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性取向的分類會在考慮到非二元性別(双性人、跨性別、第三性別等等)時變得複雜起來。社会学家{{link-en|保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特|Paula Rodriguez Rust}}(2000)認為性取向的定義應考慮到更多面向:
性取向的分類會在考慮到非二元性別(双性人、跨性別、第三性別等等)時變得複雜起來。社会学家{{link-en|保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特|Paula Rodriguez Rust}}(2000)認為性取向的定義應考慮到更多面向:
{{quotation|……很多性的替代模型……將生理性別或社會性別簡單[[二分法|二分]],並以此定義性取向……大多数理论家仍想繼續於當中論及性別或社會性別,並主張將更複雜的非二元性別或社會性別概念,更複雜的性別、社會性別與性行為之間的關係,和/或更多的非性別維度納入模型當中。|保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特<ref>Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. ''Bisexuality: A contemporary paradox for women'', Journal of Social Issues, vol. 56(2), Summer 2000, pp. 205–21. Special Issue: Women's sexualities: New perspectives on sexual orientation and gender. [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0341/is_2_56/ai_66419862/pg_2 Article online.] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070310220454/http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0341/is_2_56/ai_66419862/pg_2 |date=2007-03-10}}<br />Also published in: Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. ''Bisexuality in the United States: A Social Science Reader''. Columbia University Press, 2000. {{ISBN|0-231-10227-5}}.</ref>}}
{{quotation|……很多性的替代模型……將生理性別或社會性別簡單[[二分法|二分]],並以此定義性取向……大多数理论家仍想繼續於當中論及性別或社會性別,並主張將更複雜的非二元性別或社會性別概念,更複雜的性別、社會性別與性行為之間的關係,和/或更多的非性別維度納入模型當中。|保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特<ref>Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. ''Bisexuality: A contemporary paradox for women'', Journal of Social Issues, vol. 56(2), Summer 2000, pp. 205–21. Special Issue: Women's sexualities: New perspectives on sexual orientation and gender. [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0341/is_2_56/ai_66419862/pg_2 Article online.] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070310220454/http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0341/is_2_56/ai_66419862/pg_2 |date=2007-03-10}}<br />Also published in: Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. ''Bisexuality in the United States: A Social Science Reader''. Columbia University Press, 2000. {{ISBN|0-231-10227-5}}.</ref>}}
=== 取向以外的關係 ===
同性戀者可能為了各種各樣的原因,而跟異性發生性關係,比如想建立傳統家庭、擔心受到歧視和宗教[[陶片放逐制|放逐]]<ref name="Brokeback">{{cite news
|title=Many Couples Must Negotiate Terms of 'Brokeback' Marriages|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/07/health/07broke.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin|last=Butler|first=Katy|date=2006-03-07|newspaper=New York Times}}</ref><ref>{{cite news
|title=How to tell if your husband is gay
|newspaper=Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
|date= 2006-10-04
|archive-date= 2006-10-22
}}</ref><ref>{{Cite journal|title=Taylor & Francis Online : Gay Men from Heterosexual Marriages |journal=Journal of Homosexuality|volume=42|issue=4|pages=15–34|date=2012-06-30|doi=10.1300/J082v42n04_02|pmid=12243483|last1 = Higgins|first1 = Daryl J.}}</ref><ref>{{citation |url= http://www.sltrib.com/faith/ci_4138478 |title= Gay, Mormon, married |first= Peggy Fletcher |last= Stack |date= 2006-08-05 |newspaper=The Salt Lake Tribune |deadurl=yes |archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20130621165041/http://www.sltrib.com/faith/ci_4138478 |archive-date=2013-06-21 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-19990301-000030.html|archive-url=https://archive.today/20070501170741/http://psychologytoday.com/articles/pto-19990301-000030.html|deadurl=yes|archive-date=2007-05-01|title=Gay No More|work=psychologytoday.com}}</ref>。一些LGBT人士會對其配偶隱瞞自身的性取向;而另一些人則在維持一段美好的異性[[婚姻]]的同時,發展出積極的同性戀認同<ref>{{cite journal |author1=Hays D |author2=Samuels A |title=Heterosexual women's perceptions of their marriages to bisexual or homosexual men |journal=J Homosex |volume=18 |issue=1–2 |pages=81–100 |year=1989 |pmid=2794500 |doi=10.1300/J082v18n01_04 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Coleman E |title=Bisexual and gay men in heterosexual marriage: conflicts and resolutions in therapy |journal=J Homosex |volume=7 |issue=2–3 |pages=93–103 |year=1981 |pmid=7346553 |doi=10.1300/J082v07n02_11 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Matteson DR |title=Bisexual men in marriage: is a positive homosexual identity and stable marriage possible? |journal=J Homosex |volume=11 |issue=1–2 |pages=149–71 |year=1985 |pmid=4056386 |doi=10.1300/J082v11n01_12}}</ref>。向异性配偶和子女[[出櫃]]可能会带来一些沒異性配偶或子女者不會面對的挑戰<ref>{{Cite journal|last1=Nascimento|first1=Geysa Cristina Marcelino|last2=Scorsolini-Comin|first2=Fabio|last3=Nascimento|first3=Geysa Cristina Marcelino|last4=Scorsolini-Comin|first4=Fabio|date=2018|title=Revealing one's Homosexuality to the Family: An Integrative Review of the Scientific Literature|url=http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2358-18832018000301527&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en|journal=Trends in Psychology|language=en|volume=26|issue=3|pages=1527–1541|doi=10.9788/tp2018.3-14pt|issn=2358-1883}}</ref>。

