


這是按人口排名的世界連續城市區域的列表。數據來自兩個來源:Demographia的「World Urban Areas」研究[1],以及citypopulation.de,由應用攝影測量與地理信息學研究所(Institut für Angewandte Photogrammetrie und Geoinformatik)的Thomas Brinkhoff創建。[2]





W:根據世界銀行Urban Area 2015 estimate的人口估計值。

除非相鄰國家之間可自由流動(包括勞動力),否則城市地區僅限於一個國家。目前,該條件僅在歐盟的一些大陸國家和瑞士之間得到滿足(例如法國比利時里爾-科特賴克德國荷蘭亞琛-瓦爾斯德國法國薩爾布魯根-福爾巴克、瑞士和法國的日內瓦 -安納馬斯,以及瑞士、德國和法國的巴塞爾-羅拉赫-聖路易)。因此,美國加拿大底特律-溫莎以及美國和墨西哥聖地牙哥-蒂華納都不被視為單一的城市地區。此外,深圳香港被視為獨立的城市地區,主要是因為兩者之間的勞工流動是受限的,前者是中華人民共和國廣東省內的一個城市,後者是中華人民共和國的特別行政區


城市地區 人口統計[1] 排名/備註[2]
城市 國家/地區 人口 面積
人口 / 面積
排名 人口 備註
1 1 東京橫濱首都圈[4]  日本 38,050,000 8,547 4,500 C / B 2 39,800,000 千葉市川崎市前橋市相模原市埼玉市宇都宮市橫濱市
2 2 雅加達[5]  印度尼西亞 32,275,000 3,302 9,800 C / B 4 28,900,000 當地稱Jabodetabek英語Jabodetabek,含勿加泗茂物德波丹格朗南丹格朗
3 4 德里國家首都轄區[6]  印度 27,280,000 2,202 12,400 A / B 5 27,200,000 法里達巴德加濟阿巴德古爾岡諾伊達
4 6 馬尼拉馬尼拉大都會[7]  菲律賓 24,650,000 1,787 13,600 C / B 8 24,100,000 加洛坎市奎松市
5 3 首爾-仁川首都圈[8]  南韓 24,210,000 2,745 8,800 C / B 7 24,800,000 富川市高陽市仁川市城南市水原市
6 5 上海[9] 中國大陸 24,115,000 4,015 6,000 L / B 3 31,100,000 蘇州
7 13 孟買[10]  印度 23,265,000 881 26,400 C / B 9 23,600,000 孟買新孟買Bhiwandi-Nizampur Municipal CorporationKalyan-Dombivali塔那烏爾哈斯訥格爾瓦塞維拉爾
8 8 紐約[11]  美國 21,575,000 11,875 1,700 N / A 11 22,200,000 橋港紐華克紐哈芬
9 11 北京[12] 中國大陸 21,250,000 4,144 5,100 L / B 13 20,700,000
10 9 聖保羅[13]  巴西 21,100,000 3,043 6,900 C / B 12 21,900,000 Guarulhos
11 10 墨西哥城[14]  墨西哥 20,565,000 2,370 8,700 C / B 10 22,300,000 Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Ecatepec, Naucalpan
12 12 廣州佛山廣佛[15] 中國大陸 19,864,000 3,820 5,200 L / B 1 48,600,000 珠江三角洲地區;含東莞市佛山市, 江門市, 深圳市, 中山市;不含香港
13 21 達卡[16]  孟加拉 17,425,000 368 47,400 C / B 14 17,900,000
14 14 大阪神戶京都京阪神[17]  日本 17,165,000 3,238 5,300 C / B 15 17,800,000 姬路市神戶市京都市堺市
15 15 莫斯科[18]  俄羅斯 16,855,000 5,698 3,000 C / B 19 17,100,000
16 16 大開羅英語Greater Cairo  埃及 16,545,000 1,917 8,600 C / B 19 17,100,000 Al-Jizah, Hulwan, Shubra al-Khaymah
17 20 曼谷  泰國 15,975,000 3,043 5,200 C / B 18 17,400,000
18 17 洛杉磯[19]  美國 15,620,000 6,299 2,300 N / A 16 17,700,000 Anaheim, Riverside
19 22 布宜諾斯艾利斯[20]  阿根廷 15,520,000 3,212 4,800 C / B 22 16,000,000 聖胡斯托拉普拉塔
20 19 加爾各答  印度 15,095,000 1,347 11,200 A / B 21 16,200,000 豪拉
21 23 伊斯坦堡  土耳其 13,995,000 1,360 10,300 C / B 23 14,600,000
22 22 德黑蘭[21]  伊朗 13,945,000 1,748 8,000 C / B 25 14,000,000 卡拉季
23 15 拉哥斯  奈及利亞 13,910,000 1,502 9,300 W / B 17 17,600,000
24 32 天津[22] 中國大陸 13,655,000 2,771 4,900 L / B 28 11,800,000
25 7 喀拉蚩[23]  巴基斯坦 13,255,000 1,036 12,800 C / B 6 25,100,000 Based on population estimates before completion of 2017 Census.
