



File:Amoycan Industrial Centre 4-alarm fire (6).jpg

File:Hong Kong 1st July marches in 2016 (4).jpg

File: Former Central Police Station married police inspectors quarter partial collapse site.jpg

File: North of Hoi Pa Street Government Primary School.jpg

File: Hong Chi Morninglight and Morninghill School.jpg

File: Marine Department Tuen Mun Public Cargo Working Area (blue sky).jpg

File: Yeung Uk Road east section.jpg

File: Long Ping Station Public Transport Interchange (blue sky).jpg

File:Yan Oi Tong Chan Wong Suk Fong Memorial Secondary School (full view).jpg

File: CNEC Lee I Yao Secondary School (full view).jpg

File: Yan Chai Hospital Law Chan Chor Si Primary School (blue sky).jpg

File: Holy Cross Lutheran School (blue sky).jpg

File: West Kowloon Law Courts Building.jpg

File:Chu Hai College of Higher Education (Tsuen Wan campus).jpg

File: Long Ping Estate basketball court.jpg

File: Yeh Lam Kwok Group Building.jpg

File: DAN6 (blue sky).jpg

File: MetroLOFT southwest.jpg

File:Butterfly Fresh Market.jpg


File:HKSYC&IA Chan Nam Chong Memorial College.jpg

File: Oi Man Estate Old Slab buildings.jpg

File:Hong Kong Kerry Hotel.jpg

File:Harbourfront and Harbour Grand Kowloon under extend in June 2016.jpg

File: Headquarters of Hong Kong Housing Authority (blue sky).jpg

File:Double Cove.jpg

File: Wai Yip Street Kowloon Bay section.jpg

File: One Kai Tak under construction in June 2016.jpg

File: Granville Garden.jpg

File: Ka Keung Court (blue sky).jpg

File:Cascades, Hong Kong.jpg

File:Samuel Tak Lee Building.jpg

File:Choi Jun School (blue sky).jpg

File: Wan Chai North Public Transport Interchange (blue sky).jpg

File: Site of Citybus tilted at Tonnochy Road in January 1998.jpg
有事发时的照片固然好,惟需自由版权图像才可于多个条目使用,File:1998 Citybus Incident.jpg只能用于该事故的条目一次,若用于其他条目如1998年香港,则需使用自由版权图像才能保证不被删除,因此仍有需要拍摄事发位置。况且那张合理使用照片只能看到天桥上情况,而该事故有3名乘客被抛出桥底,本图则可弥补景物之不足。探 索 人 生) 2016年7月6日 (三) 08:23 (UTC)[回复]
事故条目使用事发位置照片也可帮助补充条目,而且这位置应该与1998年时相差不大吧。—Baycrest (作客) 2016年7月7日 (四) 15:15 (UTC)[回复]

File:Shui Chuen O Estate.jpg

File: Harbour Road Sports Centre under relocation in June 2016.jpg

File: Wang Fu Court (south side) after topping-out in June 2016.jpg

File:Exhibition Station west construction site in June 2016.jpg


File:Stalls of convenience store and cooked food in Lung Hang Estate.jpg(换入申请)
File:Lung Hang Estate (blue sky).jpg(换出申请)




File:Ying Tung Estate after topping-out in June 2016.jpg

File: Positano, Hong Kong.jpg

File: Amalfi, Hong Kong.jpg

File: On Sau Road (deep blue sky).jpg

File: Tin Chung Court southwest.jpg

File: South of CUHK FAA Thomas Cheung Secondary School.jpg

File: Chan's Creative School (H.K.Island, full view and blue sky).jpg

File:North of Sheng Kung Hui Fung Kei Primary School.jpg

File:North of Sheng Kung Hui Fung Kei Millennium Primary School.jpg

File:Tung Hei Court (blue sky).jpg

File: On Tai Bus Terminus.jpg

File: Riva (clear view).jpg

File: East of Shun On Estate.jpg

File:Hong Kong Red Cross Margaret Trench School (blue sky).jpg

File: Chung Hau Street lift lobby of Ho Man Tin Station entrance and exit B2.jpg

File: Whampoa Station entrance and exit B in June 2016.jpg

File: Entrance and exit B of Lei Tung Station under final works in June 2016.jpg

File:Entrance and exit B of South Horizons Station under final works in June 2016.jpg

