin. Microbiol. |volume=40 |issue=4 |pages=1363–7 |pmid=11923357 |pmc=140359 |doi= 10.1128/JCM.40.4.1363-1367.2002|url=http://jcm.asm.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=11923357|date=April 2002}}</ref>
* [[球型马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia globosa''<ref name="pmid17460728">{{cite journal |author=DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR, ''et al.'' |title=Isolation and expression of a Malassezia globosa lipase gene, LIP1 |journal=J. Invest. Dermatol. |volume=127 |issue=9 |pages=2138–46 |pmid=17460728 |doi=10.1038/sj.jid.5700844|date=September 2007}}</ref>
* ''M. obtusa''
* ''Malassezia japonica''
* ''Malassezia macfadyeni''
* [[纳纳马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia nana''<ref name="pmid15023986">{{cite journal |author=Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K, ''et al.'' |title=Malassezia nana sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals |journal=Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. |volume=54 |issue=Pt 2 |pages=623–7 |pmid=15023986 |doi=10.1099/ijs.0.02776-0 |url=http://ijs.sgmjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=15023986 |date=March 2004 }}{{Dead link|date=2018年8月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* ''Malassezia obtusa''
* ''Malassezia ochoterenai''
* [[厚皮马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia pachydermatis''<ref name="pmid17655416">{{cite journal |author=Coutinho SD, Paula CR |title=Biotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis strains using the killer system |journal=Rev Iberoam Micol |volume=15 |issue=2 |pages=85–7 |pmid=17655416 |doi= |url=http://www.reviberoammicol.com/pubmed_linkout.php?15p85|date=June 1998}}</ref>
* ''Malassezia psittaci''
* [[限制性马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia restricta''<ref name="pmid15502408">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A |title=Genotype analysis of Malassezia restricta as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=10 |pages=755–9 |year=2004 |pmid=15502408 |doi= |url=http://joi.jlc.jst.go.jp/JST.JSTAGE/mandi/48.755?from=PubMed |format={{dead link|date=May 2009}} – <sup>[http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AGenotype+analysis+of+Malassezia+restricta+as+the+major+cutaneous+flora+in+patients+with+atopic+dermatitis+and+healthy+subjects&as_publication=Microbiol.+Immunol.&as_ylo=2004&as_yhi=2004&btnG=Search Scholar search]</sup> }}{{Dead link|date=2018年6月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=no }}</ref>
* [[斯洛菲马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia slooffiae''<ref name="pmid17845623">{{cite journal |author=Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL |title=Malassezia slooffiae-associated dermatitis in a goat |journal=Vet. Dermatol. |volume=18 |issue=5 |pages=348–52 |pmid=17845623 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-3164.2007.00606.x |url=http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/resolve/openurl?genre=article&sid=nlm:pubmed&issn=0959-4493&date=2007&volume=18&issue=5&spage=348 |date=October 2007 }}{{Dead link|date=2019年5月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* [[合轴马拉色菌]] ''Malassezia sympodialis''<ref name="pmid9722730">{{cite journal |author=Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A |title=Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by Malassezia sympodialis? |journal=Arch Dermatol |volume=134 |issue=8 |pages=995–8 |pmid=9722730 |doi=10.1001/archderm.134.8.995 |url=http://archderm.ama-assn.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9722730 |date=August 1998 }}{{dead link|date=2018年5月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
* ''Malassezia vespertilionis''
* ''Malassezia yamatoensis''<ref name="pmid15322337">{{cite journal |author=Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M, ''et al.'' |title=A new yeast, Malassezia yamatoensis, isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=8 |pages=579–83 |year=2004 |pmid=15322337 |doi= |url=http://joi.jlc.jst.go.jp/JST.JSTAGE/mandi/48.579?from=PubMed |format={{dead link|date=May 2009}} – <sup>[http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AA+new+yeast%2C+Malassezia+yamatoensis%2C+isolated+from+a+patient+with+seborrheic+dermatitis%2C+and+its+distribution+in+patients+and+healthy+subjects&as_publication=Microbiol.+Immunol.&as_ylo=2004&as_yhi=2004&btnG=Search Scholar search]</sup> }}{{Dead link|date=2018年6月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=no }}</ref>

