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| people = [[亚瑟王]]、[[摩根勒菲]]、[[湖中妖女]]
| people = [[亚瑟王]]、[[摩根勒菲]]、[[湖中妖女]]
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'''阿瓦隆'''({{lang-en|Avalon}}、{{IPAc-en|ˈ|æ|v|ə|ˌ|l|ɒ|n}},{{lang-la|Insula Avallonis}},{{lang-cy|Ynys Afallon, Ynys Afallach}})是《[[亞瑟王傳說]]》中的传奇[[島嶼]],為古老[[宗教]]的中心地。同時也是[[威爾士]]極樂世界的別稱,又稱為「賜福島」或「天佑之島」({{lang|en|Isle of the Blessed}});[[蒙茅斯的杰弗里]]在文献《[[维塔·梅林]]》中將其稱為「蘋果島」({{lang|en|isle of apples}})。它最早出现在蒙茅斯的杰弗里1136年的《[[不列颠诸王史]]》中,是[[亚瑟王]]的宝剑“[[王者之劍]]”({{lang|en|Excalibur}})的锻造地,后来亚瑟在[[剑栏之战]]中受了重伤,被带到这里恢复。从此,这座岛屿就成了亚瑟神话的象征,类似于亚瑟的城堡[[卡美洛]]。阿瓦隆島與[[愛爾蘭神話]]中的[[提尔纳诺]],[[希臘神話]]中[[赫斯珀里得斯]]的金蘋果聖園以及[[猶太神話]]的極樂淨土[[伊甸園]]極其相似。
'''阿瓦隆'''({{lang-en|Avalon}}、{{IPAc-en|ˈ|æ|v|ə|ˌ|l|ɒ|n}},{{lang-la|Insula Avallonis}},{{lang-cy|Ynys Afallon, Ynys Afallach}})是《[[亞瑟王傳說]]》中的传奇[[島嶼]],為古老[[宗教]]的中心地。同時也是[[威爾士]]極樂世界的別稱,又稱為「賜福島」或「天佑之島」({{lang|en|Isle of the Blessed}});[[蒙茅斯的杰弗里]]在文献《[[维塔·梅林]]》中將其稱為「蘋果島」({{lang|en|isle of apples}})。它最早出现在蒙茅斯的杰弗里1136年的《[[不列颠诸王史]]》中,是[[亚瑟王]]的宝剑“[[王者之劍]]”({{lang|en|Excalibur}})的锻造地,后来亚瑟在[[剑栏之战]]中受了重伤,被带到这里恢复。从此,这座岛屿就成了亚瑟神话的象征,类似于亚瑟的城堡[[卡美洛]]。阿瓦隆島與[[愛爾蘭神話]]中的[[提尔纳诺]],[[希臘神話]]中[[赫斯珀里得斯]]的金蘋果聖園以及[[猶太神話]]的極樂淨土[[伊甸園]]極其相似。

