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|archiveurl= https://web.archive.org/web/20010609221146/http://www.forbes.com/2001/05/25/0524porn.html
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|archivedate= 9 June 2001
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|quote= $2.6 billion to $3.9 billion. Sources: Adams Media Research, Forrester Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report, IVD}}</ref>,其中包括各式各樣媒體與週邊[[性玩具|產品]]與勞務的[[色情產業]],在全球各地累計產值更接近千億美元的規模,僱用成千上萬的演員以及幕後支援與製作人員。緊隨其后的还有專門的行業出版物[[协会|貿易團體]]以及主流媒體、私人組織(如{{link-en|監督團體|Watchdog journalism}})、政府機構以及政治組織<ref name=1999AVNWhitePaper>{{cite web|last=Staff|title=The Truth About California's Adult Entertainment Industry White Paper 1999|url=http://business.avn.com/articles/video/The-Truth-About-California-s-Adult-Entertainment-Industry-White-Paper-1999-35686.html|publisher=Adult Video News|accessdate=28 April 2014}}</ref>。網站,如[[Pornhub]]、[[RedTube]]、[[YouPorn]],一直擔任自製或半職業色情的儲存庫,由色情物品的創作者免費提供(其可稱為[[暴露癖]]),挑戰傳統商業色情電影業。
|quote= $2.6 billion to $3.9 billion. Sources: Adams Media Research, Forrester Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report, IVD}}</ref>,其中包括各式各樣媒體與週邊[[性玩具|產品]]與勞務的[[色情產業]],在全球各地累計產值更接近千億美元的規模,僱用成千上萬的演員以及幕後支援與製作人員。緊隨其后的还有專門的行業出版物[[协会|貿易團體]]以及主流媒體、私人組織(如{{link-en|監督團體|Watchdog journalism}})、政府機構以及政治組織<ref name=1999AVNWhitePaper>{{cite web|last=Staff|title=The Truth About California's Adult Entertainment Industry White Paper 1999|url=http://business.avn.com/articles/video/The-Truth-About-California-s-Adult-Entertainment-Industry-White-Paper-1999-35686.html|publisher=Adult Video News|accessdate=28 April 2014}}</ref>。色情網站,如[[Pornhub]]、[[RedTube]]、[[YouPorn]],一直擔任自製或半職業色情的儲存庫,由色情物品的創作者免費提供(其可稱為[[暴露癖]]),挑戰傳統商業色情電影業。

在不違反法律或道德爭議的前提之下,色情商品已應用在某一些特殊的情境。例如:生育門診當中用在刺激男子[[捐精|取精]]。一些夫婦幾次使用色情商品建立“性”趣、變換情趣或用在[[前戲]]的一部分。也有一些證據表明,色情可用於治療窺陰癖<ref>{{cite news |last1=Rincover |first1=Arnold |title=Can Pornography Be Used as Treatment for Voyeurism? |work=Toronto Star |year=1990}}{{Page needed|date=April 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/0005-7967(69)90058-8 |title=A case of voyeurism treated by counterconditioning |year=1969 |last1=Jackson |first1=B |journal=Behaviour Research and Therapy |volume=7 |pages=133–4 |pmid=5767619 |issue=1}}</ref>。
在不違反法律或道德爭議的前提之下,色情商品已應用在某一些特殊的情境。例如:生育門診當中用在刺激男子[[捐精|取精]]。一些夫婦幾次使用色情商品建立“性”趣、變換情趣或用在[[前戲]]的一部分。也有一些證據表明,色情可用於治療窺陰癖<ref>{{cite news |last1=Rincover |first1=Arnold |title=Can Pornography Be Used as Treatment for Voyeurism? |work=Toronto Star |year=1990}}{{Page needed|date=April 2013}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/0005-7967(69)90058-8 |title=A case of voyeurism treated by counterconditioning |year=1969 |last1=Jackson |first1=B |journal=Behaviour Research and Therapy |volume=7 |pages=133–4 |pmid=5767619 |issue=1}}</ref>。
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有些人,包括色情製片人[[拉瑞·弗莱恩特]]和作家[[薩爾曼·魯西迪]]<ref name="TimesRushdie">{{cite news |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article466971.ece |title=Porn is vital to freedom, says Rushdie |accessdate=8 November 2007 |last1=Baxter |first1=Sarah |last2= Brooks|first2= Richard |date=8 August 2004 |work=Times Online |publisher=Times Newspapers |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5TD5Q8UAz |archivedate=8 November 2007 |quote=Pornography exists everywhere, of course, but when it comes into societies in which it’s difficult for young men and women to get together and do what young men and women often like doing, it satisfies a more general need.... While doing so, it sometimes becomes a kind of standard-bearer for freedom, even civilisation. |location=London}}</ref>,爭辯說色情是至關重要的自由,一個自由和文明的社會應該以其意願判断能接受的色情內容。
有些人,包括色情製片人[[拉瑞·弗莱恩特]]和作家[[薩爾曼·魯西迪]]<ref name="TimesRushdie">{{cite news |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article466971.ece |title=Porn is vital to freedom, says Rushdie |accessdate=8 November 2007 |last1=Baxter |first1=Sarah |last2= Brooks|first2= Richard |date=8 August 2004 |work=Times Online |publisher=Times Newspapers |archiveurl=http://www.webcitation.org/5TD5Q8UAz |archivedate=8 November 2007 |quote=Pornography exists everywhere, of course, but when it comes into societies in which it’s difficult for young men and women to get together and do what young men and women often like doing, it satisfies a more general need.... While doing so, it sometimes becomes a kind of standard-bearer for freedom, even civilisation. |location=London}}</ref>,爭辯說色情是至關重要的自由,一個自由和文明的社會應該以其意願判断能接受的色情內容。



