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'''无神论'''({{lang-en|Atheism}}),在廣義上,是指一種不相信[[神明]]存在的[[信念]]<ref>威廉·L·羅(William L. Rowe),“无神论”(Atheism),《Routledge哲学百科全书》(Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy),1998年:“无神论的立场是认为神不存在,即明确的不相信,而不是信仰缺失。”</ref><ref name=oxdicphil>{{cite dictionary |editor=Simon Blackburn |encyclopedia=The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy |title=atheism |url=http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199541430.001.0001/acref-9780199541430-e-278?rskey=GC0Coc&result=279 |accessdate=2013-11-21 |edition=2008 |year=2008 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |quote=Either the lack of belief that there exists a god, or the belief that there exists none. Sometimes thought itself to be more dogmatic than mere agnosticism, although atheists retort that everyone is an atheist about most gods, so they merely advance one step further.}}<!--Same in 2005 edition: https://books.google.com/books?id=WHILCw0hDA4C&pg=PA27&dq=%22atheism%22#v=onepage&q=%22atheism%22&f=false --></ref><ref name=religioustolerance>Most dictionaries (see the OneLook query for [http://www.onelook.com/?w=atheism&ls=a "atheism"]) first list one of the more narrow definitions.
'''无神论'''({{lang-en|Atheism}}),在廣義上,是指一種不相信[[神明]]存在的[[信念]]<ref>威廉·L·羅(William L. Rowe),“无神论”(Atheism),《Routledge哲学百科全书》(Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy),1998年:“无神论的立场是认为神不存在,即明确的不相信,而不是信仰缺失。”</ref><ref name=oxdicphil>{{cite dictionary |editor=Simon Blackburn |encyclopedia=The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy |title=atheism |url=http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780199541430.001.0001/acref-9780199541430-e-278?rskey=GC0Coc&result=279 |accessdate=2013-11-21 |edition=2008 |year=2008 |publisher=Oxford University Press |location=Oxford |quote=Either the lack of belief that there exists a god, or the belief that there exists none. Sometimes thought itself to be more dogmatic than mere agnosticism, although atheists retort that everyone is an atheist about most gods, so they merely advance one step further.}}<!--Same in 2005 edition: https://books.google.com/books?id=WHILCw0hDA4C&pg=PA27&dq=%22atheism%22#v=onepage&q=%22atheism%22&f=false --></ref><ref name=religioustolerance>Most dictionaries (see the OneLook query for [http://www.onelook.com/?w=atheism&ls=a "atheism"]) first list one of the more narrow definitions.
* {{cite book |url=http://www.ditext.com/runes/a.html |title=Dictionary of Philosophy |first=Dagobert D.(editor) |last=Runes |authorlink=Dagobert D. Runes |year=1942 |publisher=Littlefield, Adams & Co. Philosophical Library |location=New Jersey |isbn=0-06-463461-2 |quote=(a) the belief that there is no God; (b) Some philosophers have been called "atheistic" because they have not held to a belief in a personal God. Atheism in this sense means "not theistic". The former meaning of the term is a literal rendering. The latter meaning is a less rigorous use of the term though widely current in the history of thought |accessdate=2011-04-09 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110513234916/http://www.ditext.com/runes/a.html |archivedate=2011-05-13 <!--DASHBot--> |deadurl=no}} – entry by [[Vergilius Ferm]]</ref><ref>{{cite encyclopedia |url=http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/atheism |encyclopedia=Oxford Dictionaries |title=Atheism |publisher=Oxford University Press |accessdate=2013-11-21}}</ref>;在狹義上,無神論是指對相信任何神明存在的一種拒絕<ref name=eb2011-atheism-critique>{{harvnb|Nielsen|2013}}: "atheism, in general, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or spiritual beings. As such, it is usually distinguished from theism, which affirms the reality of the divine and often seeks to demonstrate its existence. Atheism is also distinguished from agnosticism, which leaves open the question whether there is a god or not, professing to find the questions unanswered or unanswerable."</ref><ref name=encyc-philosophy>{{harvnb|Edwards|2005}}: "On our definition, an 'atheist' is a person who rejects belief in God, regardless of whether or not his reason for the rejection is the claim that 'God exists' expresses a false proposition. People frequently adopt an attitude of rejection toward a position for reasons other than that it is a false proposition. It is common among contemporary philosophers, and indeed it was not uncommon in earlier centuries, to reject positions on the ground that they are meaningless. Sometimes, too, a theory is rejected on such grounds as that it is sterile or redundant or capricious, and there are many other considerations which in certain contexts are generally agreed to constitute good grounds for rejecting an assertion."</ref>。无神论并没有统一的[[哲学]]思想,一些无神论者可能完全否定任何[[超自然]]事物,但另一些无神论者可能相信诸如[[占星术]]等[[伪科学]]。无神论亦经常同[[不可知论]]、[[反神论]]或反有神论相混淆。无神论者是認為沒有神,不可知论者是認為神的存在是不可知,而反神论者是直接明确反对有神论。
* {{cite book |url=http://www.ditext.com/runes/a.html |title=Dictionary of Philosophy |first=Dagobert D.(editor) |last=Runes |authorlink=Dagobert D. Runes |year=1942 |publisher=Littlefield, Adams & Co. Philosophical Library |location=New Jersey |isbn=0-06-463461-2 |quote=(a) the belief that there is no God; (b) Some philosophers have been called "atheistic" because they have not held to a belief in a personal God. Atheism in this sense means "not theistic". The former meaning of the term is a literal rendering. The latter meaning is a less rigorous use of the term though widely current in the history of thought |accessdate=2011-04-09 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110513234916/http://www.ditext.com/runes/a.html |archivedate=2011-05-13 <!--DASHBot--> |deadurl=no}} – entry by [[Vergilius Ferm]]</ref><ref>{{cite encyclopedia |url=http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/atheism |encyclopedia=Oxford Dictionaries |title=Atheism |publisher=Oxford University Press |accessdate=2013-11-21}}</ref>;在狹義上,無神論是指對相信任何神明存在的一種抵制<ref name=eb2011-atheism-critique>{{harvnb|Nielsen|2013}}: "atheism, in general, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or spiritual beings. As such, it is usually distinguished from theism, which affirms the reality of the divine and often seeks to demonstrate its existence. Atheism is also distinguished from agnosticism, which leaves open the question whether there is a god or not, professing to find the questions unanswered or unanswerable."</ref><ref name=encyc-philosophy>{{harvnb|Edwards|2005}}: "On our definition, an 'atheist' is a person who rejects belief in God, regardless of whether or not his reason for the rejection is the claim that 'God exists' expresses a false proposition. People frequently adopt an attitude of rejection toward a position for reasons other than that it is a false proposition. It is common among contemporary philosophers, and indeed it was not uncommon in earlier centuries, to reject positions on the ground that they are meaningless. Sometimes, too, a theory is rejected on such grounds as that it is sterile or redundant or capricious, and there are many other considerations which in certain contexts are generally agreed to constitute good grounds for rejecting an assertion."</ref>。無神論與通常至少相信一種神存在<ref name="OED-theism"/><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/theism |title=Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary |quote=...belief in the existence of a god or gods... |accessdate=2011-04-09 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110514194441/http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/theism |archivedate=2011-05-14 <!--DASHBot-->|deadurl=no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |last=Smart |first=J. J. C. |title=Atheism and Agnosticism |publisher=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2013 Edition)|editor-last=Zalta |editor-first=Edward N. |url=http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2013/entries/atheism-agnosticism/ }}</ref>的[[有神論]]相反<ref name=reldef>{{cite web |url=http://www.as.ua.edu/rel/aboutreldefinitions.html |title=Definitions: Atheism|publisher=Department of Religious Studies, University of Alabama |accessdate=2012-12-01}}</ref><ref name="OED-theism">{{cite book |title=Oxford English Dictionary |edition=2nd |year=1989 |quote=Belief in a deity, or deities, as opposed to atheism}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/theism |title=Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary |quote=...belief in the existence of a god or gods... |accessdate=2011-04-09 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20110514194441/http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/theism |archivedate=2011-05-14 <!--DASHBot-->|deadurl=no}}</ref>。形成對比无神论并没有统一的[[哲学]]思想,一些无神论者可能完全否定任何[[超自然]]事物,但另一些无神论者可能相信诸如[[占星术]]等[[伪科学]]。无神论亦经常同[[不可知论]]、[[反神论]]或反有神论相混淆。无神论者是認為沒有神,不可知论者是認為神的存在是不可知,而反神论者是直接明确反对有神论。

