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{{See also|潮商|竹网|泰国经济}}
[[File:An_office_building_of_Stock_Exchange_of_Thailand.jpg|right|thumb|华裔投资人是[[泰国证券交易所]]的主力,约五分之四的上市公司市值由华裔资本控制<ref name="Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States 1997 425">{{Cite book |title=China's Economic Future: Challenges to U.S.Policy (Studies on Contemporary China) |last=Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States |publisher= Routledge |year=1997 |isbn=978-0765601278 |page=425}}</ref><ref name="Palgrave Macmillan">{{Cite book |title=The Overseas Chinese of Southeast Asia |last1=Witzel |first1=Morgen |last2=Rae |first2=Ian |publisher=[[帕爾格雷夫·麥米倫|Palgrave Macmillan]] |year=2008 |isbn=978-1-4039-9165-2 |page=32}}</ref>]]
尽管仅占泰国人口的一成<ref name="Chua-2003"/>{{RP|179}}<ref name=Chirot-1997>{{Cite book |title=Essential Outsiders: Chinese and Jews in the Modern Transformation of Southeast Asia and Central Europe|last1= Chirot |first1=Daniel |last2= Reid |first2= Anthony |publisher= University of Washington Press |year=1997 |isbn= 978-0295976136}}</ref>{{RP|277}},华裔泰国人却掌控泰国经济85%的份额<ref name="Routledge">{{Cite book |title=Chinese Business in Malaysia: Accumulation, Ascendance, Accommodation |last1= Gomez |first1=Edmund |publisher=[[勞特利奇|Routledge]]|year=1999 |isbn= 978-0700710935 |pages=8}}</ref>,对于泰国私有经济可谓举足轻重<ref name="Richter 1999 193">{{Cite book |title=Business Networks in Asia: Promises, Doubts, and Perspectives |last=Richter |first=Frank-Jürgen |publisher=Praeger |year=1999 |isbn=978-1567203028 |pages=193}}</ref>。到21世纪初,华裔资本已掌控泰国社会各个领域的商贸事业<ref>{{Cite book |title=Corporate Links And Foreign Direct Investment In Asia And The Pacific |last=Chen |first=Edward |publisher=Routledge |year=2018 |isbn= 9780813389738 |pages=93–94}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last1= Leibo|first1= Steven A. |date= 2013 |title= East and Southeast Asia 2013 |publisher=Stryker-Post Publications|publication-date=2013|pages=260|isbn= 978-1475804751}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last1= Freeman |first1= Nick J. |last2= Bartels |first2= Frank L. |date= 2004 |title =Future Foreign Investment SEA |location=Oxfordshire|publisher=[[勞特利奇|Routledge]]|publication-date=2004|pages=259|isbn= 978-0415347044}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last1= Hipsher |first1= Scott |date= 2009 |title =Business Practices in Southeast Asia: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Theravada Buddhist Countries|location=Oxfordshire|publisher=[[勞特利奇|Routledge]]|publication-date=2010|pages=172|isbn= 978-0415562027}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Ethnic Conflicts in Southeast Asia |last1=Snitwongse |first1= Kusuma |last2=Thompson |first2=Willard Scott |publisher=Institute of Southeast Asian Studies |year=2005 |isbn= 978-9812303370 |publication-date=30 October 2005 |pages=154}}</ref><ref name="Chua-2003" />{{RP|127, 179}},是泰国富裕精英阶层的主体<ref name="Chua-2003"/>{{RP|179}}<ref>{{Cite book |title=International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Orientation, Environment and Strategy (The McGill International Entrepreneurship series) |last= Etemad |first= Hamid |year= 2004 |publisher=Edward Elgar Publishing |page=112 |isbn=978-1-84376-194-5}}</ref>,亦是泰国维持经济活力和繁荣发展情形的关键<ref name="Unger-1998">{{Cite book |title=Building Social Capital in Thailand: Fibers, Finance and Infrastructure |last=Unger|first= Danny|publisher= Cambridge University Press |year=1998 |isbn=978-0521639316}}</ref>{{RP|47-48}}。本土的[[暹罗泰族]]缺失成熟的经商传统,商业实力长期难以同华商匹敌<ref>{{Cite book |title=Resilient States from a Comparative Regional Perspective Central and Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia |last=Bafoil |first= François |publisher={{tsl|en|World Scientific Publishing||World Scientific Publishing}} |year=2013 |isbn=978-9814417464 |pages=23}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Business Networks in Asia: Promises, Doubts, and Perspectives |last=Richter |first=Frank-Jürgen |publisher=Praeger |year=1999 |isbn=978-1567203028 |pages=194}}</ref>,加上暹罗及泰国政府并未大规模打压华人商业,致使今日的泰国华裔得以掌控各个经济部门<ref name="Richter 1999 193"/><ref name=Yu-1996>{{Cite book |title=Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in a Changing World. Edited by Yu Bin and Chung Tsungting |last= Yu |first=Bin |publisher=Nova Science |year=1996 |isbn= 978-1560723035}}</ref>{{RP|72}},涵盖农业方面的蔗糖、玉米、蔬果、香蕉种植业,工业制造业,金融服务业,房地产业,零售业和贸易业<ref name="Richter 1999 193"/>;大到各大银行和大型综合企业集团,小到街头零售店,皆由华裔资本掌控,再加上华裔在政界持有的可观影响,因此当代泰国各行业的发展皆高度仰赖华裔资本的投资<ref>{{Cite book |title=Business Networks in Asia: Promises, Doubts, and Perspectives |last=Richter |first=Frank-Jürgen |publisher=Praeger |year=1999 |isbn=978-1567203028 |pages=193–194}}</ref><ref name="Kolodko-2005"/><ref name="Redding 1990 32">{{Cite book |title=The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism |last=Redding |first= Gordon |publisher= De Gruyter |year=1990 |isbn=978-3110137941 |page=32}}</ref><ref name="Chua-2003"/>{{RP|179}}。华裔资本是前期私募股权和风险资本的主要来源,支持着泰国最新的投资发展。例如,泰国主要的电信公司都由华裔支持<ref name="ReferenceB"/>,包括{{tsl|en|Intouch Holdings|Intouch Holdings}}、[[真实公司]]如西那瓦电信集团、Jasmine、Ucom和Samar<ref>{{Cite book |title=Chinese business in Malaysia |last=Gomez |first=Edmund |publisher=Routledge |year=2012 |isbn=978-0415517379 | pages = 93 }}</ref>。主要的商业银行中,[[盘谷银行]]、[[开泰银行]]、[[大城银行]]都是华裔控制<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Under Siege? Economic Globalization and Chinese Business in Southeast Asia |journal=Economy and Society |publication-date= February 6, 1999 |volume=15 |issue=2|pages=7–8}}</ref><ref name="ReferenceC"/><ref name="Sowell-2006">{{Cite book |title=Black Rednecks & White Liberals: Hope, Mercy, Justice and Autonomy in the American Health Care System |last=Sowell |first=Thomas |year=2006 |publisher=Encounter Books|page=84 |isbn=978-1594031434}}</ref><ref name="Wai-chung Yeung 2006 15"/><ref name="Richter-1999"/>{{RP|193}}<ref name="Chua-1998"/>{{RP|22}}<ref name="Redding 1990 32"/><ref>{{cite web|last=Weidenbaum |first=Murray |url=http://www.strategy-business.com/article/9702?gko=4a3c6 |title=The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates |publisher=Strategy-business.com |access-date=2012-04-23}}</ref><ref name="Richter 1999 193"/>。[[泰国证券交易所]]中八成的上市企业由华裔资本主导<ref name="Joint Economic Committee Congress of the United States 1997 425"/><ref name="Palgrave Macmillan"/>,十大华商家族掌控着泰国过半的企业资产<ref>{{Cite book |title=Varieties of Capitalism in Asia |last1= Hundt |first1=David |publisher=[[帕爾格雷夫·麥米倫|Palgrave Macmillan]]|year=2017 |isbn= 978-1349589746 |pages=173}}</ref>,泰国经济八至九成的市场资本归属于五十个华商家族<ref>{{Cite book |title=Managing Across Diverse Cultures in East Asia Issues and Challenges in a Changing Globalized World |last= Warner |first=Malcolm |publisher= Routledge |year=2013 |isbn= 978-0415680905 |pages=241}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Asian Business Groups: Context, Governance and Performance (Chandos Asian Studies Series) |last= Carney |first=Michael |publisher= Chandos Publishing |year=2008 |isbn=978-1843342441 |pages=238}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=The Chinese Diaspora: Space, Place, Mobility, and Identity (Why of Where) |last= Ma |first=Laurence J. C. |publisher= Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |year=2002 |isbn=978-0742517561 |pages=98}}</ref><ref name="Richter 1999 193"/><ref>{{Cite book |title=East Asian Transformation: On the Political Economy of Dynamism, Governance and Crisis |last= Henderson |first= Jeffrey |year= 2011 |publisher=Routledge |page=69 |isbn= 9780415547925}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Current Issues On Industry Trade And Investment|publisher=United Nations Publications |year=2004 |isbn=978-9211203592 |page=4}}</ref><ref name="Tipton 2008 277">{{Cite book |title=Asian Firms: History, Institutions and Management|last=Tipton |first=Frank B.|publisher=Edward Elgar Publishing |year=2008 |isbn=978-1847205148|page=277}}</ref><ref name=Gambe-2000>{{Cite book |title=Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurship and Capitalist Development in Southeast Asia |last=Gambe |first=Annabelle |year= 2000 |publisher=Palgrave Macmillan|isbn=978-0312234966}}</ref>{{RP|10}}<ref>{{Cite book |title=Does China Matter?: A Reassessment: Essays in Memory of Gerald Segal |last1=Buzan |first1= Barry |last2= Foot |first2=Rosemary |publisher=Routledge |year=2004 |isbn=978-0415304122 |page=82}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=The Political Economy Of Deng's Nanxun: Breakthrough In China's Reform And Development |last=Wong |first=John |publisher= World Scientific Publishing Company |year=2014 |isbn=9789814578387 |page=214}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards Hybrid Capitalism|last=Wai-chung Yeung |first=Henry |publisher=Routledge |year=2006 |isbn= 9780415408585 |pages=13 }}</ref>。这使得华裔泰国人组成了该国中产和上层阶级的主体,和相对贫困的本土暹罗泰族就形成鲜明对比<ref name="Chua-2003" />{{RP|179-183}}<ref name="Kolodko-2005"/><ref>{{Cite book |title=Political Booms: Local Money And Power In Taiwan, East China, Thailand, And The Philippines|series=Contemporary China |last=White |first=Lynn |publisher=WSPC |year=2009 |isbn=978-9812836823 |page=26}}</ref><ref name="Cornwell 2000 https://archive.org/details/globalmulticultu0000unse/page/67 67">{{Cite book |title=Global Multiculturalism: Comparative Perspectives on Ethnicity, Race, and Nation |last1=Cornwell |first1=Grant Hermans |last2=Stoddard |first2=Eve Walsh |publisher=Rowman & Littlefield Publishers |year=2000 |isbn=978-0742508828|pages=[https://archive.org/details/globalmulticultu0000unse/page/67 67] |url=https://archive.org/details/globalmulticultu0000unse/page/67 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |last=Wongsurawat |first=Wasana |date=May 2, 2016 |title=Beyond Jews of the Orient: A New Interpretation of the Problematic Relationship between the Thai State and Its Ethnic Chinese Community |url=https://muse.jhu.edu/article/616587/summary |department=Cultural Studies |journal= Positions: Asia Critique|series=2 |publisher=Duke University Press |publication-date=May 2, 2016 |volume=24 |issue=2 |pages=555–582|doi=10.1215/10679847-3458721 |s2cid=148553252 }}</ref><ref name="Chirot-1997"/>{{RP|261}}。在泰国富豪榜的前40人里,超八成来自纯正华人家族或是有部分华人血统。20世纪末泰国的五位亿万富翁皆是华裔或有部分华人血统<ref>{{Cite book |title=Black Rednecks & White Liberals: Hope, Mercy, Justice and Autonomy in the American Health Care System |last= Sowell |first=Thomas |publisher=Encounter Books |year=2006 |isbn=978-1594031434 |pages=84}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |last=Chua |first=Amy L. |date=January 1, 1998 |title=Markets, Democracy, and Ethnicity: Toward A New Paradigm For Law and Development |url=http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1340&context=fss_papers |journal=The Yale Law Journal |volume=108 |issue=1 |pages=22|doi=10.2307/797471 |jstor=797471 }}</ref><ref>{{cite book|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=C12x_WTpSHUC&dq=ethnic+chinese+control+percent+of+the+economy&pg=PA176 |title=Migrations And Cultures: A World View - Thomas Sowell - Google Books |accessdate=2012-04-23|isbn=9780465045884|year=1996 |last1=Sowell |first1=Thomas }}</ref>。泰国七十家最具实力集团中,只有三家没有华裔背景<ref>{{Cite book |title=Corporate Links And Foreign Direct Investment In Asia And The Pacific |last=Chen |first=Edward |publisher=Routledge |year=2018 |isbn= 9780813389738 |pages=94 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first=Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=[https://archive.org/details/worldonfirehowex00chua_0/page/35] |url=https://archive.org/details/worldonfirehowex00chua_0/page/35 }}</ref>。2012年3月17日去世的[[許書標]]是[[全球富豪榜]]排名205位、泰国排名第3位的华商,估计净资产为50亿美元<ref>{{cite web |url= https://www.forbes.com/profile/chaleo-yoovidhya/ |title= Chaleo Yoovidhya |date= March 2012 |work= Forbes |accessdate= March 17, 2012 |archiveurl= https://www.webcitation.org/66EgVn4MQ?url=http://www.forbes.com/profile/chaleo-yoovidhya/ |archivedate= March 17, 2012 |quote= Net Worth $5 B As of March 2012 #205 Forbes Billionaires, #3 in Thailand |url-status=dead }}</ref>。
[[File:Bangkok by night (50714443222).jpg|thumb|首都[[曼谷]]是华裔资本聚集地]]
曼谷是华商主要的聚集地,华商的经济势力并不局限于[[曼谷唐人街|传统的唐人街区域]],而是遍布整个城市。华人资本大多是世代传承的[[家族生意]]<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Corporate Governance and the Global Reach of Chinese Family Firms in Singapore|journal=Seoul Journal of Economics |publication-date= January 6, 2000 |volume=13 |issue=3|pages=309–310}}</ref>,令曼谷的华人宗亲会保有强大影响力,宗亲会亦出资运营非盈利性质的华文学校<ref name="Richter 1999 193"/>。曼谷也是泰国经济的华裔主导局面的缩影,该城市的绝大部分的商业精英都有华人血统<ref name="ReferenceB">{{Cite book |title=The Overseas Chinese of Southeast Asia |last1=Witzel |first1=Morgen |last2=Rae |first2=Ian |publisher=[[帕爾格雷夫·麥米倫|Palgrave Macmillan]] |year=2008 |isbn=978-1-4039-9165-2 |pages=32}}</ref>。前总理[[克立·巴莫]]曾言:“绝大多数泰人都有一个华人亲戚挂在他们家族树的某个地方<ref>{{cite journal|last=Long|first=Simon|title=The Overseas Chinese|journal=Prospect Magazine|date=April 1998|series=The Economist|issue=29|url=http://www.upf.edu/mon/assig/xialmo/mat/long_3.pdf|accessdate=7 May 2012|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120413164927/http://www.upf.edu/mon/assig/xialmo/mat/long_3.pdf|archivedate=13 April 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Welch|first=Ivan|title=Southeast Asia — Indo or China|publisher=Foreign Military Studies Office|location=Fort Leavenworth, Kansas|pages=37|url=http://fmso.leavenworth.army.mil/documents/SEAsia-Indo-or-China.pdf|url-status=dead|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20120307112731/http://fmso.leavenworth.army.mil/documents/SEAsia-Indo-or-China.pdf|archivedate=2012-03-07}}</ref>”。[[泰国中部地区|暹罗中部]]几乎全部的商业和居住用地都是华商掌控<ref name="Chua 2003 182"/>。而在[[泰国北部地区|泰国北部]],[[清迈]]利润丰厚的宝石工业,及果园、餐厅、零售店都由以云南人为主华商掌控<ref>{{Cite book |title=Identity and Ethnic Relations in Southeast Asia |last1=Tong|first1=Chee Kiong |publisher= Springer |year=2011 |isbn= 978-90-481-8909-0 |pages=39}}</ref>。

