

British Empire
大英帝國左:大不列顛王國國旗(英語:Flag of Great Britain)(1707年–1800年) 右:聯合王國國旗(1801年–至今)

大英帝國(英語:British Empire)由英國及其之前統治或管理的自治領殖民地保護國國際聯盟託管地及其他屬地組成。初期多為英國在海外的殖民地,之後是英格蘭王國於16世紀末到18世紀初建立的貿易站英語trading post。從規模上看,大英帝國是歷史上最大的帝國,一個多世紀以來都是世界上最重要的大國[1]。到1913年,大英帝國統領超過4.12億人,占當時世界總人口的23%[2],到1920年國土面積達35,500,000平方公里(13,700,000平方英里)[3],占當時全球陸地面積的24%,對憲政體制法律語言文化產生深遠影響。帝國到全盛時期被譽為「日不落帝國」,形容太陽必定會照耀到其中一個領土[4]


美國獨立戰爭期間的1783年,英國失去北美洲這塊殖民時間最長、人口最多的領土,之後英國又與法蘭西帝國拿破崙戰爭數次交戰(1803-1815),儘管最終成功壓制了歐洲的革命浪潮,然而英國本身亦在戰爭中背負沉重債務。18和19世紀之交被視為大英帝國的一次中衰,不過海上霸權依然牢牢掌握在其手中[8]。隨著英國工業革命的加速,其生產力大大增加,工業化使得國力極大增長,不列顛又把目光投向亞洲、非洲和太平洋,憑藉最強大的海軍力量,發展成19世紀最強大的帝國。1815年到1914年的相對和平期期間,英國成為全球霸權,享有「不列顛治世」的美譽。除了名義上控制的殖民地,英國還壟斷各地的經濟,亞洲、拉丁美洲尤甚[9][10]。由早期白人定居點發展而來的殖民地英語Settler colonialism獲得越來越多的自治權利,隨著這些由移民主導的領地日趨成熟,英國設置自治領代替了原來的直接統治以降低管理成本。



喬瓦尼·卡博托第二次新大陸航行時乘坐的馬修號英語Matthew (ship)。圖為複製品

大英帝國成立時,英格蘭蘇格蘭還是兩個獨立的王國。1496年,英格蘭國王亨利七世眼看西班牙葡萄牙的海外探險大獲成功,委託喬瓦尼·卡博托率領探險隊探索經北大西洋前往亞洲的航海路線[13]克里斯多福·哥倫比亞首次航行英語Voyages of Christopher Columbus五年後的1497年,卡博托正式出發,最終在紐芬蘭島沿岸登陸。他認為自己已經抵達亞洲,然而並未設立殖民點。次年,卡博托前往美洲,途中艦隊遭遇未知變故,沒有返航(普遍認為他已經葬身海底)[14]

英國在16世紀的殖民活動以海盜為主,搶劫對象主要是滿載新大陸財寶的西班牙艦隊。《1533年上訴限制條例英語Statute in Restraint of Appeals》宣布「英格蘭王國是帝國」[15],英國對外殖民的雄心此時已顯現出來。不過直到女皇伊莉莎白一世於1550年代在位時,英格蘭才打算在美洲設立殖民地[16]。1542年亨利八世羅馬教廷決裂,英國新教改革開始,然而他設立的英國聖公會僅名義上是新教,實際上為「新教中的舊教」。伊莉莎白繼續進行父親的宗教改革,而這導致了英國與信仰天主教的西班牙關係愈加惡化[13]。1562年,伊莉莎白一世慫恿私掠約翰·霍金斯法蘭西斯·德瑞克到西非沿岸,襲擊西班牙和葡萄牙販運奴隸的船隻[17],打算建立大西洋奴隸貿易,被兩人斷然拒絕。後來英西戰爭白熱化,伊莉莎白一世繼續批准私掠突襲西班牙在美洲的港口,以及滿載新大陸珍寶,經大西洋返航的西班牙船隊。當時,理察·哈克盧伊特約翰·迪伊等具影響力的作家開始推動英格蘭設立自己的帝國,其中迪伊是首個使用「大英帝國」一詞的人[18]。此時西班牙成為美洲的主要統治力量,並開始探索太平洋,葡萄牙則在非洲和巴西設立通往中國和東南亞的堡壘,以阻止別國打破葡萄牙對香料和瓷器貿易的壟斷。法國因為皮草貿易在16世紀末開始殖民聖勞倫斯河地區,後來此地區先為新法蘭西公司控制,在太陽王時期被直接併入法國,是為新法蘭西[19]

英格蘭儘管在建立海外殖民地方面遠遠落後葡萄牙、西班牙和法國,但於16世紀參考1169年諾曼征服愛爾蘭,派英格蘭的新教徒到愛爾蘭定居,設立首個海外殖民地英語Plantations of Ireland[20][21]。部分協助建立愛爾蘭殖民地的人士後來在殖民北美洲早期扮演重要角色,最為有名的是西部人英語West Country men[22]




1603年,蘇格蘭國王詹姆士六世以詹姆士一世之名繼承英國王位,1604年與西班牙籤訂《倫敦條約英語Treaty of London (1604)》,結束敵對狀態。與主要的對手和平共處下,英格蘭將注意力從掠奪其他國家的殖民設施,轉向設立自己的海外殖民地[28]。隨著美洲及加勒比海小島殖民地紛紛設立,負責管理殖民地及海外貿易的東印度公司股份有限公司不斷湧現,大英帝國於17世紀初具規模。部分歷史學家將這段時間到美國獨立戰爭結束後十三殖民地喪失的18世紀末稱為「第一大英帝國」[29]



加勒比海地區最初是英格蘭最重要、最有利可圖的殖民地[30],但殖民當地的活動歷經多次嘗試才獲得成功。1604年,英格蘭帶著尋找金礦的目標,在蓋亞那設立殖民地,結果沒有找到金礦,只維持了兩年[31]。之後聖露西亞(1605年)和格瑞那達(1609年)的殖民計劃迅速告吹,後來聖基茨島(1624年)、巴貝多(1627年)和尼維斯島(1628年)的殖民地成功設立[32]。各殖民地不久後採用葡萄牙殖民巴西英語Colonial Brazil時利用成功的糖種植業體系。這項體系依靠奴隸工人運作,一開始被荷蘭船隊用來販售奴隸、購買糖[33]。為確保日益增長的可觀收入留在英格蘭手中,議會於1651年通過《航海法案》,只允許英格蘭船隊在英格蘭殖民地貿易,激怒了荷蘭共和國,引爆第一次英荷戰爭,最終英國獲得勝利,成功加強了自身在加勒比海的貿易地位[34]。1655年,英格蘭從西班牙手中吞併牙買加,1666年成功殖民巴哈馬[35]

1607年,在約翰·史密斯的帶領下,英格蘭在詹姆斯敦成立首個美洲永久定居點,由維吉尼亞公司管理。由於1609年維吉尼亞公司旗艦英語Sea Venture的海難,百慕達被英格蘭占領並宣稱擁有主權,並於1615年移交給新成立的薩默斯群島公司英語Somers Isles Company[36]。維吉尼亞公司的特許狀於1624年被撤銷,維吉尼亞的直接控制權由王室接管,從而建立了維吉尼亞殖民地[37]倫敦和布里斯托公司英語London and Bristol Company成立於 1610 年,目的是在紐芬蘭建立永久定居點,但基本上沒有成功[38]。1620年, 普利茅斯殖民地作為清教徒宗教分離主義者(後來被稱為朝聖先輩)的避風港而建立[39]。逃離宗教迫害成為許多英格蘭准殖民者冒著艱巨風險跨大西洋航行英語Transatlantic crossing的動機:馬里蘭省建立時是羅馬天主教徒的避風港(1634), 羅德島殖民地及普羅維登斯莊園(1636)是寬容所有宗教的殖民地,而康乃狄克州(1639)是公理會的天堂。卡羅萊納省成立於1663年。隨著1664年阿姆斯特丹堡的投降,英格蘭獲得了對荷蘭殖民地新尼德蘭的控制權,並將其更名為紐約。這是在第二次英荷戰爭後的談判中正式確定的,以換取蘇利南[40]。1681年,賓夕法尼亞省殖民地由威廉·佩恩建立。雖然美洲殖民地在經濟上不如加勒比地區成功,但這些地區擁有大片優質農田,吸引了更多喜歡溫帶氣候的英格蘭移民[41]

