




$ 亮星 (绝对星等为+8.5或更低)
§ 棕矮星
& 次棕矮星流浪行星
# 肉眼可见 (视星等为+6.5或更低)
# 名称 恒星
视星等 绝对星等 有效温度±
历元J2000.0 视差[2][3]±
系统 恒星 赤经[2] 赤纬[2]
太阳系 太阳 G2V[2] −26.72[2]# 4.85[2]  5,778[5] 180° 0.0000158(3)
1 南门二
(Rigil Kentaurus; Toliman)
半人马座比邻星(V645 Centauri) M5.5Ve 11.09[2] 15.53[2]  3,040[6] 14h 29m 43.0s −62° 40′ 46″ 0.768 87(0 29)″[7][8] 4.2421(16) [9]拥有3个行星﹙bcd
半人马座αA(HD 128620) G2V[2] 0.01[2]# 4.38[2]  5,790[6] 14h 39m 36.5s −60° 50′ 02″ 0.747 23(1 17)″[7][10] 4.3650(68)
半人马座αB(HD 128621) K0V[2] 1.34[2]# 5.71[2]  5,260[6] 14h 39m 35.1s −60° 50′ 14″
2 巴纳德星(BD+04°3561a) M4.0Ve 9.53[2] 13.22[2]  3,134(102)[11] 17h 57m 48.5s +04° 41′ 36″ 0.546 98(1 00)″[7][8] 5.9630(109)
3 Luhman 16 WISE 1049-5319A L8 10.73 ± 0.03 10h 49m 15.57s −53° 19′ 06″ 0.496 (37)[12] 6.52(49)
WISE 1049-5319B L9/T0
3 WISE_0855–0714 Y4 25 240 08h 55m 10.83s -07° 14′ 42.5″ 0.439 ″[13] 7.43
3 沃夫359(CN Leonis) M6.0V[2] 13.44[2] 16.55[2]  2,800(100)[14] 10h 56m 29.2s +07° 00′ 53″ 0.419 10(2 10)″[7] 7.7825(390)
4 拉兰德21185(BD+36°2147) M2.0V[2] 7.47[2] 10.44[2]  3,400[15] 11h 03m 20.2s +35° 58′ 12″ 0.393 42(0 70)″[7][8] 8.2905(148) 拥有2个行星
5 天狼星
天狼星A A1V[2] −1.43[2]# 1.47[2]  9,940(210)[16] 06h 45m 08.9s −16° 42′ 58″ 0.380 02(1 28)″[7][8] 8.5828(289)
天狼星B‡ DA2[2] 8.44[2] 11.34[2] 25,000(200)[17]
6 鲁坦726-8 鲁坦 726-8 A(鲸鱼座BL) M5.5Ve 12.54[2] 15.40[2]  2,670 01h 39m 01.3s −17° 57′ 01″ 0.373 70(2 70)″[7] 8.7280(631)
鲁坦 726-8 B(鲸鱼座UV) M6.0Ve 12.99[2] 15.85[2] ~2,600
6.5 WISE 1541-2250 Y0 21.16±0.36 20.99±0.52 15h 41m 51.57s −22° 50′ 25.03″ 0.351″ ± 0.108″[18] 9.3 +4.1/–2.2[18]
7 罗斯154(V1216 Sagittarii) M3.5Ve 10.43[2] 13.07[2]  2,700 18h 49m 49.4s −23° 50′ 10″ 0.336 90(1 78)″[7][8] 9.6813(512)
8 罗斯248(HH Andromedae) M5.5Ve 12.29[2] 14.79[2] ? 23h 41m 54.7s +44° 10′ 30″ 0.316 00(1 10)″[7] 10.322(36)
9 天苑四(BD−09°697) K2V[2] 3.73[2]# 6.19[2]  5,100 03h 32m 55.8s −09° 27′ 30″ 0.309 99(0 79)″[7][8] 10.522(27) 拥有1个行星﹙b
10 拉卡伊9352(CD−36°15693) M1.5Ve 7.34[2] 9.75[2]  3,340 23h 05m 52.0s −35° 51′ 11″ 0.303 64(0 87)″[7][8] 10.742(31) 拥有2个行星
11 罗斯128(FI Virginis) M4.0Vn 11.13[2] 13.51[2]  2,800 11h 47m 44.4s +00° 48′ 16″ 0.298 72(1 35)″[7][8] 10.919(49) 拥有1个行星﹙b
12 宝瓶座EZ
(GJ 866,鲁坦 789-6)
EZ Aquarii A M5.0Ve 13.33[2] 15.64[2] ? 22h 38m 33.4s −15° 18′ 07″ 0.289 50(4 40)″[7] 11.266(171)
EZ Aquarii B M? 13.27[2] 15.58[2] ?