File: Entrance of Ap Lei Chau Public Library.jpg

File:Cheung Fat Market.jpg

File:Alvin Yeung Ngok-kiu (clear view).jpg

File:Baggio Leung Chung-hang.jpg

File: Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong.jpg

File: The Apex (deep blue sky).jpg

File: H‧Bonaire after topping-out in June 2016.jpg

File: Horizon Plaza.jpg

File: Sau Mau Ping Road middle section.jpg

File:On Tat Bus Terminus.jpg

File:TWGHs C.Y.Ma Memorial College.jpg

File: Kensington Hill.jpg

File: South Horizons Public Transport Interchange.jpg

File: Tai Hang Tung Estate (full view).jpg

File: Overlook S.K.H Tsoi Kung Po Secondary School.jpg

File: Overlook Hong Kong Children's Hospital under construction in June 2016.jpg

File: Overlook Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung).jpg

File: Ho Man Tin Estate children's playground.jpg

File: West of Shun Tak Fraternal Association Tam Pak Yu College.jpg

File:East of Christian Alliance S C Chan Memorial College.jpg

File: East of Carmel Holy Word Secondary School.jpg

File:HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No. 1 Secondary School (blue sky).jpg

File:Discovery Bay North Plaza.jpg

File: Cho Yiu Bus Terminus.jpg

File: Chung Hau Street.jpg

File: Ma On Shan Waterfront Promenade.jpg

File: West of Kwun Fai Court.jpg

File: Ho Man Tin Government Offices.jpg

File:City Point (full view and blue sky).jpg

File: Carmel Alison Lam Foundation Secondary School.jpg

File:SKH Holy Trinity Church Secondary School (full view).jpg

File: Shek Yam Estate (deep blue sky).jpg


File: The Tanner Hill (blue sky).jpg

File: Shek Mun Estate in July 2016.jpg

File:Skyline Tower, Hong Kong.jpg

File: TWGH Community College Mong Kok Campus (revised).jpg

File: The Parkside west.jpg

File: Skypark under remove construction net in July 2016.jpg

File:Great George Building (full view and blue sky).jpg

File: Cochrane Street (clear view).jpg

File: Hau Tak Market.jpg

File: Choi Wan Phase III Market.jpg
已修正。探 索 人 生) 2016年7月28日 (四) 16:52 (UTC)[回复]


File:Covered footbridge connecting Caribbean Coast and Visionary, Tung Chung (Hong Kong).jpg


File:Monet's Water Garden, Claude Monet The Spirit of Place Exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (Hong Kong).jpg(换入申请)
File:Claude Monet The Spirit of Place Exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (Hong Kong).jpg(换出申请)

更换申请为File:Monet's Water Garden, Claude Monet The Spirit of Place Exhibition at the Hong Kong Heritage Museum (Hong Kong).jpgmk2010 (留言) 2016年7月25日 14:29 (UTC)

File: Siu Lun Court (deep blue sky).jpg

File:Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School (full view and blue sky).jpg

File:Chiu Yang Primary School of Hong Kong (blue sky).jpg

File:CCC Fong Yun Wah Primary School.jpg

File: Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long, full view and blue sky).jpg

File:South of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Tang Shiu Kin Primary School.jpg

File:Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College.jpg

File: South of S.T.F.A. Wu Siu Kui Memorial Primary School.jpg


File:Pebble Walking Trail of Mouse Island Children's Playground.jpg(换入申请)
File:Mouse Island Children's Playground (blue sky).jpg(换出申请)

更换申请为File:Pebble Walking Trail of Mouse Island Children's Playground.jpg探 索 人 生) 2016年7月25日 (一) 02:15 (UTC)[回复]

File: East of Yan Ping Industrial & Commercial Association Lee Lim Ming College.jpg