19世纪的华人移民潮持续到20世纪初,在20世纪20年代达到顶峰<ref name="Sowell-1997">{{cite book|last=Sowell|first=Thomas|title=Migrations and Cultures: A World View|year=1997|publisher=Basic Books|isbn=978-0-465-04589-1}}</ref>。许多来到暹罗的华人都是独自到来的男子,他们渴望在暹罗白手起家,致富返乡。19世纪后半叶,华商难以同西洋殖民者抗衡,而转行做洋人的中介,或是进入劳动密集型产业<ref>{{Cite book |title=Building Social Capital in Thailand: Fibers, Finance, and Infrastructure |last=Unger |first= Danny |publisher= Cambridge University Press |year=1998 |isbn=978-0521639316 |pages=48}}</ref>。大量华商在暹罗从事碾米业和轮船业而致富,或是参与到锡矿开采业、林业和木材加工业,以及港口和铁路建设,从而开创暹罗现代运输业<ref name=Unger-1998/>{{RP|48}},成为当时暹罗上层阶级的一大部分。1879年,华商控制着暹罗所有的蒸汽碾米厂(火砻)<ref name="Sowell 1997 182–184">{{cite book|last=Sowell|first=Thomas|title=Migrations And Cultures: A World View|year=1997|publisher=Basic Books|isbn=978-0-465-04589-1|pages=182–184}}</ref>;1890年,虽然曼谷的船运由英商主导,但华人船务商行的势力仍能占到暹罗轮船业的62%,许多华商担任西方轮船公司的中介或是自营航线<ref name="Sowell 1997 182–184"/>。橡胶种植业、园艺农业、糖业生产和鱼类出口部门亦由华人主导<ref>{{cite journal| author = Thitima Sitthipongpanich| title = The Presence and Formation of Business - Political Connections in Thailand| journal = วารสาร บริหารธุรกิจ - มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์| pages = 81}}</ref><ref name="Chua 2003 179">{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first=Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=179 }}</ref>。曼谷华裔还主导娱乐和媒体行业,是暹罗出版业、报业和电影业的先驱<ref name="Kołodko 2005 171">{{Cite book |title=Globalization and Social Stress |last=Kołodko |first=Grzegorz |publisher=Nova Science Pub |year=2005 |isbn= 978-1594541940 |publication-date=April 30, 2005 |page=171}}</ref>。