26 24 深圳[15] 中國大陸 12,905,000 1,748 7,400 L / B (已包含於廣州)
27 31 金夏沙[24]  剛果民主共和國 12,350,000 583 21,200 C / B 30 10,900,000
28 26 里約熱內盧  巴西 11,990,000 1,917 6,300 C / B 27 12,700,000 新伊瓜蘇聖貢薩洛
29 39 成都 中國大陸 11,430,000 1,761 6,500 L / B 38 9,750,000 雙流區
30 30 利馬  秘魯 11,355,000 894 12,700 C / B 35 10,100,000
31 42 拉合爾  巴基斯坦 11,070,000 896 12,400 C / B 32 10,500,000
32 27 巴黎  法國 10,980,000 2,845 3,700 A / A 29 11,300,000
33 33 班加羅爾  印度 10,920,000 1,166 9,400 A / B 31 10,800,000
34 37 胡志明市(西貢)  越南 10,690,000 1,580 6,800 C / B 44 8,300,000 邊和市
35 29 倫敦[25]  英國 10,585,000 1,738 5,600 A / A 24 14,500,000
36 35 欽奈  印度 10,555,000 1,049 10,100 A / B 34 10,300,000
37 28 名古屋中京圈[26]  日本 10,105,000 3,885 2,600 C / B 32 10,500,000
38 36 波哥大  哥倫比亞 9,965,000 562 17,700 C / B 39 9,500,000
39 41 海得拉巴  印度 9,595,000 1,230 7,800 A / B 40 9,200,000
40 34 芝加哥[27]  美國 9,160,000 6,856 1,300 N / A 37 9,800,000
41 43 約翰尼斯堡東蘭德英語East Rand[28]  南非 9,115,000 2,590 3,500 C / B 26 13,100,000 東蘭德伊瓦頓普勒托利亞Soshanguve索維托弗里尼欣西蘭德
42 48 重慶[29] 中國大陸 8,875,000 6,000 1,479 L / B 54 7,200,000
43 40 臺北都會區[30] 臺灣 8,605,000 1,140 7,600 C / B 41 9,050,000 新北市基隆市桃園市
44 38 東莞[15] 中國大陸 8,340,000 1,619 5,200 L / B (已包含於廣州)
45 169 河內  越南 8,140,000 868 9,400 C / B 139 3,450,000
46 60 瀋陽[31] 中國大陸 8,095,000 1,502 5,400 C / B 47 7,800,000 撫順市
47 44 武漢 中國大陸 7,980,000 1,528 5,200 L / B 46 8,100,000
48 47 艾哈邁達巴德  印度 7,880,000 350 22,500 A / B 49 7,650,000
49 529 奧尼沙  奈及利亞 7,850,000 1,965 4,000 W / B 495 1,100,000
50 49 吉隆坡巴生谷[32]  馬來西亞 7,820,000 2,163 3,600 C / B 62 6,800,000 巴生市
51 64 魯安達  安哥拉 7,560,000 894 7,700 C / B 51 7,450,000
52 46 香港[15]  香港 7,380,000 285 25,900 C / B 53 7,300,000 包含香港特別行政區全域
53 83 波士頓[33]  美國 7,315,000 9,189 800 N / A 50 7,550,000 普洛維登斯
54 51 巴格達  伊拉克 7,135,000 673 10,600 D / B 58 7,000,000
55 50 杭州[9] 中國大陸 7,100,000 1,269 6,000 L / B 42 8,450,000 紹興
56 89 鄭州滎陽 中國大陸 7,005,000 1,295 4,400 L / B 89 4,800,000
57 57 泉州[34] 中國大陸 6,720,000 1,645 4,300 L / B (已包含於廈門)
58 45 埃森杜塞道夫魯爾區[35]  德國 6,665,000 2,655 2,500 C / B 72 5,700,000
59 52 多倫多漢彌爾頓  加拿大 6,635,000 2,287 2,900 N / A 54 7,200,000 含Hamilton
60 55 達拉斯沃思堡[36]  美國 6,600,000 5,175 1,100 N / A 63 6,750,000 含Fort Worth
61 56 舊金山灣區  美國 6,540,000 2,797 2,100 N / A 48 7,700,000 Concord, Oakland, San Jose, Santa Rosa
62 59 南京[9] 中國大陸 6,525,000 1,489 4,400 L / B 57 7,050,000
63 54 馬德里  西班牙 6,385,000 1,360 4,700 C / B 65 6,250,000
64 53 聖地牙哥[37]  智利 6,350,000 1,140 5,600 C / B 56 7,150,000
65 63 休士頓[38]  美國 6,285,000 4,841 1,100 N / A 64 6,350,000
