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Maximilien Robespierre (1758–1794)

至上崇拜(英語:Cult of the Supreme Being;法語:Culte de l'Être suprêmea)是法国革命时期罗伯斯庇尔试图建立的一套自然神论[1][2],并试图将其确立为法蘭西第一共和國国教以取代天主教[3][4]


法國大革命為法國帶來許多劇烈的變化,但對於一個天主教國家而言最根本的變化便是官方開始抵制宗教。第一個主要而有組織的學派在理性崇拜的保護傘下出現。倡議者多為激進人士如雅克·R·埃貝爾以及安東尼-佛蘭西斯·莫莫羅英语Antoine-François Momoro,理性崇拜主要是把無神論的觀點混合進入人類中心主義哲學的思考中萃取而成。該派別並不敬拜任何神—指導原則是必須投入到理性的抽象概念[5]

對所有神祇的拒絕震驚了羅伯斯比爾,並因為其實行中「諷刺的場景」和「狂野的裝扮」而更加劇了它對羅伯斯比爾的冒犯[6]。在1793年末,羅伯斯比爾對理性崇拜及其支持者發表了強烈的譴責[7],並著手準備自己對於恰當的革命宗教的看法。在1794年5月7日,法國國民公會之前,幾乎完全由羅伯斯比爾構思的「至上崇拜(法語:Le culte de l'Être suprême)」正式公布[8]





羅伯斯比爾使用宗教刊物來公開譴責許多其他陣營的激進團體,並直接或間接地導致了革命的反基督教人士如赫伯特·史賓賽、莫莫羅與安那卡西斯·克洛斯英语Anacharsis Cloots的處決[6]。至上崇拜的建立,代表推翻之前頗受官方青睞的大規模去基督教化運動的開始[13]。同時標誌了羅伯斯比爾權力的最高點。雖然理論上他只是公共安全委員會中平等的一員,但羅伯斯比爾此時在法國境內已經擁有了全國性的聲望[14]


皮埃爾-安托萬·迪馬西英语Pierre-Antoine Demachy作(1794年)






  • ^ a: 法文中的「教派」一字意思是「崇拜的形式」,沒有英文中負面或排外的涵義:羅伯斯比爾打算以此來吸引普遍會眾。


  1. ^ Jordan, David P. (1985);The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre; University of Chicago Press, 1985; ch.11.
  2. ^ Jordan, pp. 199ff.
  3. ^ Neely, Sylvia (2008); A Concise History of the French Revolution; Rowman & Littlefield; See p.212页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆): "...(T)he Convention authorized the creation of a civic religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being. On May 7, Robespierre introduced the legislation...."
  4. ^ Neely, p. 212: "(T)he Convention authorized the creation of a civic religion, the Cult of the Supreme Being. On May 7, Robespierre introduced the legislation...."
  5. ^ Kennedy, p. 343: "Momoro explained, 'Liberty, reason, truth are only abstract beings. They are not gods....'"
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Kennedy, p. 344.
  7. ^ Kennedy, p. 344: "Robespierre lashed out against de-Christianization in the Convention...."
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Doyle, p. 276 .
  9. ^ Kennedy, p. 345.: "Robespierre followed a consistent line of argument...(that) God exists and that the soul is immortal."
  10. ^ Žižek, p. 111: "I [Robespierre] am talking about the public virtue that worked such prodigies in Greece and Rome, and that should produce far more astonishing ones in republican France...."
  11. ^ Lyman, pp. 71–72.
  12. ^ Doyle, p. 276.: "[Robespierre] proclaim[ed] that the French people recognized the existence of a Supreme Being and the immortality of the soul. These principles, declared Robespierre to applause, were a continual reminder of justice, and were therefore social and republican." See also p.262: "[Robespierre] believed that religious faith was indispensable to orderly, civilized society".
  13. ^ Kennedy, p. 344.: "Robespierre's influence was such that the de-Chistianization movement rapidly slackened...."
  14. ^ Doyle, p. 277.: "He seemed to be speaking for the Committee of Public Safety more and more, and was certainly better known in the country at large than any of his colleagues. At Orléans, as well as in Paris, the Festival of the Supreme Being took place to cries of "Vive Robespierre"."
  15. ^ Hanson, p.95:"...[T]he Champ de Mars where David had created an enormous symbolic mountain."
  16. ^ Doyle, p. 277: "'Look at the bugger,' muttered Thuriot, an old associate of Danton. 'It's not enough for him to be master, he has to be God.'"
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Kennedy, p. 345.
  18. ^ Neely, p. 230: "The fall of Robespierre brought an end to the Cult of the Supreme Being with which he had been closely identified. The new civic religion... had not had a chance to win many converts."
  19. ^ Doyle, p. 389.


