

威尼斯畫派義大利文藝復興時期主要畫派之一。威尼斯共和國在14世紀是歐洲和東方的貿易中心,商業資本集中、國家強盛;藝術受拜占庭北歐風格影響;15世紀吸收了佛羅倫斯畫派英語Florentine School及曼坦那的經驗,通過貝里尼一家、安托內羅·達·梅西那等人的努力,政府和教會的利用,尤其是社會團體互助會的支持,繪畫得到發展。



  • Freedburg, Sidney J.英語Sydney Joseph Freedberg Painting in Italy, 1500–1600, 3rd edn. 1993, Yale, ISBN 0300055870
  • Gardner's: Art Through the Ages—International Edition, Brace Harcourt Jovanovich, 9th edition, 1991.
  • "RA": Martineau, Jane (ed), The Genius of Venice, 1500–1600, 1983, Royal Academy of Arts, London.
  • Martineau, Jane, and Robison, Andrew, eds., The Glory of Venice: Art in the Eighteenth Century, 1994, Yale University Press/Royal Academy of Arts, ISBN 0300061862 (catalogue for exhibition in London and Washington).
  • Penny, Nicholas英語Nicholas Penny, National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume II, Venice 1540–1600, 2008, National Gallery Publications Ltd, ISBN 1857099133
  • The Prado Guide, Ed. Maria Dolores Jimenez-Blanco, Museo National Del Prado, English 2nd revised edition, 2009.
  • Steer, John英語John Steer (art historian), Venetian painting: A concise history, 1970, London: Thames and Hudson (World of Art), ISBN 0500201013
  • Wittkower, Rudolf英語Rudolf Wittkower, Art and Architecture in Italy, 1600–1750, Penguin/Yale History of Art, 3rd edition, 1973, ISBN 01405611161