File: Tin Shui Wai Hospital.jpg

File:Admiralty Station level 3 extend works.jpg


File:759 canteen interior.jpg(换入申请)
File:759 canteen.jpg(换出申请)

Google街景为2011年的照片,那时还未有759饭堂。不过现时外观的间隔并没大分别,亦没有759的招牌。探 索 人 生) 2016年7月28日 (四) 16:52 (UTC)[回复]
可参考[2][3]Baycrest (作客) 2016年7月28日 (四) 17:01 (UTC)[回复]
更换申请为File:759 canteen interior.jpg探 索 人 生) 2016年7月29日 (五) 12:12 (UTC)[回复]
这样好很多。—Baycrest (作客) 2016年7月29日 (五) 16:24 (UTC)[回复]

File:619 Hung Fuk Market Place.jpg

File:Yuen Long On Ning Road.jpg

File:CCC Kei Wan Primary School.jpg

File:Peninsula East.jpg

File:Chung Sing Benevolent Society Mrs. Aw Boon Haw Secondary School.jpg

File:North of Semple Memorial Secondary School.jpg

File: Yuen Long Merchants Association Primary School (blue sky).jpg

File:Ho Ngai College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen).jpg

File: Ho Dao College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen).jpg

File: ELCHK Lutheran School.jpg

File: Heung To Middle School (Tin Shui Wai, blue sky).jpg

File: Che Kung Miu Road Hin Tin section.jpg

File: Pak Kau College (blue sky).jpg

File:The Yuen Yuen Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College (blue sky).jpg

File: Yuen Long Lutheran Secondary School (blue sky).jpg

File: Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School (blue sky).jpg

File:Tai Hing Estate (deep blue sky).jpg

File: Tin Shui Wai Government Primary School (blue sky).jpg

File: East of Gigamind English Primary School.jpg

File:Chun Tok School (blue sky).jpg

File: West of Wellington Street.jpg

File:Queen Victoria Street (full view).jpg

File:King Lai Court (blue sky).jpg

File:Nexxus Building (blue sky).jpg

File: Hammer Hill Road (blue sky).jpg

File:Ho Fung College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen).jpg

File:Ho Lap College (Sponsored by the Sik Sik Yuen).jpg



File:Lei Muk Shue (II) Estate Block 2 shops.jpg(换入申请)
File:Affluence Garden (deep blue sky).jpg(换出申请)

File:Yu Chui Court (deep blue sky).jpg

File: Chui Kwan Drive (blue sky).jpg

File: King Tai Court under final works in July 2016.jpg

File: The Johnston Suites in July 2016.jpg
即再次证明你处事并不细心,那辆客货车只遮盖公司名称及电话,其余的“龟苓膏”广告原封不动。遮盖电话是因为距离近而且字体大,非常容易看到(若距离远则无需遮盖),而维基百科有规定不允许卖任何商业广告,除了不能在条目加插宣传文字外,图片里的明显广告(包括公司电话)也属商业宣传的一种。探 索 人 生) 2016年8月1日 (一) 12:52 (UTC)[回复]
不允许卖商业广告但可以卖选举广告?按你的标准你前几天上传的File:Lei Muk Shue (II) Estate Block 2 shops.jpg是否触犯香港选举条例?—Baycrest (作客) 2016年8月1日 (一) 13:00 (UTC)[回复]
这是刚才上传的。该图里的确有部分街招为选举广告,惟距离不算近,而且有点模糊,连政团名称也看不清,况且在选举广告旁有其他货品小型广告(也是不算距离近),分散了注意力,正常人只会留意店铺而非那些广告。而那辆客货车因附近没有明显焦点而使其较为突出,况且距离近及字体清晰,因此遮蔽。探 索 人 生) 2016年8月1日 (一) 13:13 (UTC)[回复]

File: Lei Muk Shue Catholic Primary School (clear view).jpg

File: S.K.H. Chu Oi Primary School (Lei Muk Shue) after repaint.jpg

File: Lam Tai Fai College after extend.jpg

File: Yuen Chau Kok Complex.jpg

File: Tung Chung Road North (deep blue sky).jpg