1670年,查理二世通過皇家特許狀成立了哈德遜灣公司 (HBC),授予其壟斷魯珀特地毛皮貿易英語North American fur trade的權利,該地區後來成為加拿大自治領的很大一部分。哈德遜灣公司建立的堡壘和貿易站經常成為法國人攻擊的目標,法國人在鄰近的新法蘭西建立了自己的毛皮貿易殖民地[42]

兩年後,皇家非洲公司成立,從查理國王那裡獲得了向英屬加勒比殖民地供應奴隸的貿易壟斷權[43]。從一開始,奴隸制度就是帝國在西印度群島的基礎。直到1807年奴隸貿易的廢除,英國運送了三分之一的橫渡大西洋的奴隸——350萬非洲人[44]。為了促進這種貿易,英國在西非海岸建立了堡壘,例如詹姆斯島阿克拉英語Jamestown, Ghana邦斯島英語Bunce Island。在英屬加勒比,非裔人口的百分比從1650年的25%上升到了1780年的80%,而在十三殖民地,這一數字在同一時期從10%上升到了40%(主要在南方殖民地)[45]。對奴隸貿易者來說,這種貿易極其有利可圖,並且成為布里斯托格拉斯哥利物浦等西部英國城市的主要經濟支柱,構成了與非洲和美洲三角貿易的第三角。在運輸期間,惡劣和不衛生的條件以及糟糕的飲食,意味著中段英語Middle Passage的平均死亡率為七分之一[46]



16世紀末,英格蘭和荷蘭開始挑戰葡萄牙對亞洲貿易的壟斷地位,成立了私人股份有限公司來資助航海,即英國東印度公司荷蘭東印度公司,二者分別於1600年和1602年獲得貿易專利特許。公司的首要目標是開展香料貿易,利潤可觀;貿易主要集中在兩個地區:東印度群島和印度,印度是重要的貿易中心,他們在此與葡萄牙以及彼此之間競爭貿易主導權[47] 。荷蘭在17世紀初期數次於海上擊敗西班牙帝國,在三十年戰爭結束後基本上控制了歐亞之間的香料貿易,成為了東南亞的主導力量。儘管英國海外殖民地面積更大,然而荷蘭靠壟斷的香料貿易賺進了大筆財富,且擁有更加完善的金融系統。1688年光榮革命後,來自荷蘭的奧蘭治親王威廉與其妻瑪麗共治英格蘭,兩國結束了敵對關係。而後英荷簽訂協議,將東印度群島的香料貿易留給荷蘭,將印度的紡織業留給英國。儘管英國在東南亞殖民開始的較晚,然而其穩紮穩打,很快在印度西、東岸及孟加拉地區都建立了據點。依靠著印度豐富的物產以及英國資本主義的快速發展,在18世紀紡織品的利潤逐漸超過了香料[48]

1688年英荷兩國恢復和平的另一個原因是針對路易十四治下法蘭西王國大同盟戰爭開始了, 不過英國在這場戰爭中顯然獲利更大,因為荷蘭需要參與和法國的陸戰,這將迫使其調撥大筆國防預算給陸軍,讓英國在海上打擊荷蘭時壓力小上不少[49]。 1700年, 西班牙國王卡洛斯二世病逝,法王路易十四的孫子菲利普五世即位成為西班牙國王,法西兩國試圖合併本土與海外殖民地,成為一個統一的帝國,而這對於英格蘭與其他歐洲國家來說是不可接受的[50] 。1701年,英格蘭葡萄牙荷蘭神聖羅馬帝國西班牙法國宣戰,持續十三年的西班牙王位繼承戰爭爆發[50]






18世紀見證了新誕生大不列顛王國逐漸成為主導海洋的第一殖民帝國,也因法蘭西與英吉利對世界強權的二元爭霸而震顫[53] 。直到1714年,這場捲入不列顛、荷蘭、葡萄牙、神聖羅馬帝國和法國多國參戰的漫長西班牙繼承戰爭,才終於以烏德勒支合約的簽訂而告終。菲利普五世可以繼位成為西班牙國王,然而他與他的所有繼承人都要放棄對法國王位的宣稱,這一戰還大大削弱了西班牙的國力,使其徹底丟掉了歐洲強國的地位[50]。不列顛帝國在這場戰爭結束後領土有所擴張:從法國,英國獲得了新法蘭西紐芬蘭新斯科舍等地,從西班牙則獲得了戰略要衝直布羅陀梅諾卡島。直布羅陀成為了英國最重要的海軍基地之一,其在之後的200多年中幫助不列顛扼守著從大西洋地中海最重要的水道。西班牙還將利潤豐厚的西屬美洲黑奴貿易專營權asiento英語asiento)轉讓給了英國[54]。1739年英西之間詹姆斯的耳朵戰爭爆發後, 西班牙私掠船三角貿易航路中打劫英國商船。1746年英西兩國開始和談,西班牙國王同意停止對英國商船的私掠活動,然而在馬德里條約英語Treaty of Madrid (5 October 1750)中英國也喪失了撒哈拉以南非洲的奴隸貿易經營權[55]

在東印度,荷蘭與英國的商人繼續在香料與紡織品貿易上競爭。隨著紡織品貿易的規模逐漸超越香料貿易,在1720年之後,英國殖民公司的貨物銷量壓倒了荷蘭方面[48]。18世紀中葉有數次軍事衝突印度次大陸上爆發, 這是因為隨著莫臥兒帝國的衰落,其原疆域的許多地方出現了權力真空,英法東印度公司在擴張的過程中與當地土著不斷發生衝突。1757年普拉西戰役爆發,英軍擊敗孟加拉總督英語Nawab of Bengal與他的法國盟友,自此東印度公司控制了整個孟加拉地區並且成為了印度舉足輕重的政治和軍事力量[56],而法國不僅喪失了對法屬印度的控制,還不得不接受對其在印度軍事力量的限制,並被迫負上了對英國從屬國提供支持的義務,法國人徹底喪失了控制整個印度的希望[57]。在之後的一個世紀中,英國東印度公司不斷增加其控制的土地面積,這其中既有公司直轄的省份,也有懾於省轄軍英語Presidency Armies(主要由印度兵組成,配有英國軍官的土著軍隊)而從屬於公司的酋長代管的[58]。英國與法國在印度的戰役也是捲入大部分歐洲強權、全球性七年戰爭 (1756–1763) 的一個部分[42]



大英帝國於1763-1776年間在北美的領土, 面積較十三殖民地寬廣得多。

1760年代至70年代,北美的十三塊殖民地與英國本土之間的關係變得愈加緊張,這主要是因為英國議會不斷在不經白人殖民者們同意的情況下肆意給他們加稅。當時殖民者間的一句口號「無代表,不納稅」譴責了英國政府對英國人權英語Rights of Englishmen的違反。美國革命開始於一些殖民者對議會權威的挑戰與殖民地自治的嘗試。不過這很快遭來了當局的報復,英國本土向北美派出部隊取締自治組織並施加直接統治,矛盾激化之下,戰爭終於在1775年爆發了。次年,也就是1776年7月4日,第二次大陸會議通過美國獨立宣言,十三殖民地正式獨立。隨後法國英語France in the American Revolutionary War西班牙英語Spain and the American Revolutionary War介入戰爭,大力支援美國,勝利的天平逐漸倒向大陸軍。1781年約克鎮的慘敗後,英國不得不進行和平談判,最後在1783年的巴黎和約中承認了美國的獨立[60]