第59行: 第79行:


Currently there are at least 17 recognized species:{{Citation needed|date=November 2020}}
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia caprae||M. caprae}}''<ref name="Cabañes et al., 2007">{{cite journal|vauthors=Cabañes, FJ, Theelen, B, Castella, G, Boukhout, T |title=Two new lipid-dependent ''Malassezia'' species from domestic animals |journal=FEMS Yeast Research |volume=7 |issue=6 |year=2007 |pages=1064–1076 |issn=1567-1356 | doi=10.1111/j.1567-1364.2007.00217.x|pmid=17367513 |doi-access=free }}</ref>
* ''[[Malassezia cuniculi|M. cuniculi]]''<ref name="Cabañes et al., 2011">{{cite journal|vauthors=Cabañes FJ, Vega S, Castellá G|title=''Malassezia cuniculi'' sp. nov., a novel yeast species isolated from rabbit skin|journal=Medical Mycology|volume=49|issue=1|year=2011|pages=40–48|doi=10.3109/13693786.2010.493562|pmid=20560865|doi-access=free}}</ref>
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia dermatis||M. dermatis}}''<ref name="pmid11923357">{{cite journal |vauthors=Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T, etal |title=New Yeast Species, ''Malassezia dermatis'', Isolated from Patients with Atopic Dermatitis |journal=J. Clin. Microbiol. |volume=40|issue=4 |pages=1363–7 |date=April 2002 |pmid=11923357 |pmc=140359 |doi= 10.1128/JCM.40.4.1363-1367.2002}}</ref>
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia equina||M. equina}}''<ref name="Cabañes et al., 2007"/>
* ''[[秕糠马拉癣菌|M. furfur]]''
* ''[[马拉色菌属|M. globosa]]''<ref name="pmid17460728">{{cite journal |vauthors=DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR, etal |title=Isolation and expression of a ''Malassezia globosa'' lipase gene, LIP1 |journal=J. Invest. Dermatol. |volume=127 |issue=9 |pages=2138–46 |date=September 2007 |pmid=17460728 |doi=10.1038/sj.jid.5700844}}</ref>
*''{{tsl|en|Malassezia japonica||M. japonica}}''<ref name=Sugita>{{cite journal|last=Sugita|first=Takashi |author2=Masako Takashima |author3=Minako Kodama |author4=Ryoji Tsuboi |author5=Akemi Nishikawa|title=Description of a New Yeast Species, Malassezia japonica, and Its Detection in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis and Healthy Subjects|journal=J. Clin. Microbiol.|date=October 2003|volume=41|issue=10|pages=4695–4699|doi=10.1128/JCM.41.10.4695-4699.2003|pmid=14532205 |pmc=254348}}</ref>
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia nana||M. nana}}''<ref name="pmid15023986">{{cite journal |vauthors=Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K, etal |title=''Malassezia nana'' sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals |journal=Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. |volume=54 |issue=Pt 2 |pages=623–7 |date=March 2004 |pmid=15023986 |doi= 10.1099/ijs.0.02776-0|doi-access=free }}</ref>
* ''[[Malassezia obtusa|M. obtusa]]''
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia pachydermatis||M. pachydermatis}}''<ref name="pmid17655416">{{cite journal |vauthors=Coutinho SD, Paula CR |title=Biotyping of ''Malassezia pachydermatis'' strains using the killer system |journal=Rev Iberoam Micol |volume=15 |issue=2 |pages=85–7|date=June 1998 |pmid=17655416 }}</ref>
* ''[[Malassezia restricta|M. restricta]]''<ref name="pmid15502408">{{cite journal |vauthors=Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A |title=Genotype analysis of ''Malassezia restricta'' as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=10 |pages=755–9 |year=2004 |pmid=15502408 |doi=10.1111/j.1348-0421.2004.tb03601.x|doi-access=free }}</ref>
* ''[[Malassezia slooffiae|M. slooffiae]]''<ref name="pmid17845623">{{cite journal |vauthors=Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL |title=''Malassezia slooffiae''-associated dermatitis in a goat |journal=Vet. Dermatol. |volume=18 |issue=5 |pages=348–52 |date=October 2007 |pmid=17845623 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-3164.2007.00606.x }}</ref>
* ''{{tsl|en|Malassezia sympodialis||M. sympodialis}}''<ref name="pmid9722730">{{cite journal |vauthors=Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A |title=Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by ''Malassezia sympodialis''?|journal=Arch Dermatol |volume=134 |issue=8 |pages=995–8 |date=August 1998 |pmid=9722730 |doi= 10.1001/archderm.134.8.995|doi-access=free }}</ref>
* ''[[Malassezia yamatoensis|M. yamatoensis]]''<ref name="pmid15322337">{{cite journal |vauthors=Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M, etal |title=A new yeast, ''Malassezia yamatoensis'', isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects |journal=Microbiol. Immunol. |volume=48 |issue=8 |pages=579–83 |year=2004 |pmid=15322337 |doi= 10.1111/j.1348-0421.2004.tb03554.x}}</ref>
* ''[[M. psittaci]]''<ref name="pmid30728599">{{cite journal |vauthors=Lorch JM, Palmer JM, Vanderwolf KJ, etal |title=''Malassezia vespertilionis'' sp. nov. :a new cold-tolerant species of yeast isolated from bats |journal=Persoonia |volume= 41 |pages=56–70 |year=2018 |pmid=30728599 |pmc=6344816 |doi=10.3767/persoonia.2018.41.04|url=http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/document/654583 }}</ref>