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== 词源 ==
== 词源 ==
阿瓦隆在[[蒙茅斯的杰弗里]]的《[[不列颠诸王史]]》(约1136年)中被首次提到,书中使用[[拉丁文]]将其称为{{lang|la|''Insula Avallonis''}}。在后来的《[[维塔·梅林]]》(约1150年)中,蒙茅斯的杰弗里将其将描述为“苹果岛(isle of Apples)”({{lang-la|Insula Pomorum|italic=yes}})。<ref>{{cite web |author=The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica |title=Avalon |url=https://www.britannica.com/place/Avalon-legendary-island |website=''[[不列颠百科全书| Encyclopædia Britannica]]'' |publisher=Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. |accessdate=2020-08-18 |language=en |date=2017-05-16}}</ref>这个名字一般被认为是起源于[[威尔士语]](但也有可能起源于[[康沃尔语|古康沃尔语]]或[[布列塔尼语|古布列塔尼语]]),源于[[古威尔士语]]、古康沃尔语或古布列塔尼语的“aball”或者“avallen(n)”,意思是“苹果树,果树”({{lang|en|apple tree, fruit tree}})(参见现代威尔士语中的{{lang|cy|afal}},源自[[原始凯尔特语]]*''{{lang|cel|abalnā}}'',字面意思是“结果的(东西)")。<ref>Matasović, Ranko, ''Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic'', Brill, 2008, p. 23.</ref><ref name="Koch, John 2006, p. 146">Koch, John. ''Celtic Culture: A historical encyclopedia'', ABC-CLIO 2006, p. 146.</ref><ref>Savage, John J. H. "Insula Avallonia", ''Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association'', Vol. 73, (1942), pp. 405–415.</ref><ref>Nitze, William Albert, Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson. ''Le Haut Livre du Graal'', Phaeton Press, 1972, p. 55.</ref><ref>Zimmer, Heinrich. "Bretonische Elemente in der Artursage des Gottfried von Monmouth", ''Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur'', Volume 12, 1890, pp. 246–248.</ref>英国人关于“苹果”岛的传统也有可能与{{link-en|爱尔兰神话|Irish mythology}}中{{link-en|玛纳诺·麦克·列|Manannán mac Lir}}和[[鲁格]]的{{link-en|凯尔特异世界|Celtic Otherworld|异世界}}岛屿家园{{link-en|伊曼·阿布拉赫|Emain Ablach}}({{lang|en|Emain Ablach}})(也是[[古爱尔兰语]]中对[[马恩岛]]的代称)有关<ref name="Koch, John 2006, p. 146"/>。其中“{{lang|en|Ablach}}”的意思是“有苹果树”<ref>Marstrander, Carl Johan Sverdrup (ed.), ''Dictionary of the Irish Language'', Royal Irish Academy, 1976, letter A, column 11, line 026.</ref>,源于古爱尔兰语“{{lang|sga|aball}}”(苹果),并且与[[中古威尔士语]]名称“{{lang|wlm|Afallach}}”相似,在中世纪威尔士翻译的法语和[[拉丁语]]亚瑟王故事中,{{lang|wlm|Afallach}}被用来取代{{lang|en|Avalon}}这个名字。12世纪初,[[马姆斯伯里的威廉]]写道,阿瓦隆的名字来自一个叫阿瓦洛({{lang|en|Avalloc}})的人,他曾经和他的女儿们住在这个岛上<ref name=":1">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=rvSGDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT58|title=''Finding Arthur: The True Origins of the Once and Future King''|last=Ardrey|first=Adam|date=2014-10-29|publisher=Abrams|isbn=9781468308433|location=|pages=|language=en}}</ref>。