美國獨立戰爭也間接影響了加拿大的政治環境,大約有40,000至100,000名保皇黨人[65]在獨立戰爭期間從美國逃往加拿大[66]。其中的14000人前往了新斯科舍省聖約翰聖科羅伊河英語Saint Croix River (Maine – New Brunswick)河谷,由於感到離省政府所在地過遠,因此倫敦當局在1784年單獨將新斯科舍的一部分劃為了新不倫瑞克省[67]。為了消除英語和法語社區之間的緊張局勢,1791憲法法案劃出了以英語為主的上加拿大和以法語為主的下加拿大,它還創製了一套類似英國本土的行政體系,其目的是加強英倫皇室在加拿大的威望,以免讓可能促動獨立的共和派在政府中占了上風[68]






自1718年起,大英帝國就開始以花樣繁多的罪名向美洲流放罪犯,每年都有大約1000人[71]。1783年失去北美十三州後英國政府改選澳大利亞為流放地[72]澳大利亞海岸英語New Holland (Australia)在1606年英語Janszoon voyage of 1605–06首先被荷蘭探險家發現[73],但一直沒有國家嘗試開展殖民活動。1770年英國人詹姆斯·庫克在一次科研航行英語First voyage of James Cook中繪製了澳洲東海岸的地圖,宣布此地為大不列顛領土,命名為新南威爾斯[74]。1778年,約瑟夫·班克斯作為庫克遠航中隨行的植物學家,向政府提供證據,建言植物學灣適宜建立新的流放地。第一艘載著流放犯人英語Convicts in Australia的船隻在1787年出發,經過數月航行成功於次年抵達[75]。與往常不同,殖民者僅僅通過一張公告就取得了澳大利亞土地的主權,澳洲原住民被認為過於野蠻,不值得與其訂立條約[76][77],而殖民活動伴隨的疾病與暴力,給被驅離故土的原住民帶來了深重苦難[78][79]。英國此後繼續向新南威爾斯流放犯人直到1840年,對塔斯馬尼亞西澳大利亞的流放活動分別至1853和1868年才結束[80]。澳大利亞的殖民者很快因為從事出口當地盛產的羊毛與黃金而發家致富[81],由此引發的淘金潮使得維多利亞州首府墨爾本一度成為世界上最富有的城市[82]

庫克在遠航中也造訪了與澳洲一海之隔的紐西蘭,這塊島嶼在1642年被荷蘭探險家阿貝爾·塔斯曼首次發現,1769和1770年,南島北島分別被宣布為大不列顛的領土。開始時,原住民毛利人與歐洲人之間的接觸僅限於貿易往來,19世紀初期歐洲人定居點的數量開始增加,數個貿易站被建立起來,其中尤以北島為多。1839年,紐西蘭公司英語New Zealand Company宣布計劃採購大量土地以在島上建成殖民地,次年2月6日,威廉·霍布森英語William Hobson船長與40個毛利土著酋長簽訂懷唐伊條約,正式宣布將紐西蘭納入英國女王主權的管制之下[83]。該條約如今被認為是紐西蘭的建國文件[84],然而由於許多英文詞彙在毛利語中都無法找到準確的對應意思,該條約的毛利語版本和英文版在不少語義上有歧義[85],因此其至今仍存在爭議[86]







With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, goods produced by slavery became less important to the British economy.[91] Added to this was the cost of suppressing regular slave rebellion英語slave rebellions. With support from the British abolitionist英語Abolitionism in the United Kingdom movement, Parliament enacted the Slave Trade Act英語Slave Trade Act 1807 in 1807, which abolished the slave trade in the empire. In 1808, Sierra Leone Colony英語Sierra Leone Colony was designated an official British colony for freed slaves.[92] Parliamentary reform in 1832 saw the influence of the West India Committee英語West India Committee decline. The Slavery Abolition Act英語Slavery Abolition Act 1833, passed the following year, abolished slavery in the British Empire on 1 August 1834, finally bringing the Empire into line with the law in the UK (with the exception of the territories administered by the East India Company and Ceylon, where slavery was ended in 1844). Under the Act, slaves were granted full emancipation after a period of four to six years of "apprenticeship".[93] Facing further opposition from abolitionists, the apprenticeship system was abolished in 1838.[94] The British government compensated slave-owners.[95][96]



在1815年至1914年這段被歷史學家稱作英國的「帝國時代」的時間裡[97][98],有大約100萬平方英里(約合260萬平方公里)的土地和近4億人民處在大英帝國的統治之下[99]。在擊敗拿破崙之後,英國除了在亞洲與俄國競爭外再無敵手[100]。憑藉著海上霸權,英國在這一個世紀的時間裡充當著世界警察的角色,在採用所謂「光榮孤立」之外交政策的同時[101],維持著「英國強權下的和平」[102][103][104]。 除了直接控制著的殖民地,大英帝國還依靠其對全球貿易的支配地位對一些國家的國民經濟施加極為深刻之影響——例如中國阿根廷暹羅,這些地區則被歷史學家稱作「非正式帝國[9][10]


所謂「英國強權下的和平」與蒸汽船電報的關係密不可分,依靠這兩項在19世紀後半葉發展成熟的技術,英國人得以管理並保衛其散落世界各處的龐大殖民地。至1902年,帝國內部已經建成一條名為「全紅線英語All Red Line」的電報網絡以連繫帝國各部分。[105]





18世紀末19世紀初,隨著東印度公司的弊端日益顯現,英國王室和政府開始在印度事務中扮演更為重要的角色。英國議會通過了包括《1773年規制法案》英語Regulating Act of 1773, 《1784年皮特印度法案》《1813年特許狀法案》英語Charter Act of 1813在內的一系列法案,對公司行為作出規範並確立了英國王室對東印度公司屬地的主權[109]。東印度公司對印度的管制於1857年印度叛亂之後基本結束[110]。是次叛亂耗時六個月才基本鎮壓,交戰雙方均傷亡慘重。次年,英國議會通過《1858年印度政府法案》英語Government of India Act 1858,正式建立英屬印度,指派總督代表當時的印度女皇維多利亞管理印度[111]。 自此,印度成為了大英帝國最為重要的殖民地,為大英帝國維持全球霸權提供了大量資源,被稱為「皇冠上的明珠」[112]

19世紀後半葉的多次糧食歉收英語Famine in India導致至少1500萬人死亡。在東印度公司統治期間,公司並未針對饑荒制訂任何行之有效的預防以及應對策略,在英國對印度實行直接管治之後,當局針對每一次進行調查,分析饑荒發生的原因並制定相應政策,但是直到20世紀初這些政策才發揮作用[113]


1854年巴拉克拉瓦戰役英語Battle of Balaclava期間,英軍騎兵向俄軍衝鋒的情景。




《羅茲巨像》英語The Rhodes Colossus——開普殖民地總理塞西爾·羅茲一隻腳踏在開普敦,另一隻腳踏在開羅,既象徵著英國在非洲龐大的殖民帝國,也象徵著羅茲個人在非洲殖民事務上的影響力。