==Role in human diseases==
Identification of ''Malassezia'' on skin has been aided by the application of molecular or DNA-based techniques. These investigations show that the ''Malassezia'' species causing most skin disease in humans, including the most common cause of [[头皮屑|dandruff]] and [[脂溢性皮炎|seborrhoeic dermatitis]], is ''M. globosa'' (though ''M. restricta'' is also involved).<ref name="pmid17460728"/> The skin rash of [[花斑癬|tinea versicolor]] (''pityriasis versicolor'') is also due to infection by this fungus.

As the fungus requires [[脂肪|fat]] to grow,<ref name="pmid8836432" /> it is most common in areas with many [[皮脂腺|sebaceous gland]]s: on the scalp,<ref name="cracked">{{cite news |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7080434.stm |title=Genetic code of dandruff cracked |publisher=BBC News |access-date=2008-12-10 | date=6 November 2007}}</ref> face, and upper part of the body. When the fungus grows too rapidly, the natural renewal of cells is disturbed, and dandruff appears with itching (a similar process may also occur with other fungi or bacteria).

A project in 2007 has sequenced the genome of dandruff-causing ''Malassezia globosa'' and found it to have 4,285 genes.<ref name="pmid18000048">{{cite journal |vauthors=Xu J, Saunders CW, Hu P, etal |title=Dandruff-associated Malassezia genomes reveal convergent and divergent virulence traits shared with plant and human fungal pathogens |journal=Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. |volume=104 |issue=47 |pages=18730–5 |date=November 2007 |pmid=18000048 |pmc=2141845 |doi=10.1073/pnas.0706756104 |bibcode=2007PNAS..10418730X }}</ref> ''M. globosa'' uses eight different types of [[脂酶|lipase]], along with three [[磷脂酶|phospholipases]], to break down the oils on the scalp. Any of these 11 proteins would be a suitable target for dandruff medications.

''M. globosa'' has been predicted to have the ability to reproduce sexually,<ref name="pmid18693563">{{cite journal |vauthors=Guillot J, Hadina S, Guého E |title=The genus Malassezia: old facts and new concepts |journal=Parassitologia |volume=50 |issue=1–2 |pages=77–9 |date=June 2008 |pmid=18693563}}</ref> but this has not been observed.