阿瓦隆在[[蒙茅斯的杰弗里]]的《[[不列颠诸王史]]》(约1136年)中被首次提到,书中使用[[拉丁文]]将其称为{{lang|la|''Insula Avallonis''}}。在后来的《[[维塔·梅林]]》(''Vita Merlini'')(约1150年)中,蒙茅斯的杰弗里将其将描述为“苹果岛(isle of Apples)”({{lang-la|Insula Pomorum|italic=yes}})。<ref>{{cite web |author=The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica |title=Avalon |url=https://www.britannica.com/place/Avalon-legendary-island |website=''[[不列颠百科全书| Encyclopædia Britannica]]'' |publisher=Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. |accessdate=2020-08-18 |language=en |date=2017-05-16}}</ref>这个名字一般被认为是起源于[[威尔士语]](但也有可能起源于[[康沃尔语|古康沃尔语]]或[[布列塔尼语|古布列塔尼语]]),源于[[古威尔士语]]、古康沃尔语或古布列塔尼语的“aball”或者“avallen(n)”,意思是“苹果树,果树”({{lang|en|apple tree, fruit tree}})(参见现代威尔士语中的{{lang|cy|afal}},源自[[原始凯尔特语]]*''{{lang|cel|abalnā}}'',字面意思是“结果的(东西)")。<ref>Matasović, Ranko, ''Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic'', Brill, 2008, p. 23.</ref><ref name="Koch, John 2006, p. 146">Koch, John. ''Celtic Culture: A historical encyclopedia'', ABC-CLIO 2006, p. 146.</ref><ref>Savage, John J. H. "Insula Avallonia", ''Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association'', Vol. 73, (1942), pp. 405–415.</ref><ref>Nitze, William Albert, Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson. ''Le Haut Livre du Graal'', Phaeton Press, 1972, p. 55.</ref><ref>Zimmer, Heinrich. "Bretonische Elemente in der Artursage des Gottfried von Monmouth", ''Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur'', Volume 12, 1890, pp. 246–248.</ref>英国人关于“苹果”岛的传统也有可能与{{link-en|爱尔兰神话|Irish mythology}}中{{link-en|玛纳诺·麦克·列|Manannán mac Lir}}和[[鲁格]]的{{link-en|凯尔特异世界|Celtic Otherworld|异世界}}岛屿家园{{link-en|伊曼·阿布拉赫|Emain Ablach}}({{lang|en|Emain Ablach}})(也是[[古爱尔兰语]]中对[[马恩岛]]的代称)有关<ref name="Koch, John 2006, p. 146"/>。其中“{{lang|en|Ablach}}”的意思是“有苹果树”<ref>Marstrander, Carl Johan Sverdrup (ed.), ''Dictionary of the Irish Language'', Royal Irish Academy, 1976, letter A, column 11, line 026.</ref>,源于古爱尔兰语“{{lang|sga|aball}}”(苹果),并且与[[中古威尔士语]]名称“{{lang|wlm|Afallach}}”相似,在中世纪威尔士翻译的法语和[[拉丁语]]亚瑟王故事中,{{lang|wlm|Afallach}}被用来取代{{lang|en|Avalon}}这个名字。12世纪初,[[马姆斯伯里的威廉]]写道,阿瓦隆的名字来自一个叫阿瓦洛({{lang|en|Avalloc}})的人,他曾经和他的女儿们住在这个岛上<ref name=":1">{{Cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=rvSGDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT58|title=''Finding Arthur: The True Origins of the Once and Future King''|last=Ardrey|first=Adam|date=2014-10-29|publisher=Abrams|isbn=9781468308433|location=|pages=|language=en}}</ref>。
<!--Glastonbury在凯尔特语中又称为“Ynis Witrin”,意即玻璃岛({{lang|en|the isle of glass}})。玻璃一词喻指格拉斯顿堡周边清澈透明的水域<ref>{{Cite book | author = 冯象 | title = 玻璃岛:亚瑟与我三千年 | location = 北京 | publisher = 三联书店 | pages = 224-225 | ISBN = 9787108017802 |oclc = 952536559| accessdate = 2013-07-18 |date=2003年3月}}</ref>。-->
<!--Glastonbury在凯尔特语中又称为“Ynis Witrin”,意即玻璃岛({{lang|en|the isle of glass}})。玻璃一词喻指格拉斯顿堡周边清澈透明的水域<ref>{{Cite book | author = 冯象 | title = 玻璃岛:亚瑟与我三千年 | location = 北京 | publisher = 三联书店 | pages = 224-225 | ISBN = 9787108017802 |oclc = 952536559| accessdate = 2013-07-18 |date=2003年3月}}</ref>。-->