色情可能侵犯到基本人權,特別是在沒有獲得本人同意的情況下。例如心懷不滿的性伴侶對外公开圖像或親密的性活動的錄像此一現象,尤其在互聯網上<ref>{{cite web|last=Salter|first=Michael|date=2013|title=Responding to revenge porn: Gender, justice and online legal impunity|url=http://www.academia.edu/4585975/Responding_to_revenge_porn_Gender_justice_and_online_legal_impunity|website=www.academia.edu|accessdate=3 January 2016}}</ref>。在許多國家,做出這樣的活動(特別是非法的)不僅僅是侵犯隱私或肖像權,且或会造成淫穢作品流通市面<ref>{{cite journal|title=Using Copyright to Combat Revenge Porn|url=http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2374119|first=Amanda M.|last=Levendowski|journal=NYU Journal of Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law|volume=3|date=2014|publisher=Social Science Research Network|accessdate=9 January 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Bhasin|first=Puneet|date=29 November 2014|title=Online Revenge Porn-Recourse for Victims under Cyber Laws|url=http://blog.ipleaders.in/online-revenge-porn-recourse-for-victims-under-cyber-laws/|publisher=iPleaders|location=India|accessdate=29 January 2016}}</ref>。其結果是,一些司法管轄區已制定了針對“利用於復仇的色情”的法律<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30307657|title='Revenge porn' Facebook post leads to jail sentence|work=BBC News|accessdate=9 October 2015}}</ref>。

== 反色情運動 ==
== 反色情運動 ==

2016年7月28日 (四) 12:47的版本


色情pornography)基本上泛指以刺激性欲為目的而對於事物的描述或描繪相關媒體的形式,包括小說文章雜誌書刊)、明信片、相片(photograph)、雕刻成像、繪圖、動態影像或動畫、錄音及成音、電影(film)、视频(video)视频游戏等。色情描述的主體,如:在靜態相片中呈現姿態的色情模特兒(pornographic model),在色情片當中表演的色情演員或偶像明星(porn star)。色情片的演出者若不牽涉動態劇情也可僅稱模特兒。然而,一些現場實況的活動——如脫衣舞豔舞之類的性表演英语Sex show——通常超出色情描述產物一般定義範圍,是由於色情物件雖然描繪而令人聯想到性事物,但色情物件卻不直接等同實體的動作或性事本身。


由於社會對於性議題研討的態度漸趨寬容,而法律上對於猥褻的定義也變得較為有限,特別是從1969年安迪•沃霍爾的藍色電影開始,其为首部在美國廣泛公映成人情色電影,和隨後的色情黃金時代英语Golden Age of Porn(1969 – 1984)[2][3][4],導致色情行業的生產和消費在20世紀後半葉上升。。錄像帶與互聯網的引進,更使色情業盛行至全球各地,可上看數十億美元的年產值;僅美國就佔據了25億美元[5],其中包括各式各樣媒體與週邊產品與勞務的色情產業,在全球各地累計產值更接近千億美元的規模,僱用成千上萬的演員以及幕後支援與製作人員。緊隨其后的还有專門的行業出版物貿易團體以及主流媒體、私人組織(如監督團體英语Watchdog journalism)、政府機構以及政治組織[6]。色情網站,如PornhubRedTubeYouPorn,一直擔任自製或半職業色情的儲存庫,由色情物品的創作者免費提供(其可稱為暴露癖),挑戰傳統商業色情電影業。