The fungus appears to play a role in the development of some pancreatic cancers, as a result of it migrating from the gut {{tsl|en|Lumen (anatomy)||lumen}} to the [[胰脏|pancreas]].<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Aykut |first1=Berk |last2=Pushalkar |first2=Smruti |last3=Chen |first3=Ruonan |last4=Li |first4=Qianhao |last5=Abengozar |first5=Raquel |last6=Kim |first6=Jacqueline I. |last7=Shadaloey |first7=Sorin A. |last8=Wu |first8=Dongling |last9=Preiss |first9=Pamela |last10=Verma |first10=Narendra |last11=Guo |first11=Yuqi |last12=Saxena |first12=Anjana |last13=Vardhan |first13=Mridula |last14=Diskin |first14=Brian |last15=Wang |first15=Wei |last16=Leinwand |first16=Joshua |last17=Kurz |first17=Emma |last18=Kochen Rossi |first18=Juan A. |last19=Hundeyin |first19=Mautin |last20=Zambrinis |first20=Constantinos |last21=Li |first21=Xin |last22=Saxena |first22=Deepak |last23=Miller |first23=George |title=The fungal mycobiome promotes pancreatic oncogenesis via activation of MBL |journal=Nature |date=October 2019 |volume=574 |issue=7777 |pages=264–267 |doi=10.1038/s41586-019-1608-2 |pmid=31578522 |pmc=6858566 |bibcode=2019Natur.574..264A }}</ref>

The number of specimens of ''M. globosa'' on a human head can be up to ten million.<ref name="cracked"/>

==Treatment of symptomatic scalp infections==
{{further|Seborrhoeic dermatitis#Treatments}}
Symptomatic scalp infections are often treated with shampoos containing [[二硫化硒|selenium disulfide]],<ref>{{DermNet|treatments/selenium}}{{retrieved|access-date= Dec 24, 2007}}.</ref> [[吡硫鎓锌|zinc pyrithione]], or [[酮康唑|ketoconazole]].

There are several natural antifungal remedies for seborrhoeic dermatitis including garlic, onions, [[椰子油|coconut oil]], {{tsl|en|apple cider vinegar||apple cider vinegar}}, [[茶樹油|tea tree oil]] (''Melaleuca alternifolia'' oil), [[蜂蜜|honey]], and [[肉桂酸|cinnamic acid]].<ref>{{cite journal |last1=Gupta |first1=Aditya K |last2=Nicol |first2=Karyn |last3=Batra |first3=Roma |title=Role of Antifungal Agents in the Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis |journal=American Journal of Clinical Dermatology |date=2004 |volume=5 |issue=6 |pages=417–422 |doi=10.2165/00128071-200405060-00006 |pmid=15663338 |s2cid=23930182 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|pmid=11485891|year=2001|last1=Al-Waili|first1=N. S.|title=Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of crude honey on chronic seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff|journal=European Journal of Medical Research|volume=6|issue=7|pages=306–8}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last1=Shams-Ghahfarokhi |first1=Masoomeh |last2=Shokoohamiri |first2=Mohammad-Reza |last3=Amirrajab |first3=Nasrin |last4=Moghadasi |first4=Behnaz |last5=Ghajari |first5=Ali |last6=Zeini |first6=Farideh |last7=Sadeghi |first7=Golnar |last8=Razzaghi-Abyaneh |first8=Mehdi |title=In vitro antifungal activities of Allium cepa, Allium sativum and ketoconazole against some pathogenic yeasts and dermatophytes |journal=Fitoterapia |date=June 2006 |volume=77 |issue=4 |pages=321–323 |doi=10.1016/j.fitote.2006.03.014 |pmid=16690223 }}</ref> The efficacy of these natural treatments varies considerably among individuals.{{Citation needed|date=November 2020}}


* {{cite journal |last1=Shams Ghahfarokhi |first1=M. |last2=Razzaghi Abyaneh |first2=M. |title=Rapid Identification of Malassezia furfur from other Malassezia Species: A Major Causative Agent of Pityriasis Versicolor |journal=Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences |date=4 October 2015 |volume=29 |issue=1 |pages=36–39 |url=http://ijms.sums.ac.ir/article_40115.html |citeseerx= }}
* {{cite journal |vauthors=Noble SL, Forbes RC, Stamm PL |title=Diagnosis and management of common tinea infections |journal=Am Fam Physician |volume=58 |issue=1 |pages=163–74, 177–8 |date=July 1998 |pmid=9672436 }}