== 传说 ==
== 传说 ==
=== 蒙茅斯的杰弗里 ===

杰弗里在《[[维塔·梅林]]》(''Vita Merlini'')中更详细地论述了这一主题,他在《维塔·梅林》中首次描述了亚瑟王传说中的女巫摩根(Morgen)是统治阿瓦隆的九姐妹的首领,而统治着阿瓦隆岛的九个姐妹分别为<ref>{{cite book |last=Berthelot |first=Anne |chapter=Apprivoiser la merveille |title=Mélanges en l'honneur de Francis Dubost |location=Paris |publisher=Champion |year=2005 |pages=pp.49–66 }}</ref>:

[[File:The Death of King Arthur.jpg|270px|right|thumbnail|《亚瑟之死》,1860年由[[詹姆斯·阿彻尔]]所作的[[油画]]。画中描述在四仙后的护佑下,身受重伤的亚瑟王来到了阿瓦隆,他安详宁静地躺着。身旁头戴黑头巾的女人是摩根勒菲女爵,她正翻阅着[[魔法书]],寻找为亚瑟王疗伤的方法。]]


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他对阿瓦隆的描述,在很大程度上归功于中世纪早期的西班牙学者[[圣依西多禄]]({{lang-la|Isidorus Hispalensis}})(主要来源于圣依西多禄的名著《[[词源 (圣依西多禄)|词源]]》第十四章第6.8节“Fortunatae Insulae”中有关名岛的部分),<ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=Walter |editor1-first=Philippe |editor2-last=Berthet |editor2-first=Jean-Charles |editor3-last=Stalmans |editor3-first=Nathalie |title=Le devin maudit: Merlin, Lailoken, Suibhne: textes et étude |publisher=ELLUG |location=Grenoble |year=1999 |page=125 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Lot |first=Ferdinand |title=Nouvelles études sur le cycle arthurien |journal=Romania |volume=177 |year=1918 |pages=1–22 (14) }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Faral |first=Edmond |title=La Légende arthurienne, études et documents: Premiere partie: Les plus anciens textes |volume=2 |publisher=H. Champion|year=1993 |edition=reprint |pages=382–383 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Cons |first=Louis |title=Avallo |journal=Modern Philology |volume=28 |issue=4 |year=1931 |pages=385–394 }}</ref>显示了该岛的神奇性质:

{{quote frame|The island of apples which men call the Fortunate Isle (''Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur'') gets its name from the fact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need of the ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what nature provides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees grow in its woods from the close-clipped grass. The ground of its own accord produces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundred years or more. There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who come to them from our country.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/eng/vm/index.htm|title=Vita Merlini Index|work=sacred-texts.com|accessdate=2020-08-19}}</ref>{{noteTag|By comparison, Isidore's description of the [[Fortunate Isles]] reads: "The Fortunate Isles ''(Fortunatarum insulae)'' signify by their name that they produce all kinds of good things, as if they were happy and blessed with an abundance of fruit. Indeed, well-suited by their nature, they produce fruit from very precious trees [''Sua enim aptae natura pretiosarum poma silvarum parturiunt'']; the ridges of their hills are spontaneously covered with grapevines; instead of weeds, harvest crops and garden herbs are common there. Hence the mistake of pagans and the poems by worldly poets, who believed that these isles were Paradise because of the fertility of their soil. They are situated in the Ocean, against the left side of [[Mauretania]], closest to where the sun sets, and they are separated from each other by the intervening sea."<ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=Barney |editor1-first=S. |editor2-last=Lewis |editor2-first=W. J. |editor3-last=Beach |editor3-first=J. A. |editor4-last=Berghof |editor4-first=O. |title=''The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville'' |url=https://archive.org/details/etymologiesisido00barn |subscription=yes |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |year=2006 |isbn=9780521837491 |page=[https://archive.org/details/etymologiesisido00barn/page/n307 pp.294] }}</ref> In ancient and medieval geographies and maps, the Fortunate Isles were typically identified with the [[Canary Islands]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Tilley |first=Arthur Augustus |title=''Medieval France: A Companion to French Studies'' |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge |year=2010 |page=176 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Sobecki |first=Sebastian I. |title=The Sea and Medieval English Literature |url=https://archive.org/details/seamedievalengli00sobe |subscription=yes |publisher=D. S. Brewer |location=Cambridge |year=2008 |isbn=9781843841371 |page=[https://archive.org/details/seamedievalengli00sobe/page/n93 81] }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=Kagay |editor1-first=Donald J. |editor2-last=Vann |editor2-first=Theresa M. |title=''On the Social Origins of Medieval Institutions: Essays in Honor of Joseph F. O'Callaghan'' |publisher=Brill |location=Leiden |year=1998 |isbn=9004110968 |page=61 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=McClure |first=Julia |title=''The Franciscan Invention of the New World'' |location=Basingstoke |publisher=Palgrave Macmillan |year=2016 |isbn=9783319430225 |page=66 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |editor1-last=Aseguinolaza |editor1-first=Fernando Cabo |editor2-last=González |editor2-first=Anxo Abuín |editor3-last=Domínguez |editor3-first=César |title=''A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula'' |location=Amsterdam |publisher=John Benjamins |volume=1 |year=2010 |isbn=9789027234575 |page=294 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last=Beaulieu |first=Marie-Claire |title=The Sea in the Greek Imagination |publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press |location=Philadelphia |year=2016 |isbn=9780812247657 |page=12 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last=Honti |first=John T. |title=''Vinland and Ultima Thule'' |journal=Modern Language Notes |volume=54 |issue=3 |year=1939 |pages=159–172 (168) }}</ref>}}
人们把苹果岛称为幸运岛(''Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur''),它的名字来自于它自己生产一切东西的事实;那里的田地不需要农民的犁,除了自然界提供的东西,一切耕作都不需要。它自己生产粮食和葡萄,苹果树在它的树林里从紧密的草丛中生长出来。它的土地生产万物,而不仅仅是草,人们在那里生活了一百年或更久。那里的九个姐妹用一套令人愉快的法律来统治那些从我们国家来的人。

