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阿拉山口[注 1]哈薩克語Жетісу қақпасы),俄國稱之為“準噶爾山口(Джунгарские Ворота)”,是位於阿拉套山巴尔鲁克山之间的一個山口,也是中華人民共和國哈萨克斯坦兩國的邊界要塞口岸,哈萨克斯坦一侧为阿拉木图州萨尔坎德区多斯特克







  1. ^ “阿拉”在突厥語是意指「花色」。


  1. ^ 阿拉山口——中国向西开放的前沿. 人民网. 2005年9月23日. 
  2. ^ 阿拉山口大風“變害為利”新疆又建新風能基地. 新华网. 2009年7月6日. (原始内容存档于2009年9月8日). 
  3. ^ 阿拉山口陸運(鐵路、公路)口岸. 中國網. [2009年12月15日]. 
  4. ^ Adrienne Mayor, Peter Dodson, The first fossil hunters: paleontology in Greek and Roman times, Princeton University Press, 2001, p. 27 (See also map, p. 28)
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Wasson, R.G.; Kramrisch, Stella; Ott, Jonathan; et al, Persephone's Quest - Entheogens and the origins of Religion, Yale University Press: 227–230, 1986, ISBN 0-300-05266-9 
  6. ^ Bolton, J.D.P. (1962). Aristeas of Proconnesus
  7. ^ "Considering that Pliny, referring to Aristeas, says that the Arimaspeans lived very near 'the Earth's gate' and the 'cave of the North Wind', we must seek them somewhere near the Dzungarian Gate, and not in the Urals or Tibet." Ildikó Lehtinen, Traces of the Central Asian culture in the North: Finnish-Soviet Joint Scientific Symposium held in Hanasaari, Espoo, pp. 14–21 January 1985 Suomalais-ugrilainen Seura, 1986 p180页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  8. ^ "If, as some scholars suggest, the Issedones were the Wusun of the western Gobi, the Arimaspi the Huiung-nu of Mongolia, and the Hyperboreans the Chinese, then the sea to which they extended was the Pacific, and Aristeas was 'the first civilized European to pass the Dzungarian Gate and learn of the existence of China'." Klaus Mehnert, Ein Deutscher auf Hawaii, 1936-1941 s.n., 1983, p. 240页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