2021年2月11日 (四) 10:36的版本

科学分类 编辑
界: 真菌界 Fungi
门: 担子菌门 Basidiomycota
纲: 马拉色菌纲 Malasseziomycetes
目: 马拉色菌目 Malasseziales
科: 马拉色菌科 Malasseziaceae
属: 马拉色菌属 Malassezia
Baill., 1889
秕糠马拉癣菌 Microsporum furfur
C.P. Robin




一名25歲的馬拉色菌毛囊炎英语Malassezia folliculitis患者及其皮膚檢體的電子顯微鏡攝影圖,圖中可以看到馬拉色菌的孢子[1]

由於鑑定不易以及在实验室条件下繁殖極慢,該屬的研究較為困難,物種的命名及分類史也較為混亂。1846年,艾希施泰特(Eichstedt)描述了一種與變色糠疹相關的一種真菌[2]。德國皮膚科醫師海因里希·寇伯納英语Heinrich Koebner將身上病灶的真菌移植到兔子身上[3]。1853年,查爾斯-菲力浦·羅賓英语Charles-Philippe Robin成功自病灶中分離病原體,將其分類為小孢癬菌屬Microsporum),並命名為「Microsporum furfur[2]。1889年,亨利·歐內斯特·巴永Microsporum furfur 為模式種,發表「Malassezia」(馬拉色菌屬)此一獨立新屬,因此該物種也被重新命名為「Malassezia furfur」(秕糠马拉癣菌[4]。1904年,雷蒙·萨博劳發表了一种导致头皮屑的微生物,將其命名为「Pityrosporum malassez」,以纪念路易斯-查理·马拉色英语Louis-Charles Malassez,並以此物種發表了糠秕孢子菌屬(Pityrosporum)此一新屬[5]

但後人發現,秕糠马拉癣菌具有單細胞與菌絲體兩種形態型,「Malassezia furfur」的原始描述是其菌絲體,而「Pityrosporum malassez」則是同一物種的單細胞型(yeast form)[2]。但至於要選擇哪一個學名為有效名尚有爭議,因此混用的情形相當常見[6]。1984年後,按命名优先原则,學界將「Malassezia furfur」定為有效名,「Pityrosporum」遂成為「Malassezia」的同物異名[5]


  • 秕糠(马拉色)椭球菌(Pityrosporum (Malassezia) ovale)。该属的真菌需要油脂才能存活,并且仅仅在人身上发现。秕糠椭球菌属后来又被细分为两种属,秕糠球椭菌属和秕糠球菌属(P. orbiculare)。不过目前的资料认为这两种说法实际上都是指的同一个真菌属,人们更愿意称之为秕糠色马拉癣菌属(M. furfur)。[7]
  • 厚皮马拉色菌属(Pityrosporum (Malassezia) pachydermatis)。该属的真菌是嗜油脂的,但并非依赖于油脂才能存活。该属的真菌被发现广泛存活于各种动物身上。











