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全球總共有3成自殺个案为透过服用農藥進行之<ref name="who 实况报道"/>。然而此一方法的使用率在不同地區有著很大的差異,從4%(歐洲)到50+%(太平洋地區)不等<ref name="Gunnell D, Eddleston M, Phillips MR, Konradsen F 2007 357">{{cite journal |vauthors=Gunnell D, Eddleston M, Phillips MR, Konradsen F |title=The global distribution of fatal pesticide self-poisoning: Systematic review |journal=BMC Public Health |volume=7|page=357 |year=2007 |pmid=18154668 |pmc=2262093 |doi=10.1186/1471-2458-7-357 |url=}}</ref>。農藥中毒在中國農村女性中十分普遍,且遭視為國內重大社會問題之一<ref>{{cite news | title=Rural China's suicide problem | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/6711415.stm | date=2007-06-04 | accessdate=2010-03-20 | work=BBC News | first=Daniel | last=Griffiths}}</ref>。20世紀50年代的芬蘭人常用高度致命的農藥{{link-en|巴拉松|Parathion}}來自殺。此一化學品遭到限制後,便有其他自殺方法取替之;这使得研究者得出結論,認為限制某些自殺方法幾乎不会对整體自殺率構成影響<ref>{{Cite journal|doi=10.1192/bjp.166.1.35|author1=A Ohberg |author2=J Lonnqvist |author3=S Sarna |author4=E Vuori |author5=A Penttila |title=Trends and availability of suicide methods in Finland. Proposals for restrictive measures|publisher=The British Journal of Psychiatry|pages=35–43|issue=1|volume=166|journal=The British Journal of Psychiatry|url=http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/abstract/166/1/35|year=1995|pmid=7894873|postscript=<!--None-->}}</ref>。但自從[[斯里蘭卡]]禁止第1類有害農藥和[[安殺番]]後,農藥自殺率和總自殺率皆有所下降<ref>{{Cite journal | doi = 10.1126/science.341.6147.738| title = In Rural Asia, Locking Up Poisons to Prevent Suicides| journal = Science| volume = 341| issue = 6147| pages = 738–9| year = 2013| last1 = Hvistendahl | first1 = M.| pmid=23950528}}</ref>。
全球總共有3成自殺个案为透过服用農藥進行之<ref name="who 实况报道"/>。然而此一方法的使用率在不同地區有著很大的差異,從4%(歐洲)到50+%(太平洋地區)不等<ref name="Gunnell D, Eddleston M, Phillips MR, Konradsen F 2007 357">{{cite journal |vauthors=Gunnell D, Eddleston M, Phillips MR, Konradsen F |title=The global distribution of fatal pesticide self-poisoning: Systematic review |journal=BMC Public Health |volume=7|page=357 |year=2007 |pmid=18154668 |pmc=2262093 |doi=10.1186/1471-2458-7-357 |url=}}</ref>。農藥中毒在中國農村女性中十分普遍,且遭視為國內重大社會問題之一<ref>{{cite news | title=Rural China's suicide problem | url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/6711415.stm | date=2007-06-04 | accessdate=2010-03-20 | work=BBC News | first=Daniel | last=Griffiths}}</ref>。20世紀50年代的芬蘭人常用高度致命的農藥{{link-en|巴拉松|Parathion}}來自殺。此一化學品遭到限制後,便有其他自殺方法取替之;这使得研究者得出結論,認為限制某些自殺方法幾乎不会对整體自殺率構成影響<ref>{{Cite journal|doi=10.1192/bjp.166.1.35|author1=A Ohberg |author2=J Lonnqvist |author3=S Sarna |author4=E Vuori |author5=A Penttila |title=Trends and availability of suicide methods in Finland. Proposals for restrictive measures|publisher=The British Journal of Psychiatry|pages=35–43|issue=1|volume=166|journal=The British Journal of Psychiatry|url=http://bjp.rcpsych.org/cgi/content/abstract/166/1/35|year=1995|pmid=7894873|postscript=<!--None-->}}</ref>。但自從[[斯里蘭卡]]禁止第1類有害農藥和[[安殺番]]後,農藥自殺率和總自殺率皆有所下降<ref>{{Cite journal | doi = 10.1126/science.341.6147.738| title = In Rural Asia, Locking Up Poisons to Prevent Suicides| journal = Science| volume = 341| issue = 6147| pages = 738–9| year = 2013| last1 = Hvistendahl | first1 = M.| pmid=23950528}}</ref>。
吸入高濃度的一氧化碳可引致[[一氧化碳中毒|中毒]]<ref name=Sc2016>{{cite book|last1=Schottke|first1=David|title=Emergency Medical Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care|year=2016|publisher=Jones & Bartlett Learning|isbn=9781284107272|page=224|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=gGCHDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA224|accessdate=2017-07-02|language=en|deadurl=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170910171934/https://books.google.com/books?id=gGCHDQAAQBAJ&pg=PA224|archivedate=2017-09-10|df=}}</ref>,以至死亡<ref name=Gu2012>{{cite journal|last1=Guzman|first1=JA|title=Carbon monoxide poisoning.|journal=Critical care clinics|year=2012|volume=28|issue=4|pages=537–48|pmid=22998990|doi=10.1016/j.ccc.2012.07.007}}</ref><ref name=CDC2015FAQ>{{cite web|last1=Health|first1=National Center for Environmental|title=CDC - Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Frequently Asked Questions|url=https://www.cdc.gov/co/faqs.htm|website=www.cdc.gov|accessdate=2017-07-02|language=en-us|date=2015-12-30|deadurl=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170705012403/https://www.cdc.gov/co/faqs.htm|archivedate= 2017-07-05|df=}}</ref>,所以其亦是一種自殺方法<ref name=Buck2011>{{cite journal|last1=Buckley|first1=NA|last2=Juurlink|first2=DN|last3=Isbister|first3=G|last4=Bennett|first4=MH|last5=Lavonas|first5=EJ|title=Hyperbaric oxygen for carbon monoxide poisoning.|journal=The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews|date=2011-04-13|issue=4|pages=CD002041|pmid=21491385|doi=10.1002/14651858.CD002041.pub3}}</ref>。人們使用一氧化碳來自殺的部分原因在於其是一種容易產生的氣體——通過物體的不完全[[燃燒]]便能獲得,能產生一氧化碳的設備包括电暖器、燃木爐<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/man-died-from-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-after-using-heat-beads-in-greystanes-home-20150718-gif8d8.html|title=Man died from carbon monoxide poisoning after using 'heat beads' in Greystanes home|work=The Sydney Morning Herald|deadurl=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150719131747/http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/man-died-from-carbon-monoxide-poisoning-after-using-heat-beads-in-greystanes-home-20150718-gif8d8.html|archivedate=2015-07-19}}</ref>和汽車。以此方法自杀但不成功的人則可能會出現記憶力變差等症狀<ref>{{cite book|title= Five Last Acts - The Exit Path |last=Docker|first= C|year=2013|page=368}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal|last1=Hay |first1=P, |last2=Denson|first2= L|last3=van|first3=Hoof M|last4=Blumenfeld |first4=N|title=The neuropsychiatry of carbon monoxide poisoning in attempted suicide: a prospective controlled study|journal=J Psychosom Res. |year=2002|volume=53|issue=2|pages=699-708}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=carbon-monoxide-poisoning-four-kinds-of-survivors.html|title=Carbon monoxide poisoning: Four kinds of survivors|accessdate=2014-05-12}}</ref>。