在文明社會以前,已有人進行與性有關的描寫,如自史前時代已存在的維納斯雕像英语Venus figurines岩畫[9]。然而,今天人們所理解的色情直到維多利亞時代以前並不存在。



色情,一般分為軟調色情硬調色情。如果有任何硬調色情的內容,不管多麼小,也会被分類為硬調色情。色情的兩種類型一般都包含裸露成分,軟調色情通常包含裸露或部分裸露的性暗示,但沒有明確的性行為,性滲透或「極端」戀物情結[13] 。而硬調色情內容可能包含露骨性愛內容和可見陰莖的插入[14]


色情涵蓋各種體裁,色情的特点一般是具有大量色情內容的異性行為,標誌產業以異性戀作为中心,然而,色情的很大一部分是不規範性,其特点为更多非傳統的的情景和性活動,如以「胖子」、業餘、殘疾人士、由女性製作、同性戀、BDSM 、人體改造作主題的色情物品[15]




成人產業在美國的總收入難以確定。1970年,美國聯邦研究估計,硬調色情的零售總額不超過1000萬美元[16]。1998年,Forrester Research公司公佈了一項調查報告,指出網上「成人內容」產業的年收入估計为7.5億-10億美元。基於一些資料無法查證,Forrester的研究推測全行業的年收入为80億-100億,但這被刊登美國黑市售賣的埃里克·施洛瑟英语Eric Schlosser的書上[17],後被許多新聞報導一再斷章取義[18]




色情產業被認為對媒體的格式之战英语Format war有影響,包括VHSBetamax(录像带格式战)[21][22]藍光光碟高畫質DVD(高密度光盘格式之战)[21][22][23]













色情行業十分關注盜版行業非法複製和發行成人作品的問題[32] ,於是其会發起訴訟及反盜版工作[33][34]
















過去,通常反對色情的力量主要來自兩個方面:保守主義的宗教界及特定的女性主義流派(並非所有女性主義流派都反對性產業 如:性積極女性主義,而主要反色情的流派為反色情女性主義社會女性主義基進女性主義)。








長久以來,色情與性犯罪被人们相題並論。有观点認為色情─特別是帶暴力的色情─會增加性犯罪。[52]也有观点认为,色情不但不會帶來更多的性罪行,相反由於它有助宣洩性抑壓,所以有助減低实际罪行的發生。舉例說,日本的色情影像製品很多,然而,日本却有著较低的性犯罪通報比例。[53]欧洲一些发达国家将色情业规范化,亦未见明显的负面效果。然而,亦有人持相反的意見,如指日本性犯罪通報的低比例不在於發生的事件較少,而因為當地的受害者較少報案。舉例說:痴漢在日本的列車很常見,但每年舉報痴漢的數字卻很少[54]。也有很多报告认为色情业的可行度因地区而异,如在文化相对开放,法治相对健全,社会资源相对充沛的地区可行度较高,反之则难以管制,易带来不良后果。 2000的一份研究报告称,“色情事物的高使用率不一定指向性侵犯的高发率。”但是,“如果一个人因复杂人格或文化影响而本身具有性侵犯的倾向,某些色情物就可能激发或强化其对应的倾向和行为。”[55]