无神论一词源起于[[古希腊]],最初指的是对较广为接受的宗教所持有的否定态度,但随着[[自由思想]]和[[科學懷疑論]]的传播,以及[[对宗教的批评]]的增多,这一词语的对象范围也逐渐狭窄起来。第一个自称为“无神论者”的人出现在18世纪。今天,[[無神論人口]]難以估計,但在某定義下无神论者约占世界人口的2.3%,[[非有神论|非有神论者]]则占11.9%<ref name="Britannica demographics">{{cite web
无神论一词源起于[[古希腊]],最初指的是对较广为接受的宗教所持有的否定态度,但随着[[自由思想]]和[[科學懷疑論]]的传播,以及[[对宗教的批评]]的增多,这一词语的对象范围也逐渐狭窄起来。第一个自称为“无神论者”的人出现在18世纪。今天,[[無神論人口]]難以估計,但在某定義下无神论者约占世界人口的2.3%,[[非有神论|非有神论者]]则占11.9%<ref name="Britannica demographics">{{cite web

2016年5月30日 (一) 10:56的版本







在早期古希腊语中,形容词atheosἄθεος,由否定词缀ἀ- + θεός“神”构成)的意思是"不敬畏神的"或"邪恶的"。公元前五世纪以后该词的意思逐渐的演變成了“有意的无神”,成为“与神断绝关系”或“否认神的存在”而不再是早期的ἀσεβήςasebēs,不虔诚的)。古希腊文的现代翻译通常会将atheos译作“无神论的”,而ἀθεότηςatheotēs)则译作抽象名词“无神论”。西塞罗atheos这个希腊语词汇转写成拉丁形式atheos。在早期天主教古希腊宗教的辩论中常常能看见这个词,双方都以此轻蔑对方[19]


凯伦·阿姆斯特朗(Karen Armstrong)曾记载:“在16到17世纪之间,无神论者一词仍然只能在辩论中见到……被唤做无神论者是个巨大的侮辱。没有人愿意被称为无神论者。”[29]无神论在18世纪晚期的欧洲被首次用作自称,但当时该词的含义特指不信仰亚伯拉罕诸教[30]。随着20世纪全球化的趋势,无神论一词的意思被扩大到了“不信仰任何宗教”,然而在西方社会,该词还是主要用以描述“对上帝的不信仰”[31]











哲学家安东尼·弗鲁(Antony Flew)[40]迈克尔·马丁(Michael Martin)[31],以及威廉·L·罗伊(William L. Rowe)[41]等人将无神论分为强(积极)与弱(消极)两类。强无神论清楚地宣稱神不存在。弱无神论则包含了所有形式的非有神论。根据此分类,所有的非有神论者都必然是强或弱无神论者[42]而绝大多数不可知论者都是弱无神论者。与积极和消极相比,强和弱两词用以形容无神论则相对较晚,但至少在1813年[43][44]就已经出现在了各类(虽然用法略有不同)哲学著作[40]与天主教的辯惑[45]之中。

