




  1. ^ Longman Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry, Longman Group United Kingdom, 1983 
  2. ^ Driver, Russell W.; Buckley, M. Ronald; Frink, Dwight D. Should We Write Off Graphology?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. April 1996, 4 (2): 78–86. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2389.1996.tb00062.x. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Cohen, Roger. In France, It's How You Cross the t's. The New York Times. 19 October 1993 [2021-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-23). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Nevo, B Scientific Aspects Of Graphology: A Handbook Springfield, IL: Thomas: 1986
  5. ^ Barry Beyerstein Q&A. Ask the Scientists. Scientific American Frontiers. [2008-02-22]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-20).  "they simply interpret the way we form these various features on the page in much the same way ancient oracles interpreted the entrails of oxen or smoke in the air. i.e., it's a kind of magical divination or fortune telling where 'like begets like'".
  6. ^ BEYOND SCIENCE? Paper Personality, on season 8, episode 2. 美国科学前沿英语Scientific American Frontiers. 公共广播电视公司. Chedd-Angier Production Company. 1997–1998. (原始内容存档于2006). 
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  8. ^ Graphology. Encyclopædia Britannica. April 25, 2017 [2021-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-08). In general, the scientific basis for graphological interpretations of personality is questionable. 
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  10. ^ Driver, Russel H.; M. Ronald Buckley and Dwight D. Frink, Should We Write Off Graphology?, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, April 1996, 4 (2): 78–86, doi:10.1111/j.1468-2389.1996.tb00062.x. 
  11. ^ Furnham, Adrian; Barrie Gunter, Graphology and Personality: Another Failure to Validate Graphological Analysis., Personality and Individual Differences, 1987, 8 (3): 433–435, doi:10.1016/0191-8869(87)90045-6. 
  12. ^ Roy N. King and Derek J. Koehler, Illusory Correlations in Graphological Inference, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2000, 6 (4): 336–348, doi:10.1037/1076-898X.6.4.336. 
  13. ^ Fluckiger, Fritz A, Tripp, Clarence A & Weinberg, George H, A Review of xperimental Research in Graphology: 1933 - 1960, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1961, 12: 67–90, doi:10.2466/PMS.12.1.67-90. 
  14. ^ Lockowandte, Oskar, Lockowandte, Oskar Present status of the investigation of handwriting psychology as a diagnostic method, Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1976, (6): 4–5.