1869年,蘇伊士運河拿破崙三世的支持和運作下竣工並通航,溝通地中海與印度洋。儘管英國一開始極力反對該計劃[124],在運河通航後,英國的政策還是大幅轉向,蘇伊士運河成為了帝國的「大動脈」[125]。1875年,保守黨首相班傑明·迪斯雷利出價四百萬英鎊(相當於2021年的四億英鎊),向當時負債纍纍的埃及統治者伊斯梅爾帕夏購得了蘇伊士運河44%的股份。儘管這並不會賦予英國在運河事務上的超然地位,英國還是取得了通過槓桿來施加己方影響力的能力。在1882年英國出兵保護運河之前,運河一直由英法兩國共同控制[126]。 儘管英國於1914年取得了對埃及的宗主權,蘇伊士運河的主權還是在鄂圖曼帝國手中。儘管法國一直在試圖削弱英國對運河的掌控[127],歐洲各國最終在1888年的《君士坦丁堡公約英語Convention of Constantinople》達成妥協,使蘇伊士運河成為中立地區[128]


英國在南非和東非的擴張使得其在南非地區擴張的急先鋒塞西爾·羅茲大受鼓舞,並提出了雄心勃勃的「開羅-開普敦鐵路」計劃以連接坐擁戰略要地的北非和擁有豐富資源的南非[131]。在19世紀的最後二十年時間裡,羅茲和他創立的不列顛南非公司吞併了英語company rule in Rhodesia後來依據羅茲的姓氏而被命名為「羅得西亞」的地區[132]



白人殖民地的獨立之路始於1839年的《杜漢報告》英語Report on the Affairs of British North America,這份報告主張通過把上加拿大和下加拿大合一併授權其組織自治政府來平息1837年叛亂在北美殖民地引發的動盪[133]。在《1840年聯合法案》英語Act of Union 1840通過後,英國組建了加拿大省。1848年,新斯科舍率先組建了責任政府,這種行政體系隨後也漸漸擴大到整個英屬北美。而在英國議會通過《1867年英屬北美法案》後,加拿大省、新不倫瑞克和新斯科舍一同併入加拿大邦聯,享有完全自治,但是外交權由宗主國代行[134]。澳大利亞與紐西蘭亦在1900年澳大利亞聯邦成立後達到了相同的自治程度[135]。「自治領」一詞則在1907年帝國會議上提出[136]

19世紀後半葉,愛爾蘭開展了一系列爭取愛爾蘭自治英語home rule政治運動英語political campaign。自1798年愛爾蘭叛亂被鎮壓後,大不列顛王國通過《1800年聯合法令》將愛爾蘭納入聯合王國內部。此後,愛爾蘭在19世紀中葉經歷嚴重饑荒。愛爾蘭自治得到了英國政界自由黨人的支持,時任首相威廉·格萊斯頓認為可以使愛爾蘭最終通過類似加拿大的模式成為帝國內部的自治領,但是這一計劃隨著《1886年愛爾蘭政府法》英語Government of Ireland Bill 1886被下院否決而化為泡影——儘管該法案賦予愛爾蘭的自治權相較加拿大聯邦諸省而言更少[137],許多議員還是擔心一個更具自主性的愛爾蘭會對聯合王國自身的安全構成隱患,甚至成為大英帝國分崩離析的先聲[138]。不僅如此,《1893年愛爾蘭政府法》英語Irish Government Bill 1893 同樣因此而被駁回[138]。後來英國議會雖然通過了《1914年愛爾蘭自治法案》英語Home Rule Act 1914,但是隨著第一次世界大戰的爆發,該法案被推遲執行,這一行為為日後的復活節起義埋下了導火索[139]







在英國對同盟國的戰爭中,各殖民地和自治領都作出了貢獻,提供了大量的軍事、財政和物質支持。戰爭期間,有超過250萬人在各自治領的軍隊中服役,還有來自殖民地的數千名志願者也參軍作戰。[144]澳新軍團在1915年加里波利戰役期間英勇作戰,為其民族意識產生了深遠影響,這也是澳大利亞和紐西蘭有殖民地向主權國家過渡的分水嶺。時至今日,澳大利亞和紐西蘭仍共同紀念澳新軍團日維米嶺戰役對於加拿大而言也有著相同的含義[145]。各自治領為戰爭作出的貢獻英語war effort並沒有被忽視,1917年,時任英國首相大衛·勞合·喬治邀請個各自治領總理加入帝國戰爭內閣,以便協調帝國戰爭政策[146]




第一次世界大戰所帶來的世界格局的變化,尤其是美利堅合眾國和大日本帝國作為新一代海權國家的崛起,以及印度、愛爾蘭當地民族主義運動的興起,使得英國開始重新評估其帝國政策[149]。被迫在美國和日本之間做出抉擇的英國政府,最終選擇放棄日本作為其盟友的策略,轉而接受了與美國在海軍方面的對等地位,並於1922年簽訂了《華盛頓海軍條約》 [150]。而在30年代,隨著日本和德國在大蕭條中逐漸轉向軍國主義[151],英國國內對於外交政策的方向也產生了大量討論——令人擔憂的是,帝國恐怕難以同時面對這兩個國家的攻擊[152]。帝國的生存,對於英國是至關重要的問題,因為它影響著英國的經濟[153]

1919年,由於愛爾蘭自治運動英語Irish Home Rule movement被推遲,在1918年英國大選中取得大多數愛爾蘭席位的新芬黨在都柏林宣布成立議會,並聲稱將脫離英國。與此同時,愛爾蘭共和軍對英國政府發動了游擊戰[154],但是這場戰爭於1921年以僵局結束,雙方簽訂了英愛條約,宣告愛爾蘭自由邦的成立,愛爾蘭將被賦予自治領地位,地位仍在聯合王國之下,但是能夠擁有自行處理外交、國防事務的權力[155]。由六個郡組成的北愛爾蘭,則運用其在《1920年愛爾蘭政府法》中取得的權力,選擇繼續留在英國內部[156]


《1919年印度政府法案》英語Government of India Act 1919沒能滿足印度人對獨立的追求[157]加達爾兵變陰謀英語Ghadar conspiracy之後,英國政府發現在印度維持鎮壓是有必要的,並因此實施了《1919年無政府主義與革命罪行法》。該法案一經實施便激化了印度社會的矛盾[158],尤其是在旁遮普地區,英屬印度當局的鎮壓導致了阿姆利則慘案的發生。英國本土輿論對於慘案的評價兩極分化,一些人認為政府是在保護當地社會免於墮入無政府主義者之手,另一些人則對大屠殺表示反感[158]。1922年喬里-喬拉事件後,不合作運動也被當局叫停,而在此後的25年間,不滿一直在當地人心中滋長[159]

1922年,自第一次世界大戰爆發起一直處於英國保護之下的埃及被賦予獨立地位英語Unilateral Declaration of Egyptian Independence,儘管如此,埃及還是作為英國的附庸國直至1954年,直到1936年雙方訂立英埃條約英語Anglo-Egyptian treaty of 1936後,約定英國仍享有對蘇伊士運河的駐兵權後,英國陸軍的駐軍才撤離埃及[160]。作為回報,埃及將被接納進入國際聯盟[161]。英國的託管地伊拉克直到1932年獨立後才加入國聯[162]。在巴勒斯坦,英國需要調解當地阿拉伯人與不斷湧入的猶太人之間日益加深的矛盾。1917年,時任英國外相阿瑟·貝爾福發表宣言,聲稱將為「猶太人在巴勒斯坦內建立一個民族之家」,而且猶太人將得以在巴勒斯坦托管國的規範下移民該地[163]。該宣言導致中東地區在接下來的時間裡持續動盪,而猶太復國主義分子公然無視宣言中「不得傷害其他本地民族利益」的條款,大肆排擠阿拉伯族群,也使得當地阿拉伯人不滿日增,並最終於1936年發動暴亂英語1936–39 Arab revolt in Palestine。待到三十年代,隨著來自德國的威脅與日俱增,英國政府為了爭取阿拉伯世界的支持,逐漸轉向親阿拉伯立場,限制猶太人移民至巴勒斯坦,而這又導致了猶太人暴動[143]