EZ Aquarii C M? 14.03[2] 16.34[2] ?
13 南河三
南河三 A F5V-IV[2] 0.38[2]# 2.66[2]  6,650 07h 39m 18.1s +05° 13′ 30″ 0.286 05(0 81)″[7][8] 11.402(32)
南河三 B DA[2] 10.70[2] 12.98[2]  9,700
14 天津增二十九 61 Cygni A(BD+38°4343) K5.0V[2] 5.21[2]# 7.49[2]  4,640 21h 06m 53.9s +38° 44′ 58″ 0.286 04(0 56)″[7][8] 11.403(22)
61 Cygni B(BD+38°4344) K7.0V[2] 6.03[2]# 8.31[2]  4,440 21h 06m 55.3s +38° 44′ 31″
15 Struve 2398
(GJ 725, BD+59°1915)
Struve 2398 A(HD 173739) M3.0V[2] 8.90[2] 11.16[2] ? 18h 42m 46.7s +59° 37′ 49″ 0.283 00(1 69)″[7][8] 11.525(69)
Struve 2398 B(HD 173740) M3.5V[2] 9.69[2] 11.95[2] ? 18h 42m 46.9s +59° 37′ 37″
16 Groombridge 34
(GJ 15)
Groombridge 34 A(GX Andromedae) M1.5V[2] 8.08[2] 10.32[2] ? 0h 18m 22.9s +44° 01′ 23″ 0.280 59(0 95)″[7][8] 11.624(39) 拥有2个行星
Groombridge 34 B(GQ Andromedae) M3.5V[2] 11.06[2] 13.30[2] ?
17 波斯七
Epsilon Indi A K5Ve[2] 4.69[2]# 6.89[2]  4,280 22h 03m 21.7s −56° 47′ 10″ 0.275 84(0 69)″[7][8] 11.824(30) 拥有1个行星
Epsilon Indi Ba T1.0V >23 >25  1,280 22h 04m 10.5s −56° 46′ 58″
Epsilon Indi Bb T6.0V >23 >25    850
18 巨蟹座DX(G 51-15) M6.5Ve 14.78[2] 16.98[2] ? 08h 29m 49.5s +26° 46′ 37″ 0.275 80(3 00)″[7] 11.826(129)
19 天仓五(BD−16°295) G8Vp[2] 3.49[2]# 5.68[2]  5,344 01h 44m 04.1s −15° 56′ 15″ 0.274 39(0 76)″[7][8] 11.887(33) 拥有7个行星
20 GJ 1061(LHS 1565) M5.5V[2] 13.09[2] 15.26[2] ? 03h 35m 59.7s −44° 30′ 45″ 0.272 01(1 30)″[19] 11.991(57) [20][21]拥有3个行星
21 鲸鱼座YZ星(LHS 138) M4.5V[2] 12.02[2] 14.17[2] ? 01h 12m 30.6s −16° 59′ 56″ 0.268 84(2 95)″[7][8] 12.132(133)
22 鲁坦星(BD+05°1668) M3.5Vn 9.86[2] 11.97[2] ? 07h 27m 24.5s +05° 13′ 33″ 0.263 76(1 25)″[7][8] 12.366(59) 拥有2个行星
23 蒂加登星(SO025300.5+165258) M6.5V 15.14[2] 17.22[2] ? 02h 53m 00.9s +16° 52′ 53″ 0.260 63(2 69)″[19] 12.514(129) [21]拥有2个行星
24 SCR 1845-6357 SCR 1845-6357 A M8.5V[2] 17.39 19.41 ? 18h 45m 05.3s −63° 57′ 48″ 0.259 45(1 11)″[19] 12.571(54) [21]
SCR 1845-6357 B T6[22] ? ?    950[22] 18h 45m 02.6s −63° 57′ 52″
25 卡普坦星(CD−45°1841) M1.5V[2] 8.84[2] 10.87[2]  3,800 05h 11m 40.6s −45° 01′ 06″ 0.255 27(0 86)″[7][8] 12.777(43) 拥有2个行星