马丁等哲学家把不可知论归类为弱无神论的时候[33],绝大多数的不可知论者并不认为自己是无神论者,在他们看来无神论并不比有神论更加合理[46]。支持或否定神存在的知识的不可获得性有时被看作无神论必须经历“信仰飞跃(Leap of Faith)”的标示[47]。一般无神论者对这一论证的反驳包括:未经证实的宗教命题应和其他的未证实命题受到同样多的怀疑[48],以及神存在与否的不可证明性并不代表两种可能的概率相等[49]。苏格兰哲学家J. J. C.斯馬特甚至说道:“因为一种过于笼统的哲学怀疑论,有时一个真正的无神论者可能会,甚至是强烈地,表达自己为一个不可知论者,这种过分的怀疑论将阻碍我们肯定自己对或许除数学或逻辑定理以外的任何知识的理解。”[50]因此,一些知名的无神论作家如理查德·道金斯更倾向于依据接受“神存在”这一陈述的或然性来区分有神论者,不可知论者与无神论者。(en:Spectrum of theistic probability[51]


如上文所述,积极和消极两词与强和弱两词在形容无神论时具有相同意义。但是印度哲学家古拉(Goparaju Ramachandra Rao)在其1972年出版的《积极无神论》一书中给出了此词语的另一种用法[52]。古拉本人在阶级划分明显与宗教文化底蕴深厚的印度长大,在他的努力下印度建立起了一个世俗政府,据此他提出了一些积极无神论哲学的指导方针[53],积极无神论者应该具有这样一些品质:品行正直,对有神论者理解,不强求他人成为无神论者,以及对真理的追求,而不是满足在争辩中的胜利。


寓意画阐明了实用无神论和其在历史上与不道德的关联,该寓言原标题为“极端的不敬:无神论和骗子”,取自1552年由Barthélemy Aneau所作的《空想诗集》。





  • 缺乏宗教积极性—对神的信仰并未推动其道德行为,宗教行为及任何形式的行为;
  • 用思想和实际行动主动排斥与神与宗教有关的问题;
  • 冷漠—对有关神和宗教的议题缺乏关心;
  • 对神的概念不了解[57]



















  • 无信仰论据Argument from nonbelief):如果一个全能的神希望自己被所有人相信和赞美,祂可以证明自己的存在并使所有人都相信。由于有不相信神的人存在,因此或者神不存在,或者祂对人类不产生影响。不论哪种情况,人们都不需要相信这样的神。
  • 神不存在的超越性证明TANG):针对神存在的超越性证明TAEG),后者认为逻辑、科学和伦理都只能在有神论世界观中才能被肯定,而前者则认为逻辑、科学和伦理都只能在无神论世界观中才能被肯定。
  • 任何文化中都有自己的神话和神。声称某一文化中的神(比如耶和华)是特殊的并高于其他文化中的神(比如女娲)是不合逻辑的。如果一个文化中的神被认为是神话,则所有文化中的神都应该被认为是神话。
  • 神的存在源自古人類對大自然愚昧及無知的想像,例如以鬼神之說解釋自然現像如日蝕風暴,不足為信。霍金在「論神是否存在」的課題例舉古維京人的各種原始信仰[71]










西方的无神论源于前苏格拉底时期的古希腊哲学,但直到启蒙时代后期才发展成明确的世界观[74]。公元前五世纪的希腊哲学家迪亚戈拉斯(Diagoras)被称为“第一个无神论者”[75]西塞罗在他的著作《论神性》(De Natura Deorum)中也提到过狄雅戈拉斯[76]克里提亚斯把宗教看成是人类的发明,其目的是恐吓其他人,好让他们接受道德规范[77]原子论者如德谟克利特试图用纯粹的,不借助精神与神秘事物的唯物主义方式来解释世界。其他具有无神论思想的前苏格拉底时期哲学家还包括普罗狄克斯(Prodicus)和普罗泰戈拉。公元前三世纪的希腊哲学家提奥多鲁斯(Theodorus)[76][78]斯特拉图(Strato)[79]同样不相信神的存在。




古罗马诗人卢克莱修(约公元前99年–55年)持有与伊壁鸠鲁相近的观点,即若果神存在的话,祂们不会关心人类,也不会影响自然世界。基于这个理由,他认为人类不应惧怕超自然的事物。他在著作《论物性》(De rerum natura)中阐明了自己对宇宙,自然,灵魂,宗教,道德等等事物的伊壁鸠鲁式观点[88],这本书在古罗马起到了推行伊壁鸠鲁哲学的作用[89]




中世纪前期中世纪(参见中世纪审判)的欧洲,对无神论思想的拥护是非常少见的;形而上学,宗教和神学是当时的主流[93]。但在当时仍然有一些运动在推行与基督教上帝不同的非正统观念,包括对自然的相异看法,超然存在和上帝的可知性等。一些个人和团体如约翰内斯·司各特·爱留根纳(Johannes Scotus Eriugena),迪南的大卫(David of Dinant),贝纳的亚马里克(Amalric of Bena)以及自由灵兄弟会(Brethren of the Free Spirit)都持有一种接近泛神论的基督教思想。库萨的尼古拉(Nicholas of Cusa)则持有一种他称之为“有知识的无知”(Docta Ignorantia)的信仰主义观点,认为上帝超出了人类的理解范畴,我们对上帝的认识都只能依靠推测。奥卡姆的威廉则产生了一种反形而上学的倾向,认为人类知识对抽象实体的认识有唯名论的限制,因此神的本质无法被人类理智所直观和理性的领会。奥卡姆的追随者,例如米尔库尔的约翰(John of Mirecourt)和奥特库尔的尼古拉(Nicholas of Autrecourt)继续扩展了这种观点。这些信仰与概念上的分歧影响了此后的一些神学家,包括约翰·威克里夫扬·胡斯以及马丁·路德[93]