1923年帝國會議英語1923 Imperial Conference授予了各自治領獨立處理外交事務的權利[164]。不過在此前查納克危機英語Chanak Crisis爆發時,加拿大和南非聯邦就拒絕了英國的增兵請求,而加拿大也拒絕為《洛桑條約》所約束[165]。繼愛爾蘭自由邦和南非聯邦向英國施壓後,1926年召開的帝國會議通過了《1926年貝爾福宣言》宣布各自治領「都是大英帝國內部的自治社區,彼此平等,互不隸屬,共同屬於大英國協」[166]《1931年威斯敏斯特法令》頒布後,該宣言的精神正式在法律層面上成為現實[136]。從法理上講,自該法令後,加拿大、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、南非聯邦、愛爾蘭自由邦和紐芬蘭自治領都將脫離英國控制,她們可以廢除英國法律英語Law of the United Kingdom,而英國議會在未經許可的情況下無權為她們立法[167]。此後,紐芬蘭囿於大蕭條所帶來的經濟崩潰,被重新降格為殖民地[168]。而愛爾蘭自由邦在於1937年通過其共和憲法後亦更名為愛爾蘭[169]


第二次世界大戰期間,英國陸軍第八集團軍英語Eighth Army (United Kingdom)包括來自大英國協多個國家的部隊,該集團軍曾在北非義大利作戰。






Though Britain and the empire emerged victorious from the Second World War, the effects of the conflict were profound, both at home and abroad. Much of Europe, a continent that had dominated the world for several centuries, was in ruins, and host to the armies of the United States and the Soviet Union, who now held the balance of global power.[181] Britain was left essentially bankrupt, with insolvency only averted in 1946 after the negotiation of a $US 4.33 billion loan英語Anglo-American loan from the United States,[182] the last installment of which was repaid in 2006.[183] At the same time, anti-colonial movements were on the rise in the colonies of European nations. The situation was complicated further by the increasing Cold War rivalry of the United States and the Soviet Union. In principle, both nations were opposed to European colonialism. In practice, American anti-communism prevailed over anti-imperialism, and therefore the United States supported the continued existence of the British Empire to keep Communist expansion in check.[184] At first British politicians believed it would be possible to maintain Britain's role as a world power at the head of a re-imagined Commonwealth,[185] but by 1960 they were forced to recognise that there was an irresistible "wind of change英語Wind of Change (speech)" blowing. Their priorities changed to maintaining an extensive zone of British influence[186] and ensuring that stable, non-Communist governments were established in former colonies. In this context, while other European powers such as France and Portugal[187] waged costly and unsuccessful wars to keep their empires intact, Britain generally adopted a policy of peaceful disengagement from its colonies. In reality, this was rarely peaceable or altruistic. Between 1945 and 1965, the number of people under British rule outside the UK itself fell from 700 million to 5 million, 3 million of whom were in Hong Kong.[188]


About 14.5 million people lost their homes as a result of the partition of India in 1947.

The pro-decolonisation Labour government, elected at the 1945 general election and led by Clement Attlee, moved quickly to tackle the most pressing issue facing the empire: Indian independence.[189] India's two major political parties—the Indian National Congress (led by Mahatma Gandhi) and the Muslim League (led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah)—had been campaigning for independence for decades, but disagreed as to how it should be implemented. Congress favoured a unified secular Indian state, whereas the League, fearing domination by the Hindu majority, desired a separate Islamic state for Muslim-majority regions. Increasing civil unrest英語Civil disorder and the mutiny of the Royal Indian Navy英語History of the Indian Navy during 1946 led Attlee to promise independence no later than 30 June 1948. When the urgency of the situation and risk of civil war became apparent, the newly appointed (and last) Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, hastily brought forward the date to 15 August 1947.[190] The borders drawn by the British to broadly partition India into Hindu and Muslim areas left tens of millions as minorities in the newly independent states of India and Pakistan.[191] Millions of Muslims crossed from India to Pakistan and Hindus vice versa, and violence between the two communities cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Burma, which had been administered as part of the British Raj, and Sri Lanka gained their independence the following year in 1948. India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka became members of the Commonwealth, while Burma chose not to join.[192]

The British Mandate in Palestine, where an Arab majority lived alongside a Jewish minority, presented the British with a similar problem to that of India.[193] The matter was complicated by large numbers of Jewish refugees英語Jewish refugees seeking to be admitted to Palestine following the Holocaust, while Arabs were opposed to the creation of a Jewish state. Frustrated by the intractability of the problem, attacks by Jewish paramilitary organisations and the increasing cost of maintaining its military presence, Britain announced in 1947 that it would withdraw in 1948 and leave the matter to the United Nations to solve.[194] The UN General Assembly subsequently voted for a plan to partition Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab state. It was immediately followed by the outbreak of a civil war between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine, and British forces withdrew amid the fighting. The British Mandate for Palestine officially terminated at midnight on 15 May 1948 as the State of Israel declared independence and the 1948 Arab-Israeli War broke out, during which the territory of the former Mandate was partitioned between Israel and the surrounding Arab states. Amid the fighting, British forces continued to withdraw from Israel, with the last British troops departing from Haifa on 30 June 1948.[195]

Following the surrender of Japan in the Second World War, anti-Japanese resistance movements in Malaya turned their attention towards the British, who had moved to quickly retake control of the colony, valuing it as a source of rubber and tin.[196] The fact that the guerrillas were primarily Malayan-Chinese Communists meant that the British attempt to quell the uprising was supported by the Muslim Malay majority, on the understanding that once the insurgency had been quelled, independence would be granted.[196] The Malayan Emergency, as it was called, began in 1948 and lasted until 1960, but by 1957, Britain felt confident enough to grant independence to the Federation of Malaya within the Commonwealth. In 1963, the 11 states of the federation together with Singapore, Sarawak and North Borneo joined to form Malaysia, but in 1965 Chinese-majority Singapore was expelled from the union following tensions between the Malay and Chinese populations and became an independent city-state.[197] Brunei, which had been a British protectorate since 1888, declined to join the union.[198]


Eden's decision to invade Egypt in 1956 revealed Britain's post-war weaknesses.

In 1951, the Conservative Party returned to power in Britain, under the leadership of Winston Churchill. Churchill and the Conservatives believed that Britain's position as a world power relied on the continued existence of the empire, with the base at the Suez Canal allowing Britain to maintain its pre-eminent position in the Middle East in spite of the loss of India. Churchill could not ignore Gamal Abdul Nasser's new revolutionary government of Egypt that had taken power in 1952, and the following year it was agreed that British troops would withdraw from the Suez Canal zone and that Sudan would be granted self-determination by 1955, with independence to follow.[199] Sudan was granted independence英語History of Sudan (1956–69) on 1 January 1956.[200]

In July 1956, Nasser unilaterally nationalised the Suez Canal. The response of Anthony Eden, who had succeeded Churchill as Prime Minister, was to collude with France to engineer an Israeli attack on Egypt英語Republic of Egypt (1953–58) that would give Britain and France an excuse to intervene militarily and retake the canal.[201] Eden infuriated US President Dwight D. Eisenhower by his lack of consultation, and Eisenhower refused to back the invasion.[202] Another of Eisenhower's concerns was the possibility of a wider war with the Soviet Union after it threatened to intervene on the Egyptian side. Eisenhower applied financial leverage by threatening to sell US reserves of the British pound and thereby precipitate a collapse of the British currency.[203] Though the invasion force was militarily successful in its objectives,[204] UN intervention and US pressure forced Britain into a humiliating withdrawal of its forces, and Eden resigned.[205][206]