  1. ^ H. Mongomery Hyde (1964) A History of Pornography: 1–26.
  2. ^ Canby, Vincent. Movie Review - Blue Movie (1968) Screen: Andy Warhol's 'Blue Movie'. New York Times. July 22, 1969 [December 29, 2015]. 
  3. ^ Comenas, Gary. Blue Movie (1968). WarholStars.org. 2005 [December 29, 2015]. 
  4. ^ Canby, Vincent. Warhol's Red Hot and 'Blue' Movie. D1. Print. (behind paywall). New York Times. August 10, 1969 [December 29, 2015]. 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Ackman, Dan. How Big Is Porn?. Forbes.com. 25 May 2001 [8 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于9 June 2001). $2.6 billion to $3.9 billion. Sources: Adams Media Research, Forrester Research, Veronis Suhler Communications Industry Report, IVD 
  6. ^ Staff. The Truth About California's Adult Entertainment Industry White Paper 1999. Adult Video News. [28 April 2014]. 
  7. ^ Rincover, Arnold. Can Pornography Be Used as Treatment for Voyeurism?. Toronto Star. 1990. [页码请求]
  8. ^ Jackson, B. A case of voyeurism treated by counterconditioning. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 1969, 7 (1): 133–4. PMID 5767619. doi:10.1016/0005-7967(69)90058-8. 
  9. ^ Richard Rudgley. The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age. Simon and Schuster. 2000: 195– [21 April 2011]. ISBN 978-0-684-86270-5. 
  10. ^ William J. Gehrke. Erotica is Not Pornography. The Tech. 10 December 1996. 
  11. ^ h2g2 – What is Erotic and What is Pornographic?. BBC.co.uk. 29 March 2004 [14 January 2012]. 
  12. ^ What Distinguishes Erotica from Pornography? - Leon F Seltzer, Psychology Today, 6 April 2011
  13. ^ Martin Amis. A rough trade. Guardian.co.uk. 17 March 2001 [29 February 2012]. 
  14. ^ P20th Century Nudes in Art. The Art History Archive. [29 February 2012]. 
  15. ^ Mulholland, Monique. WHEN PORNO MEETS HETERO. Australian Feminist Studies (Taylor & Francis). March 2011, 26 (67): 119–135. doi:10.1080/08164649.2011.546332. The pornographic genre is immense, and includes an enormous variety of styles catering to an equally vast range of tastes and fetishes. Certainly, mainstream heteroporn makes up the main bulk of the genre, and is most easily accessible. As stated above, this style of porn includes highly formulaic displays of paired or group sex, enacted by bodies exhibiting a conventional gendered aesthetic, moving through various sexual positions and penetrations. Nonetheless, some forms of porn are more normative than others, and indeed not all forms of heteroporn are normative, such as ‘ rimming ’ , girl on boy strap-on anal sex, and hard-core BDSM. Pornography also includes an endless array of different kinds of fetish, ‘ fat ’ porn, amateur porn, disabled porn, porn produced by women, queer porn, BDSM and body modification. The list of non- mainstream porn is endless and displays bodies, gender scenarios and sexual activity differently to heteronormative formulations of mainstream heteroporn. 
  16. ^ President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography. Report of The Commission on Obscenity and Pornography 1970, Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office.
  17. ^ Schlosser, Eric. Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market. Houghton Mifflin. 8 May 2003. ISBN 978-0-618-33466-7. 
  18. ^ Richard, Emmanuelle. The Naked Untruth. Alternet. 23 May 2002 [8 September 2006]. (原始内容存档于28 September 2004). 
  19. ^ Szymanski, Dawn M.; Stewart-Richardson, Destin N. Psychological, relational, and sexual correlates of pornography use on young adult heterosexual men in romantic relationships. The Journal of Men's Studies (Sage). January 2014, 22 (1): 64–82. 
  20. ^ Josh Lipton. Coming Soon: XXX In 3D. Minyanville. [9 October 2015]. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 Mearian, Lucas. Porn industry may be decider in Blu-ray, HD-DVD battle. Macworld. Mac Publishing. 2 May 2006 [8 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于12 July 2006).  Ron Wagner, Director of IT at a California porn studio: "If you look at the VHS vs. Beta standards, you see the much higher-quality standard dying because of [the porn industry's support of VHS] ... The mass volume of tapes in the porn market at the time went out on VHS."
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Lynch, Martin. Blu-ray loves porn after all. The Inquirer. Incisive Media Investments. 17 January 2007 [8 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于7 November 2007). By many accounts VHS would not have won its titanic struggle against Sony's Betamax video tape format if it had not been for porn. This might be over-stating its importance but it was an important factor. ... There is no way that Sony can ignore the boost that porn can give the Blu-ray format. 
  23. ^ Gardiner, Bryan. Porn Industry May Decide DVD Format War. FOXNews.com – Technology News (Ziff Davis Media). 22 January 2007 [8 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于10 February 2007). As was expected, the 2007 Consumer Electronics Show saw even more posturing and politics between the Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD camps, with each side announcing a new set of alliances and predicting that the end of the war was imminent. 