文艺复兴运动则扩大了自由思想以及怀疑质询的范畴。一些个人如列奥纳多·达芬奇把实验看作解释事物的手段,反对宗教权威的论据。这一时期的其他宗教与教会批评家有尼可罗·马基亚维利博纳旺蒂尔·德佩里埃(Bonaventure des Périers)和弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷[90]



对基督教的批评在17与18世纪变得更加频繁,特别是在英国与法国,根据当时的资料,两地出现了所谓的“难以名状的宗教问题”。一些新教思想家,例如托马斯·霍布斯,支持唯物主义哲学,同时对超自然事物持怀疑态度。荷兰裔犹太哲学家巴鲁赫·斯宾诺莎反对摄理(Divine Providence)概念而支持泛神论自然主义。到了17世纪晚期,自然神论更广为知识分子所接受,如约翰·托兰德。不过,虽然自然神论者嘲笑基督教,他们对无神论也持蔑视态度。已知的第一个抛开自然神论衣钵转而强硬否认神祇存在的无神论者是一位十八世纪早期法国神甫,让·梅叶(Jean Meslier)[94]。他的追随者包括其他更为公开的无神论思想家,例如霍尔巴赫雅克-安德烈·奈容(Jacques-André Naigeon)[95]。哲学家大卫·休谟基于经验主义开发了一套持怀疑态度的认识论,破坏了自然神论的形而上学基础。


法国大革命把无神论从沙龙中带到了公众面前。强制执行神职人员民事组织法案(Civil Constitution of the Clergy)的尝试导致了对大量神职人员的驱逐和暴力压制。革命时期巴黎各种混乱的政治事件最终让极端的雅各宾派在1793年获得权力,开始了恐怖统治。在恐怖高潮,一些激进的无神论者试图用武力强制的将法国去基督教化,把宗教替换为理性崇拜。这些迫害随着热月政变而结束,但这一时期的部分世俗化措施对法国政治造成了长久的影响。





逻辑实证主义与科学主义为随后的新实证主义分析哲学结构主义以及自然主义铺平了道路。新实证主义和分析哲学抛弃了古典理性主义与形而上学,转向严格的经验主义与认识论的唯名论。支持者诸如伯特兰·罗素等断然地拒绝信仰神。路德维希·维特根斯坦在他的早期工作中曾试图将形而上学与超自然的语言从理性论述中分离开来。A.J.艾耶尔断言宗教陈述具有不可证明性与无意义性,援引了自己对经验科学的坚定信仰。列维-斯特劳斯的应用结构主义否定了宗教语言的玄奥意味,认为它们都源自于人类的潜意识。J. N.芬德利J. J. C.斯马特论证称神的存在在逻辑上是非必然的。自然主义者与唯物主义一元论者如约翰·杜威认为自然世界是万物的基础,否认了神与不朽的存在[50][98]


柏林墙倒塌之后,反宗教政体的数目大为减少。2006年,皮尤研究中心的蒂莫西·沙(Timothy Shah)博士指出“一股世界性的潮流已经覆盖各主要宗教团体,那就是相对于世俗运动与意识形态,基于神与信仰的运动的信心和影响力要更为明显地增长。”[100]但是前沿基金会格利高里·斯科特·保罗和菲尔·查克曼(Phil Zuckerman)认为这不尽真实,实际情况较此要复杂与微妙的多[101]。近年來(2000年後)於英美等地興起,攻擊宗教信仰的無神論運動(新無神論)說明了這點,有媒體將丹尼爾·丹尼特理查德·道金斯山姆·哈里斯克里斯托弗·希欽斯稱作新無神論的四騎士。[102]










跨国研究结果表明教育程度和不相信上帝有正相关性,[118]欧盟的调查也显示辍学和相信上帝有正相关性。[111]事实上无神论在科学家中所占地比例更高这一趋势在20世纪初就比较明显,而到20世纪末成为科学家中的多数。美国心理学家詹姆士·柳巴en:James H. Leuba)1914年随机调查了1000位美国自然科学家,其中58%“不相信或怀疑神的存在”。同一调查在1996年重复了一次,得出60.7%的类似结果。而且美国科学院院士中这一比例高达93%。肯定回答不相信神的比例从52%升高至72%。[119]自然》杂志1998年刊登的文章指出,调查显示美国国家科学院院士之中相信人格神或来世的人数处于历史低点,相信人格神的只占7%,远比美国人口的85%为低。[120] 《芝加哥大学纪事报》的文章则指出,76%的医生相信上帝,比例高于科学家的7%,但仍比一般人口的85%为低。[121]同年,麻省理工学院弗兰克·萨洛韦加利福尼亚大学迈克尔·舍默进行研究显示,高学历的美国成年人(调查样本中12%持有博士学位,62%是大学毕业生)之中有64%相信上帝,而宗教信念与教育水平有负相关性。[122]门萨国际出版的杂志的文章指出,1927年至2002年之间进行的39个研究显示,对宗教的虔诚和智力有负相关性。[123]这些研究结果与牛津大学教授迈克尔·阿盖尔进行的元分析结果近似,他分析了7个研究美国学生对宗教的态度和智力商数的关系。虽然发现负相关性,该分析没有提出两者之间存在因果关系,并指出家庭环境、社会阶级等因素的影响。[124]








哲学家苏珊·尼曼(Susan Neiman)[136]朱立安·巴吉尼(Julian Baggini)等人[137]认为根据神的要求而表现出道德并不是真正的道德行为,而仅仅是盲目服从。巴吉尼相信无神论是道德的优越基础,存在一个外在于宗教权威的道德基础对于评价权威本身的道德很有必要——例如一个没有宗教信仰的人也能判断出偷窃是不道德的——因而无神论者在做出这样的评价时更为有利[138]。同时期的英国政治哲学家马丁·科恩(Martin Cohen)给出了许多圣经中的支持酷刑和奴隶的训谕的例子,作为宗教训谕是随着政治和社会发展而不是相反情况的佐证,同时指出了这一趋势对看似冷静客观的哲学发展也是适用的[139]。科恩在其著作《政治哲学:从柏拉图到毛泽东》(Political Philosophy from Plato to Mao)以《古兰经》为例详述了这一观点,他认为《古兰经》在历史上起了一个保护中世纪的社会准则不受时代变化影响的不良作用[140]