The Suez Crisis very publicly exposed Britain's limitations to the world and confirmed Britain's decline on the world stage and its end as a first-rate power,[207][208] demonstrating that henceforth it could no longer act without at least the acquiescence, if not the full support, of the United States.[209][210][211] The events at Suez wounded British national pride, leading one Member of Parliament (MP) to describe it as "Britain's Waterloo"[212] and another to suggest that the country had become an "American satellite".[213] Margaret Thatcher later described the mindset she believed had befallen Britain's political leaders after Suez where they "went from believing that Britain could do anything to an almost neurotic belief that Britain could do nothing", from which Britain did not recover until the successful recapture of the Falkland Islands from Argentina in 1982.[214]

While the Suez Crisis caused British power in the Middle East to weaken, it did not collapse.[215] Britain again deployed its armed forces to the region, intervening in Oman英語Muscat and Oman (1957), Jordan (1958英語United Nations Security Council Resolution 127) and Kuwait英語Sheikhdom of Kuwait (1961英語Operation Vantage), though on these occasions with American approval,[216] as the new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan's foreign policy was to remain firmly aligned with the United States.[212] Although Britain granted Kuwait independence in 1961, it continued to maintain a military presence in the Middle East for another decade. On 16 January 1968, a few weeks after the devaluation of the pound, Prime Minister Harold Wilson and his Defence Secretary Denis Healey announced that British troops would be withdrawn from major military bases East of Suez英語East of Suez, which included the ones in the Middle East, and primarily from Malaysia and Singapore by the end of 1971, instead of 1975 as earlier planned.[217] By that time over 50,000 British military personnel were still stationed in the Far East, including 30,000 in Singapore.[218] The British granted independence to the Maldives in 1965 but continued to station a garrison there until 1976, withdrew from Aden in 1967, and granted independence to Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates in 1971.[219]


British decolonisation in Africa. By the end of the 1960s, all but Rhodesia (the future Zimbabwe) and the South African mandate of South West Africa (Namibia) had achieved recognised independence.

Macmillan gave a speech in Cape Town, South Africa in February 1960 where he spoke of "the wind of change英語Wind of Change (speech) blowing through this continent".[220] Macmillan wished to avoid the same kind of colonial war that France was fighting in Algeria, and under his premiership decolonisation proceeded rapidly.[221] To the three colonies that had been granted independence in the 1950s—Sudan, the Gold Coast and Malaya—were added nearly ten times that number during the 1960s.[222]

Britain's remaining colonies in Africa, except for self-governing英語self-governing colony Southern Rhodesia, were all granted independence by 1968. British withdrawal from the southern and eastern parts of Africa was not a peaceful process. Kenyan independence was preceded by the eight-year Mau Mau uprising, in which tens of thousands of suspected rebels were interned by the colonial government in detention camps.[223] In Rhodesia, the 1965 Unilateral Declaration of Independence英語Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the white minority resulted in a civil war that lasted until the Lancaster House Agreement英語Lancaster House Agreement of 1979, which set the terms for recognised independence in 1980, as the new nation of Zimbabwe.[224]

賽普勒斯希臘裔賽普勒斯人建立起賽普勒斯戰士全國組織(EOKA)並發動反對英國統治的遊擊戰,因1959年《倫敦-蘇黎世條約英語London and Zürich Agreements》的簽訂而結束,隔年賽普勒斯獨立。但英國保留亞克羅提利與德凱利亞地區的軍事基地。「馬爾他直轄殖民地」原本於1955年提出在1956年2月11日至12日舉行與英國合併的公投英語1956 Maltese United Kingdom integration referendum中,但最後合併案並未成功,於1964年獨立成馬爾他共和國[225]

Most of the UK's Caribbean territories achieved independence after the departure in 1961 and 1962 of Jamaica and Trinidad from the West Indies Federation, established in 1958 in an attempt to unite the British Caribbean colonies under one government, but which collapsed following the loss of its two largest members.[226] Jamaica attained independence in 1962, as did Trinidad and Tobago. Barbados achieved independence in 1966 and the remainder of the eastern Caribbean islands, including the Bahamas, in the 1970s and 1980s,[226] but Anguilla and the Turks and Caicos Islands opted to revert to British rule after they had already started on the path to independence.[227] The British Virgin Islands,[228] The Cayman Islands and Montserrat opted to retain ties with Britain,[229] while Guyana achieved independence in 1966. Britain's last colony on the American mainland, British Honduras, became a self-governing colony in 1964 and was renamed Belize in 1973, achieving full independence in 1981. A dispute with Guatemala英語Belizean-Guatemalan territorial dispute over claims to Belize was left unresolved.[230]

British territories in the Pacific acquired independence in the 1970s beginning with Fiji in 1970 and ending with Vanuatu in 1980. Vanuatu's independence was delayed because of political conflict between English and French-speaking communities, as the islands had been jointly administered as a condominium with France.[231] Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu became Commonwealth realms.[232]



By 1981, aside from a scattering of islands and outposts, the process of decolonisation that had begun after the Second World War was largely complete. In 1982, Britain's resolve in defending its remaining overseas territories was tested when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, acting on a long-standing claim that dated back to the Spanish Empire.[233] Britain's successful military response to retake the islands during the ensuing Falklands War contributed to reversing the downward trend in Britain's status as a world power.[234]

The 1980s saw Canada, Australia, and New Zealand sever their final constitutional links with Britain. Although granted legislative independence by the Statute of Westminster 1931, vestigial constitutional links had remained in place. The British Parliament retained the power to amend key Canadian constitutional statutes, meaning that effectively an act of the British Parliament was required to make certain changes to the Canadian Constitution.[235] The British Parliament had the power to pass laws extending to Canada at Canadian request. Although no longer able to pass any laws that would apply as Australian Commonwealth law, the British Parliament retained the power to legislate for the individual Australian states. With regard to New Zealand, the British Parliament retained the power to pass legislation applying to New Zealand with the New Zealand Parliament's consent. In 1982, the last legal link between Canada and Britain was severed by the Canada Act 1982英語Canada Act 1982, which was passed by the British parliament, formally patriating英語patriation the Canadian Constitution. The act ended the need for British involvement in changes to the Canadian constitution.[12] Similarly, the Australia Act 1986英語Australia Act 1986 (effective 3 March 1986) severed the constitutional link between Britain and the Australian states, while New Zealand's Constitution Act 1986英語Constitution Act 1986 (effective 1 January 1987) reformed the constitution of New Zealand to sever its constitutional link with Britain.[236]

On 1 January 1984, Brunei, Britain's last remaining Asian protectorate, was granted independence.[237] Independence had been delayed due to the opposition of the Sultan, who had preferred British protection.[238]

In September 1982 the Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, travelled to Beijing to negotiate with the Chinese government, on the future of Britain's last major and most populous overseas territory, Hong Kong.[239] Under the terms of the 1842 Treaty of Nanking and 1860 Convention of Peking, Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula had been respectively ceded to Britain in perpetuity, but the majority of the colony consisted of the New Territories, which had been acquired under a 99-year lease in 1898, due to expire in 1992.[240][241] Thatcher, seeing parallels with the Falkland Islands, initially wished to hold Hong Kong and proposed British administration with Chinese sovereignty, though this was rejected by China.[242] A deal was reached in 1984—under the terms of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong Kong would become a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, maintaining its way of life for at least 50 years.[243] The handover ceremony in 1992 marked for many,[11] including Charles, Prince of Wales, who was in attendance, "the end of Empire".[12]