== 心理学和社会学观点 ==
== 心理学和社会学观点 ==

2021年3月31日 (三) 11:57的版本

性取向(英語:sexual orientation),或稱性傾向性向,是指一個人對異性、同性或兩性產生的持久浪漫情感,或認為上述對象具有恆久的性吸引力。通常,性取向可歸納為異性戀同性戀雙性戀三類[1][2][3],而無性戀(認為兩性均無性吸引力)則有時被視作性取向的第四類別[4][5]

此外在考慮性向认同及語意的情況下,上述分類還可再作延伸[3]。人們會用到其他標籤來形容自己的性取向,譬如泛性戀多性戀[3][6]、「沒有標籤能代表自身」[1]美国心理学会表示,性取向也指「一種身份意識,一種基於這些吸引力、相關行為、及身為這些相關社群一員而形成的身份意識」[1][7] 。在行为科学中,為了抵制性別二元的概念,也會用到男性向女性向去形容特定的性取向。男性向是指認為男性的氣質具有性吸引力;女性向則指認為女性的气质具有性吸引力[8]。性偏好一詞的定義範圍跟性取向有著很大重疊,不過在心理學研究上兩者一般不會視作同義[9]。自我認定為雙性戀者的人可能會認為某種性別較具吸引力[10]。性偏好一詞可能在喑指性取向是一種自願的選擇[9][11][12]——這跟科學共識相違[13][14][15]

目前科學界尚未就性取向的形成原因找到確切答案,不過他們相信其形成受到基因激素環境等因素的影響[13][15][16]。 儘管目前沒有一套有關性取向成因的理論得到科學界廣泛支持,但他們仍偏向支持有生物性基礎的理論[13]。與社會性因子相比,生物性因子得到更多的證據支持,對於男性的情況而言更是如此[17][18][19]。目前沒有實質性證據表明早期童年經歷或撫養方式能影響一個人的性取向[20]。不論文化背景如何,社會上大多數人是異性戀者,少數人則具有同性戀或雙性戀取向[17][18]:8[19]:9-10。性取向是個連續體,人們可處於從絕對異性戀到絕對同性戀的任何一點[1]






美国心理学会表示:「性取向是指一個人對異性、同性或兩性產生的持久情感,喜愛、愛情或性吸引的現象。世界各地的文化都描述過這些不同的性傾向。許多文化都使用特定的詞彙去標籤這些性傾向。在美國,最常見的標籤是lesbians女同性戀者(被女性吸引的女性),gay men男同性戀者(被男性吸引的男性)及bisexual people雙性戀者(被兩性吸引的男性或女性)。然而,在日常生活中,有些人也可能使用不同的標籤,或者根本不用任何標籤」。他們進一步表示性取向「和性別是不同的概念,性別包括生理性別(與男性或女性相關的生理及遺傳特徵),性別認同(認同自己身為男性或女性的心理意識),及社會性別角色(界定女性和男性行為的文化規範)」 [1]