26 Lacaille 8760(AX Microscopii) M0.0V[2] 6.67[2] 8.69[2]  3,340 21h 17m 15.3s −38° 52′ 03″ 0.253 43(1 12)″[7][8] 12.870(57)
27 Kruger 60
Kruger 60 A M3.0V[2] 9.79[2] 11.76[2]  3,180 22h 27m 59.5s +57° 41′ 45″ 0.248 06(1 39)″[7][10] 13.149(74)
Kruger 60 B(DO Cephei) M4.0V[2] 11.41[2] 13.38[2]  2,890
28 DEN 1048-3956 M8.5V[2] 17.39[2] 19.37[2] ? 10h 48m 14.7s −39° 56′ 06″ 0.247 71(1 55)″[19] 13.167(82) [23][24]
29 罗斯614
(V577 Monocerotis, GJ 234)
Ross 614A(LHS 1849) M4.5V[2] 11.15[2] 13.09[2] ? 06h 29m 23.4s −02° 48′ 50″ 0.244 34(2 01)″[7][10] 13.349(110)
Ross 614B(LHS 1850) M5.5V 14.23[2] 16.17[2] ?
30 Gl 628(Wolf 1061, BD−12°4523) M3.0V[2] 10.07[2] 11.93[2] ? 16h 30m 18.1s −12° 39′ 45″ 0.236 01(1 67)″[7][8] 13.820(98) 拥有3个行星﹙b,c,d﹚
31 范马南星(Gl 35, LHS 7) DZ7[2] 12.38[2] 14.21[2] ? 00h 49m 09.9s +05° 23′ 19″ 0.231 88(1 79)″[7][8] 14.066(109)
32 格利泽1(CD−37°15492) M3.0V[2] 8.55[2] 10.35[2] ? 00h 05m 24.4s −37° 21′ 27″ 0.229 20(1 07)″[7][8] 14.231(66)
33 沃夫424
(室女座FL,LHS 333, GJ 473)
Wolf 424 A M5.5Ve 13.18[2] 14.97[2] ? 12h 33m 17.2s +09° 01′ 15″ 0.227 90(4 60)″[7] 14.312(289)
Wolf 424 B M7Ve 13.17[2] 14.96[2] ?
34 白羊座TZ(GJ 83.1, Luyten 1159-16) M4.5V[2] 12.27[2] 14.03[2] ? 02h 00m 13.2s +13° 03′ 08″ 0.224 80(2 90)″[7] 14.509(187) 拥有1个行星
35 Gl 687(LHS 450, BD+68°946) M3.0V[2] 9.17[2] 10.89[2] ? 17h 36m 25.9s +68° 20′ 21″ 0.220 49(0 82)″[7][8] 14.793(55) 拥有2个行星
36 LHS 292(LP 731-58) M6.5V[2] 15.60[2] 17.32[2] ? 10h 48m 12.6s −11° 20′ 14″ 0.220 30(3 60)″[7] 14.805(242)
37 Gl 674(LHS 449) M3.0V[2] 9.38[2] 11.09[2] ? 17h 28m 39.9s −46° 53′ 43″ 0.220 25(1 59)″[7][8] 14.809(107) 拥有1个行星
38 GJ 1245 GJ 1245 A M5.5V[2] 13.46[2] 15.17[2] ? 19h 53m 54.2s +44° 24′ 55″ 0.220 20(1 00)″[7] 14.812(67)
GJ 1245 B M6.0V[2] 14.01[2] 15.72[2] ? 19h 53m 55.2s +44° 24′ 56″
GJ 1245 C M? 16.75[2] 18.46[2] ? 19h 53m 54.2s +44° 24′ 55″
39 GJ 440(WD 1142-645) DQ6[2] 11.50[2] 13.18[2]  7,500 11h 45m 42.9s −64° 50′ 29″ 0.216 57(2 01)″[7][8] 15.060(140)
40 GJ 1002 M5.5V[2] 13.76[2] 15.40[2] ? 00h 06m 43.8s −07° 32′ 22″ 0.213 00(3 60)″[7] 15.313(259) 拥有2个行星
41 罗斯780(GJ 876) M3.5V[2] 10.17[2] 11.81[2]  3,480 22h 53m 16.7s −14° 15′ 49″ 0.212 59(1 96)″[7][8] 15.342(141) 拥有4个行星﹙bcde