  24. ^ Staff. Magnet Media Holds Porn/Tech Event in NYC This Tuesday:. Adult Video News. [11 March 2014]. 
  25. ^ Staff. How Porn Drives Mainstream Internet Technology Adoption Tuesday, Mar 11, 12:30 PM @ Rose Auditorium. Garys Guide. [11 March 2014]. 
  26. ^ Playboy undressed video game women – Aug. 25, 2004. CNN. 25 August 2004 [26 August 2006]. 
  27. ^ Hong Kong filmmakers shoot 'first' 3D porn film. Yahoo. 8 August 2010 [8 August 2010]. (原始内容存档于15 August 2010). 
  28. ^ Hong Kong filmmakers shoot 'first' 3D porn film. Asian Sex Gazette. 17 January 2012 [17 August 2010]. 
  29. ^ “Strange and wonderful” Budapest — Where the living is increasingly pleasant...and still very cheap. Escapeartist.com (1989-09-11). Retrieved 2011-04-21.
  30. ^ Sex trade moguls thrive by the Blue Danube – World, News. The Independent (1996-07-21). Retrieved 2011-04-21.
  31. ^ The Art and Politics of Netporn » Abstract. Networkcultures.org. Retrieved 2011-04-21.
  32. ^ Hymes, Tom. Adult Tube Sites Now Spamming Through Google News. AVN.com. Adult Video News. [20 August 2014]. 
  33. ^ Kernes, Mark. Nightline Takes a Look at Porn Piracy, and Targets MindGeek. AVN.com. Adult Video News. [20 August 2014]. 
  34. ^ Staff. Takedown Piracy Celebrates Fifth Anniversary. AVN.com. Adult Video News. [20 August 2014]. 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Segal, David. Does porn hurt children?. New York Times. 28 March 2014 [30 March 2014]. 
  36. ^ McMahon, Tamsin. Will quitting porn improve your life? A growing ‘NoFap’ movement of young men are saying no to porn and masturbation. Maclean's (Toronto, Canada: Rogers Media). January 20, 2014. Kruger helped revise the sexual disorders section of the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which doesn’t include sex or porn addiction due to lack of academic evidence that they exist. 
  37. ^ David Ley, Nicole Prause, and Peter Finn. The Emperor Has No Clothes: A Review of the ‘Pornography Addiction’ Model. Current Sexual Health Reports (Springer). 2014, 6 (2): 94–105. doi:10.1007/s11930-014-0016-8. 
  38. ^ Kutchinsky, Berl, Pornography, sex crime and public policy, Gerull, Sally-Anne; Halstead, Boronia (编), Sex industry and public policy: proceedings of a conference held 6-8 May 1991, Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology: 41–55, 1992, (原始内容存档于October 7, 2015)  ISBN 9780642182913 Pdf.
  39. ^ Kutchinsky, Berl. The effect of easy availability of pornography on the incidence of sex crimes: the Danish experience. Journal of Social Issues (Wiley for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues). Summer 1973, 29 (3): 163–181. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.1973.tb00094.x. 
  40. ^ Diamond, Milton. Pornography, public acceptance and sex related crime: A review. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry (Elsevier). September–October 2009, 32 (5): 304–314. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2009.06.004. 
  41. ^ Slade, Joseph. Pornography and sexual representation: a reference guide, volume 3. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. 2001. ISBN 9780313275685. 
  42. ^ Kutchinsky, Berl. Studies on pornography and sex crimes in Denmark. New social science monographs. United States: Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, eksp. 1970.  OCLC 155896 Online.
  43. ^ Kendall, Todd D. Pornography, rape, and the internet (doc). Fourth bi-annual Conference on the Economics of the Software and Internet Industries. Toulouse, France. January 19–20, 2007 [30 March 2014].  Pdf.
  44. ^ D'Amato, Anthony. Porn up, rape down. Northwestern Public Law (Research Paper No. 913013) (Social Science Research Network). June 23, 2006. SSRN 913013可免费查阅. doi:10.2139/ssrn.913013. 
  45. ^ Cuthbertson, Richard. Internet porn 'rewiring' young brains, Halifax therapists say. CBC News (CBC News). 2 January 2015 [5 January 2015]. 
  46. ^ 潘绥铭. 谁在看“苍老师”?. [2016-07-26]. 
  47. ^ Baxter, Sarah; Brooks, Richard. Porn is vital to freedom, says Rushdie. Times Online (London: Times Newspapers). 8 August 2004 [8 November 2007]. (原始内容存档于8 November 2007). Pornography exists everywhere, of course, but when it comes into societies in which it’s difficult for young men and women to get together and do what young men and women often like doing, it satisfies a more general need.... While doing so, it sometimes becomes a kind of standard-bearer for freedom, even civilisation. 
  48. ^ Salter, Michael. Responding to revenge porn: Gender, justice and online legal impunity. www.academia.edu. 2013 [3 January 2016]. 
  49. ^ Levendowski, Amanda M. Using Copyright to Combat Revenge Porn. NYU Journal of Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law (Social Science Research Network). 2014, 3 [9 January 2016]. 
  50. ^ Bhasin, Puneet. Online Revenge Porn-Recourse for Victims under Cyber Laws. India: iPleaders. 29 November 2014 [29 January 2016]. 
  51. ^ 'Revenge porn' Facebook post leads to jail sentence. BBC News. [9 October 2015]. 
  52. ^ http://www.netnanny.com/blog/the-denmark-experiment-failed-porn-affects-behavior/
  53. ^ http://itainewssokuhou.seesaa.net/article/123076899.html
  54. ^ Thom K Bailey, The His and Hers Subway, 2003
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