性認同亦可形容人們對於自身性別的感知。性偏好一詞的意思類近於性取向,而且人們經常將兩者交替使用,但美国心理学会表示「性偏好」一詞喑示了其是一種自願選擇[9]。美国心理学会的男同性戀者與女同性戀者相關事宜委员会(Committee on Gay and Lesbian Concerns)把此一用語放在「提倡異性戀偏見」的用語列表當中[9]。以性取向一詞取代性偏好的做法可追溯到性學家約翰·曼尼,他同時認為有關吸引力不一定是自願選擇的[25]



在描述非西方文化者、雙性人、跨性別者時,使用男性向和女性向等用語可避免困惑和冒犯。精神病学家阿尼尔·阿格劳尔英语Anil Aggrawal對此解釋道[27]


性學家弥尔顿·黛蒙德英语Milton Diamond寫道:「異性戀、雙性戀、同性戀這些用語最好不要當作名詞使用,反應把它們視作形容詞;此外,最好不把它們套用在人上,反應套用在行為上。这种用法在探讨变性人或双性人的伴侣时特别有用。與以往的那些用語相比,社會也沒有為這些新用語賦予特定價值」[28]

一些研究者提倡以這些用語去避免西方性文化的偏見。社會學家约翰娜·施密特(Johanna Schmidt)在探討萨摩亚Fa'afafine人口時寫道,在承認第三性別的文化中,像「同性戀變性人」(homosexual transsexual)般的字詞並不能夠配上當地分類[29]

一些非裔美国人會採用「同社會性別戀」(Same gender loving)這個字詞去表示文化肯定的同性戀認同[30]

布鲁斯·巴基米尔英语Bruce Bagemihl般的研究者批評為跨性別者打上同性戀或異性戀標籖的做法,他寫道:「……在這些用法中,『异性恋』或『同性恋』取向的参考点仅仅是重新指定前的遺傳性別(比如Blanchard et al. 1987, Coleman and Bockting, 1988, Blanchard, 1989)。因此,这些標籖忽視了性別認同高於生理性別[的正確權重],並優先考慮生理性別」。巴基米尔繼表示,這種用法使得人們更易宣稱變性者實為男同性戀者,以此逃避有關污名[31]




早期就性取向進行書寫的著者一般會把之跟性別掛勾。比方說,他們會假定若身體為女性者認為其他身為女性者具吸引力,那麼前者就一定具男性氣質,反之亦然[35]。很多19世紀中至20世紀早葉的理論家都這樣認為——這包括卡尔·亨利希·乌尔利克斯理查德·克拉夫特·埃賓英语Richard von Krafft-Ebing马格努斯·赫希菲尔德哈维洛克·艾利斯卡尔·荣格西格蒙德·弗洛伊德。不過此一理解在當時已經備受爭議。到了20世紀下半葉,研究者開始視性別認同為一種跟性取向不同的現象。跨性別順性別者可能認為男性具吸引力,亦可能會認為女性具吸引力,此外也有人認為兩者皆具吸引力,不過兩個群組的性取向人口比例有著不少差異。同性戀者、雙性戀者、異性戀者可能會偏向男性性格、女性性格,抑或具有雙性性格。當今很多同性戀者及他們的支持者將「性別常規異性戀者」及「非性別常規同性戀者」視為負面的刻板印象。不過J.迈克尔·贝利英语J. Michael Bailey肯尼斯·舒格英语Kenneth Zucker的硏究顯示,很多男同性戀者和女同性戀者样本於童年時經歷過某種程度的性別不確定[36]


性取向的分類會在考慮到非二元性別(双性人、跨性別、第三性別等等)時變得複雜起來。社会学家保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特英语Paula Rodriguez Rust(2000)認為性取向的定義應考慮到更多面向:

— 保拉·罗德里格斯·拉斯特[37]