66 69 利雅德  沙烏地阿拉伯 6,220,000 1,658 3,800 C / B 60 6,900,000
67 73 蘇拉特  印度 6,200,000 233 26,600 A / B 70 5,900,000
68 58 邁阿密[39]  美國 6,195,000 3,209 1,700 A / A 67 6,200,000 Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach
69 86 蘇州[9] 中國大陸 6,175,000 1,360 4,500 C / B (已包含於上海)
70 67 普納  印度 6,110,000 583 10,500 A / B 65 6,250,000 Pimpri-Chinchwad
71 74 萬隆  印度尼西亞 5,945,000 557 10,700 C / B 68 6,050,000
72 66 新加坡[40]  新加坡 5,930,000 518 11,400 A / B 59 6,950,000 新山市(馬來西亞)
72 85 青島即墨 中國大陸 5,930,000 1,632 3,600 L / B 71 5,850,000
74 65 西安咸陽[41] 中國大陸 5,905,000 1,088 5,400 L / B 61 6,850,000 咸陽市
75 84 奈洛比  肯亞 5,765,000 829 7,000 C / B 78 5,350,000
76 62 費城[11]  美國 5,575,000 5,131 1,100 A / A 52 7,350,000 Allentown, Trenton
77 77 仰光  緬甸 5,550,000 596 9,300 C / B 80 5,250,000
78 70 喀土穆  蘇丹 5,490,000 971 5,700 C / B 72 5,700,000
79 245 福州 中國大陸 5,400,000 1,243 4,300 L / B 118 4,025,000
80 75 亞特蘭大[42]  美國 5,325,000 7,296 600 N / A 75 5,600,000
81 68 米蘭[43]  義大利 5,290,000 1,891 2,800 C / B 84 5,150,000
82 72 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區[44]  美國 5,180,000 3,424 1,300 A / A 43 8,400,000 巴爾的摩
83 71 聖彼德堡[45]  俄羅斯 5,175,000 1,347 3,800 C / B 77 5,500,000
84 79 阿必尚  象牙海岸 5,145,000 376 13,700 W / B 82 5,200,000
85 82 哈爾濱[46] 中國大陸 5,115,000 609 8,400 C / B 79 5,300,000
86 329 安曼  約旦 5,020,000 855 5,900 C / B 82 5,200,000
87 104 三蘭港  坦尚尼亞 4,980,000 596 8,400 C / B 76 5,550,000
88 79 亞歷山卓  埃及 4,960,000 293 16,900 C / B 80 5,250,000
89 96 科威特城  科威特 4,860,000 712 6,800 C / B 104 4,275,000
90 87 安卡拉  土耳其 4,850,000 660 7,300 C / B 91 4,750,000
91 78 巴塞羅納  西班牙 4,840,000 1,075 4,500 C / B 95 4,650,000
92 81 瓜達拉哈拉  墨西哥 4,830,000 803 6,000 C / B 85 5,050,000 Zapopan
93 61 貝洛哈里桑塔  巴西 4,750,000 1,269 3,700 C / B 87 4,950,000
94 99 大連 中國大陸 4,600,000 971 4,700 C / B 96 4,600,000
95 155 貴陽 中國大陸 4,480,000 557 8,000 C / B 173 2,950,000
96 151 溫州 中國大陸 4,460,000 479 9,300 C / B 69 5,950,000
97 136 卡薩布蘭卡  摩洛哥 4,410,000 272 16,200 C / B 108 4,225,000
98 93 雪梨  澳洲 4,390,000 2,179 2,000 A / A 86 4,975,000 Central Coast
99 91 鳳凰城[47]  美國 4,365,000 3,225 1,200 N / A 102 4,400,000
100 359 泗水  印度尼西亞 4,325,000 907 4,800 C / B 90 4,775,000


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Demographia World Urban Areas, 14th Annual Edition (PDF). April 2018. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2018-05-03). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Brinkhoff, Thomas. Major agglomerations of the World. City Population. 2017-01-01. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-18). 