=== 中世纪晚期文学 ===
[[File:The Death of King Arthur.jpg|270px|right|thumbnail|《亚瑟之死》,1860年由[[詹姆斯·阿彻尔]]所作的[[油画]]。画中描述在四仙后的护佑下,身受重伤的亚瑟王来到了阿瓦隆,他安详宁静地躺着。身旁头戴黑头巾的女人是摩根勒菲女爵,她正翻阅着[[魔法书]],寻找为亚瑟王疗伤的方法。]]




== 相关作品 ==
== 相关作品 ==
*《BaTalk 阿瓦隆》:一款台灣手機遊戲,主打數位化阿瓦隆桌遊並兼具交友、聚會功能。
*《BaTalk 阿瓦隆》:一款台灣手機遊戲,主打數位化阿瓦隆桌遊並兼具交友、聚會功能。
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== 参考文献 ==
== 参考文献 ==


2020年8月19日 (三) 09:56的版本

爱德华·伯恩-琼斯于1881–1898年创作的油画作品《亚瑟在阿瓦隆的最后一眠英语The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon》(The Last Sleep of Arthur in Avalon

阿瓦隆(英語:Avalon/ˈævəˌlɒn/拉丁語Insula Avallonis威爾斯語Ynys Afallon, Ynys Afallach)是《亞瑟王傳說》中的传奇島嶼,為古老宗教的中心地。同時也是威爾士極樂世界的別稱,又稱為「賜福島」或「天佑之島」(Isle of the Blessed);蒙茅斯的杰弗里在文献《维塔·梅林》中將其稱為「蘋果島」(isle of apples)。它最早出现在蒙茅斯的杰弗里1136年的《不列颠诸王史》中,是亚瑟王的宝剑“王者之劍”(Excalibur)的锻造地,后来亚瑟在剑栏之战中受了重伤,被带到这里恢复。从此,这座岛屿就成了亚瑟神话的象征,类似于亚瑟的城堡卡美洛。阿瓦隆島與愛爾蘭神話中的提尔纳诺希臘神話赫斯珀里得斯的金蘋果聖園以及猶太神話的極樂淨土伊甸園極其相似。