到20世纪初,[[曼谷]]的华人社群已具有相当规模,达到总人口的三分之一<ref name="BP-20200124">{{cite news |last1=Baker |first1=Chris |title=The formidable alliance underlying modern Thai history |url=https://www.bangkokpost.com/life/social-and-lifestyle/1842589/the-formidable-alliance-underlying-modern-thai-history |access-date=30 April 2020 |work=Bangkok Post |date=24 January 2020 |format=Book review}}</ref>,30年代时,华人主导建筑业、工业制造业、出版业、航运业、金融业、商业等大小行业<ref name="Chua 2003 182">{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=182}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal| author = Thitima Sitthipongpanich| title = The Presence and Formation of Business - Political Connections in Thailand| journal = วารสาร บริหารธุรกิจ - มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์| pages = 82}}</ref>。泰人的仇华情绪亦在这一时期不断加重<ref name="Chua-2003"/>{{RP|179-183}}。一些华人成为[[借贷|放贷人]],从而成为诸多泰族农民的债主,一些农民无力偿还高利贷而陷入贫困,酿成暴力要债事件;此外,如官商贿赂、秘密结社暴力冲突等问题亦助长华人和泰人的矛盾。1905年至1915年,暹罗经济衰退,华商碾米厂和米商遭到诸多指责<ref name="Sowell 1997 182–184"/>。19世纪末,一位英国官员称暹罗的华人就如同西方世界的[[犹太人]],利用其商行和结社将暹人握在手心<ref name="SCMP-20200429">{{cite news |last1=Szumer |first1=Zacharias |title=Coronavirus spreads anti-Chinese feeling in Southeast Asia, but the prejudice goes back centuries |url=https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/article/3081930/coronavirus-spreads-anti-chinese-feeling-southeast-asia-prejudice-goes?utm_source=googlenewsstand_web&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=20200429&utm_campaign=off_platform |access-date=1 May 2020 |work=South China Morning Post |date=29 April 2020}}</ref>。1914年,国王[[拉玛六世]]曾匿名撰文称华人是东方犹太人<ref>Landon, Kenneth Perry. “The Problem of the Chinese in Thailand.” Pacific Affairs 13, no. 2 (1940): 149–61. https://doi.org/10.2307/2751050.</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=181}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Corporate Links And Foreign Direct Investment In Asia And The Pacific |last=Chen |first=Edward |publisher=Routledge |year=2018 |isbn= 9780813389738 |pages=98 }}</ref><ref name="Wiese-2013">{{cite journal |last1=Wiese |first1=York A. |title=The "Chinese Education Problem" of 1948 |journal=Occasional Paper Series No. 15 |page=6|date=April 2013 |url=https://www.southeastasianstudies.uni-freiburg.de/documents/occasional-paper/op15.pdf |access-date=1 May 2020 |publisher=Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Freiburg (Germany)}}</ref>,称华人是贪婪且道德低下的蛮人<ref name="SCMP-20200429"/>,华商的成就建立在剥削泰人身上,致使暹罗官员将经济衰退归咎于华商垄断,从而打压华商<ref name="Cornwell 2000 https://archive.org/details/globalmulticultu0000unse/page/67 67"/>。拉玛六世的言论影响许多泰族精英和平民,进一步助长仇华情绪<ref name="Chua-2003"/>{{RP|181-183}}。在20世纪30年代末及20世纪50年代,泰国的[[民族主义]]政府开启两次大规模的[[肯定性行动|肯定性]]强制同化运动,没收及征收华人财产,打压华文教育,政府采取不利于华人而有利于泰人的政策<ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first=Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=183–184 }}</ref>,以消灭华人文化认同,令华人同化为泰人,从而解决贫富差距问题<ref name="Chua-2003" />{{RP|183}}<ref name="Chua-1998"/>{{RP|58}}。1932年,[[暹罗立宪革命]]推翻[[君主专制]],此后{{tsl|en|Thai nationalism|泰民族主义}}思潮兴起,[[第二次世界大战]]期间,[[銮披汶·颂堪]]领导的民族主义政权更同[[中国抗日战争|正大举侵华]]的[[大日本帝国|日本]]结盟<ref name="BP-20200124" />。尽管如此,20世纪30年代时,华人仍掌控七成零售业市场及八至九成的碾米业市场<ref name="Farron">{{cite journal|last=Farron|first=Steven|title=Prejudice is free but discrimination has costs|journal=The Free Market Foundation|date=October 2002|url=https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:dEmO8ngfDw4J:www.freemarketfoundation.com/htmupload/PUBDoc948.doc+ethnic+chinese+control+the+economy+of+thailand+81%25&hl=en&gl=ca&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShWI9OywZywknnxdu6Wl_FJ5enkdxFNKDW02jWmRw7KMeoNSdP4QJLxQHsHDdRA1rlZXNjynZ3kNAROn-bE3p9cBkhAWS1mmFeAI27ejUuLm4GgYjapQbMJD1FinOupmbLXVkll&sig=AHIEtbQh-lKJZufs8AosFdw-uYNKZbYWIw}}</ref>。