  3. ^ Demographia. Demographia World Urban Areas (PDF) 9th. March 2013. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2013-05-01). 
  4. ^ 包括神奈川千葉埼玉縣的大部分,以及群馬栃木茨城縣的小部分。
  5. ^ Various international sources limit their population estimates to DKI Jakarta itself (the national capital district). However, the urbanization of Jakarta extends into the regencies of Tangerang, Bekasi, Bogor and Karawang and the separate cities of Bekasi, Depok and Bogor. Excludes urban areas of Karawang (650,000; 207 km2) and Serang (525,000; 65 km2).
  6. ^ Includes Faridabad, Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurgaon and Bahadurgarh. Excludes urban area of Meerut (1,489,000; 104 km2).
  7. ^ The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), tend to be limited to Metro Manila, which is a province-level jurisdiction. The continuous urbanization of Manila extends outward into Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal and Batangas provinces. The Demographia population estimate is a "build-up" of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  8. ^ Includes satellite cities in Gyeonggi Province such as Suwon, Goyang, Seongnam, Yongin, Bucheon and Ansand which are treated as separate urban agglomerations by the United Nations. Excludes urban area of Cheonan (500,000; 57 km2) in Chungcheongnam-do.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Ningbo, Changzhou, Shaoxing, and urban area of Zhangjiaggang-Jiangyin within the prefecture-level cities of Suzhou and Wuxi are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Yangtze River Delta economic zone. Huai'an (1,856,000; 148 km2), Xuzhou (1,246,000; 233 km2), Nantong (1,036,000; 233 km2), Lianyungang (985,000; 155 km2), Zhenjiang (983,000; 168 km2), Yancheng (797,000; 207 km2), Huzhou (690,000; 111 km2), Taizhou (in Jiangsu Province; 300,000; 117 km2) and Suqian (220,000; 36 km2), as well as urban areas of Yangzhou (1,593,000; 233 km2) and Gaoyou (180,000; 39 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Yangzhou, urban areas of Kunshan (1,596,000; 492 km2), Changshu (1,139,000; 285 km2) and Taicang (523,000; 117 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Suzhou, urban areas of Cixi (1,200,000; 298 km2) and Yuyao (650,000; 122 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Ningbo, urban areas of Jiaxing (1,044,000; 259 km2) and Tongxiang (510,000; 52 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jiaxing, urban areas of Wenling (510,000; 52 km2), Jiaojiang (375,000; 41 km2) and Huangyan (200,000; 34 km2) within the prefectrure-level city of Taizhou (in Zhejiang Province), urban areas of Zhuji (500,000; 117 km2) and Shangyu (400,000; 158 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Shaoxing, urban areas of Yiwu-Dongyang (925,000; 233 km2), Jinhua (520,000; 186 km2), Yongkang (500,000; 223 km2), Dongyang (260,000; 104 km2) and Lanxi (220,000; 34 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jinhua, and urban area of Fuyang (450,000; 49 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Hangzhou are also excluded.
  10. ^ Includes Kalyan, and the Panvel urban area. As of 2016, also includes the Census of India urban areas of Bhiwandi, Kalyan, VasaiVirar beginning in 2016.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Demographia defines urban area of New York as a combination of New York–Newark, BridgeportStamford, New Haven, Trenton, Danbury and Twin Rivers urbanized areas. New York and Philadelphia (same with Philadelphia urbanized area) are treated as separate urban areas. Urban areas of Hartford (925,000; 1,336 km2), AllentownBethlehem (665,000; 896 km2), Springfield (621,000; 904 km2), Harrisburg (446,000; 673 km2), Poughkeepsie (427,000; 847 km2), Lancaster (405,000; 642 km2), Reading (284,000; 269 km2), Atlantic City (250,000; 324 km2), York (235,000; 342 km2), NorwichNew London (209,000; 394 km2), Waterbury (195,000; 233 km2) and Pottstown (108,000; 205 km2) are also excluded.