42 LHS 288(Luyten 143-23) M5.5V[2] 13.90[2] 15.51[2] ? 10h 44m 21.2s −61° 12′ 36″ 0.208 95(2 73)″[19] 15.610(204) [21]
43 GJ 412 GJ 412 A M1.0V[2] 8.77[2] 10.34[2] ? 11h 05m 28.6s +43° 31′ 36″ 0.206 02(1 08)″[7][8] 15.832(83)
GJ 412 B(WX Ursae Majoris) M5.5V[2] 14.48[2] 16.05[2] ? 11h 05m 30.4s +43° 31′ 18″
44 Groombridge 1618(GJ 380) K7.0V[2] 6.59[2] 8.16[2]  4,000 10h 11m 22.1s +49° 27′ 15″ 0.205 81(0 67)″[7][8] 15.848(52)
45 GJ 388 M3.0V[2] 9.32[2] 10.87[2] ? 10h 19m 36.4s +19° 52′ 10″ 0.204 60(2 80)″[7] 15.942(218)
46 GJ 832 M3.0V[2] 8.66[2] 10.20[2] ? 21h 33m 34.0s −49° 00′ 32″ 0.202 78(1 32)″[7][8] 16.085(105) 拥有1个行星﹙b
47 DEN 0255-4700 L7.5V[2] 22.92[2] 24.44[2] ? 02h 55m 03.7s −47° 00′ 52″ 0.201 37(3 89)″[19] 16.197(313) [24]
48 GJ 682 M4.5V[2] 10.95[2] 12.45[2] ? 17h 37m 03.7s −44° 19′ 09″ 0.199 65(2 30)″[7][8] 16.337(188)
49 波江座40
(40 Eridani, Gliese 166)
Keid (A)$ K0.5V 4.43# 5.93 5,202 04h 15m 16.3s -07° 39′ 10″ 0.199 69 16.34
B‡ DA4 9.52 11.02 ? 04h 15m 21.8s −07° 39′ 29″
C M4V 11.24 12.74 3,167 04h 15m 21.5s −07° 39′ 22″
50 蝎虎座EV M3.5 V 10.22 11.70 3,291 22h 46m 49.7s +44° 20′ 02″ 0.197 957 16.4761 恒星上所见到最明亮的闪焰事件
51 宗人四 (Gliese 702) A$ K0V 4.21# 5.66 5,419 18h 05m 27.4s +02° 29′ 59″ 0.195 2166[25] 16.7074
B$ K5V 6.01# 7.46 4,393 18h 05m 27.5s +02° 29′ 56″
52 牛郎星 (Alpha Aquilae)$ A7 IV-Vn 0.77# 2.22 7,377 19h 50m 47.0s +08° 52′ 06″ 0.194 95[26] 16.730
53 巨蟹座EI (GJ 1116, G 9-38) A M5.5V 14.06 15.50 ? 08h 58m 15.2s +19° 45′ 47″ 0.194 1443 16.800
B M V 14.92 16.36
54 WISE J150649.97+702736.1§ T6 13.74 J 15.17 J ? 15h 06m 52.4s +70° 27′ 25″ 0.193 5 16.856
55 GJ 3379 (G 99-49) M3.5V 11.31 12.73 3,284 06h 00m 03.5s +02° 42′ 24″ 0.192 0135 16.9861
56 DENIS J081730.0-615520§ T6 13.61 J 15.03 J 950 08h 17m 30.1s −61° 55′ 16″ 0.191 8362 17.002
57 格利泽445 (LHS 2459, G 254-29) M3.5V 10.79 12.19 3,369 11h 47m 41.4s +78° 41′ 28″ 0.190 3251 17.1368
58 2MASS J15404342−5101357 M7V 15.26 16.63 ? 15h 40m 43.5s -51° 01′ 36″ 0.187 7290 17.3738
59 2MASS 0939−2448 T8V 15.61 J 16.97 J 500 09h 39m 35.5s −24° 48′ 28″ 0.187 3[27] 17.41 棕矮星联星系统
T8V ?