{{tsl|en|1947 Thai coup d'état|1947年泰国政变|1947年政变}}之后,军方再度掌权,当时的暹罗是一个由大型[[国有企业]]掌控的农业国<ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first=Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=15 }}</ref>。华裔资本促进暹罗工业发展,逐渐令暹罗转向出口导向的经济模式<ref name="Chirot-1997"/>{{RP|261}}。到20世纪50年代末,华裔占了曼谷企业主和高级商业经理的七成,据说泰国各公司九成的股份都由华裔持有<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.primetimecrime.com/Articles/RobertRead/Sidewinder%20page%202.htm |title=Sidewinder: Chinese Intelligence Services and Triads Financial Links in Canada |publisher=Primetimecrime.com |date=1997-06-24 |access-date=2012-04-23}}</ref><ref name="Richter-1999">{{Cite book |title=Business Networks in Asia: Promises, Doubts, and Perspectives |last=Richter |first=Frank-Jürgen |publisher=Praeger |year=1999 |isbn=978-1567203028}}</ref>,九成的工业和商业资本和五成的服务业资本也都由华人掌握<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Under Siege? Economic Globalization and Chinese Business in Southeast Asia |journal=Economy and Society |publication-date= February 6, 1999 |volume=15 |issue=2|pages=7}}</ref><ref name="ReferenceC">{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Economic Globalization, Crisis and the Emergence of Chinese Business Communities in Southeast Asia |journal=International Sociology |publication-date= June 6, 2000 |volume=15 |issue=2|pages=270}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Corporate Governance and the Global Reach of Chinese Family Firms in Singapore |journal=Seoul Journal of Economics |publication-date= January 6, 2000 |volume=13 |issue=3|pages=302}}</ref><ref name="Wai-chung Yeung 2006 15">{{Cite book |title=Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards Hybrid Capitalism |last=Wai-chung Yeung |first=Henry |publisher=Routledge |year=2006 |isbn= 9780415408585 |pages=15 }}</ref><ref name=BY80>{{Cite book |title=Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in a Changing World |last1=Yu |first1=Bin |last2=Chung |first2=Tsungting |publisher=Nova Science Publishing Inc |year=1996 |isbn=978-1560723035 |publication-date=September 1, 1996 |pages=80}}</ref><ref name="Chang 1998 243">{{Cite book |title=The Labors of Sisyphus: The Economic Development of Communist China |last= Chang |first= Maria Hsia |year= 1998 |publisher=Routledge |page=243 |isbn= 9780765806611}}</ref><ref name=Yu-1996/>{{RP|73}},工业和商业部门九成的投资以及银行和金融部门至少一半的投资都出自华人<ref>{{Cite book |title=Dynamics and Dilemma: Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong in a Changing World |last1=Yu |first1=Bin |last2=Chung |first2=Tsungting |publisher=Nova Science Publishing Inc |year=1996 |isbn=978-1560723035 |publication-date=September 1, 1996 |pages=73}}</ref><ref name="Chang 1998 243"/><ref name="Ju 1996 https://archive.org/details/understandingchi0000chuy/page/33 33">{{Cite book |title=Understanding China: Center Stage of the Fourth Power |last1=Ju |first1=Yanan |last2=Chu |first2=Yen-An |publisher=State University of New York Press |year=1996 |isbn=978-0791431221 |page=33 |url=https://archive.org/details/understandingchi0000chuy/page/33 }}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era: Towards Hybrid Capitalism |last=Wai-chung Yeung |first=Henry |publisher=Routledge |year=2006 |isbn= 9780415408585 |pages=15 }}</ref>{{RP|33}}<ref name=Yu-1996/><ref name="Ju 1996 https://archive.org/details/understandingchi0000chuy/page/33 33"/>。之后数十年间,政府实行国际化及面向全球资本主义市场的政策,促使泰国兴起以出口为主的大规模制造业,令泰国步入经济快速增长的[[亚洲四小虎]]之列<ref name="Chua 2003 35">{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=35}}</ref>。这一时期,华裔资本依然掌控着这些快速增长的经济部门,大型工厂和进出口航运商皆由华裔掌控<ref name="Chua 2003 35"/><ref name="Kołodko 2005 171"/>。20世纪30年代至50年代期间成立的20家泰国银行中,有14家是由华人建立,其余6家银行是由泰国皇室财产局建立<ref>{{Citation| last1 = Charumilind| first1 = Chutatong| author-link = | first2 = Yupana | last2 = Wiwattanakantang| author-link2 = | editor-last = | editor-first = | editor-last2 = | editor-first2 = | contribution = | contribution-url = | series = | date = 2003| pages = 9| title = Connected Lending: Thailand before the Financial Crisis| place = | publisher = Institute of Economic Research at [[一橋大學|Hitotsubashi University]]| url = https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=f884eb80e4bbc0477524bc4e40caffea1923df43| doi = | id = }}</ref>。20世纪80年代,泰国一百家最大公司中,有37家是华人企业,大部分财富为潮州五大家族所有<ref name="Routledge"/>。1994年,[[新加坡国立大学]]学者亨利·杨调研海外华人企业,发现亚洲500强海外华人企业中,泰国企业占了39家,市值为350亿美元,总资产为950亿美元<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Under Siege? Economic Globalization and Chinese Business in Southeast Asia|journal=Economy and Society |publication-date= February 6, 1999 |volume=15 |issue=2|pages=8}}</ref><ref name="ReferenceC"/>。20世纪90年代,泰国营业额前十家企业中,只有[[皇象水泥股份]]不是华人所有<ref name="Chua 2003 179"/><ref name="Unger 1998 55">{{Cite book |title=Building Social Capital in Thailand: Fibers, Finance and Infrastructure |last=Unger |first= Danny |publisher= Cambridge University Press |year=1998 |isbn=978-0521639316 |pages=55}}</ref>。