  12. ^ Excludes urban areas of Baoding (1,283,000; 220 km2), Zhangjiakou (1,322,000; 220 km2) and Chengde (108,000; 23 km2).
  13. ^ Includes Francisco Morato. Excludes urban area of Santos (1,716,000; 207 km2).
  14. ^ Excludes urban areas of Toluca (1,747,000; 220 km2) and Cuernavaca (675,000; 171 km2).
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 由於存在海關邊境,勞動力、移民不能自由流動,香港和深圳被視為分別的城區。廣州-佛山、深圳、東莞和中山也視作分別的城市地區,它們共同構成了珠江三角洲地區。儘管廣州和佛山因經濟緊密融合而合併為一個城區,珠三角其他地區仍被分為獨立的城區。Thus, urban areas of Huizhou (1,387,000; 168 km2), Zhuhai (1,274,000; 246 km2) and Zhaoqing (500,000; 65 km2) as well as urban areas of Jiangmen (920,000; 259 km2) and Taishan (204,000; 44 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Jiangmen, urban area of Lishui (300,000; 44 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Foshan and urban are of Macau (560,000; 21 km2) in the Macau Special Administrative Region are excluded. Urban area of Guangzhou–Foshan includes Shunde within the prefecture-level city of Foshan, which has been excluded in the 2011 edition. Urban area of Shenzhen includes Huiyang within the prefecture-level city of Huizhou, which has been excluded in the 2010 edition. Urban area of Huizhou includes only Huicheng District. The Demographia estimate for Dongguan is lower than last year, because local estimates previously used were higher than reported in the 2010 census.
  16. ^ Includes urban area of Narayanganj which has been excluded in the 2011 edition.
  17. ^ Includes Nara and Himeji. United Nations estimates separate Osaka–Kobe and Kyoto and exclude both Nara and Himeji. Excludes urban area of Ōtsu (775,000; 303 km2) and Wakayama (430,000; 91 km2).
  18. ^ The population estimate is suspect, due to the lack of readily available data for local areas outside the city jurisdiction (Moscow Oblast). Demographia is indebted to Richard Forstall, who has provided local authority area population data for portions of Moscow Oblast within the Moscow urban areas. Other estimates (such as the United Nations estimate) include only the municipality of Moscow, which includes only part of the urban footprint. Includes ElektrostalNoginsk within Moscow Oblast, which has been excluded in the 2011 edition.
  19. ^ Combination of Los Angeles–Long BeachSanta Ana, RiversideSan Bernardino and Mission Viejo urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of TemeculaMurrieta (472,000; 420 km2), IndioPalm Springs (370,000; 373 km2), Oxnard (369,000; 218 km2), LancasterPalmdale (358,000; 300 km2), VictorvilleHesperiaApple Valley (350,000; 433 km2), Santa Clarita (272,000; 199 km2), Thousand Oaks (216,000; 223 km2), Santa Barbara (196,000; 145 km2), Hemet (163,000; 127 km2) and Simi Valley (126,000; 80 km2).
  20. ^ Excludes urban area of La Plata (675,000; 228 km2) which has been included in the 2007 edition.
  21. ^ Includes Eslamshahr and Karaj which has been excluded in the 2012 edition.
  22. ^ Tianjin and Tangshan are treated as separate urban areas. Urban areas of Cangzhou (500,000; 130 km2) and Langfang (465,000; 130 km2) as well as urban area of Qian'an (400,000; 168 km2) within the prefecture-level city of Tangshan are also excluded. The population of the urban area of Tianjin is lower than other estimates (such as the United Nations), which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area. The Demographia population estimate is a "build-up" of sub-municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration).
  23. ^ The population is lower than other estimates (such as the United Nations), which include metropolitan area population not within the continuously developed urban area.
  24. ^ Excludes urban area of Brazzaville (1,685,000; 181 km2) in the Republic of the Congo.
  25. ^ Greater London urban area. Excludes urban areas of Reading (318,000; 84 km2), Southend-on-Sea (295,000; 72 km2), Aldershot (252,000; 79 km2), Luton (258,000; 51 km2), Medway (244,000; 52 km2), Crawley (181,000; 58 km2), Slough (164,000; 34 km2), Basildon (145,000; 37 km2), High Wycombe (133,000; 39 km2), Chelmsford (112,000; 26 km2) and Maidstone (108,000; 25 km2).
