


世界基督教(英语:World Christianity,可释作世界基督宗教普世基督教)或 全球基督教Global Christianity)是个学术名词,它尝试表达基督教的全球化特质,尤其着重“非西方基督教”在基督教信仰上的诠释,即“全球南方”(The Global South)地域,如亚洲非洲拉丁美洲等大洲对基督教的理解。[1]此外,这词也尝试了解散落在西欧北美洲的本土基督教信仰。[2]



“世界基督教”此词最早出现于 法兰西·约翰·麦康诺在1929年的文献[3]亨利·P·范杜森在1947年的文献。[4]宣教历史学家肯尼思.斯科特.赖德烈也曾以“世界基督教团契”[5]和“世界基督教群体”[6]等类似名词表达相近意思 。对这些学者来说,世界基督教本应用作宣扬基督教宣教观和教会合一, 但是在第二次世界大战后,由于去殖民化和国家独立等事件,宣教事工在许多国家如朝鲜中国以及部分亚洲和非洲国家已停顿, 世界基督教此名词也因此而失去了原有的概念。[7]

现在此名词已甚少强调宣教和教会合一[7]然而,由于很多历史学家意识到廿世纪基督教的“全球转移”(Global Shift), 即基督教的重心由欧洲和北美洲等地转移至全球南方,[8][9][10]现在“世界基督教”多用作形容基督教在二千多年历史中的多样性。[7]




世界基督教的著名学者包括安德鲁·华尔斯[12] 拉明·珊拿[13]拜仁·士丹利[14]黛娜·罗伯特。前三位学者均活跃于“宣教运动与世界基督教耶鲁-爱丁堡群组”。[15]近期,克劳斯·科施尼克和“慕尼黑学派”里的世界基督教学科也尝试研究世界基督教的多样性。[16] 除了这几个历史学家外,最近也有不少神学家尝试从系统神学的角度理解世界基督教,如灵恩派韦利马蒂·卡维里[17]天主教潘彼得[18]


  1. ^ Kim, Sebastian; Kim, Kirsteen. Christianity as a World Religion. London: Continuum. 2008: 2. 
  2. ^ Hanciles, Jehu. Beyond Christendom: Globalization, African Migration, and the Transformation of the West. Orbis Books. 2008. ISBN 978-1-60833-103-1. 
  3. ^ McConnell, Francis John. Human needs and world Christianity. New York: Friendship Press. 1929. 
  4. ^ Van Dusen, Henry P. World Christianity: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press. 1947. 
  5. ^ Latourette, Kenneth Scott. Toward a world Christian fellowship. New York: Association Press. 1938. 
  6. ^ Latourette, Kenneth Scott. The Emergence of a World Christian Community. New Haven: Yale University Press. 1949. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Phan, Peter C. World Christianity: Its Implications for History, Religious Studies, and Theology. Horizons. 2012, 2 (39): 171–188. 
  8. ^ Walls, Andrew F. Missionary Movement in Christian History: Studies in the Transmission of Faith. Orbis Books. 1996. ISBN 978-1-60833-106-2. 
  9. ^ Robert, Dana L. Shifting Southward: Global Christianity Since 1945. International Bulletin of Missionary Research. April 2000, 2 (24): 50–58. 
  10. ^ Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. New York: Oxford University Press. 2011. ISBN 9780199767465. 
  11. ^ Lamin, Sanneh. Whose Religion Is Christianity?: The Gospel Beyond the West. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. 2003: 22–23. ISBN 978-0-8028-2164-5. 
  12. ^ Burrows, William R.; Gornik, Mark R.; McLean, Janice A., eds. Understanding World Christianity: The Vision and Work of Andrew F. Walls.. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. 
  13. ^ Akinade, Akintunde E., ed. A New Day: Essays on World Christianity in Honor of Lamin Sanneh. New York: Peter Lang. 2010. 
  14. ^ School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. Professor Brian Stanley. [9 September 2017]. (原始内容存档于2021-06-14). 
  15. ^ Yale-Edinburgh Group. Yale Divinity Library. [9 September 2017]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-01). 
  16. ^ Hermann, Adrian; Burlacioiu, Ciprian. Introduction: Klaus Koschorke and the "Munich School" Perspective on the History of World Christianity. Journal of World Christianity. 2016, 1 (6): 4–27. doi:10.5325/jworlchri.6.1.0004. 
  17. ^ Yong, Amos. Whither Evangelical Theology? The Work of Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen as a Case Study of Contemporary Trajectories". The Dialogical Spirit: Christian Reason and Theological Method in the Third Millennium. Cambridge: James Clark and Co. 2015: 121–148. 
  18. ^ Phan, Peter C. Doing Theology in World Christianity: Different Resources and New Methods. Journal of World Christianity. 2008, 1 (1): 27–53. doi:10.5325/jworlchri.1.1.0027.