西格蒙德·弗洛伊德提出先天雙性戀英语Innate bisexuality的假說,認為所有人生來就有雙性戀的潛質,但隨著年齡成長的心理過程,逐步發展為單性戀[47]







由於性傾向的複雜和多面向成份,一些研究者,尤其是那些酷兒理論的研究者,主張那是由歷史和社會建構下所誕生的產物。1976年,历史学家米歇爾·福柯(Michel Foucault)提出,同性恋的概念在18世纪時並不存在,人们的認識對象只有“sodomy”(雞姦)這種性行为,而那在當時是一种常被忽視但會被嚴厲懲罰的刑事罪行。(見性悖軌法)。他指出性意識(Sexuality)是一種因為工業革命和資本主義所產生的現代概念[57]

米歇爾·福柯的观点导致了其他历史学家和人类学家转移到一个新的研究典範“什么是性意識?”以及不同地方不同时代的人如何了解他们的身体和欲望?性傾向被認為是在西方工業社會發展出來的概念,因此能否普遍應用這種「認知架構」於其他的社會和文化,不無爭論。[58][59][60] 非西方社會對於男性性欲概念的認知結構,不同於西方社會的性傾向分類系統。[61] [來源可靠?]例如,他们争辩到著名的一些美拉尼西亚案例,在他们的社会中成年男子和青春期前以及青春期的男性从事的口交行为与在美国欧洲男性间从事类似的行为不是可比的,美拉尼西亚的人不能理解或用言语表达他们这种行为是性渴望或性行为,因此这反映了一个十分不同的关于性、性意識和性别的社会文化。一些历史学家也对所谓的古希腊的同性恋做出类似的论断:出现在现代西方社会的同性性行為,也许会被古希腊人以另一种完全不同的方式加以理解。





性别相异双胞胎(龙凤胎) 龙凤胎中的女性是否大部分都成为女同性恋?因为其羊水中的男性荷尔蒙(睾丸素酮)testosterone/ 女性荷尔蒙(雌二醇)estradiol比值一定比普通单胞胎女婴多。但是答案是否定的,她们并不比一般女性更易成为女同性恋。彼得·S比尔曼(Peter S Bearman)及汉娜·布鲁克纳(Hannah Bruckner)在ISERP中报告龙凤胎与同性恋性取向的研究结果,在5552对龙凤胎中,只有男性有同性恋倾向,女性则没有,这个研究报告证实社会因素会影响同性恋取向,同时排除了孕期荷尔蒙因素及演化遗传因素对同性恋性取向的影响。ISERP working paper October 2001: Opposite-sex twins and adolescent same-sex attraction (ISERP)





當時(2001年)Robert Spitzer博士提到有些同性戀者希望改變性取向是有不同的原因的,其中包括:

  • 81%感到同性戀的生活不能令他們真正得到情感上的滿足;
  • 79%覺得同性戀生活與宗教信仰或社會的價值觀有衝突;
  • 35%女士及67%男士渴望結婚(指異性婚姻)。

所以,Robert Spitzer博士當時認為性取向可以改變的事實肯定了後天因素是可以影響一個人的性傾向。[65]但於2012年4月11日,Robert Spitzer博士決定把他2001年所做的研究及其結論收回,其後在網上發表一短片,指當時他在研究的過程中犯下頗嚴重的錯失,引致錯誤理解所得的研究數據,並得出錯誤的結論,所以決定收回當年的研究,並公開致歉[1] Spitzer博士指出,當年他的研究對象均經由提供性傾向治療的組織轉介,這些研究對象都曾接受這類組織所提供的性傾向治療服務,但Spitzer博士當年卻並未有對這些研究對象的可信性作評估。博士解釋,當年他詢問這些研究對象,他們經過性傾向治療後是否有從同性戀變為異性戀,但博士卻並未能知道,這些對象是否自我欺騙,又或說謊,所以Spitzer博士總結他2001年的研究結果並不成立,並必須收回當時所做的研究。可惜Spitzer博士收回研究的決定,並未獲部分提供性傾向治療服務的組織所歡迎,而這些組織卻繼續引述該研究,博士對此表示感到不幸,同時指責這種行為是不道德的。博士更點名批評美國國家同性戀研究及治療協會濫用2001年他的研究及其結論,並希望該協會可以停止這種行為。