1997年的[[亚洲金融风暴]]令泰国经济遭到沉重打击,随后[[国际货币基金组织]]主导重组泰国经济结构,令许多华裔企业失去垄断地位<ref>{{Cite journal |last1=Yeung |first1=Henry |title=Change and Continuity in Southeast Asian Ethnic Chinese Business |journal=Asia Pacific Journal of Management |year=2006 |publication-date= September 6, 2006 |volume=23|issue=3 |pages=234–235|doi=10.1007/s10490-006-9007-2|s2cid=55097936 }}</ref>。尽管金融和经济环境不景气,华裔仍然持有65%的银行总资产,60%的国家贸易额,90%的商业部门本地投资额,90%的制造业本地投资额,以及50%的银行和金融服务部门本地投资额<ref name="Ju 1996 https://archive.org/details/understandingchi0000chuy/page/33 33"/><ref>{{cite web|last=Goossen|first=Richard|title=The spirit of the overseas Chinese entrepreneur, by|url=http://www.eleaders.org/downloads/sb_eleaders/EntrepreneurialExpertGordonRedding.pdf}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |title=Asian Management Systems: Chinese, Japanese and Korean Styles of Business |last=Chen |first=Min |publisher=Cengage Learning |year=1995 |isbn=978-1861529411 |page=65}}</ref>。