The fourteen British Overseas Territories

Britain retains sovereignty over 14 territories outside the British Isles. In 1983, the British Nationality Act 1981 renamed the existing Crown Colonies as "British Dependent Territories",[註 1] and in 2002 they were renamed the British Overseas Territories.[246] Most former British colonies and protectorates are members of the Commonwealth of Nations, a voluntary association of equal members, comprising a population of around 2.2 billion people.[247] Fifteen Commonwealth realms voluntarily continue to share the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, as their head of state. These fifteen nations are distinct and equal legal entities – the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Belize, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.[248]

Decades, and in some cases centuries, of British rule and emigration have left their mark on the independent nations that arose from the British Empire. The empire established the use of the English language in regions around the world. Today it is the primary language of up to 460 million people and is spoken by about 1.5 billion as a first, second or foreign language.[249] Individual and team sports developed in Britain; particularly football, cricket, lawn tennis, and golf were exported.[250] British missionaries who travelled around the globe often in advance of soldiers and civil servants spread Protestantism (including Anglicanism) to all continents. The British Empire provided refuge for religiously persecuted continental Europeans for hundreds of years.[251]

Cricket being played in India. Sports developed in Britain or the former empire continue to be viewed and played.

Political boundaries drawn by the British did not always reflect homogeneous ethnicities or religions, contributing to conflicts in formerly colonised areas. The British Empire was responsible for large migrations of peoples. Millions left the British Isles, with the founding settler populations of the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand coming mainly from Britain and Ireland. Tensions remain between the white settler populations of these countries and their indigenous minorities, and between white settler minorities and indigenous majorities in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Settlers in Ireland from Great Britain have left their mark in the form of divided nationalist and unionist communities in Northern Ireland. Millions of people moved to and from British colonies, with large numbers of Indians emigrating to other parts of the empire, such as Malaysia and Fiji, and Chinese people to Malaysia, Singapore and the Caribbean.[252] The demographics of Britain itself were changed after the Second World War owing to immigration to Britain英語Immigration to the United Kingdom since 1922#Post-war immigration (1945–1983) from its former colonies.[253]

In the 19th century, innovation in Britain英語List of British innovations and discoveries led to revolutionary changes in manufacturing, the development of factory system英語factory systems, and the growth of transportation by railway and steam ship.[254] British colonial architecture, such as in churches, railway stations and government buildings, can be seen in many cities that were once part of the British Empire.[255] The British choice of system of measurement, the imperial system, continues to be used in some countries in various ways. The convention of driving on the left hand side of the road has been retained in much of the former empire.[256]

The Westminster system of parliamentary democracy has served as the template for the governments for many former colonies,[257][258] and English common law for legal systems.[259] International commercial contracts are often based on English common law.[260] The British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council still serves as the highest court of appeal for twelve former colonies.[261]


  1. ^ Schedule 6 of the British Nationality Act 1981[244] reclassified the remaining Crown colonies as "British Dependent Territories". The Act entered into force on 1 January 1983[245]