  1. ^ 威廉·L·羅(William L. Rowe),“无神论”(Atheism),《Routledge哲学百科全书》(Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy),1998年:“无神论的立场是认为神不存在,即明确的不相信,而不是信仰缺失。”
  2. ^ Simon Blackburn (编). atheism. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy 2008. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2008 [2013-11-21]. Either the lack of belief that there exists a god, or the belief that there exists none. Sometimes thought itself to be more dogmatic than mere agnosticism, although atheists retort that everyone is an atheist about most gods, so they merely advance one step further. 
  3. ^ Most dictionaries (see the OneLook query for "atheism") first list one of the more narrow definitions.
    • Runes, Dagobert D.(editor). Dictionary of Philosophy. New Jersey: Littlefield, Adams & Co. Philosophical Library. 1942 [2011-04-09]. ISBN 0-06-463461-2. (原始内容存档于2011-05-13). (a) the belief that there is no God; (b) Some philosophers have been called "atheistic" because they have not held to a belief in a personal God. Atheism in this sense means "not theistic". The former meaning of the term is a literal rendering. The latter meaning is a less rigorous use of the term though widely current in the history of thought  – entry by Vergilius Ferm
  4. ^ Atheism. Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. [2013-11-21]. 
  5. ^ Nielsen 2013: "atheism, in general, the critique and denial of metaphysical beliefs in God or spiritual beings. As such, it is usually distinguished from theism, which affirms the reality of the divine and often seeks to demonstrate its existence. Atheism is also distinguished from agnosticism, which leaves open the question whether there is a god or not, professing to find the questions unanswered or unanswerable."
  6. ^ Edwards 2005: "On our definition, an 'atheist' is a person who rejects belief in God, regardless of whether or not his reason for the rejection is the claim that 'God exists' expresses a false proposition. People frequently adopt an attitude of rejection toward a position for reasons other than that it is a false proposition. It is common among contemporary philosophers, and indeed it was not uncommon in earlier centuries, to reject positions on the ground that they are meaningless. Sometimes, too, a theory is rejected on such grounds as that it is sterile or redundant or capricious, and there are many other considerations which in certain contexts are generally agreed to constitute good grounds for rejecting an assertion."
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Oxford English Dictionary 2nd. 1989. Belief in a deity, or deities, as opposed to atheism 
  8. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. [2011-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-14). ...belief in the existence of a god or gods... 
  9. ^ Smart, J. J. C. Zalta, Edward N. , 编. Atheism and Agnosticism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2013 Edition). 
  10. ^ Definitions: Atheism. Department of Religious Studies, University of Alabama. [2012-12-01]. 
  11. ^ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. [2011-04-09]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-14). ...belief in the existence of a god or gods... 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Worldwide Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas, Mid-2005. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005 [2007-04-15]. 
    • 2.3% Atheists: Persons professing atheism, skepticism, disbelief, or irreligion, including the militantly antireligious(opposed to all religion)。
    • 11.9% Nonreligious: Persons professing no religion, nonbelievers, agnostics, freethinkers, uninterested, or dereligionized secularists indifferent to all religion but not militantly so.
  13. ^ Honderich, Ted(Ed.,1995). "Humanism". The Oxford Companion to Philosophy. Oxford University Press. p 376. ISBN 978-0-19-866132-0.
  14. ^ Fales, Evan. "Naturalism and Physicalism", in Martin 2007,第122–131頁.
  15. ^ Baggini 2003,第3–4頁.
  16. ^ Cline, Austin. Buddhism and Atheism. about.com. 2005 [2006-10-21]. 
  17. ^ Kedar, Nath Tiwari. Comparative Religion. Motilal Banarsidass. 1997: 50. ISBN 8120802934. 
  18. ^ The word αθεοι—in any of its forms—appears nowhere else in the Septuagint or the New Testament. Robertson, A.T. Ephesians: Chapter 2. Word Pictures in the New Testament. Broadman Press. 1960 [1932] [2007-04-12]. Old Greek word, not in LXX, only here in N.T. Atheists in the original sense of being without God and also in the sense of hostility to God from failure to worship him. See Paul's words in Ro 1:18–32. 
  19. ^ Drachmann, A. B. Atheism in Pagan Antiquity. Chicago: Ares Publishers. 1977("an unchanged reprint of the 1922 edition"). ISBN 0-89005-201-8. Atheism and atheist are words formed from Greek roots and with Greek derivative endings. Nevertheless they are not Greek; their formation is not consonant with Greek usage. In Greek they said atheos and atheotēs; to these the English words ungodly and ungodliness correspond rather closely. In exactly the same way as ungodly, atheos was used as an expression of severe censure and moral condemnation; this use is an old one, and the oldest that can be traced. Not till later do we find it employed to denote a certain philosophical creed. 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Rendered as Athisme: Golding, Arthur; Philip Sidney. Mornay's Woorke concerning the Trewnesse of the Christian Religion, written in French; Against Atheists, Epicures, Paynims, Iewes, Mahumetists, and other infidels. London. 1587: xx. 310. Athisme, that is to say, vtter godlesnes.  Translation of De la verite de la religion chrestienne(1581)。