而随着20世纪末[[中华人民共和国经济]]的快速发展,泰国华裔资本亦扮演重要角色。泰国华裔资本自[[改革开放]]之初积极在中国大陆投资<ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=184}}</ref><ref name="CP Group">[http://www.cpthailand.com/default.aspx?tabid=107 - CP Group] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110620212355/http://www.cpthailand.com/default.aspx?tabid=107 |date=2011-06-20 }}</ref>,许多中国大陆投资亦流向泰国华裔资本<ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=184}}</ref><ref name="CP Group">[http://www.cpthailand.com/default.aspx?tabid=107 - CP Group] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110620212355/http://www.cpthailand.com/default.aspx?tabid=107 |date=2011-06-20 }}</ref>。泰国华裔社群亦更加重视中华文化传统,重拾华文教育,许多泰国华裔回乡祭祖,赴华观光,送子女赴华留学<ref>{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first=Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=184–185 }}</ref>。著名的华裔综合企业集团[[正大集团]]在中国大陆经营诸多行业,涉及农业食品、水产养殖、零售、酒店和工业制造等<ref name="Chua 2003 41">{{Cite book |title=World On Fire |last=Chua |first= Amy |publisher=Knopf Doubleday Publishing |year=2003 |isbn=978-0385721868 |pages=41}}</ref><ref name="Chua 2003 179"/><ref name="Unger 1998 55"/><ref name="Gomez 2012 94">{{Cite book |title=Chinese business in Malaysia |last=Gomez |first=Edmund |publisher=Routledge |year=2012 |isbn=978-0415517379 | pages = 94 }}</ref><ref name="CP Group"/><ref name="Chua 2003 41"/>,在中国大陆运营[[莲花超市|卜蜂莲花超市]],及在[[上海]][[浦东新区]]耗资4亿美元开发[[正大广场]],20世纪80年代移居泰国的商人[[严彬]]在中国大陆代理[[红牛能量饮料]]零售业务,并运营许多高尔夫俱乐部和乡村俱乐部。2008年,他成为中国内地首个拥有私人商务飞机的人<ref>[http://www.reignwood.com/aboutUs_HistoryFormation.asp - Reignwood] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110803175923/http://www.reignwood.com/aboutUs_HistoryFormation.asp |date=2011-08-03 }}</ref>。华裔前总理[[阿南·班雅拉春]]的萨哈联盟集团,在中国三个省经营十余家发电厂,持有30多家企业,雇用了约7,000名中国员工<ref name="CP Group"/>。