  1. ^ Ferguson 2004b.
  2. ^ Maddison 2001, p. 97: "The total population of the Empire was 412 million [in 1913]"; Maddison 2001, pp. 241: "[World population in 1913 (in thousands):] 1 791 020".
  3. ^ Taagepera, p. 502.
  4. ^ Jackson, pp. 5–6.
  5. ^ Russo 2012, p. 15 chapter 1 'Great Expectations': "The dramatic rise in Spanish fortunes sparked both envy and fear among northern, mostly Protestant, Europeans.".
  6. ^ Dutch Maritime Power and the Colonial Status Quo, 1585‑1641 • PacHR 11:29‑41 (1942). penelope.uchicago.edu. [2023-08-08]. 
  7. ^ Harding, Richard. The Emergence of Britain's Global Naval Supremacy. Boydell and Brewer Limited. 2010-11-18. ISBN 978-1-84615-906-0. 
  8. ^ http://www.zxls.com/UploadFiles/2021/3/%E7%BE%8E%E5%9B%BD%E7%8B%AC%E7%AB%8B%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89%E5%AF%B9%E8%8B%B1%E6%B3%95%E4%BA%89%E9%9C%B8%E7%9A%84%E5%BD%B1%E5%93%8D_%E7%8E%8B%E6%99%93%E8%BE%89_2021322222455.pdf
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Porter, p. 8.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Marshall, pp. 156–57.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Brendon, p. 660.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Brown, p. 594.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Ferguson 2004b,第3頁.
  14. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第4頁.
  15. ^ Koebner, pp. 29–52.
  16. ^ Canny, p. 35.
  17. ^ Thomas, pp. 155–58
  18. ^ Canny, p. 62.
  19. ^ Lloyd, pp. 4–8.
  20. ^ Canny, p. 7.
  21. ^ Kenny, p. 5.
  22. ^ Taylor, pp. 119,123.
  23. ^ Letters Patent to Sir Humfrey Gylberte June 11, 1578. Avalon Project英語Avalon Project. [2021-02-08]. 
  24. ^ Andrews, p. 187.
  25. ^ Andrews, p. 188.
  26. ^ Canny, p. 63.
  27. ^ Canny, pp. 63–64.
  28. ^ Canny, p. 70.
  29. ^ Canny, p. 34.
  30. ^ James, p. 17.
  31. ^ Canny, p. 71.
  32. ^ Canny, p. 221.
  33. ^ Lloyd, pp. 22–23.
  34. ^ Lloyd, p. 32.
  35. ^ Lloyd, pp. 33, 43.
  36. ^ Lloyd,pp. 15–20.
  37. ^ Andrews, pp. 316, 324–26.
  38. ^ Andrews, pp. 20–22.
  39. ^ James, p. 8.
  40. ^ Lloyd, p. 40.
  41. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第72–73頁.
  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 42.2 Buckner, p. 25.
  43. ^ Lloyd, p. 37.
  44. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第62頁.
  45. ^ Canny, p. 228.
  46. ^ Marshall, pp. 440–64.
  47. ^ Lloyd, p. 13.
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Ferguson 2004b,第19頁.
  49. ^ Canny, p. 441.
  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 50.2 Shennan, pp. 11–17.
  51. ^ Magnusson, p. 531.
  52. ^ Macaulay, p. 509.
  53. ^ Pagden, p. 90.
  54. ^ James, p. 58.
  55. ^ Anderson, p. 277.
  56. ^ Smith, p. 17.
  57. ^ Bandyopādhyāẏa, pp. 49–52
  58. ^ Smith, pp. 18–19.
  59. ^ 59.0 59.1 Pagden, p. 91.
  60. ^ Marshall, pp. 312–23.
  61. ^ Canny, p. 92.
  62. ^ James, p. 120.
  63. ^ James, p. 119.
  64. ^ Marshall, p. 585.
  65. ^ Zolberg, p. 496.
  66. ^ Games, pp. 46–48.
  67. ^ Kelley & Trebilcock, p. 43.
  68. ^ Smith, p. 28.
  69. ^ Latimer, pp. 8, 30–34, 389–92.
  70. ^ Marshall, pp. 388.
  71. ^ Smith, p. 20.
  72. ^ Smith, pp. 20–21.
  73. ^ Mulligan & Hill, pp. 20–23.
  74. ^ Peters, pp. 5–23.
  75. ^ James, p. 142.
  76. ^ Macintyre, pp. 33–34.
  77. ^ Broome, p. 18.
  78. ^ Pascoe
  79. ^ McKenna, pp. 28–29.
  80. ^ Brock, p. 159.
  81. ^ Fieldhouse, pp. 145–49
  82. ^ Cervero, p. 320
  83. ^ Smith, p. 45.
  84. ^ Waitangi Day. nzhistory.govt.nz. New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage英語New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage. [2008-12-13]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-20). 
  85. ^ Porter, p. 579.
  86. ^ Mein Smith, p. 49.
  87. ^ James, p. 152.
  88. ^ James, p. 151.
  89. ^ Lloyd, pp. 115–118.
  90. ^ James, p. 165.
  91. ^ Why was Slavery finally abolished in the British Empire?. The Abolition Project. [2016-12-31]. (原始內容存檔於2016-11-26). 
  92. ^ Porter, p. 14.
  93. ^ Hinks, p. 129.
  94. ^ Slavery After 1807. Historic England. [2019-11-24] (英語). As a result of public pressure apprenticeships were abolished early, in 1838. 
  95. ^ Slavery Abolition Act 1833; Section XXIV. pdavis. 1833-08-28 [2008-06-03]. 
  96. ^ Sanchez Manning. Britain's colonial shame: Slave-owners given huge payouts after. The Independent. 2013-02-24 [2018-02-11]. 
  97. ^ Hyam, p. 1.
  98. ^ Smith, p. 71.
  99. ^ Parsons, p. 3.
  100. ^ 100.0 100.1 Porter, p. 401.
  101. ^ Lee 1994, pp. 254–57.
  102. ^ Porter, p. 332.
  103. ^ Johnston, pp. 508–10.
  104. ^ Sondhaus, p. 9.
  105. ^ Dalziel, pp. 88–91.
  106. ^ Mori, p. 178.
  107. ^ Martin, pp. 146–48.
  108. ^ Janin, p. 28.
  109. ^ Keay, p. 393
  110. ^ Parsons, pp. 44–46.
  111. ^ Smith, pp. 50–57.
  112. ^ Brown, p. 5.
  113. ^ Marshall, pp. 133–34.
  114. ^ Hopkirk, pp. 1–12.
  115. ^ James, p. 181.
  116. ^ 116.0 116.1 116.2 James, p. 182.
  117. ^ Royle, preface.
  118. ^ Williams, pp. 360–373.
  119. ^ Hodge, p. 47.
  120. ^ Smith, p. 85.
  121. ^ Smith, pp. 85–86.
  122. ^ Lloyd, pp. 168, 186, 243.
  123. ^ Lloyd, p. 255.
  124. ^ Tilby, p. 256.
  125. ^ Roger 1986, p. 718.
  126. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第230–33頁.
  127. ^ James, p. 274.
  128. ^ Treaties. Egypt Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [2010-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2010-09-15). 
  129. ^ Herbst, pp. 71–72.
  130. ^ Vandervort, pp. 169–83.
  131. ^ James, p. 298.
  132. ^ Lloyd, p. 215.
  133. ^ Smith, pp. 28–29.
  134. ^ Porter, p. 187
  135. ^ Smith, p. 30.
  136. ^ 136.0 136.1 Rhodes, Wanna & Weller, pp. 5–15.
  137. ^ Lloyd, p. 213
  138. ^ 138.0 138.1 James, p. 315.
  139. ^ Smith, p. 92.
  140. ^ O'Brien, p. 1.
  141. ^ Brown, p. 667.
  142. ^ Lloyd, p. 275.
  143. ^ 143.0 143.1 Brown, pp. 494–95.
  144. ^ Marshall, pp. 78–79.
  145. ^ Lloyd, p. 277.
  146. ^ Lloyd, p. 278.
  147. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第315頁.
  148. ^ Fox, pp. 23–29, 35, 60.
  149. ^ Goldstein, p. 4.
  150. ^ Louis, p. 302.
  151. ^ Louis, p. 294.
  152. ^ Louis, p. 303.
  153. ^ Lee 1996, p. 305.
  154. ^ Brown, p. 143.
  155. ^ Smith, p. 95.
  156. ^ Magee, p. 108.
  157. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第330頁.
  158. ^ 158.0 158.1 James, p. 416.
  159. ^ Low, pp. 241–259.
  160. ^ Smith, p. 104.
  161. ^ Brown, p. 292.
  162. ^ Smith, p. 101.
  163. ^ Louis, p. 271.
  164. ^ McIntyre, p. 187.
  165. ^ McIntyre, p. 186.
  166. ^ Brown, p. 69.
  167. ^ Turpin & Tomkins, p. 48.
  168. ^ Lloyd, p. 300.
  169. ^ Galligan, p. 122.
  170. ^ Lloyd, pp. 313–14.
  171. ^ Gilbert, p. 234.
  172. ^ 172.0 172.1 Lloyd, p. 316.
  173. ^ James, p. 513.
  174. ^ Churchill, p. 539.
  175. ^ Gilbert, p. 244.
  176. ^ Churchill, p. 540.
  177. ^ Louis, p. 337.
  178. ^ Brown, p. 319.
  179. ^ James, p. 460.
  180. ^ Darwin, p. 340.
  181. ^ Abernethy, p. 146.
  182. ^ Brown, p. 331.
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  185. ^ Darwin, p. 343.
  186. ^ Darwin, p. 366.
  187. ^ Abernethy, p. 148.
  188. ^ Brown, p. 330.
  189. ^ Lloyd, p. 322.
  190. ^ Smith, p. 67.
  191. ^ Lloyd, p. 325.
  192. ^ McIntyre, pp. 355–356.
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  198. ^ Lloyd, p. 396.
  199. ^ Brown, pp. 339–40.
  200. ^ James, p. 572.
  201. ^ James, p. 581.
  202. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第355頁.
  203. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第356頁.
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  209. ^ Brown, p. 342.
  210. ^ Smith, p. 105.
  211. ^ Burk, p. 602.
  212. ^ 212.0 212.1 Brown, p. 343.
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  214. ^ An affair to remember. The Economist. 2006-07-27 [2016-06-25]. ISSN 0013-0613. (原始內容存檔於2016-05-08). 
  215. ^ Smith, p. 106.
  216. ^ James, p. 586.
  217. ^ Pham 2010
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  219. ^ Lloyd, pp. 370–71.
  220. ^ James, p. 616.
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  226. ^ 226.0 226.1 Knight & Palmer, pp. 14–15.
  227. ^ Clegg, p. 128.
  228. ^ Lloyd, p. 428.
  229. ^ James, p. 622.
  230. ^ Lloyd, pp. 401, 427–29.
  231. ^ Macdonald, pp. 171–91.
  232. ^ McIntyre, p. 35.
  233. ^ James, pp. 624–25.
  234. ^ James, p. 629.
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  239. ^ Brendon, p. 654.
  240. ^ Joseph, p. 355.
  241. ^ Rothermund, p. 100.
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  243. ^ Brendon, p. 656.
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  245. ^ The British Nationality Act 1981 (Commencement) Order 1982. legislation.gov.uk. [2019-03-18]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-01). 
  246. ^ Gapes, pp. 145–47
  247. ^ The Commonwealth – About Us 網際網路檔案館存檔,存檔日期2013-09-27.; Online September 2014
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  249. ^ Hogg, p. 424 chapter 9 English Worldwide by David Crystal: "approximately one in four of the worlds population are capable of communicating to a useful level in English".
  250. ^ Torkildsen, p. 347.
  251. ^ Pestan, p. 185.
  252. ^ Marshall, p. 286.
  253. ^ Dalziel, p. 135.
  254. ^ Walker, pp. 187–188.
  255. ^ Marshall, pp. 238–40.
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  257. ^ Go, pp. 92–94.
  258. ^ How the Westminster Parliamentary System was exported around the World. University of Cambridge. 2013-12-02 [2013-12-16]. 
  259. ^ Ferguson 2004b,第307頁.
  260. ^ Cuniberti, p. 455.
  261. ^ Young, p. 20.