2012年5月17日,世衛駐美洲的辦事處,泛美洲衛生組織,有見美國等地經常有組織提倡可以提供改變性傾向的服務,便就性傾向治療和嘗試改變個人性傾向的方法,發表一份用詞強烈的英文聲明《為一種不存在的疾病治療("Cures" for an Illness that Does Not Exist)》。[68]聲明強調,同性戀性傾向仍是人類性傾向的其中一種正常類別,而且對當事人和其親近的人士都不會構成健康上的傷害,所以同性戀本身並不是一種疾病或不正常,並且無需接受治療。世衛在聲明中再三指出,改變個人性傾向的方法,不單沒有科學證據支持其效果,而且沒有醫學意義之餘,並且對身體及精神健康甚至生命形成嚴重的威脅,同時亦是對受影響人士的個人尊嚴和基本人權的一種侵犯。世衛亦藉發表該聲明提醒公眾,雖然有少數人士能夠在表面行為上限制表現出自身的性傾向,但個人性傾向本身一般都被視為個人整體特徵的一部分和不能改變;所以阻止採用那些視同性戀為「偏差」或「選擇」並且因而可以透過「意志力」或「治療」去改變的理論是十分重要的。聲明內容同時譴責提供性傾向治療的醫護人員,是把他們自己與社會偏見看齊,並且反映他們對個人性傾向和性健康議題的絕對無知。世衛亦提醒各國的醫護人員,如果向同性戀者指出他們是患上「缺陷」並且需要尋求改變,是等同於違反醫學道德的第一道原則:「首要的事,不要造成傷害(First, do no harm)」。[69]世衛同時透過聲明呼籲各地政府,應強烈反對當地的診所和醫院提供性傾向治療,並應立法懲處或制裁提供性傾向治療的醫療機構。世衛並且建議各地政府應多向公眾進行性教育,以消除公眾對同性戀者的性傾向歧視。[70]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality. American Psychological Association. 2020 [2020-02-06]. 
  2. ^ Sexual Orientation. American Psychiatric Association. [2013-01-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-22). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Definitions Related to Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in APA Documents (PDF). American Psychological Association: 6. 2015 [2020-02-06]. Sexual orientation refers to the sex of those to whom one is sexually and romantically attracted. [...] [It is] one's enduring sexual attraction to male partners, female partners, or both. Sexual orientation may be heterosexual, samesex (gay or lesbian), or bisexual. [...] A person may be attracted to men, women, both, neither, or to people who are genderqueer, androgynous, or have other gender identities. Individuals may identify as lesbian, gay, heterosexual, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or asexual, among others. [...] Categories of sexual orientation typically have included attraction to members of one's own sex (gay men or lesbians), attraction to members of the other sex (heterosexuals), and attraction to members of both sexes (bisexuals). While these categories continue to be widely used, research has suggested that sexual orientation does not always appear in such definable categories and instead occurs on a continuum [...]. Some people identify as pansexual or queer in terms of their sexual orientation, which means they define their sexual orientation outside of the gender binary of 'male' and 'female' only. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Marshall Cavendish Corporation (编). Asexuality. Sex and Society 2. Marshall Cavendish. 2009: 82–83 [2013-02-02]. ISBN 978-0-7614-7905-5. 
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  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Firestein, Beth A. Becoming Visible: Counseling Bisexuals Across the Lifespan. Columbia University Press. 2007: 9 [2012-10-03]. ISBN 978-0-231-13724-9. 
  7. ^ Case No. S147999 in the Supreme Court of the State of California, In re Marriage Cases Judicial Council Coordination Proceeding No. 4365(...) – APA California Amicus Brief — As Filed (PDF). p. 33 n. 60 (p. 55 per Adobe Acrobat Reader);citation per id., Brief, p. 6 n. 4 (p. 28 per Adobe Acrobat Reader).: 30. [2013-03-13]. 
  8. ^ Schmidt J (2010). Migrating Genders: Westernisation, Migration, and Samoan Fa'afafine, p. 45 Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., ISBN 978-1-4094-0273-2
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  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Frankowski BL; American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Adolescence. Sexual orientation and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2004, 113 (6): 1827–32. PMID 15173519. doi:10.1542/peds.113.6.1827. 
  14. ^ Gloria Kersey-Matusiak. Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care. Springer Publishing Company. 2012: 169 [2016-02-10]. ISBN 978-0-8261-9381-0. Most health and mental health organizations do not view sexual orientation as a 'choice.' 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Lamanna, Mary Ann; Riedmann, Agnes; Stewart, Susan D. Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society. Cengage Learning. 2014: 82 [2016-02-11]. ISBN 978-1-305-17689-8. The reason some individuals develop a gay sexual identity has not been definitively established  – nor do we yet understand the development of heterosexuality. The American Psychological Association (APA) takes the position that a variety of factors impact a person's sexuality. The most recent literature from the APA says that sexual orientation is not a choice that can be changed at will, and that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors...is shaped at an early age...[and evidence suggests] biological, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality (American Psychological Association 2010). 