泰国历史学者瓦沙那(Dr. Wasana Wongsurawat)总结称,泰国的政治精英采用简单的两步战略维持权力:第一是寻求泰国华裔商业精英支持,以确保经济基础;第二是与当时占主导地位的全球地缘政治力量结盟。从2020年起,这个大国通常是中国<ref name="BP-20200124" />。


2023年7月1日 (六) 11:49的版本

曼谷普吉府春武里府宋卡府合艾區叻武里府班蓬區英语Ban Pong District坡塔兰區英语Photharam District差春騷府北柳區英语Mueang Chachoengsao District素叻他尼府班敦區
繁体字 華裔泰國人
简化字 华裔泰国人


华裔泰国人已高度融入泰国社会,当今泰国王室扎克里王朝亦有华裔血统[5]。华裔和其他泰人民系通婚的现象很普遍,混血后代多同化为泰人,以泰语为母语[6][7][8]。由於華人族群已普遍泰化,大多數人已喪失了華語與華文能力[9]。华裔泰国人居于泰国的中等阶层,势力遍及泰国社会各个方面[10][11][12][13][14]:3, 43[15][16],在商贸和经济领域占主导地位[17]:22[14]:179[18][19]。不少华裔步入政坛,多数前总理和议会成员都有华裔血统[20][21][17]:58[22]



  1. 谋生移民
  2. 垦殖移民
  3. 商贸移民


13、14世纪之际,克拉地峡两岸如春蓬(Chumphon)、素叻他尼(Surat Thani)与六坤(Ligor)等商港,最早吸引了华裔前往经商。16世纪西方努力滲透泰南时,华人锡矿工人已在泰南建立了牢固的基础。同时,中国海盗林道乾及其随从,因受不了官兵的追剿,南逃至北大年落户,并与当地女王成婚。北大年逐渐地发展为华人的聚落。

16世纪初,阿瑜陀(又称为大城,阿育他耶)已有华人聚集区。据当时华人的记述,华人在这里已住了好几代。他们在阿瑜陀王城与日本人和葡萄牙人展开商业竞争。据法国驻阿瑜陀王城的法国大使劳贝里(dda Loubere)的纪录17世纪中叶时,王城约有华人3,000至4,000人。







尽管仅占泰国人口的一成[14]:179[25]:277,华裔泰国人却掌控泰国经济85%的份额[26],对于泰国私有经济可谓举足轻重[27]。到21世纪初,华裔资本已掌控泰国社会各个领域的商贸事业[28][29][30][31][32][14]:127, 179,是泰国富裕精英阶层的主体[14]:179[33],亦是泰国维持经济活力和繁荣发展情形的关键[34]:47-48。本土的暹罗泰族缺失成熟的经商传统,商业实力长期难以同华商匹敌[35][36],加上暹罗及泰国政府并未大规模打压华人商业,致使今日的泰国华裔得以掌控各个经济部门[27][37]:72,涵盖农业方面的蔗糖、玉米、蔬果、香蕉种植业,工业制造业,金融服务业,房地产业,零售业和贸易业[27];大到各大银行和大型综合企业集团,小到街头零售店,皆由华裔资本掌控,再加上华裔在政界持有的可观影响,因此当代泰国各行业的发展皆高度仰赖华裔资本的投资[38][20][39][14]:179。华裔资本是前期私募股权和风险资本的主要来源,支持着泰国最新的投资发展。例如,泰国主要的电信公司都由华裔支持[40],包括Intouch Holdings英语Intouch Holdings真实公司如西那瓦电信集团、Jasmine、Ucom和Samar[41]。主要的商业银行中,盘谷银行开泰银行大城银行都是华裔控制[42][43][44][45][46]:193[17]:22[39][47][27]泰国证券交易所中八成的上市企业由华裔资本主导[23][24],十大华商家族掌控着泰国过半的企业资产[48],泰国经济八至九成的市场资本归属于五十个华商家族[49][50][51][27][52][53][54][7]:10[55][56][57]。这使得华裔泰国人组成了该国中产和上层阶级的主体,和相对贫困的本土暹罗泰族就形成鲜明对比[14]:179-183[20][58][59][60][25]:261。在泰国富豪榜的前40人里,超八成来自纯正华人家族或是有部分华人血统。20世纪末泰国的五位亿万富翁皆是华裔或有部分华人血统[61][62][63]。泰国七十家最具实力集团中,只有三家没有华裔背景[64][65]。2012年3月17日去世的許書標全球富豪榜排名205位、泰国排名第3位的华商,估计净资产为50亿美元[66]