60 格利泽3323 (LHS 1723, LP 656-38) M4V 12.22 13.57 3,288 05h 01m 57.4s −06° 56′ 46″ 0.186 0466 17.5309 拥有2个行星
61 格利泽526 (Wolf 498, HD 119850) M1V 8.46 9.78 3,521 13h 45m 43.8s +14° 53′ 29″ 0.183 9962 17.7263
62 施泰因2051 (Gliese 169.1, G 175-34) A M4V 11.04 12.33 3,277 04h 31m 11.5s +58° 58′ 37″ 0.181 2730 17.9925
B‡ DC5 12.43 13.72 7,130 04h 31m 12.6s +58° 58′ 41″
63 WISEP J111448.80-261828.2§ T7.5 15.86 J 17.12 J 750 11h 14m 51.3s −26° 18′ 24″ 0.179 2[28] 18.20
64 格利泽251 (Wolf 294, HD 265866) M3V 10.02 11.29 3,451 06h 54m 49.0s +33° 16′ 05″ 0.179 0629 18.2146 拥有1个行星
65 LP 816-60 M3.5V 11.50 12.75 3,239 20h 52m 33.0s -16° 58′ 29″ 0.177 9312 18.3305
66 WISEA J183537.82+325945.4 M8.5V 18.27 19.50 2,400 18h 35m 37.9s +32° 59′ 55″ 0.175 7930 18.5534
67 格利泽205 (Wolf 1453, HD 36395) M1V 7.95 9.17 3,891 05h 31m 27.4s −03° 40′ 38″ 0.175 3131 18.6042
68 WISE J041521.21-093500.6§ T8 15.34 J 16.56 J ? 04h 15m 19.5s −09° 35′ 07″ 0.175 2[28] 18.708
69 格利泽229 (HD 42581) A M1.5V 8.14 9.34 3,837 06h 10m 34.6s −21° 51′ 53″ 0.173 5740 18.7906 拥有2个行星
T6V 14.01 J 15.21 J ?
70 天厨二 (Sigma Draconis)$ G9V 4.67# 5.87 5,338 19h 32m 21.6s +69° 39′ 40″ 0.173 4939 18.7993
71 罗斯47 (Gliese 213) M4V 11.57 12.76 3,311 05h 42m 09.3s +12° 29′ 21″ 172.6762 18.8883
72 格利泽570
(Lalande 27173, 33 G. Librae)
A$ K4V 5.64# 6.79 4,625 14h 57m 28.0s -21° 24′ 56″ 0.169 8843 19.1987
B M1.5V 8.30 9.45 4.077
C M 9.96 11.11 ?
T7.5 15.32 J 16.47 J 500
73 格利泽693 (Luyten 205-128) M3V 10.76 11.91 3,386 17h 46m 32.4s -57° 19′ 09″ 0.169 8042 19.2078
74 葛利斯754 (Luyten 347-14) M4V 12.23 13.37 ? 19h 20m 48.0s −45° 33′ 30″ 0.169 2351 19.2724
75 格利泽908 (Lalande 46650, BR Piscium) M1V 8.98 10.12 3,653 23h 49m 12.5s +02° 24′ 04″ 0.169 2163 19.2745
76 格利泽752 (Wolf 1055, HD 180617) A M2.5V 9.10 10.24 3,570 19h 16m 55.3s +05° 10′ 08″ 0.169 0615 19.2922 拥有1个行星
B (VB 10) M8V 17.45 18.59 2,600 19h 16m 57.6s +05° 09′ 02″ 非常细小和暗淡的红矮星
77 葛利泽588 (CD-40 9712) M2.5V 9.31 10.45 3,501 15h 32m 12.9s -41° 16′ 32″ 0.168 9965 19.2996
78 王良三 (Gliese 34) Achird (A)$ G3V 3.46# 4.60 5,937 00h 49m 06.3s +57° 48′ 55″ 0.168 7186 19.3314
B K7V 7.51 8.65 ?