  16. ^ Gail Wiscarz Stuart. Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2014: 502 [2016-02-11]. ISBN 978-0-323-29412-6. No conclusive evidence supports any one specific cause of homosexuality; however, most researchers agree that biological and social factors influence the development of sexual orientation. 
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  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 LeVay, Simon. Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why: The Science of Sexual Orientation. Oxford University Press. 2017. ISBN 9780199752966. 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Balthazart, Jacques. The Biology of Homosexuality. Oxford University Press. 2012. ISBN 9780199838820. 
  20. ^ Submission to the Church of England's Listening Exercise on Human Sexuality. The Royal College of Psychiatrists. [2013-06-13]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-18). 
  21. ^ Cruz, David B. Controlling Desires: Sexual Orientation Conversion and the Limits of Knowledge and Law (PDF). Southern California Law Review. 1999, 72 (5): 1297–400 [2015-05-21]. PMID 12731502. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2017-09-19). 
  22. ^ Bogaert, Anthony F. Asexuality: prevalence and associated factors in a national probability sample. Journal of Sex Research. 2004, 41 (3): 279–87. PMID 15497056. doi:10.1080/00224490409552235. 
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  24. ^ Ross, Michael W.; Essien, E. James; Williams, Mark L.; Fernandez-Esquer, Maria Eugenia. Concordance Between Sexual Behavior and Sexual Identity in Street Outreach Samples of Four Racial/Ethnic Groups. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association). 2003, 30 (2): 110–113. PMID 12567166. doi:10.1097/00007435-200302000-00003. 
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  31. ^ Bagemihl B. Surrogate phonology and transsexual faggotry: A linguistic analogy for uncoupling sexual orientation from gender identity. In Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality. Anna Livia, Kira Hall (eds.) pp. 380 ff. Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-510471-4
  32. ^ Petterson, Lanna J. Male sexual orientation: a cross-cultural perspective. OPUS: Open Uleth Scholarship (thesis). Lethbridge, Alberta: iii, 1-276. 2020. 
  33. ^ Money, John; Lamacz, Margaret. Gynemimesis and gynemimetophilia: Individual and cross-cultural manifestations of a gender-coping strategy hitherto unnamed. Comprehensive Psychiatry (Elsevier). 1984, 25 (4): 392–403. ISSN 0010-440X. doi:10.1016/0010-440X(84)90074-9. 
  34. ^ Blaney, Paul H.; Krueger, Robert F.; Millon, Theodore. Oxford Textbook of Psychopathology 3rd. New York: Oxford University Press. 2014-09-19: 592–. ISBN 978-0-19-981177-9. OCLC 900980099. 
  35. ^ Minton HL. Femininity in men and masculinity in women: American psychiatry and psychology portray homosexuality in the 1930s. Journal of Homosexuality. 1986, 13 (1): 1–21. PMID 3534080. doi:10.1300/J082v13n01_01. 
    Terry, J. (1999). An American obsession: Science, medicine, and homosexuality in modern society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  36. ^ Bailey JM, Zucker KJ. Childhood sex-typed behavior and sexual orientation: a conceptual analysis and quantitative review. Developmental Psychology. 1995, 31 (1): 43–55. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.31.1.43. 
  37. ^ Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. Bisexuality: A contemporary paradox for women, Journal of Social Issues, vol. 56(2), Summer 2000, pp. 205–21. Special Issue: Women's sexualities: New perspectives on sexual orientation and gender. Article online. 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2007-03-10.