  21. ^ http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50014052 atheist. 牛津英語詞典 (第三版). 牛津大學出版社. 2005-09 (英语).  外部链接存在于|title= (帮助)
  22. ^ Rendered as Atheistes: Golding, Arthur. The Psalmes of David and others, with J. Calvin's commentaries. 1571: Ep. Ded. 3. The Atheistes which say..there is no God.  Translated from French.
  23. ^ Hanmer, Meredith. The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred years after Christ, written by Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius. London. 1577: 63. OCLC 55193813. The opinion which they conceaue of you, to be Atheists, or godlesse men. 
  24. ^ Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. 1621: III. iv. II. i. Cosen-germans to these men are many of our great Philosophers and Deists. 
  25. ^ Martin, Edward. Five Letters. His opinion concerning the difference between the Church of England and Geneva [etc.]. London. 1662: 45. To have said my office..twice a day..among Rebels, Theists, Atheists, Philologers, Wits, Masters of Reason, Puritanes [etc.]. 
  26. ^ "Secondly, that nothing out of nothing, in the sense of the atheistic objectors, viz. that nothing, which once was not, could by any power whatsoever be brought into being, is absolutely false; and that, if it were true, it would make no more against theism than it does against atheism.." Cudworth, Ralph. The true intellectual system of the universe. 1678. Chapter V Section II p.73
  27. ^ Dryden, John. Religio laici, or A laymans faith, a poem. London. 1682: Preface. OCLC 11081103. …namely, that Deism, or the principles of natural worship, are only the faint remnants or dying flames of revealed religion in the posterity of Noah… 
  28. ^ The Oxford English Dictionary also records an earlier, irregular formation, atheonism, dated from about 1534. The later and now obsolete words athean and atheal are dated to 1611 and 1612 respectively. prep. by J. A. Simpson ... The Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition. Oxford University Press, USA. 1989. ISBN 0-19-861186-2. 
  29. ^ Armstrong, Karen. A History of God. London: Vintage. 1999. ISBN 0-09-927367-5. 
  30. ^ In part because of its wide use in monotheistic Western society, atheism is usually described as "disbelief in God", rather than more generally as "disbelief in deities". A clear distinction is rarely drawn in modern writings between these two definitions, but some archaic uses of atheism encompassed only disbelief in the singular God, not in polytheistic deities. It is on this basis that the obsolete term adevism was coined in the late 19th century to describe an absence of belief in plural deities. Britannica. Atheonism. Encyclopædia Britannica 11th Edition. 1911. 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Martin, Michael. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. 2006. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9.
  32. ^ "Atheism". Encyclopedia Britannica. 1911 [2007-06-07]. 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Martin, Michael. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. 2006. ISBN 978-0-521-84270-9.
  34. ^ Britannica. Atheism as rejection of religious beliefs. Encyclopædia Britannica 15th Edition. 1992, 1: 666 [2006-10-27]. 0852294735. 
  35. ^ d'Holbach, P. H. T. Good Sense. 1772 [2006-10-27]. 
  36. ^ Smith 1979,第14頁.
  37. ^ Cudworth, Ralph. The True Intellectual System of the Universe: the first part, wherein all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted and its impossibility demonstrated. 1678. 
  38. ^ See, for instance, Atheists call for church head to retract slur. 1996-09-03 [2008-07-02]. 
  39. ^ Lowder, Jeffery Jay. Atheism and Society. 1997 [2007-01-10]. 
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Flew, Antony. "The Presumption of Atheism". The Presumption of Atheism and other Philosophical Essays on God, Freedom, and Immortality. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1976. pp 14ff.
  41. ^ Rowe, William L. "Atheism". Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Edward Craig (editor). Routledge: June 1998. ISBN 978-0-415-18706-0. 530-534.
  42. ^ Cline, Austin. Strong Atheism vs. Weak Atheism: What's the Difference?. about.com. 2006 [2006-10-21]. 
  43. ^ Stevens, Robert. Sermons on our duty towards God, our neighbour, and ourselves 4th Ed. London: Self published. 1813: 10–11 [September 1, 2009]. OCLC 26059549. 
  44. ^ Bishop Burnet. Discourse of the Pastoral Care. The young minister's companion: or, A collection of valuable and scarce treatises on the pastoral office.... Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong. 1813: 166 [September 1, 2009]. OCLC 7381237. 
  45. ^ Maritain, Jacques. On the Meaning of Contemporary Atheism. The Review of Politics. July 1949, 11 (3): 267–280. 
  46. ^ Kenny, Anthony. Why I Am Not an Atheist. What I believe. Continuum. 2006. ISBN 0-8264-8971-0. The true default position is neither theism nor atheism, but agnosticism…a claim to knowledge needs to be substantiated; ignorance need only be confessed. 
  47. ^ Many atheists I know would be certain of a high place in heaven. Irish Times. [2009-08-19]. 
  48. ^ Baggini 2003,第30–34頁. "Who seriously claims we should say 'I neither believe nor disbelieve that the Pope is a robot', or 'As to whether or not eating this piece of chocolate will turn me into an elephant I am completely agnostic'. In the absence of any good reasons to believe these outlandish claims, we rightly disbelieve them, we don't just suspend judgement."
  49. ^ Baggini 2003,第22頁. "A lack of proof is no grounds for the suspension of belief. This is because when we have a lack of absolute proof we can still have overwhelming evidence or one explanation which is far superior to the alternatives."