一氧化碳是一種無色無味的氣體<ref name=Bl2015>{{cite journal|last1=Bleecker|first1=ML|title=Carbon monoxide intoxication.|journal=Handbook of clinical neurology|date=2015|volume=131|pages=191–203|pmid=26563790|doi=10.1016/B978-0-444-62627-1.00024-X}}</ref>,並主要透過與[[血紅蛋白]]結合來引起不良反應;這會生成[[碳氧血红蛋白]],降低血液的攜氧能力<ref name=Bl2015/>,使組織中的氧氣過低,引發缺氧中毒<ref>{{cite book|title=公共衛生學 下册|page=39 |author1=王秋森|author2=王根樹|author3=王榮德|author4=白璐|display-authors=etal|edition=修訂五版|year=2015|url= https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=3IgzCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA39&lpg=PA39 |publisher=國立臺灣大學出版中心、財團法人陳拱北預防醫學基金會|isbn=978-986-350-081-0}}</ref>。
服用或注射[[藥物過量|過量藥物]]是一種自殺的方法<ref name="Means Matter">{{cite web|title=Lethality of Suicide Methods|url=https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/case-fatality/|accessdate=2018-03-20|publisher=Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health}}</ref>,實踐者會攝入超过一般建議量的藥物<ref>{{cite web|title=Definitions of drug and alcohol terms and street names|url= http://www.treatment-now.com/resources/definitions/|publisher=treatment-now.com|accessdate=2014-09-20|deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110227202513/http://www.treatment-now.com/resources/definitions/|archivedate=2011-02-27}}</ref>,或以「混用」的方式增強相關效果,比如混用酒精飲料和處方藥物、非處方藥和處方藥<ref>{{cite web|title=Suicides Due to Alcohol and/or Drug Overdose|url=https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/11981/cdc_11981_DS2.pdf|publisher=National Center for Injury Prevention and Control|accessdate=2018-03-20}}</ref>。
服用或注射[[藥物過量|過量藥物]]是一種自殺的方法<ref name="Means Matter">{{cite web|title=Lethality of Suicide Methods|url=https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/case-fatality/|accessdate=2018-03-20|publisher=Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health}}</ref>,實踐者會攝入超过一般建議量的藥物<ref>{{cite web|title=Definitions of drug and alcohol terms and street names|url= http://www.treatment-now.com/resources/definitions/|publisher=treatment-now.com|accessdate=2014-09-20|deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110227202513/http://www.treatment-now.com/resources/definitions/|archivedate=2011-02-27}}</ref>,或以「混用」的方式增強相關效果,比如混用酒精飲料和處方藥物、非處方藥和處方藥<ref>{{cite web|title=Suicides Due to Alcohol and/or Drug Overdose|url=https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/11981/cdc_11981_DS2.pdf|publisher=National Center for Injury Prevention and Control|accessdate=2018-03-20}}</ref>。