    Also published in: Rodriguez Rust, Paula C. Bisexuality in the United States: A Social Science Reader. Columbia University Press, 2000. ISBN 0-231-10227-5.
  38. ^ Butler, Katy. Many Couples Must Negotiate Terms of 'Brokeback' Marriages. New York Times. 2006-03-07. 
  39. ^ Hentges, Rochelle. How to tell if your husband is gay. Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 2006-10-04. (原始内容存档于2006-10-22). 
  40. ^ Higgins, Daryl J. Taylor & Francis Online : Gay Men from Heterosexual Marriages. Journal of Homosexuality. 2012-06-30, 42 (4): 15–34. PMID 12243483. doi:10.1300/J082v42n04_02. 
  41. ^ Stack, Peggy Fletcher, Gay, Mormon, married, The Salt Lake Tribune, 2006-08-05, (原始内容存档于2013-06-21) 
  42. ^ Gay No More. psychologytoday.com. (原始内容存档于2007-05-01). 
  43. ^ Hays D; Samuels A. Heterosexual women's perceptions of their marriages to bisexual or homosexual men. J Homosex. 1989, 18 (1–2): 81–100. PMID 2794500. doi:10.1300/J082v18n01_04. 
  44. ^ Coleman E. Bisexual and gay men in heterosexual marriage: conflicts and resolutions in therapy. J Homosex. 1981, 7 (2–3): 93–103. PMID 7346553. doi:10.1300/J082v07n02_11. 
  45. ^ Matteson DR. Bisexual men in marriage: is a positive homosexual identity and stable marriage possible?. J Homosex. 1985, 11 (1–2): 149–71. PMID 4056386. doi:10.1300/J082v11n01_12. 
  46. ^ Nascimento, Geysa Cristina Marcelino; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Nascimento, Geysa Cristina Marcelino; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio. Revealing one's Homosexuality to the Family: An Integrative Review of the Scientific Literature. Trends in Psychology. 2018, 26 (3): 1527–1541. ISSN 2358-1883. doi:10.9788/tp2018.3-14pt (英语). 
  47. ^ Are We All A Little Bisexual? Exploring Gender Identities & Cultural Programming. 
  48. ^ 存档副本 (PDF). [2010-03-15]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-03-15). 存档副本 (PDF). [2010-03-15]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-03-15). ,24页-这个数字在一些大城市中可以高达12%,而在一些乡村地区可能只有1%
  49. ^ Roots of Gay Oppression. [2017-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-09-02). 
  50. ^ Everything you need to know about being gay in Muslim countries. 
  51. ^ Human Rights Campaign. Explore: Religion & Faith. 
  52. ^ Shravasti Dhammika. Buddhism and LGBT Issues. 
  53. ^ Taoism and Homosexuality. Personal Tao. 
  54. ^ HAF Policy Brief: Hinduism and Homosexuality. [2017-09-02]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-03). 
  55. ^ Muslims for Progressive Values Is Challenging the Mainstream Narrative. nbcnews. 2017-01-05. 
  56. ^ Marriage Equality. Unitarian Universalist Association. 
  57. ^ Chinese Femininities, Chinese Masculinities: A Reader, by Susan Brownell & Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom (Univ. of Calif. Press, 2002 (ISBN 0520221168, ISBN 978-0-520-22116-1)). Quote: "The problem with sexuality: Some scholars have argued that maleness and femaleness were not closely linked to sexuality in China. Michel Foucault's The History of Sexuality (which deals primarily with Western civilization and western Europe) began to influence some China scholars in the 1980s. Foucault's insight was to demonstrate that sexuality has a history; it is not fixed psycho-biological drive that is the same for all humans according to their sex, but rather it is a cultural construct inseparable from gender constructs. After unmooring sexuality from biology, he anchored it in history, arguing that this thing we now call sexuality came into existence in the eighteenth-century West and did not exist previously in this form. "Sexuality" is an invention of the modern state, the industrial revolution, and capitalism. Taking this insight as a starting point, scholars have slowly been compiling the history of sexuality in China. The works by Tani Barlow, discussed above, were also foundational in this trend. Barlow observes that, in the West, heterosexuality is the primary site for the production of gender: a woman truly becomes a woman only in relation to a man's heterosexual desire. By contrast, in China before the 1920s the "jia" (linage unit, family) was the primary site for the production of gender: marriage and sexuality were to serve the lineage by producing the next generation of lineage members; personal love and pleasure were secondary to