阿瓦隆在很早以前就与诸如摩根勒菲之类的神秘的人物联系在一起。人们通常认为它就是今天位於英格蘭西南的格拉斯顿伯里突岩Glastonbury Tor),也有许多其他的阿瓦隆地点被提出。然而,威尔士人康沃尔人布列塔尼人的传统认为,亚瑟从未真正死去,而是会重新带领他的人民对抗他们的敌人。


阿瓦隆在蒙茅斯的杰弗里的《不列颠诸王史》(约1136年)中被首次提到,书中使用拉丁文将其称为Insula Avallonis。在后来的《维塔·梅林》(Vita Merlini)(约1150年)中,蒙茅斯的杰弗里将其将描述为“苹果岛(isle of Apples)”(拉丁語Insula Pomorum)。[1]这个名字一般被认为是起源于威尔士语(但也有可能起源于古康沃尔语古布列塔尼语),源于古威尔士语、古康沃尔语或古布列塔尼语的“aball”或者“avallen(n)”,意思是“苹果树,果树”(apple tree, fruit tree)(参见现代威尔士语中的afal,源自原始凯尔特语*abalnā,字面意思是“结果的(东西)")。[2][3][4][5][6]英国人关于“苹果”岛的传统也有可能与爱尔兰神话英语Irish mythology玛纳诺·麦克·列英语Manannán mac Lir鲁格异世界英语Celtic Otherworld岛屿家园伊曼·阿布拉赫英语Emain AblachEmain Ablach)(也是古爱尔兰语中对马恩岛的代称)有关[3]。其中“Ablach”的意思是“有苹果树”[7],源于古爱尔兰语“aball”(苹果),并且与中古威尔士语名称“Afallach”相似,在中世纪威尔士翻译的法语和拉丁语亚瑟王故事中,Afallach被用来取代Avalon这个名字。12世纪初,马姆斯伯里的威廉写道,阿瓦隆的名字来自一个叫阿瓦洛(Avalloc)的人,他曾经和他的女儿们住在这个岛上[8]




杰弗里在《维塔·梅林》(Vita Merlini)中更详细地论述了这一主题,他在《维塔·梅林》中首次描述了亚瑟王传说中的女巫摩根(Morgen)是统治阿瓦隆的九姐妹的首领,而统治着阿瓦隆岛的九个姐妹分别为[9]

泰顿[註 1]
泰托[註 1]

他对阿瓦隆的描述,在很大程度上归功于中世纪早期的西班牙学者圣依西多禄拉丁語Isidorus Hispalensis)(主要来源于圣依西多禄的名著《词源》第十四章第6.8节“Fortunatae Insulae”中有关名岛的部分),[10][11][12][13]显示了该岛的神奇性质:

The island of apples which men call the Fortunate Isle (Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur) gets its name from the fact that it produces all things of itself; the fields there have no need of the ploughs of the farmers and all cultivation is lacking except what nature provides. Of its own accord it produces grain and grapes, and apple trees grow in its woods from the close-clipped grass. The ground of its own accord produces everything instead of merely grass, and people live there a hundred years or more. There nine sisters rule by a pleasing set of laws those who come to them from our country.[14][註 2]

人们把苹果岛称为幸运岛(Insula Pomorum quae Fortunata uocatur),它的名字来自于它自己生产一切东西的事实;那里的田地不需要农民的犁,除了自然界提供的东西,一切耕作都不需要。它自己生产粮食和葡萄,苹果树在它的树林里从紧密的草丛中生长出来。它的土地生产万物,而不仅仅是草,人们在那里生活了一百年或更久。那里的九个姐妹用一套令人愉快的法律来统治那些从我们国家来的人。