  1. ^ Ran Yuping. Observation of Fungi, Bacteria, and Parasites in Clinical Skin Samples Using Scanning Electron Microscopy. Janecek, Milos; Kral, Robert (编). Modern Electron Microscopy in Physical and Life Sciences. InTech. 2016. ISBN 978-953-51-2252-4. doi:10.5772/61850. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Ashbee, H. R. Update on the genus Malassezia. Medical Mycology. 2007-06-01, 45 (4): 287–303. ISSN 1369-3786. doi:10.1080/13693780701191373 (英语). 
  3. ^ Moore, Morris. LXXXIII.—MALASSEZIA FURFUR, THE CAUSE OF TINEA VERSICOLOR: CULTIVATION OF THE ORGANISM AND EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION OF THE DISEASE. Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. 1940-02-01, 41 (2): 253–260. ISSN 0096-6029. doi:10.1001/archderm.1940.01490080062003 (英语). 
  4. ^ Baillon, H. (Henri), H. Traité de botanique médicale cryptogamique, suivi du tableau du droguier de la Faculté de médecine de Paris. Paris: O. Doin. 1889. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.5409. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Inamadar AC, Palit A. The genus Malassezia and human disease. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2003, 69 (4): 265–70 [2009-06-29]. PMID 17642908. (原始内容存档于2018-09-06). 
  6. ^ Inamadar, A. C.; Palit, A. The genus Malassezia and human disease. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. 2003-07, 69 (4): 265–270. ISSN 0973-3922. PMID 17642908. 
  7. ^ Freedberg, Irwin M.; Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Pub. Division. 2003: 1187. ISBN 0-07-138067-1. 
  8. ^ Guého E, Midgley G, Guillot J. The genus Malassezia with description of four new species. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. May 1996, 69 (4): 337–55. PMID 8836432. doi:10.1007/BF00399623. 
  9. ^ Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T; et al. New yeast species, Malassezia dermatis, isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis. J. Clin. Microbiol. April 2002, 40 (4): 1363–7. PMC 140359可免费查阅. PMID 11923357. doi:10.1128/JCM.40.4.1363-1367.2002. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR; et al. Isolation and expression of a Malassezia globosa lipase gene, LIP1. J. Invest. Dermatol. September 2007, 127 (9): 2138–46. PMID 17460728. doi:10.1038/sj.jid.5700844. 
  11. ^ Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K; et al. Malassezia nana sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. March 2004, 54 (Pt 2): 623–7. PMID 15023986. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02776-0. [永久失效連結]
  12. ^ Coutinho SD, Paula CR. Biotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis strains using the killer system. Rev Iberoam Micol. June 1998, 15 (2): 85–7. PMID 17655416. 
  13. ^ Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A. Genotype analysis of Malassezia restricta as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects ([失效連結]Scholar search). Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48 (10): 755–9. PMID 15502408. [永久失效連結]
  14. ^ Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL. Malassezia slooffiae-associated dermatitis in a goat. Vet. Dermatol. October 2007, 18 (5): 348–52. PMID 17845623. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3164.2007.00606.x. [永久失效連結]
  15. ^ Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A. Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by Malassezia sympodialis?. Arch Dermatol. August 1998, 134 (8): 995–8. PMID 9722730. doi:10.1001/archderm.134.8.995. [永久失效連結]
  16. ^ Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M; et al. A new yeast, Malassezia yamatoensis, isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects ([失效連結]Scholar search). Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48 (8): 579–83. PMID 15322337. [永久失效連結]
  17. ^ BBC NEWS | Health | Genetic code of dandruff cracked. [2008-12-10]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-22). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Xu J, Saunders CW, Hu P; et al. Dandruff-associated Malassezia genomes reveal convergent and divergent virulence traits shared with plant and human fungal pathogens. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. November 2007, 104 (47): 18730–5. PMC 2141845可免费查阅. PMID 18000048. doi:10.1073/pnas.0706756104. 
  19. ^ Guillot J, Hadina S, Guého E. The genus Malassezia: old facts and new concepts. Parassitologia. June 2008, 50 (1-2): 77–9. PMID 18693563. 



Currently there are at least 17 recognized species:[來源請求]


Role in human diseases

Identification of Malassezia on skin has been aided by the application of molecular or DNA-based techniques. These investigations show that the Malassezia species causing most skin disease in humans, including the most common cause of dandruff and seborrhoeic dermatitis, is M. globosa (though M. restricta is also involved).[4] The skin rash of tinea versicolor (pityriasis versicolor) is also due to infection by this fungus.

As the fungus requires fat to grow,[13] it is most common in areas with many sebaceous glands: on the scalp,[14] face, and upper part of the body. When the fungus grows too rapidly, the natural renewal of cells is disturbed, and dandruff appears with itching (a similar process may also occur with other fungi or bacteria).

A project in 2007 has sequenced the genome of dandruff-causing Malassezia globosa and found it to have 4,285 genes.[15] M. globosa uses eight different types of lipase, along with three phospholipases, to break down the oils on the scalp. Any of these 11 proteins would be a suitable target for dandruff medications.

M. globosa has been predicted to have the ability to reproduce sexually,[16] but this has not been observed.

The fungus appears to play a role in the development of some pancreatic cancers, as a result of it migrating from the gut lumen英语Lumen (anatomy) to the pancreas.[17]

The number of specimens of M. globosa on a human head can be up to ten million.[14]

Treatment of symptomatic scalp infections

Symptomatic scalp infections are often treated with shampoos containing selenium disulfide,[18] zinc pyrithione, or ketoconazole.