2018年3月21日 (三) 08:38的版本







擁有自殺企圖的人可能会先切开一段或數段較淺的傷口,文獻中会稱其为試探性創傷傷(tentative wounds)或猶豫性創傷(hesitation wounds)。猶豫性創傷通常为幾條平行的非致命傷口[8]





淹溺式自殺是指当事人故意淹沒在水或其他液體中的行為,目的是令自己的大腦不能獲取足夠的氧氣,窒息致死[11]。由於身體傾向於令自身獲得足夠的空氣,所以以此方法自殺的人往往会使用較重的物體來限制自己在液體中的浮力及移動能力[12]中樞神經系統亦会在过程中向呼吸肌發出非隨意信號,使人在水中繼續呼吸[13] 。当事人在过程中常因氧氣水平太低,不能維持腦細胞正常運作而死。这种自殺方式在美国是相对較为罕見的,只佔所有自殺个案的2%以下[14]








电击式自殺是指當事人故意使用可以致死的電流來自殺的行為[3]。其會使當事人發生心臟節律不整的情況[22] ,即不同房室的收缩節律不協調;而這有可能使血流方向改變或停滞。此外若電流過大,當事人的身體亦可能会起火燃燒[22]。为此電椅常用於死刑的執行中,內布拉斯加州最高法院英语Nebraska Supreme Court的法官威廉·M.康諾利英语William M. Connolly指出:「觸電致死会引起痛楚及痛苦萬分的煎熬……電椅會使犯人的痛楚毫无理由地增加」[23]




現時亦有關於跳傘自殺的個案記錄。該些個案的當事人會在跳傘過程中故意不打開降落傘(或在自由落體中將其取下),並留下遺書[27][28]。專業跳傘員和首22名特种空勤团士兵之一尼什·布魯斯英语Nish Bruce在患上精神障礙8年後,於一架飛往跳傘中心的塞斯納172中跳落自殺,當時飛機離地5000英尺[29][30]。此一事件引起了媒體的廣泛報導[31][32][33]。許多消息來源都將他的自殺歸因於創傷後壓力症候群[34][35][36]
















因自殺事件而撒上石灰的路軌 (攝於美因茨-勞本海姆英语Mainz-Laubenheim
正在調查一宗地鐵自殺事件的紐約市警局緊急勤務單位英语New York City Police Department Emergency Service Unit






每年日本皆有許多人透过進入路軌範圍自殺。日本人一般视透过火車來自殺为一項社會問題,在東京等大城市發生时更是如此,因為这类人身事故日语鉄道人身障害事故會擾亂火車時刻表;如果在早上高峰期出現這種情況,便會使許多上班上学的乘客遲到。然而儘管日本的人壽保險公司共同拒絕向受益人支付款項(其他形式的自殺一般都会支付之),但透过火車來自殺的情況依舊存在。透过新幹線的高速子彈頭列車來自殺的事件極其罕見,因為公眾通常無法進入軌道,且当地《新幹線特例法日语新幹線特例法》第三条定明,对此类侵入轨道的行为,最高可处1年监禁或50000日元罰金,这比《铁道营业法日语鉄道営業法》规管下,侵入通常轨道所面临的科料要重[註 1][68]

























攝入過量藥物往往是實踐者想要「有尊嚴地死去」的首選表達方法。死亡權爭取組織「出路國際」(Exit International)表示,與使用膠袋、一氧化碳生成器相比,89%的人較想以攝入藥丸的方式去實踐安乐死[101]









  1. ^ 除此之外,铁路公司也可能向自杀者提出赔偿请求。如果自杀成功后,家属选择放弃继承权且获家庭裁判所日语家庭裁判所认可,则通常不需承担此类赔偿责任,但同时也不能继承自杀者的遗产。



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    • Horace, Odes, Book 1, Ode 37: … "And she [Cleopatra] dared to gaze at her fallen kingdom / with a calm face, and touch the poisonous asps / with courage, so that she might drink down / their dark venom, to the depths of her heart," … Available on-line at: Poetry in Translation
    • Virgil, Aeneid, Book 8, lines 696-697: … "The queen in the centre signals to her columns with the native sistrum, not yet turning to look at the twin snakes at her back." … Available on-line at: Poetry in Translation
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  • Docker, Chris. Five Last Acts II 2nd. USA: Createspace. 2015: 446. ISBN 978-1511988506. 
  • Docker, Chris. Five Last Acts – The Exit Path. USA: Createspace. 2015: 822. ISBN 978-1512176445. 
  • Humphry, Derek. Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying. Dell. 1997: 240. 
  • Nitschke, Philip. The Peaceful Pill Handbook. US: Exit International. 2007: 211. ISBN 0-9788788-2-5. 
  • Stone, G. Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences. New York: Carroll & Graf. 2001. ISBN 0-7867-0940-5. 