  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 孟莫斯郡的《维塔·梅林》将泰顿和泰托合称为泰提斯(Thitis),是擅长弹齐特拉琴英语Cittern(一种类似于吉他竖琴的古乐器)的双子姐妹。
  2. ^ By comparison, Isidore's description of the Fortunate Isles reads: "The Fortunate Isles (Fortunatarum insulae) signify by their name that they produce all kinds of good things, as if they were happy and blessed with an abundance of fruit. Indeed, well-suited by their nature, they produce fruit from very precious trees [Sua enim aptae natura pretiosarum poma silvarum parturiunt]; the ridges of their hills are spontaneously covered with grapevines; instead of weeds, harvest crops and garden herbs are common there. Hence the mistake of pagans and the poems by worldly poets, who believed that these isles were Paradise because of the fertility of their soil. They are situated in the Ocean, against the left side of Mauretania, closest to where the sun sets, and they are separated from each other by the intervening sea."[15] In ancient and medieval geographies and maps, the Fortunate Isles were typically identified with the Canary Islands.[16][17][18][19][20][21][22]


  1. ^ The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Avalon. Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. 2017-05-16 [2020-08-18] (英语). 
  2. ^ Matasović, Ranko, Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic, Brill, 2008, p. 23.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Koch, John. Celtic Culture: A historical encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO 2006, p. 146.
  4. ^ Savage, John J. H. "Insula Avallonia", Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 73, (1942), pp. 405–415.
  5. ^ Nitze, William Albert, Jenkins, Thomas Atkinson. Le Haut Livre du Graal, Phaeton Press, 1972, p. 55.
  6. ^ Zimmer, Heinrich. "Bretonische Elemente in der Artursage des Gottfried von Monmouth", Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur, Volume 12, 1890, pp. 246–248.
  7. ^ Marstrander, Carl Johan Sverdrup (ed.), Dictionary of the Irish Language, Royal Irish Academy, 1976, letter A, column 11, line 026.
  8. ^ Ardrey, Adam. Finding Arthur: The True Origins of the Once and Future King. Abrams. 2014-10-29. ISBN 9781468308433 (英语). 
  9. ^ Berthelot, Anne. Apprivoiser la merveille. Mélanges en l'honneur de Francis Dubost. Paris: Champion. 2005: pp.49–66. 
  10. ^ Walter, Philippe; Berthet, Jean-Charles; Stalmans, Nathalie (编). Le devin maudit: Merlin, Lailoken, Suibhne: textes et étude. Grenoble: ELLUG. 1999: 125. 
  11. ^ Lot, Ferdinand. Nouvelles études sur le cycle arthurien. Romania. 1918, 177: 1–22 (14). 
  12. ^ Faral, Edmond. La Légende arthurienne, études et documents: Premiere partie: Les plus anciens textes 2 reprint. H. Champion. 1993: 382–383. 
  13. ^ Cons, Louis. Avallo. Modern Philology. 1931, 28 (4): 385–394. 
  14. ^ Vita Merlini Index. sacred-texts.com. [2020-08-19]. 
  15. ^ Barney, S.; Lewis, W. J.; Beach, J. A.; Berghof, O. (编). The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville需要付费订阅. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2006: pp.294. ISBN 9780521837491. 
  16. ^ Tilley, Arthur Augustus. Medieval France: A Companion to French Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010: 176. 
  17. ^ Sobecki, Sebastian I. The Sea and Medieval English Literature需要付费订阅. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer. 2008: 81. ISBN 9781843841371. 
  18. ^ Kagay, Donald J.; Vann, Theresa M. (编). On the Social Origins of Medieval Institutions: Essays in Honor of Joseph F. O'Callaghan. Leiden: Brill. 1998: 61. ISBN 9004110968. 
  19. ^ McClure, Julia. The Franciscan Invention of the New World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2016: 66. ISBN 9783319430225. 
  20. ^ Aseguinolaza, Fernando Cabo; González, Anxo Abuín; Domínguez, César (编). A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula 1. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 2010: 294. ISBN 9789027234575. 
  21. ^ Beaulieu, Marie-Claire. The Sea in the Greek Imagination. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2016: 12. ISBN 9780812247657. 
  22. ^ Honti, John T. Vinland and Ultima Thule. Modern Language Notes. 1939, 54 (3): 159–172 (168). 