There are several natural antifungal remedies for seborrhoeic dermatitis including garlic, onions, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar英语apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia oil), honey, and cinnamic acid.[19][20][21] The efficacy of these natural treatments varies considerably among individuals.[來源請求]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Cabañes, FJ, Theelen, B, Castella, G, Boukhout, T. Two new lipid-dependent Malassezia species from domestic animals. FEMS Yeast Research. 2007, 7 (6): 1064–1076. ISSN 1567-1356. PMID 17367513. doi:10.1111/j.1567-1364.2007.00217.x可免费查阅. 
  2. ^ Cabañes FJ, Vega S, Castellá G. Malassezia cuniculi sp. nov., a novel yeast species isolated from rabbit skin. Medical Mycology. 2011, 49 (1): 40–48. PMID 20560865. doi:10.3109/13693786.2010.493562可免费查阅. 
  3. ^ Sugita T, Takashima M, Shinoda T, et al. New Yeast Species, Malassezia dermatis, Isolated from Patients with Atopic Dermatitis. J. Clin. Microbiol. April 2002, 40 (4): 1363–7. PMC 140359可免费查阅. PMID 11923357. doi:10.1128/JCM.40.4.1363-1367.2002. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 DeAngelis YM, Saunders CW, Johnstone KR, et al. Isolation and expression of a Malassezia globosa lipase gene, LIP1. J. Invest. Dermatol. September 2007, 127 (9): 2138–46. PMID 17460728. doi:10.1038/sj.jid.5700844. 
  5. ^ Sugita, Takashi; Masako Takashima; Minako Kodama; Ryoji Tsuboi; Akemi Nishikawa. Description of a New Yeast Species, Malassezia japonica, and Its Detection in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis and Healthy Subjects. J. Clin. Microbiol. October 2003, 41 (10): 4695–4699. PMC 254348可免费查阅. PMID 14532205. doi:10.1128/JCM.41.10.4695-4699.2003. 
  6. ^ Hirai A, Kano R, Makimura K, et al. Malassezia nana sp. nov., a novel lipid-dependent yeast species isolated from animals. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. March 2004, 54 (Pt 2): 623–7. PMID 15023986. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02776-0可免费查阅. 
  7. ^ Coutinho SD, Paula CR. Biotyping of Malassezia pachydermatis strains using the killer system. Rev Iberoam Micol. June 1998, 15 (2): 85–7. PMID 17655416. 
  8. ^ Sugita T, Tajima M, Amaya M, Tsuboi R, Nishikawa A. Genotype analysis of Malassezia restricta as the major cutaneous flora in patients with atopic dermatitis and healthy subjects. Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48 (10): 755–9. PMID 15502408. doi:10.1111/j.1348-0421.2004.tb03601.x可免费查阅. 
  9. ^ Uzal FA, Paulson D, Eigenheer AL, Walker RL. Malassezia slooffiae-associated dermatitis in a goat. Vet. Dermatol. October 2007, 18 (5): 348–52. PMID 17845623. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3164.2007.00606.x. 
  10. ^ Niamba P, Weill FX, Sarlangue J, Labrèze C, Couprie B, Taïeh A. Is common neonatal cephalic pustulosis (neonatal acne) triggered by Malassezia sympodialis?. Arch Dermatol. August 1998, 134 (8): 995–8. PMID 9722730. doi:10.1001/archderm.134.8.995可免费查阅. 
  11. ^ Sugita T, Tajima M, Takashima M, et al. A new yeast, Malassezia yamatoensis, isolated from a patient with seborrheic dermatitis, and its distribution in patients and healthy subjects. Microbiol. Immunol. 2004, 48 (8): 579–83. PMID 15322337. doi:10.1111/j.1348-0421.2004.tb03554.x. 
  12. ^ Lorch JM, Palmer JM, Vanderwolf KJ, et al. Malassezia vespertilionis sp. nov. :a new cold-tolerant species of yeast isolated from bats. Persoonia. 2018, 41: 56–70. PMC 6344816可免费查阅. PMID 30728599. doi:10.3767/persoonia.2018.41.04. 
  13. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为pmid8836432的参考文献提供内容
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Genetic code of dandruff cracked. BBC News. 6 November 2007 [2008-12-10]. 
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