79 WISE 0350−5658§ Y1 22.47 J 23.70 J ? 03h 50m 00.3s -56° 58′ 30″ 0.176 4[29] 19.41
80 蛇夫座36 (Gliese 663) Guniibuu (A)$ K1.5V 5.07# 6.20 5,103 17h 15m 20.9s -26° 36′ 09″ 167.9617 19.4185
B$ K1V 5.08# 6.21 5,199 17h 15m 21.0s -26° 36′ 10″
C$ K5V 6.32# 7.45 4,561 17h 16m 13.4s -26° 32′ 46″
81 小犬座YZ (Ross 882, Gliese 285) M4V 11.19 12.30 3,242 07h 44m 40.2s +03° 33′ 09″ 0.166 9769 19.5330
82 WISE 1541-2250§ Y0.5 20.99 J 22.10 J 350 15h 41m 51.6s −22° 50′ 25″ 0.166 9 19.54
83 格利泽1005 (Luyten 722-22, G 158-50) A M3.5V 11.60 12.71 3,227 00h 15m 28.1s -16° 08′ 02″ 0.166 6[30] 19.577
B M V 14.02 15.13 ?
84 HR 7703 (279 G. Sagittarii, HD 191408, Gliese 783, IRAS 20079-3614) A$ K2.5V 5.31# 6.41 4,974 20h 11m 11.93s –36° 06′ 04″ 0.166 3272 19.609
B M4V 11.50 12.60 ?
85 天园增三 (e Eridani, Gliese 139, HD 20794)$ G8V 4.26# 5.35 5,401 03h 19m 55.7s −43° 04′ 11″ 0.165 5242 19.7045 拥有3个行星
86 格利泽268 (Ross 986, QY Aurigae) A M4.5V 12.05 13.14 3,069 07h 10m 01.8s 38° 31′ 46″ 0.165 2147 19.7414
B M V 12.45 13.54 ?
87 孔雀六$ G8IV 3.55# 4.62 5,600 20h 08m 43.6s −66° 10′ 55″ 0.163 9544 19.893
87 SIMP0136§ T2.5 13.25 J 14.32 J ? 01h 36m 56.5s +09° 33′ 47″ 0.163 4478 19.955 流浪行星
# 系统 恒星 恒星
视星等 绝对星等 有效温度±
赤经[2] 赤纬[2] 视差[2][3]±
名称 历元J2000.0







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  2. ^ 2.000 2.001 2.002 2.003 2.004 2.005 2.006 2.007 2.008 2.009 2.010 2.011 2.012 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 2.018 2.019 2.020 2.021 2.022 2.023 2.024 2.025 2.026 2.027 2.028 2.029 2.030 2.031 2.032 2.033 2.034 2.035 2.036 2.037 2.038 2.039 2.040 2.041 2.042 2.043 2.044 2.045 2.046 2.047 2.048 2.049 2.050 2.051 2.052 2.053 2.054 2.055 2.056 2.057 2.058 2.059 2.060 2.061 2.062 2.063 2.064 2.065 2.066 2.067 2.068 2.069 2.070 2.071 2.072 2.073 2.074 2.075 2.076 2.077 2.078 2.079 2.080 2.081 2.082 2.083 2.084 2.085 2.086 2.087 2.088 2.089 2.090 2.091 2.092 2.093 2.094 2.095 2.096 2.097 2.098 2.099 2.100 2.101 2.102 2.103 2.104 2.105 2.106 2.107 2.108 2.109 2.110 2.111 2.112 2.113 2.114 2.115 2.116 2.117 2.118 2.119 2.120 2.121 2.122 2.123 2.124 2.125 2.126 2.127 2.128 2.129 2.130 2.131 2.132 2.133 2.134 2.135 2.136 2.137 2.138 2.139 2.140 2.141 2.142 2.143 2.144 2.145 2.146 2.147 2.148 2.149 2.150 2.151 2.152 2.153 2.154 2.155 2.156 2.157 2.158 2.159 2.160 2.161 2.162 2.163 2.164 2.165 2.166 2.167 2.168 2.169 2.170 2.171 2.172 2.173 2.174 2.175 2.176 2.177 2.178 2.179 2.180 引用错误:没有为名为RECONS的参考文献提供内容
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Parallaxes given by RECONS are a weighted mean of values in the sources given, as well as measurements by the RECONS program.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 From parallax.
  5. ^ Sun Fact Sheet页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), NASA. Accessed on line 2007-11-08.
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  8. ^ 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 8.21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 8.28 Hipparcos Catalogue.
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