  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 Smart, J.C.C. Atheism and Agnosticism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2004-03-09 [2007-04-12]. 
  51. ^ Cudworth, Ralph. The true intellectual system of the universe. 1678. Dawkins, Richard. The God Delusion. Bantam Books: 2006, p. 50.(ISBN 978-0-618-68000-9
  52. ^ Rao, Goparaju. Positive Atheism. Vijayawada, India: Atheist Centre, Patamata, Vijayawada, India. 1972. 
  53. ^ Walker, Cliff. The Philosophy of Positive Atheism. [2008-11-19]. 
  54. ^ Translation of Latin text from "Summa impietas"(1552), Picta poesis, by Barthélemy Aneau. Glasgow University Emblem Website. Retrieved on 2007-03-26.
  55. ^ 55.0 55.1 55.2 Zdybicka 2005,第20頁.
  56. ^ Schafersman, Steven D. "Naturalism is an Essential Part of Science and Critical Inquiry". Conference on Naturalism, Theism and the Scientific Enterprise. Department of Philosophy, The University of Texas. February 1997. Revised May 2007. Retrieved on 2007-APR-09.
  57. ^ Zdybicka 2005,第21頁.
  58. ^ Drange, Theodore M.(1998). "Atheism, Agnosticism, Noncognitivism". Internet Infidels, Secular Web Library. Retrieved on 2007-APR-07.
  59. ^ Ayer, A. J.(1946). Language, Truth and Logic. Dover. pp. 115–116. In a footnote, Ayer attributes this view to "Professor H. H. Price".
  60. ^ Zdybicka 2005,第19頁.
  61. ^ David Hume. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Project Gutenberg (e-text). 
  62. ^ Feuerbach, Ludwig (1841) The Essence of Christianity
  63. ^ Walpola Rahula, What the Buddha Taught. Grove Press, 1974. Pages 51–52.
  64. ^ Bakunin, Michael. God and the State. New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association. 1916 [2007-04-12]. 
  65. ^ Various authors. "Logical Arguments for Atheism". Internet Infidels, The Secular Web Library. Retrieved on 2007-APR-09.
  66. ^ Drange, Theodore M.(1996). "The Arguments From Evil and Nonbelief". Internet Infidels, Secular Web Library. Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  67. ^ V.A. Gunasekara, The Buddhist Attitude to God.. (原始内容存档于2008-01-02).  In the Bhuridatta Jataka, "The Buddha argues that the three most commonly given attributes of God, viz. omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence towards humanity cannot all be mutually compatible with the existential fact of dukkha."
  68. ^ Pascal, Blaise(1669). Pensées, II: "The Misery of Man Without God".
  69. ^ Gleeson, David. Common Misconceptions About Atheists and Atheism. American Chronicle. 2006 [2006-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-04). 
  70. ^ Smith 1979,第275頁. "Perhaps the most common criticism of atheism is the claim that it leads inevitably to moral bankruptcy."
  71. ^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F05sQvBLWPI&feature=relmfu
  72. ^ Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Charles A. Moore. A Sourcebook in Indian Philosophy.(Princeton University Press: 1957, Twelfth Princeton Paperback printing 1989)pp. 227–249. ISBN 978-0-691-01958-1.
  73. ^ Joshi, L.R. A New Interpretation of Indian Atheism. Philosophy East and West. 1966, 16 (3/4): 189–206. doi:10.2307/1397540. 
  74. ^ Baggini 2003,第73–74頁. "Atheism had its origins in Ancient Greece but did not emerge as an overt and avowed belief system until late in the Enlightenment."
  75. ^ Solmsen, Friedrich(1942). Plato's Theology. Cornell University Press. p 25.
  76. ^ 76.0 76.1 ...nullos esse omnino Diagoras et Theodorus Cirenaicus... Cicero, Marcus Tullius: De natura deorum. Comments and English text by Richard D. McKirahan. Thomas Library, Bryn Mawr College, 1997, page 3. ISBN 978-0-929524-89-4
  77. ^ "religion, study of".(2007). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved on April 2, 2007.
  78. ^ Diogenes Laërtius, The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, ii
  79. ^ Cicero, Lucullus, 121. in Reale, G., A History of Ancient Philosophy. SUNY Press.(1985)。
  80. ^ Atheism. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press. 2005 [2007-04-12]. (原始内容存档于2006-11-04). 
  81. ^ Apology
  82. ^ Brickhouse, Thomas C.; Nicholas D. Smith. Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Trial of Socrates. Routledge. 2004: 112. ISBN 0415156815.  In particular, he argues that the claim he is a complete atheist contradicts the other part of the indictment, that he introduced "new divinities".
  83. ^ The Dialogues of Plato, vol. 1
  84. ^ The Republic
  85. ^ Fragments of Euhemerus' work in Ennius' Latin translation have been preserved in Patristic writings(e.g. by Lactantius and Eusebius of Caesarea), which all rely on earlier fragments in Diodorus 5,41–46 & 6.1. Testimonies, especially in the context of polemical criticism, are found e.g. in Callimachus, Hymn to Zeus 8.
  86. ^ Plutarch, Moralia—Isis and Osiris 23
  87. ^ BBC. Ethics and Religion—Atheism. bbc.co.uk. [2007-04-12]. 
  88. ^
  89. ^ 恺撒(100–44 BCE), who leaned considerably toward Epicureanism, also rejected the idea of an afterlife, which e.g. lead to his plea against the death sentence during the trial against Catiline, where he spoke out against the Stoicist Cato(cf. Sallust, The War With Catiline, Caesar's speech: 51.29 & Cato's reply: 52.13)。
  90. ^ 90.0 90.1 Stein, Gordon(Ed.,1980). "The History of Freethought and Atheism". An Anthology of Atheism and Rationalism. New York: Prometheus. Retrieved on 2007-APR-03.
  91. ^ "Atheism" in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia
  92. ^ Maycock, A. L. and Ronald Knox (2003). Inquisition from Its Establishment to the Great Schism: An Introductory Study. ISBN 978-0-7661-7290-6.
  93. ^ 93.0 93.1 Zdybicka 2005,第4頁
  94. ^ Michel Onfray on Jean Meslier on William Paterson University accessed at January 19, 2008
  95. ^ d'Holbach, P. H. T. The system of nature. 1770 [2007-10-31]. 
