



廣泛認為新聞主播格溫·伊菲爾英語Gwen Ifill是失蹤白人女性綜合症這一短語的發明人[6]查爾頓·麥基爾韋恩英語Charlton McIlwain將失蹤白人女性綜合症定義為「白人女性作為暴力犯罪受害者在新聞媒體報道中扮演特權角色」,並將該綜合症假定為美國文化意象中的一種種族階層英語racial hierarchy[9]愛德華多·博尼利亞-席爾瓦英語Eduardo Bonilla-Silva將失蹤白人女性綜合症中的種族構成歸類為「種族語法的一種形式,白人優越主義通過這種形式被內隱英語Implicit stereotype的,甚至無形的標準正常化」[1]

這一現象導致了一系列嚴厲打擊犯罪英語Law and order (politics)措施的採取,主要針對人群為政治右派,這些措施以那些失蹤後又被發現受到傷害的白人女性命名[10][11]。除了種族和階級之外,在確定失蹤女性新聞的報道價值時,所謂的吸引力、體型和年輕程度等因素也被認為是不公平的標準[12]。對失蹤黑人女性的新聞報道更傾向於關注受害者的問題,如虐待男友、犯罪史或吸毒等要素,而對白人女性的報道往往側重於她們作為母親、女兒、學生和社區貢獻者的角色[13]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Sommers, Zach. Missing White Woman Syndrome: An Empirical Analysis of Race and Gender Disparities in Online News Coverage of Missing Persons. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology. Spring 2016, 106 (2): 275–314 [2017-05-16]. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-02). 
  2. ^ Liebler, Carol M. Me(di)a Culpa?: The "missing White Woman Syndrome" and Media Self-Critique. Communication, Culture & Critique (International Communication Association). 2010, 3 (4): 549–565. ISSN 1753-9129. doi:10.1111/j.1753-9137.2010.01085.x. 
  3. ^ Lundman, R.J. The Newsworthiness and Selection Bias in News About Murder: Comparative and Relative Effects of Novelty and Race and Gender Typifications on Newspaper Coverage of Homicide. Sociological Forum. 2003, 18 (3): 357–386. S2CID 141625288. doi:10.1023/A:1025713518156. 
  4. ^ Foreman, Tom. Diagnosing 'Missing White Woman Syndrome'. CNN. 2006-03-14 [2023-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-22). There is no polite way to say it, and it is a fact of television news. Media and social critics call the wall-to-wall coverage that seems to swirl around these events, 'Missing White Woman Syndrome'. That was the phrase invoked by Sheri Parks, a professor of American studies at the University of Maryland, College Park, during our interview yesterday. 
  5. ^ Robinson, Eugene. (White) Women We Love. The Washington Post. 2005-06-10. (原始內容需要付費訂閱存檔於2008-05-17). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Cory L. Armstrong. Media Disparity: A Gender Battleground. Lexington Books. 2013: 21. ISBN 978-0-7391-8188-1. 
  7. ^ Oscar Pistorius: The Verdict. SABC. 2014-09-12 [2014-10-21]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-22). 
  8. ^ Mau, Alison. We've all had the chance to mourn Grace Millane, but the court denies this other slain woman that humanity. Stuff.co.nz. 2018-12-16 [2023-11-10]. (原始內容存檔於2018-12-16). 
  9. ^ Cleveland abductions: Do white victims get more attention?. BBC News. 2013-05-09 [2015-07-24]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-22). Charlton McIlwain, professor New York University: White women occupy a privileged role as violent crime victims in news media reporting. 
  10. ^ Stein, Sarah Land. The Cultural Complex of Innocence : an Examination of Media and Social Construction of Missing White Woman Syndrome (學位論文). University of Southern Mississippi. 2012 [2023-11-11]. ProQuest 1113331344. (原始內容存檔於2021-09-22). 
  11. ^ Essig, Laurie. Racial Politics in the US and the Figure of the White Lady. One way to understand the senseless killings of Black men is through the 'lady'. Psychology Today. 2014 [2017-10-09]. 
  12. ^ Moody, M.; Dorries, B.; Blackwell, H. The Invisible Damsel: Differences in How National Media Outlets Framed the Coverage of Missing Black and White Women in the Mid-2000s. Conference Papers – International Communication Association: 1–23. 2008. (原始內容存檔於2015-03-09). 
  13. ^ Cheryl L. Neely. African American Women as Victims of Violence – How do news stories affect our perception of crimes against women from different racial backgrounds?. Utne Reader. 2015 [2017-10-09]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-29).