  26. ^ Includes Toyohashi.
  27. ^ Combination of Chicago, Kenosha and Round Lake BeachMcHenryGrayslake urbanized areas. Excludes urban areas of Milwaukee (1,388,000; 1,414 km2), Rockford (301,000; 396 km2), South Bend (278,000; 417 km2), Elkhart (144,000; 238 km2) and Racine (134,000; 127 km).
  28. ^ Johannesburg–East Rand and Pretoria are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Vaal Triangle. Urban area of Vereeninging (Emfuleni) (650,000; 337 km2) is also excluded.
  29. ^ Excludes urban area of Wanzhou (Wanxian) (500,000; 41 km2) within the municipality of Chongqing. The direct-controlled municipality of Chongqing, which is sometimes translated as the direct-controlled city of Chongqing, has the largest population of any organism called a city in the stretches far beyond any reasonable definition of a metropolitan area.
  30. ^ The population is higher than other estimates (such as the United Nations), which do not include all population within the continuously developed urban area (especially in New Taipei City). Includes Taoyuan and Jhongli (Chungli) which have been excluded in the 2010 edition. Excludes urban area of Hsinchu (650,000; 117 km2).
  31. ^ Excludes urban areas of Fushun (1,412,000; 130 km2) and Tieling (325,000; 65 km2).
  32. ^ The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area in the state of Selangor. Continuous urbanization extends well beyond the municipality of Kuala Lumpur, for example to Port Klang and the area represents a single labor market (metropolitan area). The Demographia population estimate is a "build-up" of municipality population within the continuously developed area (urban area or agglomeration). Excludes urban area of Seremban (500,000; 155 km2).
  33. ^ Combination of Boston, Nashua, Providence (1,187,000; 1,412 km2), Worcester (489,000; 787 km2), Barnstable (247,000; 717 km2), Manchester (159,000; 223 km2), New Bedford (149,000; 142 km2) and LeominsterFitchburg (117,000; 168 km2).
  34. ^ Includes Shishi and Jinjiang within the prefecture-level city of Quanzhou.
  35. ^ Essen–Düsseldorf and Cologne–Bonn are treated as separate urban areas which constitute the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan area. Excludes urban area of AachenVaals (585,000; 401 km2) in both Germany and the Netherlands.
  36. ^ Combination of Dallas–Fort Worth–Arlington, DentonLewisville and McKinney urbanized areas.
  37. ^ Excludes urban area of ValparaísoViña del Mar (875,000; 161 km2).
  38. ^ Combination of Houston and Conroe urbanized areas. Excludes urban area of Texas City (106,000; 197 km2).
  39. ^ Miami urbanized area. Includes former urban areas of Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, which were combined by the US Census Bureau into Miami in 2000.
  40. ^ Excludes urban area of Johor Bahru (1,640,000; 712 km2) in Malaysia and urban area of Batam (900,000; 218 km2) in Indonesia.
  41. ^ Includes Xianyang which has been excluded in the 2010 edition.
  42. ^ Atlanta urbanized area. Excludes urban areas of Gainesville (131,000; 326 km2) and Athens (129,000; 254 km2).
  43. ^ The population is higher than other agglomeration estimates (such as the United Nations), which does not include all of the continuously developed urban area, which stretches into Como, Lecco and Varese provinces. Excludes Bergamo which has been included in the 2007 edition (4,950,000; 3,043 km2 in total).
  44. ^ The US Census Bureau combines Washington and Baltimore into a single metropolitan area (consolidated area) but Demographia considers the two (same with Washington, DC and Baltimore urbanized areas) as separate urban areas. Urban areas of AberdeenHavre de Grace (214,000; 339 km2), Hagerstown (183,000; 344 km2), Frederick (142,000; 189 km2), Fredericksburg (141,000; 202 km2) and Waldorf (110,000; 176 km2) are also excluded.
  45. ^ Includes communities under the authority of the Town Council.
  46. ^ Excludes urban areas of Acheng (300,000; 39 km2) and Shangzhi (250,000; 18 km2) within the sub-provincial city of Harbin.
  47. ^ Combination of Phoenix–Mesa, Avondale and Sierra Vista urbanized area.