this goal. Barlow argues that this has two theoretical implications: (1) it is not possible to write a Chinese history of heterosexuality, sexuality as an institution, and sexual identities in the European metaphysical sense, and (2) it is not appropriate to ground discussions of Chinese gender processes in the sexed body so central in "Western" gender processes. Here she echoes Furth's argument that, before the early twentieth century, sex-identity grounded on anatomical difference did not hold a central place in Chinese constructions of gender. And she echoes the point illustrated in detail in Sommer's chapter on male homosexuality in the Qing legal code: a man could engage in homosexual behavior without calling into question his manhood so long as his behavior did not threaten the patriarchal Confucian family structure."
  58. ^ The Psychology of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and identity, by Louis Diamant & Richard D. McAnulty (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995 (ISBN 0313285012, ISBN 978-0-313-28501-1) (522 pages). Quote from page 81: Although sexual orientation is a loaded Western concept, the term is still a useful one, if we avoid imposing Western thoughts and meanings associated with our language on non-Western, non contemporary cultures.
  59. ^ The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice, by Paula Allen-Meares & Charles D. Garvin & Contributors Paula Allen-Meares & Charles D. Garvin (SAGE, 2001 (ISBN 0761914994, ISBN 978-0-7619-1499-0) (733 pages). Quote from page 478: The concept of sexual orientation is a product of contemporary Western thought.
  60. ^ Sexual behavior and the non-construction of sexual identity: Implications for the analysis of men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women., [by?] Michael W. Ross & Ann K. Brooks. Quote from Page 9: Chou (2000) notes in his analysis of the lack of applicability of western concepts of sexual identity in China, just because a person has a particular taste for a specific food doesn't mean that we label them in terms of the food that they prefer. A similar approach to sexual appetite as not conferring identity may be operating in this sample. McIntosh (1968) has previously noted that people who do not identify with the classic western, white gay/lesbian role may not necessarily identify their behavior as homosexual;
  61. ^ Transnational Transgender: Reading Sexual Diversity in Cross-Cultural Contexts Through Film and Video [by?] Ryan, Joelle Ruby (American Studies Association). Quote: Many of the projects which have historically investigated sex/gender variance in non-Western contexts have been ethnographies and anthropological studies. Due to strong and lingering problems with ethnocentrism, many of these research studies have attempted to transpose a Western understanding of sex, gender and sexuality onto cultures in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Terms such as "homosexual," "transvestite," and "transsexual" all arose out of Western concepts of identity based on science, sexology and medicine and often bear little resemblance to sex/gender/sexuality paradigms in the varied cultures of the developing world.
  62. ^ Linda Ames Nicolosi,“Former APA President Condemns APA for Barring Research”,(2004) 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2009-01-31.
  63. ^ ISERP working paper October 2001: Opposite-sex twins and adolescent same-sex attraction (ISERP).p3
  64. ^ [Linda Ames Nicolosi,“Former APA President Condemns APA for Barring Research”, (2004) 存档副本. [2009-01-12]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-31). ]
  65. ^ [“Research Summary: Robert L. Spitzer, 200 Subjects Who Claim to Have Changed Their Sexual Orientation from Homosexual to Heterosexual”, http://www.newdirection.ca/research/spitzer.htm[永久失效連結]]
  66. ^ "Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality". American Psychological Association. http://www.apa.org/topics/orientation.html. Retrieved on 2008-05-26.
  67. ^ BMA declares that 'conversion therapy' for gays is harmful
  68. ^ 性取向與性不取向 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2013-05-19.
  70. ^ "Therapies" to change sexual orientation lack medical justification and threaten health