到20世纪初,曼谷的华人社群已具有相当规模,达到总人口的三分之一[78],30年代时,华人主导建筑业、工业制造业、出版业、航运业、金融业、商业等大小行业[70][79]。泰人的仇华情绪亦在这一时期不断加重[14]:179-183。一些华人成为放贷人,从而成为诸多泰族农民的债主,一些农民无力偿还高利贷而陷入贫困,酿成暴力要债事件;此外,如官商贿赂、秘密结社暴力冲突等问题亦助长华人和泰人的矛盾。1905年至1915年,暹罗经济衰退,华商碾米厂和米商遭到诸多指责[74]。19世纪末,一位英国官员称暹罗的华人就如同西方世界的犹太人,利用其商行和结社将暹人握在手心[80]。1914年,国王拉玛六世曾匿名撰文称华人是东方犹太人[81][82][83][84],称华人是贪婪且道德低下的蛮人[80],华商的成就建立在剥削泰人身上,致使暹罗官员将经济衰退归咎于华商垄断,从而打压华商[59]。拉玛六世的言论影响许多泰族精英和平民,进一步助长仇华情绪[14]:181-183。在20世纪30年代末及20世纪50年代,泰国的民族主义政府开启两次大规模的肯定性强制同化运动,没收及征收华人财产,打压华文教育,政府采取不利于华人而有利于泰人的政策[85],以消灭华人文化认同,令华人同化为泰人,从而解决贫富差距问题[14]:183[17]:58。1932年,暹罗立宪革命推翻君主专制,此后泰民族主义英语Thai nationalism思潮兴起,第二次世界大战期间,銮披汶·颂堪领导的民族主义政权更同正大举侵华日本结盟[78]。尽管如此,20世纪30年代时,华人仍掌控七成零售业市场及八至九成的碾米业市场[86]

1947年政变英语1947 Thai coup d'état之后,军方再度掌权,当时的暹罗是一个由大型国有企业掌控的农业国[87]。华裔资本促进暹罗工业发展,逐渐令暹罗转向出口导向的经济模式[25]:261。到20世纪50年代末,华裔占了曼谷企业主和高级商业经理的七成,据说泰国各公司九成的股份都由华裔持有[88][46],九成的工业和商业资本和五成的服务业资本也都由华人掌握[89][43][90][45][91][92][37]:73,工业和商业部门九成的投资以及银行和金融部门至少一半的投资都出自华人[93][92][94][95]:33[37][94]。之后数十年间,政府实行国际化及面向全球资本主义市场的政策,促使泰国兴起以出口为主的大规模制造业,令泰国步入经济快速增长的亚洲四小虎之列[96]。这一时期,华裔资本依然掌控着这些快速增长的经济部门,大型工厂和进出口航运商皆由华裔掌控[96][77]。20世纪30年代至50年代期间成立的20家泰国银行中,有14家是由华人建立,其余6家银行是由泰国皇室财产局建立[97]。20世纪80年代,泰国一百家最大公司中,有37家是华人企业,大部分财富为潮州五大家族所有[26]。1994年,新加坡国立大学学者亨利·杨调研海外华人企业,发现亚洲500强海外华人企业中,泰国企业占了39家,市值为350亿美元,总资产为950亿美元[98][43]。20世纪90年代,泰国营业额前十家企业中,只有皇象水泥股份不是华人所有[76][99]



泰国历史学者瓦沙那(Dr. Wasana Wongsurawat)总结称,泰国的政治精英采用简单的两步战略维持权力:第一是寻求泰国华裔商业精英支持,以确保经济基础;第二是与当时占主导地位的全球地缘政治力量结盟。从2020年起,这个大国通常是中国[78]









華裔泰國人絕大多數使用各種南方漢語。其中,56%是潮汕人,16%是客家人,11%是海南人廣府人閩台泉漳人各佔7%,3%屬其他漢語社群。[116] 一部分的華裔泰國人為華人移民跟泰國泰族通婚的後裔,也有大部分的華裔泰國人是沒有混血的華人。










廣府人主要來自台山新會廣州,主要分佈在曼谷,他們人數雖然不及潮州人及海南人,但在社會經濟上亦有一定貢獻。著名廣府裔泰國華人有前代總理陳景鎮,廣肇會館理事長何國忠等。企業家方面有保加集團總裁馬燦利,亞洲第二大糖業生產商 TRR Sugar Group 的傳承人關鴻強;而陳景鎮所創立的聯泰工業建築公司(Sino-Thai Engineering & Construction)是泰國最大的建築承包商之一。


由於在拉瑪六世政策成為泰國籍的條件,幾乎所有在1950年代之前移民到泰國的華裔僅在公共使用泰姓,少數在泰國南部的華裔以潮州話的「姓」(泰語แซ่,白話字:sèⁿ)前綴在姓氏的前面,例如:萬洛·姓周,或者差寧·姓楊英语Chanin Sae-ear。「姓」也可在苗族適用。在1970年代起的華人移民通常適用漢姓,沒有「姓」前綴在姓氏的前,例如泰混血的明星徐志賢(Thassapak Hsu),沿用國語的「徐」姓,在泰國內不認同為華裔泰國人。
























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  • Skinner, G. William. Leadership and Power in the Chinese Community in Thailand. Ithaca (Cornell University Press), 1958.



  1. ^ 本社群已同化屬於泰人的一支,不自稱为華人或泰国华人
  2. ^ 由於潮州泰國人就是首都圈原住民,指首都圈與泰國中部地區的當地文化不通,故他們稱呼暹羅泰族中部泰國人泰語คนภาคกลาง為了區別,請見首都泰語
  3. ^ 如泰國影視作品在中國大陸有關注度,且該影視作品的演員擁有華人血統時,才會在中國大陸使用自己的原有的中文名字;或者是在中國有大量生意的商人等。