  96. ^ Ray, Matthew Alun. Subjectivity and Irreligion: Atheism and Agnosticism in Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2003 [2007-04-12]. 
  97. ^ Overall, Christine. "Feminism and Atheism", in Martin 2007,第233–246頁.
  98. ^ Zdybicka 2005,第16頁
  99. ^ Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I. The Gulag Archipelago. Harper Perennial Modern Classics. 2002. ISBN 0-06-000776-1. 
  100. ^ "Timothy Samuel Shah Explains 'Why God is Winning'." 2006-07-18. The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. Retrieved 2007-04-18.
  101. ^ Paul, Gregory; Phil Zuckerman. Why the Gods Are Not Winning. Edge. 2007, 209 [2007-05-16]. 
  102. ^ Alice Gribbin. Preview: The Four Horsemen of New Atheism reunited. New Statesman. [2012-01-24]. 
  103. ^ ReportDGResearchSocialValuesEN2.PDF (PDF). [2011-02-24]. 
  104. ^ Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents, Section on accuracy of non-Religious Demographic Data. [2008-03-28]. 
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  113. ^ 113.0 113.1 Zuckerman, Phil. Martin, Michael T , 编. The Cambridge companion to atheism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. 2007: 56. ISBN 0-521-84270-0. 
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  119. ^ 爱德华·拉尔森,拉里·维特汉姆,“顶尖科学家仍然拒绝神”,《自然》,394卷,6691页,1998年(英文)
  120. ^ Larson, Edward J.; Larry Witham. Correspondence: Leading scientists still reject God. Nature. 1998, 394 (6691): 313–4. PMID 9690462. doi:10.1038/28478.  Available at StephenJayGould.org, Stephen Jay Gould archive. Retrieved on 2006-12-17
  121. ^ Survey on physicians’ religious beliefs shows majority faithful. The University of Chicago. [2007-10-18]. The first study of physician religious beliefs has found that 76 percent of doctors believe in God and 59 percent believe in some sort of afterlife. The survey, performed by researchers at the University and published in the July issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine, found that 90 percent of doctors in the United States attend religious services at least occasionally compared to 81 percent of all adults. 
  122. ^ Shermer, Michael. How We Believe: Science, Skepticism, and the Search for God. New York: William H Freeman. 1999: pp76–79. ISBN 0-7167-3561-X. 
  123. ^ Dawkins (2006), p. 103. Dawkins cites Bell, Paul. "Would you believe it?" Mensa Magazine, UK Edition, Feb. 2002, pp. 12–13.
  124. ^ Argyle, Michael. Religious Behaviour. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1958: 93–96. ISBN 0-415-17589-5. 
  125. ^ Winston, Robert(Ed.). Human. New York: DK Publishing, Inc. 2004: 299. ISBN 0-7566-1901-7. Nonbelief has existed for centuries. For example, Buddhism and Jainism have been called atheistic religions because they do not advocate belief in gods. 
  126. ^ Humanistic Judaism. BBC. 2006-07-20 [2006-10-25]. 
  127. ^ Levin, S. Jewish Atheism. New Humanist. May 1995, 110 (2): 13–15. 
  128. ^ Christian Atheism. BBC. 2006-05-17 [2006-10-25]. 
  129. ^ Altizer, Thomas J. J. The Gospel of Christian Atheism. London: Collins. 1967: 102–103 [2006-10-27]. 
  130. ^ Lyas, Colin. On the Coherence of Christian Atheism. Philosophy: the Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. January 1970, 45 (171): 1–19. 
  131. ^ Smith 1979,第21–22頁
  132. ^ Smith 1979,第275頁. "Among the many myths associated with religion, none is more widespread -or more disastrous in its effects -than the myth that moral values cannot be divorced from the belief in a god."
  133. ^ In Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov(Book Eleven: Brother Ivan Fyodorovich, Chapter 4)there is the famous argument that If there is no God, all things are permitted.: "'But what will become of men then?' I asked him, 'without God and immortal life? All things are lawful then, they can do what they like?'"
  134. ^ For Kant, the presupposition of God, soul, and freedom was a practical concern, for "Morality, by itself, constitutes a system, but happiness does not, unless it is distributed in exact proportion to morality. This, however, is possible in an intelligible world only under a wise author and ruler. Reason compels us to admit such a ruler, together with life in such a world, which we must consider as future life, or else all moral laws are to be considered as idle dreams..."(Critique of Pure Reason, A811)。
  135. ^ Baggini 2003,第38頁
  136. ^ Susan Neiman. Beyond Belief Session 6 (Conference). Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA: The Science Network. November 6, 2006. 
  137. ^ Baggini 2003,第40頁
  138. ^ Baggini 2003,第43頁
  139. ^ 101 Ethical Dilemmas, 2nd edition, by Cohen, M., Routledge 2007, pp184-5.(Cohen notes particularly that Plato and Aristotle produced arguments in favour of slavery.)
  140. ^ Political Philosophy from Plato to Mao, by Cohen, M, Second edition 2008
  141. ^ Harris, Sam. The Myth of Secular Moral Chaos. Free Inquiry. 2006a [2006-10-29]. 
  142. ^ Moreira-almeida, A.; Lotufo Neto, F.; Koenig, H.G. Religiousness and mental health: a review. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 2006, 28 (3): 242–250 [2007-07-12]. PMID 16924349. 
  143. ^ See for example: Kahoe, R.D.(June 1977). "(197706)16%3A2%3C179%3AIRAAAD%3E2.0.CO%3B2-X Intrinsic Religion and Authoritarianism: A Differentiated Relationship". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 16 (2). pp. 179-182. Also see: Altemeyer, Bob and Bruce Hunsberger (1992). "Authoritarianism, Religious Fundamentalism, Quest, and Prejudice". International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 2(2). pp. 113-133.
  144. ^ Harris, Sam. An Atheist Manifesto. Truthdig. 2005 [2006-10-29]. In a world riven by ignorance, only the atheist refuses to deny the obvious: Religious faith promotes human violence to an astonishing degree. 
